Multiple perl scripts including for automating common tasks when using pwscf as a starting point. Also performance improvements for

git-svn-id: e5b18d87-469d-4833-9cc0-8cdfa06e9491
This commit is contained in:
Luke Shulenburger 2011-10-07 20:29:00 +00:00
parent b48c6c2819
commit 89188b7850
5 changed files with 128 additions and 83 deletions

View File

@ -1,15 +1,16 @@
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use POSIX qw/floor/;
use strict;
use FileHandle;
use Getopt::Long;
# This tool uses to plot the energy of a series of VMC optimizations.
# Simply give it the filename of one of the .scalar.dat files and it will plot
# the energy as a function of sequence. The locations of gnuplot and
# may need to be configured on the next lines
my %config = do "/remote/lshulen/sharedmaintenance/qmcpack/utils/";
my $gnuplot = "/usr/bin/gnuplot";
my $energytool = "/bin/";
my $gnuplot = $config{gnuplot};
my $energytool = $config{energytool};
my $epsfile;
GetOptions('eps=s' => \$epsfile);
my $template = shift || die "Must give a template file name as the first argument here\n";
my $start = shift;
@ -20,6 +21,7 @@ if (!(defined $plotstart)) {
$template =~ /(.*\.s)(\d\d\d)(\.scalar\.dat)/;
my $prefix = $1;
my $tnum = $2;
@ -49,22 +51,28 @@ foreach my $file (sort bySequence @rawfiles) {
my $str = `$energytool $file $start | head -1`;
my @data = split(/\s+/,$str);
my $energy = "$data[2] $data[4]";
print "$sequence $energy\n";
push @energies, $energy;
$str = `$energytool $file $start | tail -1`;
@data = split(/\s+/,$str);
my $correnergy = "$data[3] $data[5]";
push @correnergies, $correnergy;
# $str = `$energytool $file $start | tail -1`;
# @data = split(/\s+/,$str);
# my $correnergy = "$data[3] $data[5]";
# push @correnergies, $correnergy;
my $plotstring = "set title \"Sequence vs Energy for VMC optimization\" \n";
if ($epsfile) {
$plotstring .= "set term post color enhanced 20\n set output \"$epsfile\"\n";
$plotstring .= "set xlabel \"sequence\"; set ylabel \"energy (Ha)\"\n";
my $st = $plotstart-1.2;
my $ed = $#sequences+0.2;
my $xtics = "set xtics (";
$plotstring .= "plot [$st:$ed] \"-\" u 1:2:3 notitle w e \n";
for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#sequences; $i++) {
$plotstring .= "$i $correnergies[$i]\n";
# $plotstring .= "$i $correnergies[$i]\n";
$plotstring .= "$i $energies[$i]\n";
$xtics .= "\"$sequences[$i]\" $i";
if ($i < $#sequences) {
$xtics .= ", " ;
@ -72,13 +80,17 @@ for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#sequences; $i++) {
$xtics .= ")\n";
$plotstring .= "end \n";
$plotstring .= "pause -1\n";
unless ($epsfile) {
$plotstring .= "pause -1\n";
$plotstring = "$xtics $plotstring";
open(GPL, "|$gnuplot");
print GPL $plotstring;
my $redundantString = <>; # Hack to leave graph up until user hits a key
unless($epsfile) {
my $redundantString = <>; # Hack to leave graph up until user hits a key
@ -113,9 +125,8 @@ sub getColumn {
# $RCSfile$ $Author: lshulenburger $
# $Revision: 5115 $ $Date: 2011-2-7 8:15:23 -0700 (Mon, 7 Feb 2011) $
# $Id: 5115 2011-2-7 8:15:23 lshulenburger $
# $Revision: 5115 $ $Date: 2011-9-15 10:19:08 -0700 (Thu, 15 Sep 2011) $
# $Id: 5115 2011-9-15 10:19:08 lshulenburger $

