Use Richardson extrapolation to compute finite difference derivatives.

This lessens the dependence on the choice of delta, and should make it
more reliable to compare with the analytic derivative.

Remove the test using a sequence of delta values, as it is not needed.

Move a number of the routines related to finite differences to a separate class.

What did not seem to work:
 - Using a higher order formula for the derivatives.  It had lower error for large
   delta, but ran into numerical problems sooner.  The problem of choosing the
   correct value for delta remained.
 - Computing higher order derivatives to estimate the rough size of the error term
   in the finite difference formula and to provide a guide for the right tolerance
   for comparison.  Unfortunately, these are even more sensitive to the right
   choice of delta.

git-svn-id: e5b18d87-469d-4833-9cc0-8cdfa06e9491
This commit is contained in:
Mark Dewing 2016-02-26 04:41:07 +00:00
parent 5211fb8359
commit 82c6e7711b
2 changed files with 222 additions and 76 deletions

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@ -275,9 +275,57 @@ void WaveFunctionTester::printEloc()
void WaveFunctionTester::finiteDifferencePoints(RealType delta, PosChangeVector &positions)
class FiniteDifference : public QMCTraits
FiniteDifference() : m_RichardsonSize(10), m_fd_type(FiniteDiff_Richardson) {}
int m_RichardsonSize;
enum FiniteDiffType {
FiniteDiff_LowOrder, // use simplest low-order formulas
FiniteDiff_Richardson // use Richardson extrapolation
FiniteDiffType m_fd_type;
struct PositionChange {
int index; // particle index
PosType r;
typedef vector<PositionChange> PosChangeVector;
typedef vector<ValueType> ValueVector;
/** Generate points to evaluate */
void finiteDifferencePoints(RealType delta, MCWalkerConfiguration& W,
PosChangeVector &positions);
/** Compute finite difference after log psi is computed for each point */
void computeFiniteDiff(RealType delta,
PosChangeVector &positions,
ValueVector &values,
ParticleSet::ParticleGradient_t &G_fd,
ParticleSet::ParticleLaplacian_t &L_fd);
void computeFiniteDiffLowOrder(RealType delta,
PosChangeVector &positions,
ValueVector &values,
ParticleSet::ParticleGradient_t &G_fd,
ParticleSet::ParticleLaplacian_t &L_fd);
void computeFiniteDiffRichardson(RealType delta,
PosChangeVector &positions,
ValueVector &values,
ParticleSet::ParticleGradient_t &G_fd,
ParticleSet::ParticleLaplacian_t &L_fd);
void FiniteDifference::finiteDifferencePoints(RealType delta, MCWalkerConfiguration& W,
PosChangeVector &positions)
// First position is the central point
PositionChange p;
p.index = 0;
@ -300,16 +348,33 @@ void WaveFunctionTester::finiteDifferencePoints(RealType delta, PosChangeVector
p.r = r0;
p.r[idim] = r0[idim] + delta;
if (m_fd_type == FiniteDiff_Richardson)
RealType dd = delta/2;
for (int nr = 0; nr < m_RichardsonSize; nr++)
p.r = r0;
p.r[idim] = r0[idim] - dd;
p.r = r0;
p.r[idim] = r0[idim] + dd;
dd = dd/2;
void WaveFunctionTester::computeFiniteDiff(RealType delta,
PosChangeVector &positions,
ValueVector &values,
ParticleSet::ParticleGradient_t &G_fd,
ParticleSet::ParticleLaplacian_t &L_fd)
void FiniteDifference::computeFiniteDiff(RealType delta,
PosChangeVector &positions,
ValueVector &values,
ParticleSet::ParticleGradient_t &G_fd,
ParticleSet::ParticleLaplacian_t &L_fd)
assert(positions.size() == values.size());
if (positions.size() == 0)
