Run wf test over set of walkers.

Put failure output in separate file (wf_fail.dat) to keep the stdout cleaner.
Also test subcomponents of the wavefunction (to help pinpoint problems).

Still to do is to detect and adjust the delta and tolerance settings for
single precision splines.

git-svn-id: e5b18d87-469d-4833-9cc0-8cdfa06e9491
This commit is contained in:
Mark Dewing 2016-03-01 21:11:37 +00:00
parent fd7d7c05f3
commit 80b3855075
2 changed files with 314 additions and 60 deletions

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@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ using namespace std;
#include "Numerics/DeterminantOperators.h"
#include "Numerics/SymmetryOperations.h"
#include "Numerics/Blasf.h"
#include <sstream>
namespace qmcplusplus
@ -279,14 +280,14 @@ void WaveFunctionTester::printEloc()
class FiniteDifference : public QMCTraits
FiniteDifference() : m_RichardsonSize(10), m_fd_type(FiniteDiff_Richardson) {}
int m_RichardsonSize;
enum FiniteDiffType {
FiniteDiff_LowOrder, // use simplest low-order formulas
FiniteDiff_Richardson // use Richardson extrapolation
FiniteDifference(FiniteDiffType fd_type=FiniteDiff_Richardson) : m_RichardsonSize(10), m_fd_type(fd_type) {}
int m_RichardsonSize;
FiniteDiffType m_fd_type;
@ -556,7 +557,8 @@ void WaveFunctionTester::computeNumericalGrad(RealType delta,
ParticleSet::ParticleGradient_t &G_fd, // finite difference
ParticleSet::ParticleLaplacian_t &L_fd)
FiniteDifference fd;
FiniteDifference fd(FiniteDifference::FiniteDiff_LowOrder);
//FiniteDifference fd(FiniteDifference::FiniteDiff_Richardson);
FiniteDifference::PosChangeVector positions;
fd.finiteDifferencePoints(delta, W, positions);
@ -586,100 +588,339 @@ void WaveFunctionTester::computeNumericalGrad(RealType delta,
fd.computeFiniteDiff(delta, positions, logpsi_vals, G_fd, L_fd);
void WaveFunctionTester::runBasicTest()
// Usually
// lower_iat = 0
// upper_iat = nat
bool WaveFunctionTester::checkGradients(int lower_iat, int upper_iat,
ParticleSet::ParticleGradient_t &G,
ParticleSet::ParticleLaplacian_t &L,
ParticleSet::ParticleGradient_t &G_fd,
ParticleSet::ParticleLaplacian_t &L_fd,
stringstream &log,
int indent /* = 0 */)
RealType rel_tol = 1e-3;
RealType abs_tol = 1e-7;
bool all_okay = true;
string pad(4*indent, ' ');
for (int iat=lower_iat; iat<upper_iat; iat++)
RealType L_err = std::abs(L[iat]-L_fd[iat]);
RealType L_rel_denom = max( std::abs(L[iat]), std::abs(L_fd[iat]) );
RealType L_err_rel = std::abs( L_err / L_rel_denom );
if (L_err_rel > rel_tol && L_err > abs_tol)
if (L_err_rel > rel_tol)
log << pad << "Finite difference Laplacian exceeds relative tolerance (" << rel_tol << ") for particle " << iat << endl;
log << pad << "Finite difference Laplacian exceeds absolute tolerance (" << abs_tol << ") for particle " << iat << endl;
log << pad << " Analytic = " << L[iat] << endl;
log << pad << " Finite diff = " << L_fd[iat] << endl;
log << pad << " Error = " << L_err << " Relative Error = " << L_err_rel << endl;
all_okay = false;
GradType G_err_rel;
for (int idim=0; idim<OHMMS_DIM; idim++)
RealType G_err = std::abs(G[iat][idim]-G_fd[iat][idim]);
RealType G_rel_denom = max( std::abs(G[iat][idim]), std::abs(G_fd[iat][idim]) );
