add better test of latdev

sample two free particles in Gaussian orbitals
This commit is contained in:
Paul Young 2019-09-24 15:53:38 -05:00
parent 055d680c94
commit 9089302115
3 changed files with 147 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -45,6 +45,18 @@ if (add_test)
set(latdev_free_python_reqs numpy;h5py)
CHECK_PYTHON_REQS(latdev_python_reqs estimator-latdev-free add_test)
if (add_test)
1 16
set(sofk_python_reqs numpy;pandas;h5py)
CHECK_PYTHON_REQS(sofk_python_reqs estimator-sofk add_test)

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@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
import h5py
import numpy as np
def corr(trace):
""" calculate the autocorrelation of a trace of scalar data
correlation time is defined as the integral of the auto-correlation
function from t=0 to when the function first reaches 0.
trace (list): should be a 1D iterable array of floating point numbers
float: correlation_time, the autocorrelation time of this trace of scalars
mu = np.mean(trace)
stddev = np.std(trace, ddof=1)
if np.isclose(stddev, 0): # easy case
return np.inf # infinite correlation for constant trace
correlation_time = 0.
for k in range(1, len(trace)):
# calculate auto_correlation
auto_correlation = 0.0
num = len(trace)-k
auto_correlation =[:num]-mu, trace[k:]-mu)
auto_correlation *= 1.0/(num*stddev**2)
if auto_correlation > 0:
correlation_time += auto_correlation
correlation_time = 1.0 + 2.0*correlation_time
return correlation_time
def get_latdev_me(fh5, nequil):
# get raw data
fp = h5py.File(fh5, 'r')
data = fp['latdev/value'][()]
nb, ncol = data.shape
npt = nb-nequil
# calculate mean
ym = data[nequil:, :].mean(axis=0)
# calculate standard error
yc = np.array([corr(data[nequil:, icol]) for icol in range(ncol)])
neff = npt/yc
ye = data[nequil:, :].std(ddof=1, axis=0)/neff**0.5
return ym, ye
def check_latdev(w1, w2, ym, ye, ndim=3):
expect = np.array([w1**2/2.]*ndim + [w2**2/2.]*ndim)
zscore = abs(ym-expect)/ye
fail = np.any(zscore > 3.)
success = ~fail
return success, zscore
if __name__ == '__main__':
# calculate <x^2> <y^2> <z^2>
nequil = 6
fh5 = 'mt.s000.stat.h5'
ym, ye = get_latdev_me(fh5, nequil)
# check answers
w1 = 0.3
w2 = 0.5
success, zscore = check_latdev(w1, w2, ym, ye)
if not success:
if success:
# end __main__

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@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
<project id="mt" series="0"/>
<parameter name="lattice" units="bohr">
10 0 0
0 10 0
0 0 10
<parameter name="bconds">
p p p
<particleset name="e">
<group name="m5" size="2">
<parameter name="mass"> 5.0 </parameter>
<attrib name="position" datatype="posArray" condition="0">
1.0001 1.0001 1.0002
6.0001 6.0001 6.0002
<particleset name="trap_center">
<group name="center" size="2">
<attrib name="position" datatype="posArray" condition="0">
1 1 1
6 6 6
<particleset name="measure_center">
<group name="origin" size="2">
<attrib name="position" datatype="posArray" condition="0">
1 1 1
6 6 6
<wavefunction target="e" id="psi0">
<ionwf name="ionwf" source="trap_center" width="0.3 0.5"/>
<hamiltonian name="h0" type="generic" target="e">
<estimator name="skinetic" type="specieskinetic"/>
<estimator type="latticedeviation" name="latdev" hdf5="yes" per_xyz="yes" target="e" tgroup="m5" source="measure_center" sgroup="origin"/>
<estimator name="dens" type="density" delta="0.04 0.04 0.04" x_min="0" x_max="10" y_min="0" ymax="10" z_min="0" z_max="10"/>
<qmc method="vmc" move="whatever">
<parameter name="blocks"> 16 </parameter>
<parameter name="steps"> 1024 </parameter>
<parameter name="substeps"> 8 </parameter>
<parameter name="timestep"> 0.3 </parameter>