@ -317,6 +382,24 @@ void WaveFunctionTester::computeFiniteDiff(RealType delta,
ValueType logpsi = values[0];
if (m_fd_type == FiniteDiff_LowOrder)
computeFiniteDiffLowOrder(delta, positions, values, G_fd, L_fd);
else if (m_fd_type == FiniteDiff_Richardson)
computeFiniteDiffRichardson(delta, positions, values, G_fd, L_fd);
void FiniteDifference::computeFiniteDiffLowOrder(RealType delta,
PosChangeVector &positions,
ValueVector &values,
ParticleSet::ParticleGradient_t &G_fd,
ParticleSet::ParticleLaplacian_t &L_fd)
ValueType logpsi = values[0];
// lowest order derivative formula
ValueType c1 = 1.0/delta/2.0;
ValueType c2 = 1.0/delta/delta;
@ -345,17 +428,142 @@ void WaveFunctionTester::computeFiniteDiff(RealType delta,
// Use Richardson extrapolation to compute the derivatives.
// The 'delta' parameter should not be small, as with fixed
// order finite difference methods. The algorithm will zoom
// in on the right size of parameter.
void FiniteDifference::computeFiniteDiffRichardson(RealType delta,
PosChangeVector &positions,
ValueVector &values,
ParticleSet::ParticleGradient_t &G_fd,
ParticleSet::ParticleLaplacian_t &L_fd)
RealType tol = 1e-7;
ValueType logpsi = values[0];
const int pt_per_deriv = 2*(m_RichardsonSize+1); // number of points per derivative
for (int pt_i = 1; pt_i < values.size(); pt_i += pt_per_deriv*OHMMS_DIM)
GradType g0;
GradType gmin;
ValueType lmin;
vector<GradType> g_base(m_RichardsonSize+1);
vector<GradType> g_rich(m_RichardsonSize+1);
vector<GradType> g_prev(m_RichardsonSize+1);
vector<ValueType> l_base(m_RichardsonSize+1);
vector<ValueType> l_rich(m_RichardsonSize+1);
vector<ValueType> l_prev(m_RichardsonSize+1);
// Initial gradients and Laplacians at different deltas.
RealType dd = delta;
for (int inr = 0; inr < m_RichardsonSize+1; inr++)
l_base[inr] = 0.0;
for (int idim=0; idim<OHMMS_DIM; idim++)
int idx = pt_i + idim*pt_per_deriv + 2*inr;
ValueType logpsi_m = values[idx];
ValueType logpsi_p = values[idx + 1];
g_base[inr][idim] = (logpsi_p - logpsi_m)/dd/2.0;
l_base[inr] += (logpsi_p + logpsi_m - 2.0*logpsi)/(dd*dd);
dd = dd/2;
// Gradient
g_prev[0] = g_base[0];
RealType fac = 1;
bool found = false;
for (int inr = 1; inr < m_RichardsonSize+1; inr++)
g_rich[0] = g_base[inr];
fac *= 4;
for (int j = 1; j < inr+1; j++) {
g_rich[j] = g_rich[j-1] + ( g_rich[j-1] - g_prev[j-1])/(fac-1);
RealType err1 = 0.0;
RealType norm = 0.0;
for (int idim=0; idim<OHMMS_DIM; idim++)
err1 += std::abs(g_rich[inr][idim] - g_prev[inr-1][idim]);
norm += std::abs(g_prev[inr-1][idim]);
RealType err_rel = err1/norm;
// Not sure about the best stopping criteria
if (err_rel < tol)
gmin = g_rich[inr];
found = true;
g_prev = g_rich;
if (!found)
gmin = g_rich[m_RichardsonSize];
// Laplacian
// TODO: eliminate the copied code between the gradient and Laplacian
// computations.
l_prev[0] = l_base[0];
fac = 1;
found = false;
for (int inr = 1; inr < m_RichardsonSize+1; inr++)
l_rich[0] = l_base[inr];
fac *= 4;
for (int j = 1; j < inr+1; j++) {
l_rich[j] = l_rich[j-1] + ( l_rich[j-1] - l_prev[j-1])/(fac-1);
RealType err1 = std::abs(l_rich[inr] - l_prev[inr-1]);
RealType err_rel = std::abs(err1/l_prev[inr-1]);
if (err_rel < tol)
lmin = l_rich[inr];
found = true;
l_prev = l_rich;
if (!found)
lmin = l_rich[m_RichardsonSize];
int iat = positions[pt_i].index;
G_fd[iat] = gmin;
L_fd[iat] = lmin;
// Compute numerical gradient and Laplacian
void WaveFunctionTester::computeNumericalGrad(RealType delta,