View File

@ -1,15 +1,14 @@
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use POSIX qw/floor/;
use strict;
use FileHandle;
use Getopt::Long;
# this is a drop in replacement for which can be useful when python
# libraries are not available on a system. Simply give the script the name
# of a .dmc.dat file to analyze and the step at which to start analysis and
# it will plot the local energy, population and histograms of the same.
# The location of gnuplot on the next line need to be updated
my $gnuplot = "/usr/bin/gnuplot";
my %config = do "/remote/lshulen/sharedmaintenance/qmcpack/utils/";
my $gnuplot = $config{gnuplot};
my $epsfile;
GetOptions('eps=s' => \$epsfile);
my $file = shift;
my $start = shift;
@ -38,14 +37,25 @@ my $popmax;
($popmin, $popmax) = getMinMax(\@filedata, 5, $start, $end);
my $popTicString = getTicString($popmin,$popmax);
my $plotstring = "set title \"$file\"\n set multiplot\n";
$plotstring .= "set ylabel \"Energy (Hartrees)\"\n ";
my $plotstring = "set title \"$file\"\n";
if ($epsfile) {
$plotstring .= "set term post color enhanced 20\n set output \"$epsfile\"\n";
$plotstring .= "set multiplot\n set ylabel \"Energy (Hartrees)\"\n ";
$plotstring .= "set origin 0,0.5\n set size 0.82,0.5\n";
$plotstring .= "set format x \"\"\n set ytics $enTicString \n unset y2tics\n set lmargin 12\n";
$plotstring .= "plot [$start:][$min:$max] \"$file\" u 1:2 w l notitle, \"\" u 1:6 lt 3 notitle w l \n";
if ($end < 0) {
$plotstring .= "plot [$start:][$min:$max] \"$file\" u 1:2 w l notitle, \"\" u 1:5 lt 3 notitle w l \n";
} else {
$plotstring .= "plot [$start:$end][$min:$max] \"$file\" u 1:2 w l notitle, \"\" u 1:5 lt 3 notitle w l \n";
$plotstring .= "set format x \n unset title\n set xlabel \"DMC step\"\n set ylabel \"Population (Walkers)\"\n";
$plotstring .= "set xtics\n set ytics $popTicString\n set bmargin 4\n";
$plotstring .= "set origin 0,0\n plot [$start:][$popmin:$popmax] \"\" u 1:5 w l notitle\n";
if ($end < 0) {
$plotstring .= "set origin 0,0\n plot [$start:][$popmin:$popmax] \"\" u 1:5 w l notitle\n";
} else {
$plotstring .= "set origin 0,0\n plot [$start:$end][$popmin:$popmax] \"\" u 1:5 w l notitle\n";
$plotstring .= "set format x \"\"\n";
$plotstring .= "set origin 0.8,0.5\n set size 0.2, 0.5\n set title \"histogram\"\n";
$plotstring .= "set lmargin 0\n unset xlabel\n unset ylabel \n set bmargin 1\n";
@ -54,13 +64,17 @@ $plotstring .= getGPLHistString(\@filedata, 2, $start, $end);
$plotstring .= "set origin 0.8,0.0\n set size 0.2, 0.5\n unset title \n set y2tics $popTicString \n";
$plotstring .= "set format y2 \"\"\n set xlabel \"counts\"\n set bmargin 4\n";
$plotstring .= getGPLHistString(\@filedata, 5, $start, $end);
$plotstring .= "unset multiplot\n pause -1\n";
$plotstring .= "unset multiplot\n";
unless($epsfile) {
$plotstring .= "pause -1\n";
open(GPL, "|$gnuplot");
print GPL $plotstring;
my $blah = <>; # Hack to leave graph up until user hits a key
unless($epsfile) {
my $blah = <>; # Hack to leave graph up until user hits a key
@ -188,7 +202,8 @@ sub getColumn {
return @outmat;
# $RCSfile$ $Author: lshulenburger $
# $Revision: 5115 $ $Date: 2011-2-7 8:15:23 -0700 (Mon, 7 Feb 2011) $
# $Id: 5115 2011-2-7 8:15:23 lshulenburger $

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use POSIX qw/floor/;
use strict;
use FileHandle;
@ -8,7 +8,8 @@ use FileHandle;
# to the script and it will plot all matching files it can find. Before using the
# script, the location of gnuplot may need to be set on the previous line
my $gnuplot = "/usr/bin/gnuplot";
my %config = do "/remote/lshulen/sharedmaintenance/qmcpack/utils/";
my $gnuplot = $config{gnuplot};
my $template = shift || die "Must give a template file name as the first argument here\n";
my $start = shift;
@ -96,7 +97,8 @@ sub getColumn {
# $RCSfile$ $Author: lshulenburger $
# $Revision: 5115 $ $Date: 2011-2-7 8:15:23 -0700 (Mon, 7 Feb 2011) $
# $Id: 5115 2011-2-7 8:15:23 lshulenburger $
# $Revision: 5115 $ $Date: 2011-9-15 10:19:08 -0700 (Thu, 15 Sep 2011) $
# $Id: 5115 2011-9-15 10:19:08 lshulenburger $