G_err_rel[idim] = std::abs( G_err / G[iat][idim] );
if (G_err_rel[idim] > rel_tol && G_err > abs_tol)
if (G_err_rel[idim] > rel_tol)
log << pad << "Finite difference gradient exceeds relative tolerance (" << rel_tol << ") for particle " << iat;
log << pad << "Finite difference gradient exceeds absolute tolerance (" << abs_tol << ") for particle " << iat;
log << " component " << idim << endl;
log << pad << " Analytic = " << G[iat][idim] << endl;
log << pad << " Finite diff = " << G_fd[iat][idim] << endl;
log << pad << " Error = " << G_err << " Relative Error = " << G_err_rel[idim] << endl;
all_okay = false;
fout << pad << "For particle #" << iat << " at " << W.R[iat] << endl;
fout << pad << "Gradient = " << setw(12) << G[iat] << endl;
fout << pad << " Finite diff = " << setw(12) << G_fd[iat] << endl;
fout << pad << " Error = " << setw(12) << G[iat]-G_fd[iat] << endl;
fout << pad << " Relative Error = " << setw(12) << G_err_rel << endl << endl;
fout << pad << "Laplacian = " << setw(12) << L[iat] << endl;
fout << pad << " Finite diff = " << setw(12) << L_fd[iat] << endl;
fout << pad << " Error = " << setw(12) << L[iat]-L_fd[iat] << " Relative Error = " << L_err_rel << endl << endl;
return all_okay;
bool WaveFunctionTester::checkGradientAtConfiguration(MCWalkerConfiguration::Walker_t *W1, stringstream &fail_log, bool &ignore)
RealType sig2Enloc=0, sig2Drift=0;
RealType delta = 1.0;
int nat = W.getTotalNum();
MCWalkerConfiguration::PropertyContainer_t Properties;
//pick the first walker
MCWalkerConfiguration::Walker_t* awalker = *(W.begin());
//copy the properties of the working walker
Properties = awalker->Properties;
//sample a new walker configuration and copy to ParticleSet::R
W.R = awalker->R;
//W.R += deltaR;
//ValueType psi = Psi.evaluate(W);
RealType logpsi0 = Psi.evaluateLog(W);
RealType phase0=Psi.getPhase();
#if defined(QMC_COMPLEX)
ValueType logpsi = std::complex<OHMMS_PRECISION>(logpsi0,phase0);
ValueType logpsi = logpsi0;
RealType eloc(0);
fout << "Numerical gradient and Laplacian test" << endl;
ParticleSet::ParticleGradient_t G(nat), G1(nat);
ParticleSet::ParticleLaplacian_t L(nat), L1(nat);
W.loadWalker(*W1, true);
// compute analytic values
G = W.G;
L = W.L;
// Use a single delta with a fairly large tolerance
computeNumericalGrad(delta, G1, L1);
//computeNumericalGrad(delta, G1, L1);
RealType delta = 1.0e-4;
FiniteDifference fd(FiniteDifference::FiniteDiff_LowOrder);
//RealType delta = 1.0;
//FiniteDifference fd(FiniteDifference::FiniteDiff_Richardson);
FiniteDifference::PosChangeVector positions;
fd.finiteDifferencePoints(delta, W, positions);
FiniteDifference::ValueVector logpsi_vals;
FiniteDifference::PosChangeVector::iterator it;
for (it = positions.begin(); it != positions.end(); it++)
PosType r0 = W.R[it->index];
W.R[it->index] = it->r;
RealType logpsi0 = Psi.evaluateLog(W);
RealType phase0 = Psi.getPhase();
#if defined(QMC_COMPLEX)
ValueType logpsi = std::complex<OHMMS_PRECISION>(logpsi0,phase0);
ValueType logpsi = logpsi0;
W.R[it->index] = r0;
fd.computeFiniteDiff(delta, positions, logpsi_vals, G1, L1);
fout << "delta = " << delta << endl;
// TODO - better choice of tolerance
// TODO - adjust delta and tolerance based on precision of wavefunction