ParticleSet::ParticleGradient_t &G_fd, // finite difference
ParticleSet::ParticleLaplacian_t &L_fd)
PosChangeVector positions;
finiteDifferencePoints(delta, positions);
FiniteDifference fd;
FiniteDifference::PosChangeVector positions;
fd.finiteDifferencePoints(delta, W, positions);
FiniteDifference::ValueVector logpsi_vals;
FiniteDifference::PosChangeVector::iterator it;
ValueVector logpsi_vals;
PosChangeVector::iterator it;
for (it = positions.begin(); it != positions.end(); it++)
PosType r0 = W.R[it->index];
@ -375,13 +583,13 @@ void WaveFunctionTester::computeNumericalGrad(RealType delta,
computeFiniteDiff(delta, positions, logpsi_vals, G_fd, L_fd);
fd.computeFiniteDiff(delta, positions, logpsi_vals, G_fd, L_fd);
void WaveFunctionTester::runBasicTest()
RealType sig2Enloc=0, sig2Drift=0;
RealType delta = 1e-2;
RealType delta = 1.0;
int nat = W.getTotalNum();
MCWalkerConfiguration::PropertyContainer_t Properties;
@ -458,51 +666,6 @@ void WaveFunctionTester::runBasicTest()
<< " Error = " << setw(12) << L[iat]-L1[iat] << endl << endl;
// Use sequence of deltas and ensure the finite difference values are getting closer
// to the analytic values.
RealType delta_seq[] = {1e-1, 1e-2, 1e-3};
unsigned int ndelta = sizeof(delta_seq)/sizeof(RealType);
vector<ParticleSet::ParticleGradient_t> G_fd_seq(ndelta, ParticleSet::ParticleGradient_t(nat));
vector<ParticleSet::ParticleLaplacian_t> L_fd_seq(ndelta, ParticleSet::ParticleLaplacian_t(nat));
typedef vector<RealType> RealVector;
typedef vector<PosType> PosVector;
vector<RealVector> L_err(ndelta, RealVector(nat));
vector<PosVector> G_err(ndelta, PosVector(nat));
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ndelta; i++)
// compute analytic values
G = W.G;
L = W.L;
computeNumericalGrad(delta_seq[i], G_fd_seq[i], L_fd_seq[i]);
for (int iat = 0; iat < nat; iat++)
L_err[i][iat] = std::abs(L[iat] - L_fd_seq[i][iat]);
for (int idim=0; idim<OHMMS_DIM; idim++)
G_err[i][iat][idim] = std::abs(G[iat][idim] - G_fd_seq[i][iat][idim]);
if (i > 0)
if (L_err[i][iat] > L_err[i-1][iat])
app_log() << "Laplacian finite difference is not decreasing with delta for particle " << iat << endl;
app_log() << " Previous diff, delta = " << delta_seq[i-1] << " Diff = " << L_err[i-1][iat];
app_log() << " Analytic = " << L[iat] << " FD = " << L_fd_seq[i-1][iat] << endl;
app_log() << " Current diff, delta = " << delta_seq[i] << " Diff = " << L_err[i][iat];
app_log() << " Analytic = " << L[iat] << " FD = " << L_fd_seq[i][iat] << endl;
any_fail = true;
app_log() << "Finite difference test: " << (any_fail?"FAIL":"PASS") << endl;
// TODO - test wavefunction components (getOrbitals) separately.

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@ -80,23 +80,6 @@ private:
ParticleSet::ParticleGradient_t &G_fd,
ParticleSet::ParticleLaplacian_t &L_fd);
struct PositionChange {
int index; // particle index
PosType r;
typedef vector<PositionChange> PosChangeVector;
typedef vector<ValueType> ValueVector;
/** Generate points to evaluate */
void finiteDifferencePoints(RealType delta, PosChangeVector &positions);
/** Compute finite difference after log psi is computed for each point */
void computeFiniteDiff(RealType delta,
PosChangeVector &positions,
ValueVector &values,
ParticleSet::ParticleGradient_t &G_fd,
ParticleSet::ParticleLaplacian_t &L_fd);
//vector<RealType> Mv3(vector<vector<RealType> >& M, vector<RealType>& v);
ofstream fout;