Germanium hard-coded core-polarization potential

git-svn-id: e5b18d87-469d-4833-9cc0-8cdfa06e9491
This commit is contained in:
Jordan Vincent 2005-02-11 20:29:35 +00:00
parent b6cc0362a2
commit 6da9140fd3
2 changed files with 307 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
// (c) Copyright 2003 by Jeongnim Kim and Jordan Vincent
// National Center for Supercomputing Applications &
// Materials Computation Center
// University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
// Urbana, IL 61801
// e-mail:
// Tel: 217-244-6319 (NCSA) 217-333-3324 (MCC)
// Supported by
// National Center for Supercomputing Applications, UIUC
// Materials Computation Center, UIUC
// -*- C++ -*-
#include "QMCHamiltonians/CorePolPotential.h"
#include "Particle/DistanceTable.h"
#include "Particle/DistanceTableData.h"
#include "Utilities/OhmmsInfo.h"
namespace ohmmsqmc {
GeCorePolPotential::GeCorePolPotential(ParticleSet& ions, ParticleSet& els,
const string species):
d_ie(NULL), d_ii(NULL), alpha(0.3558), r_b(0.7048), eCoreCore(0.0) {
//set the distance tables
d_ie = DistanceTable::getTable(DistanceTable::add(ions,els));
d_ii = DistanceTable::getTable(DistanceTable::add(ions));
nCenters = ions.getTotalNum();
nParticles = els.getTotalNum();
C = -0.5*alpha;
r_binv = 1.0/r_b;
CoreCoreDipole = 0.0;
ElCoreDipole = 0.0;
//only calculate the cpp for Ge atoms
int GeCounter = 0;
for(int iat=0; iat<nCenters; iat++){
string sname = ions.Species.speciesName[ions.GroupID[iat]];
if(sname == species){
LOGMSG("Adding a core-electron potential for " << sname << " #" << GeCounter++)
CoreCoef[iat] = true;
else CoreCoef[iat] = false;
//index for attribute charge
int iz = ions.Species.addAttribute("charge");
//calculate the Core-Core Dipole matrix
int nn=0;
for(int iat=0; iat<nCenters; iat++) {
for(int jat=iat+1; jat<nCenters; jat++, nn++) {
//check to see if both ions are Ge
RealType rinv3 = pow(d_ii->rinv(nn),3);//(1/R_{JI}^3) R_{JI} = R_J-R_I
PosType dipole = rinv3*d_ii->dr(nn);//(\vec{R_{JI}}/R_{JI}^3)
CoreCoreDipole(iat,jat) = dipole*ions.Species(iz,ions.GroupID[jat]);//charge of jat
CoreCoreDipole(jat,iat) = -1.0*dipole*ions.Species(iz,ions.GroupID[iat]);//charge of iat
//calculate the core-core term (constant)
nn = 0;
for(int iat=0; iat<nCenters; iat++) {
for(int jat=iat+1;jat<nCenters; jat++, nn++) {
eCoreCore += dot(CoreCoreDipole(iat,jat),CoreCoreDipole(iat,jat));
eCoreCore += dot(CoreCoreDipole(jat,iat),CoreCoreDipole(jat,iat));
cout << CoreCoreDipole << endl;
nn = 0;
for(int iat=0; iat<nCenters; iat++) {
for(int jat=0; jat<nCenters; jat++) {
if(iat == jat) continue;
eCoreCore += dot(CoreCoreDipole(iat,jat),CoreCoreDipole(iat,jat));
cout << "eCoreCore = " << eCoreCore << endl;
GeCorePolPotential::~GeCorePolPotential() { }
GeCorePolPotential::evaluate(ParticleSet& P) {
RealType esum=0.0;
//calculate the Electron-Core Dipole matrix
int nn=0;
for(int iat=0; iat<nCenters; iat++) {
for(int nn=d_ie->M[iat]; nn<d_ie->M[iat+1]; nn++){
RealType rinv3 = pow(d_ie->rinv(nn),3);//(1/r^3)
PosType dipole = rinv3*d_ie->dr(nn);//(\vec{r}/r^3)
ElCoreDipole(iat,nn) = dipole*fcpp(d_ie->r(nn)*r_binv);
//now loop over the ions
for(int iat=0; iat<nCenters; iat++) {
//loop over the electrons
for(int nn=d_ie->M[iat]; nn<d_ie->M[iat+1]; nn++)
esum += dot(ElCoreDipole(iat,nn),ElCoreDipole(iat,nn));
//loop over distinct pairs of electrons
for(int nnj=d_ie->M[iat]; nnj<d_ie->M[iat+1]; nnj++){
for(int nnk=nnj+1; nnk<d_ie->M[iat+1]; nnk++)
esum += 2.0*dot(ElCoreDipole(iat,nnj),ElCoreDipole(iat,nnk));
//loop over ions and electrons
for(int jat=0; jat<nCenters; jat++) {
if(iat == jat) continue;
int nnj = d_ie->M[jat];
for(int k=0; k<nParticles; k++, nnj++)
esum -= 2.0*dot(CoreCoreDipole(jat,iat),ElCoreDipole(jat,nnj));
// for(int jat=iat+1; jat<nCenters; jat++) {
// int nni = d_ie->M[iat];
// int nnj = d_ie->M[jat];
// for(int k=0; k<nParticles; k++, nni++, nnj++){
// esum -= 2.0*dot(CoreCoreDipole(iat,jat),ElCoreDipole(iat,nni));
// esum -= 2.0*dot(CoreCoreDipole(jat,iat),ElCoreDipole(jat,nnj));
// }
// }
return C*esum + eCoreCore;
bool put(xmlNodePtr cur) {
string* acore;
xmlNodePtr cur1 = cur->xmlChildrenNode;
while(cur1 != NULL) {
string cname((const char*)(cur1->name));
if(cname == "component") {
xmlAttrPtr att = cur1->properties;
while(att != NULL) {
string aname((const char*)(att->name));
if(aname == "cpp") {
xmlChar* att1=xmlGetProp(cur, (const xmlChar*)"species");
if(!att1) {
ERRORMSG("No Core species specified!")