bool all_okay = checkGradients(0, nat, G, L, G1, L1, fail_log);
RealType tol = 1e-3;
bool any_fail = false;
for (int iat=0; iat<nat; iat++)
for (int iorb = 0; iorb < Psi.getOrbitals().size(); iorb++)
RealType L_err = std::abs(L[iat]-L1[iat]);
if (L_err > tol)
OrbitalBase *orb = Psi.getOrbitals()[iorb];
ParticleSet::ParticleGradient_t G(nat), tmpG(nat), G1(nat);
ParticleSet::ParticleLaplacian_t L(nat), tmpL(nat), L1(nat);
RealType logpsi1 = orb->evaluateLog(W, G, L);
fail_log << "Orbital " << iorb << " " << orb->OrbitalName << " log psi = " << logpsi1 << endl;
FiniteDifference::ValueVector logpsi_vals;
FiniteDifference::PosChangeVector::iterator it;
for (it = positions.begin(); it != positions.end(); it++)
app_log() << "Finite difference Laplacian exceeds tolerance (" << tol << ") for particle " << iat << endl;
app_log() << " Analytic = " << L[iat] << endl;
app_log() << " Finite diff = " << L1[iat] << endl;
app_log() << " Error = " << L_err << endl;
any_fail = true;
PosType r0 = W.R[it->index];
W.R[it->index] = it->r;
ParticleSet::SingleParticlePos_t zeroR;
RealType logpsi0 = orb->evaluateLog(W, tmpG, tmpL);
RealType phase0 = Psi.getPhase();
#if defined(QMC_COMPLEX)
ValueType logpsi = std::complex<OHMMS_PRECISION>(logpsi0,phase0);
ValueType logpsi = logpsi0;
W.R[it->index] = r0;
fd.computeFiniteDiff(delta, positions, logpsi_vals, G1, L1);
fout << " Orbital " << iorb << " " << orb->OrbitalName << endl;
if (!checkGradients(0, nat, G, L, G1, L1, fail_log, 1))
all_okay = false;
for (int idim=0; idim<OHMMS_DIM; idim++)
SlaterDet *sd = dynamic_cast<SlaterDet *>(orb);
if (sd)
RealType G_err = std::abs(G[iat][idim]-G1[iat][idim]);
if (G_err > tol)
for (int isd = 0; isd < sd->Dets.size(); isd++)
ParticleSet::ParticleGradient_t G(nat), tmpG(nat), G1(nat);
ParticleSet::ParticleLaplacian_t L(nat), tmpL(nat), L1(nat);
DiracDeterminantBase *det = sd->Dets[isd];
RealType logpsi2 = det->evaluateLog(W, G, L);
fail_log << " Slater Determiant " << isd << " (for particles " << det->FirstIndex << " to " << det->LastIndex << ") log psi = " << logpsi2 << endl;
// Should really check the condition number on the matrix determinant.
// For now, just ignore values that too small.
if (logpsi2 < -40.0)
app_log() << "Finite difference gradient exceeds tolerance (" << tol << ") for particle " << iat;
app_log() << " component " << idim << endl;
app_log() << " Analytic = " << G[iat][idim] << endl;
app_log() << " Finite diff = " << G1[iat][idim] << endl;
app_log() << " Error = " << G_err << endl;
any_fail = true;
ignore = true;
FiniteDifference::ValueVector logpsi_vals;
FiniteDifference::PosChangeVector::iterator it;
for (it = positions.begin(); it != positions.end(); it++)
PosType r0 = W.R[it->index];
W.R[it->index] = it->r;
RealType logpsi0 = det->evaluateLog(W, tmpG, tmpL);
RealType phase0 = Psi.getPhase();
#if defined(QMC_COMPLEX)
ValueType logpsi = std::complex<OHMMS_PRECISION>(logpsi0,phase0);
ValueType logpsi = logpsi0;
W.R[it->index] = r0;
fd.computeFiniteDiff(delta, positions, logpsi_vals, G1, L1);
if (!checkGradients(det->FirstIndex, det->LastIndex, G, L, G1, L1, fail_log, 2))
all_okay = false;
#if 0
// Testing single particle orbitals doesn't work yet - probably something
// with setup after setting the position.