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use POSIX qw/floor/;
use strict;
@ -25,10 +25,10 @@ if (!(defined $end)) {
#print "template = $template\n";
#print "numfiles = $numfiles\n";
$template =~ /(.*-tw)(\d+)\..*(\.s...\.scalar\.dat)/;
$template =~ /(.*-tw)(\d+)(\..*)?(\.s...\.scalar\.dat)/;
my $prefix = $1;
my $tnum = $2;
my $suffix = $3;
my $suffix = $4;
#print "prefix = $prefix, tnum = $tnum, suffix = $suffix\n";
@ -40,19 +40,27 @@ closedir DIR;
my @twistens;
my @twisterrs;
my @rawfiles;
for (my $i = $tnum; $i < $tnum+$numfiles; $i++) {
my @match = grep /$prefix$i\..+$suffix/, @files;
if ($numfiles > 1) {
my $curfile;
if ($match[0]) {
$curfile = shift @match;
push @rawfiles, $curfile;
push @twistens, 0.0;
push @twisterrs, 0.0;
} else {
die "Cannot find enough raw data files to satsify this request\n";
for (my $i = $tnum; $i < $tnum+$numfiles; $i++) {
my @match = grep /$prefix$i(\..*)?$suffix/, @files;
my $curfile;
if ($match[0]) {
$curfile = shift @match;
push @rawfiles, $curfile;
push @twistens, 0.0;
push @twisterrs, 0.0;
} else {
die "Cannot find enough raw data files to satsify this request\n";
# print "Looking for a file like $prefix" . $i . ".????$suffix: found $curfile\n";
} else {
$tnum = 0;
push @rawfiles, $template;
push @twistens, 0.0;
push @twisterrs, 0.0;
open (FILE, "$template") || die "Cannot open file $template\n";
@ -292,7 +300,7 @@ sub formatString {
# $RCSfile$ $Author: lshulenburger $
# $Revision: 5115 $ $Date: 2011-2-7 8:15:23 -0700 (Mon, 7 Feb 2011) $
# $Id: 5115 2011-2-7 8:15:23 lshulenburger $
# $Revision: 5115 $ $Date: 2011-9-15 10:19:08 -0700 (Thu, 15 Sep 2011) $
# $Id: 5115 2011-9-15 10:19:08 lshulenburger $

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use POSIX qw/floor/;
use strict;
@ -43,22 +43,20 @@ my $blockweight=0;
for (my $i = 2; $i <= $#{$filedata[0]}; $i++) {
my $colname = $filedata[0][$i];
my @arr = getColumn(\@filedata,$i,$start,$end);
for (my $j = 0; $j <= $#arr; $j++) {
if ($colname eq 'AcceptRatio' || $colname eq 'BlockCPU' || $colname eq 'BlockWeight') {
$arr[$j] *= 1;
} else {
$arr[$j] /= $factor;
my $avg;
my $error;
($avg, $error) = stats(\@arr);
if ($colname eq 'AcceptRatio' || $colname eq 'BlockCPU' || $colname eq 'BlockWeight' || $colname eq 'Efficiency') {
($avg, $error) = simplestats(\@arr);
} else {
($avg, $error) = stats(\@arr, $factor);
if ($colname eq 'LocalEnergy_sq') {
$colname = 'Variance';
my @arr2 = getColumn(\@filedata, $i-1, $start, $end);
my $avg2;
my $err2;
($avg2, $err2) = stats(\@arr2);
($avg2, $err2) = stats(\@arr2, $factor);
$avg = $avg - $avg2*$avg2/$factor;
if ($colname eq 'LocalEnergy') {
@ -101,10 +99,24 @@ if (abs($correction) > 1.0e-12) {
printf("%-21s = $formatStr +/- $formatStr\n", "Corrected Energy", $Locen+$correction, $enerr);
sub simplestats {
my $arr = shift;
my $avg;
my $sqavg;
($avg, $sqavg) = getAvgAndSqAv($arr);
my $var = $sqavg-$avg*$avg;
return ($avg, sqrt($var/$#{$arr}));
sub stats {
my $arr = shift;
my $avg = getAvg($arr);
my $sqav = getSqAvg($arr);
my $locfac = shift;
my $avg;
my $sqav;
($avg, $sqav) = getAvgAndSqAv($arr);
$avg /= $locfac;
$sqav /= $locfac*$locfac;
my $var = $sqav-$avg*$avg;
my $c=0;
my $N = $#{$arr}+1;
@ -113,7 +125,7 @@ sub stats {
while($tempC > 0 and $c < ($N-1)) {
$c += 1;
$tempC=corr($c, $arr, $avg, $var);
$tempC=corr($c, $arr, $avg*$locfac, $var*$locfac*$locfac);
if ($kappa == 0.0) {
$kappa = 1.0;
@ -168,21 +180,19 @@ sub getSum {
return $outval;
sub getAvg {
sub getAvgAndSqAv {
my $arr = shift;
my $size = $#{$arr};
return getSum($arr)/($size+1);
my $sum;
my $sumsq;
for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$arr}; $i++) {
$sum += ${$arr}[$i];
$sumsq += ${$arr}[$i]*${$arr}[$i];
return ($sum/($#{$arr}+1), $sumsq/($#{$arr}+1));
sub getSqAvg {
my $arr = shift;
my @newarr;
for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$arr}; $i++) {
my $val = ${$arr}[$i];
push @newarr, $val*$val;
return getAvg(\@newarr);
sub corr {
my $i = shift;
@ -219,7 +229,6 @@ sub formatString {
# $RCSfile$ $Author: lshulenburger $
# $Revision: 5115 $ $Date: 2011-2-7 8:15:23 -0700 (Mon, 7 Feb 2011) $
# $Id: 5115 2011-2-7 8:15:23 lshulenburger $
# $Revision: 5115 $ $Date: 2011-9-15 10:19:08 -0700 (Thu, 15 Sep 2011) $
# $Id: 5115 2011-9-15 10:19:08 lshulenburger $