Merge pull request #95 from jtkrogel/dev

nexus: add functionality to average (relaxed) bulk positions into a s…
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Paul R. C. Kent 2017-01-25 14:21:01 -05:00 committed by GitHub
commit 756ca253f9
1 changed files with 100 additions and 20 deletions

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@ -508,6 +508,12 @@ class Structure(Sobj):
#end def __init__
def set_axes(self,axes):
#end def set_axes
def set_bconds(self,bconds):
self.bconds = array(tuple(bconds),dtype=str)
#end def bconds
@ -517,6 +523,11 @@ class Structure(Sobj):
self.elem = array(elem,dtype=object)
#end def set_elem
def set_pos(self,pos):
self.pos = array(pos,dtype=float)
#end def set_pos
def size(self):
return len(self.elem)
@ -613,11 +624,6 @@ class Structure(Sobj):
#end def reset_axes
def set_axes(self,axes):
#end def set_axes
def adjust_axes(self,axes):
#end def adjust_axes
@ -2327,10 +2333,13 @@ class Structure(Sobj):
for i in xrange(len(indices)):
nn = neighbors[i]
dn = dist[i]
smax = spec_max[self.elem[indices[i]]]
if len(nn)>smax:
neighbors[i] = nn[:smax]
dist[i] = dn[:smax]
e = self.elem[indices[i]]
if e in spec_max:
smax = spec_max[e]
if len(nn)>smax:
neighbors[i] = nn[:smax]
dist[i] = dn[:smax]
#end if
#end if
#end for
@ -2844,7 +2853,7 @@ class Structure(Sobj):
#end def fold
def tilematrix(self,small=None,tol=1e-6):
def tilematrix(self,small=None,tol=1e-6,status=False):
if small==None:
if self.folded_structure!=None:
small = self.folded_structure
@ -2856,10 +2865,14 @@ class Structure(Sobj):
tilemat = array(around(tm),dtype=int)
error = abs(tilemat-tm).sum()
non_integer_elements = error > tol
if non_integer_elements:
self.error('large cell cannot be constructed as an integer tiling of the small cell\n large cell axes: \n'+str(self.axes)+'\n small cell axes: \n'+str(small.axes)+'\n large/small: \n'+str(self.axes/small.axes)+'\n tiling matrix: \n'+str(tm)+'\n integerized tiling matrix: \n'+str(tilemat)+'\n error: '+str(error)+'\n tolerance: '+str(tol))
if status:
return tilemat,not non_integer_elements
if non_integer_elements:
self.error('large cell cannot be constructed as an integer tiling of the small cell\nlarge cell axes:\n'+str(self.axes)+'\nsmall cell axes: \n'+str(small.axes)+'\nlarge/small:\n'+str(self.axes/small.axes)+'\ntiling matrix:\n'+str(tm)+'\nintegerized tiling matrix:\n'+str(tilemat)+'\nerror: '+str(error)+'\ntolerance: '+str(tol))
#end if
return tilemat
#end if
return tilemat
#end def tilematrix
@ -3070,6 +3083,64 @@ class Structure(Sobj):
#end def select_twist
def fold_pos(self,large,tol=0.001):
vratio = large.volume()/self.volume()
if abs(vratio-int(around(vratio)))>1e-6:
self.error('cannot fold positions from large cell into current one\nlarge cell volume is not an integer multiple of the current one\nlarge cell volume: {0}\ncurrent cell volume: {1}\nvolume ratio: {2}'.format(large.volume(),self.volume(),vratio))
T,success = large.tilematrix(self,status=True)
if not success:
self.error('cannot fold positions from large cell into current one\ncells are related by non-integer tilematrix')
#end if
nnearest = int(around(vratio))
self.elem = large.elem.copy()
self.pos = large.pos.copy()
nt,dt = self.neighbor_table(distances=True)
nt = nt[:,:nnearest]
dt = dt[:,:nnearest]
if dt.ravel().max()>tol:
self.error('cannot fold positions from large cell into current one\npositions of equivalent atoms are further apart than the tolerance\nmax distance encountered: {0}\ntolerance: {1}'.format(dt.ravel().max(),tol))
#end if
counts = zeros((len(self.pos),),dtype=int)
for n in nt.ravel():
counts[n] += 1
#end for
if (counts!=nnearest).any():
self.error('cannot fold positions from large cell into current one\neach atom must have {0} equivalent positions\nsome atoms found with the following equivalent position counts: {1}'.format(nnearest,counts[counts!=nnearest]))
#end if
ind_visited = set()
neigh_map = obj()
keep = []
for nset in nt:
if n not in ind_visited:
neigh_map[n] = nset
for ind in nset:
#end for
#end if
#end for
if len(ind_visited)!=len(self.pos):
self.error('cannot fold positions from large cell into current one\nsome equivalent atoms could not be identified')
#end if
new_elem = []
new_pos = []
for n in keep:
nset = neigh_map[n]
elist = list(set(self.elem[nset]))
if len(elist)!=1:
self.error('cannot fold positions from large cell into current one\nspecies of some equivalent atoms do not match')
#end if
#end for
#end def fold_pos
def pos_unit(self,pos=None):
if pos is None:
pos = self.pos
@ -3654,25 +3725,34 @@ class Structure(Sobj):
lines = filepath.splitlines() # "filepath" is contents
#end if
axes = []
posu = []
pos = []
elem = []
unit_pos = False
for line in lines:
ls = line.strip()
if len(ls)>0 and ls[0]!='#':
tokens = ls.split()
if ls.startswith('lattice_vector'):
t0 = tokens[0]
if t0=='lattice_vector':
elif ls.startswith('atom_frac'):
elif t0=='atom_frac':
unit_pos = True
elif t0=='atom':
#self.error('unrecogonized or not yet supported token in fhi-aims geometry file: {0}'.format(tokens[0]))
self.error('unrecogonized or not yet supported token in fhi-aims geometry file: {0}'.format(t0))
#end if
#end if
#end for
axes = array(axes,dtype=float)
pos = dot(array(posu,dtype=float),axes)
pos = array(pos,dtype=float)
if unit_pos:
pos = dot(pos,axes)
#end if
self.dim = 3