map<string, SPOSetBasePtr>::iterator spo_it = sd->mySPOSet.begin();
for (; spo_it != sd->mySPOSet.end(); spo_it++)
SPOSetBasePtr spo = spo_it->second;
fail_log << " SPO set = " << spo_it->first << " name = " << spo->className;
fail_log << " orbital set size = " << spo->size();
fail_log << " basis set size = " << spo->getBasisSetSize() << endl;
ParticleSet::ParticleGradient_t G(nat), tmpG(nat), G1(nat);
ParticleSet::ParticleLaplacian_t L(nat), tmpL(nat), L1(nat);
RealType logpsi3 = det->evaluateLog(W, G, L);
FiniteDifference::ValueVector logpsi_vals;
FiniteDifference::PosChangeVector::iterator it;
for (it = positions.begin(); it != positions.end(); it++)
PosType r0 = W.R[it->index];
W.R[it->index] = it->r;
ParticleSet::SingleParticlePos_t zeroR;
SPOSetBase::ValueVector_t psi(spo->size());
spo->evaluate(W, it->index, psi);
ValueType logpsi = psi[0];
W.R[it->index] = r0;
fd.computeFiniteDiff(delta, positions, logpsi_vals, G1, L1);
if (!checkGradients(det->FirstIndex, det->LastIndex, G, L, G1, L1, fail_log, 3))
all_okay = false;
return all_okay;
for (int iat=0; iat<nat; iat++)
void WaveFunctionTester::runBasicTest()
RealType sig2Enloc=0, sig2Drift=0;
int nat = W.getTotalNum();
fout << "Numerical gradient and Laplacian test" << endl;
stringstream fail_log;
bool all_okay = true;
int fails = 0;
int nconfig = 0;
int nignore = 0;
MCWalkerConfiguration::iterator Wit(W.begin());
for (; Wit != W.end(); Wit++)
fout << "delta = " << delta << endl;
fout << "For particle #" << iat << " at " << W.R[iat] << endl;
fout << "Gradient = " << setw(12) << G[iat] << endl
<< " Finite diff = " << setw(12) << G1[iat] << endl
<< " Error = " << setw(12) << G[iat]-G1[iat] << endl << endl;
fout << "Laplacian = " << setw(12) << L[iat] << endl
<< " Finite diff = " << setw(12) << L1[iat] << endl
<< " Error = " << setw(12) << L[iat]-L1[iat] << endl << endl;
fout << "Walker # " << nconfig << endl;
stringstream fail_log1;
bool ignore = false;
bool this_okay = checkGradientAtConfiguration(*Wit, fail_log1, ignore);
if (ignore)
if (!this_okay && !ignore)
fail_log << "Walker # " << nconfig << endl;
fail_log << fail_log1.str();
fail_log << endl;
all_okay = false;
app_log() << "Finite difference test: " << (any_fail?"FAIL":"PASS") << endl;
app_log() << "Number of samples = " << nconfig << endl;
app_log() << "Number ignored (bad positions) = " << nignore << endl << endl;
app_log() << "Number of fails = " << fails << endl << endl;
// TODO - test wavefunction components (getOrbitals) separately.
if (!all_okay)
string fail_name("wf_fails.dat");
app_log() << "More detail on finite difference failures in " << fail_name << endl;
ofstream eout(fail_name.c_str());
eout << fail_log.str();
app_log() << "Finite difference test: " << (all_okay?"PASS":"FAIL") << endl;
// Compute approximation error vs. delta.
// TODO - Use option in the input file to turn this on.
if (false)
delta = 1.0;
double delta = 1.0;
int iat = 0;
int ig = 0;
ofstream dout("delta.dat");
dout << "# Particle = " << iat << " Gradient component = " << ig << endl;
dout << "#" << setw(11) << "delta" << setw(14) << "L_err_rel" << setw(14) << "G_err_rel" << endl;
ParticleSet::ParticleGradient_t G(nat), G1(nat);
ParticleSet::ParticleLaplacian_t L(nat), L1(nat);
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
// compute analytic values
G = W.G;
@ -701,6 +942,7 @@ void WaveFunctionTester::runBasicTest()
fout << "Ratio test" << endl;
RealType tol = 1e-3;
RealType ratio_tol = 1e-9;
bool any_ratio_fail = false;

View File

@ -80,6 +80,18 @@ private:
ParticleSet::ParticleGradient_t &G_fd,
ParticleSet::ParticleLaplacian_t &L_fd);
bool checkGradients(int lower_iat, int upper_iat,
ParticleSet::ParticleGradient_t &G,
ParticleSet::ParticleLaplacian_t &L,
ParticleSet::ParticleGradient_t &G_fd,
ParticleSet::ParticleLaplacian_t &L_fd,
stringstream &log,
int indent=0);
bool checkGradientAtConfiguration(MCWalkerConfiguration::Walker_t* W1,
stringstream &fail_log,
bool &ignore);
//vector<RealType> Mv3(vector<vector<RealType> >& M, vector<RealType>& v);
ofstream fout;