return false;
} else {
acore = new string((const char*)att1);
//only calculate the cpp for Ge atoms
int GeCounter = 0;
for(int iat=0; iat<nCenters; iat++){
string sname = ions.Species.speciesName[ions.GroupID[iat]];
if(sname == acore){
LOGMSG("Adding a core-electron potential for " << sname << " #" << GeCounter++)
CoreCoef[iat] = true;
else CoreCoef[iat] = false;
* $RCSfile$ $Author$
* $Revision$ $Date$
* $Id$

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@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
// (c) Copyright 2003 by Jeongnim Kim and Jordan Vincent
// National Center for Supercomputing Applications &
// Materials Computation Center
// University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
// Urbana, IL 61801
// e-mail:
// Tel: 217-244-6319 (NCSA) 217-333-3324 (MCC)
// Supported by
// National Center for Supercomputing Applications, UIUC
// Materials Computation Center, UIUC
// -*- C++ -*-
#include "Particle/ParticleSet.h"
#include "Particle/WalkerSetRef.h"
#include "QMCHamiltonians/QMCHamiltonianBase.h"
#include "OhmmsPETE/OhmmsMatrix.h"
namespace ohmmsqmc {
The effective core polarization
V_{CPP} = -\frac{1}{2}\sum_{C}\alpha_C {\bf f}_C \cdot {\bf f}_C
Electric field which acts on core \f$C\f$ due to the charges of
valence electrons \f$i\f$ and the other cores \f$C'\f$
{\bf f}_C = \sum_i \frac{{\bf r}_{Ci}}{r_{Ci}^3}C(r_{Ci},\rho_C)
-\sum_{C' \ne C} \frac{{\bf R}_{CC'}}{R_{CC'}^3}Z_{C'} =
{\bf f}_C^e + {\bf f}_C^n
{\bf r}_{Ci} = {\bf r}_i - {\bf r}_C
{\bf R}_{CC'} = {\bf R}_{C'} - {\bf R}_{C}
\f$ C(r_{Ci},\rho_C) \f$ is a cut-off function for \f$ {\bf f}_C^e \f$
with an adjustable parameter \f$ \rho_C. \f$
V_{CPP} = -\frac{1}{2}\sum_C \left\{ \:\:\: \sum_i
\frac{1}{r_{Ci}^4}C^2(r_{Ci},\rho_C) +
\sum_{i \ne j} \frac{{\bf r}_{Ci} \cdot {\bf r}_{Ci}}{r^3_{Ci}r^3_{Ci}}
C(r_{Ci},\rho_C) C^2(r_{Cj},\rho_C) \right.
-2 \left. \sum_i \sum_{C' \ne C} \frac{{\bf r}_{Ci} \cdot
{\bf R}_{CC'}}{r^3_{Ci}R^3_{CC'}} Z_{C'}C(r_{Ci},\rho_C)
+ \left| \sum_{C' \ne C} \frac{{\bf R}_{CC'}}{R^3_{CC'}} Z_{C'}
\right|^2 \:\:\: \right\}
struct GeCorePolPotential: public QMCHamiltonianBase {
///the number of ions
int nCenters;
///the number of electrons
int nParticles;
RealType alpha, r_b, r_binv;
RealType eCoreCore;
RealType C;
///the ion-electron DistanceTable
DistanceTableData* d_ie;
///the ion-ion DistanceTable
DistanceTableData* d_ii;
///CoreCoef(C) = 1.0 if C=Ge, 0.0 for all other ions
vector<bool> CoreCoef;
///CoreCoreDipole(C,C') \f$= \frac{Z_{C'} {\bf R_{CC'}}}{R_{CC'}^3}\f$
Matrix<PosType> CoreCoreDipole;
///ElCoreDipole(C,i) \f$= \frac{{\bf r_{Ci}}f({\bar{r_{bCi}}}{r_{Ci}^3}\f$
Matrix<PosType> ElCoreDipole;
GeCorePolPotential(ParticleSet& ions, ParticleSet& els,
const string species);
ValueType evaluate(ParticleSet& P);
inline ValueType
evaluate(ParticleSet& P, RealType& x) {
return x=evaluate(P);
inline RealType fcpp(RealType z) {
return pow((1.0-exp(-1.0*z*z)),2);
void evaluate(WalkerSetRef& W, ValueVectorType& LE){ }
* $RCSfile$ $Author$
* $Revision$ $Date$
* $Id$