atom/dimer structures, start for opium interface

git-svn-id: e5b18d87-469d-4833-9cc0-8cdfa06e9491
This commit is contained in:
Jaron Krogel 2014-06-16 15:19:44 +00:00
parent 322a92281b
commit 5a3d90d049
4 changed files with 500 additions and 91 deletions

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@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
import os
from generic import obj
from developer import DevBase
from simulation import Simulation,SimulationInput,SimulationAnalyzer
@ -52,108 +53,455 @@ from simulation import Simulation,SimulationInput,SimulationAnalyzer
# OpiumAnalyzer: analyze
def readval(s):
val = int(s)
val = float(s)
val = s
#end try
#end try
return val
#end def readval
class Section(DevBase):
types = {int:'int',float:'float',str:'str',list:'list',obj:'obj'}
variables = None
def __init__(self,list_rep=None,**kwargs):
if isinstance(list_rep,list):
#end if
#for name,type in self.variables.iteritems():
# if type in ('str','int','float'):
# val = None
# elif type=='list':
# val = []
# elif type=='obj':
# val = obj()
# #end if
# self[name] = val
##end for
#end def __init__
def validate(self):
allowed = set(self.variables.keys())
if len(allowed)>0: # some have numeric rather than named entries
present = set(self.keys())
missing = allowed-present
invalid = present-allowed
if len(missing)>0:
self.error('the following variables are missing: '+str(sorted(missing)))
#end if
if len(invalid)>0:
self.error('invalid variable names encountered\ninvalid variables: {0}\nallowed variables: {1}'.format(sorted(invalid),sorted(allowed)))
#end if
for name in sorted(present):
type = self.variables[name]
if not isinstance(self[name],type):
self.error('type of variable {0} is incorrect\ntype required: {1}\ncontents: {2}'.format(name,self.types[type]),str(self[name]))
#end if
#end for
#end if
#end def validate
def read(self,text):
list_rep = []
lines = text.splitlines()
for line in lines:
tokens = line.split()
vals = []
for token in tokens:
#end for
#end for
#end def read
def write(self):
s = '['+self.__class__.__name__+']\n'
for line_list in self.list_rep():
for val in line_list:
s+=' '+str(val)
#end for
#end for
return s
#end def write
def list_rep(self):
#end def list_rep
def from_list_rep(self,list_rep):
#end def from_list_rep
#end class Section
class Atom(Section):
variables = obj(symbol=str,rorbs=int,ref=obj)
def list_rep(self):
list_rep = [[self.symbol],[self.rorbs]]
for index in sorted(self.ref.keys()):
v = self.ref[index]
#end for
return list_rep
#end def list_rep
def from_list_rep(self,list_rep):
self.symbol = list_rep[0][0]
self.rorbs = list_rep[1][0]
ref = obj()
n = 0
for nlm,occ,eig in list_rep[2:]:
ref[n] = obj(nlm=nlm,occ=occ,eig=eig)
#end for
self.ref = ref
#end def from_list_rep
#end class Atom
class Pseudo(Section):
variables = obj(porbs=int,rcuts=list,method=str)
def list_rep(self):
list_rep = [[self.porbs]+list(self.rcuts),[self.method]]
return list_rep
#end def list_rep
def from_list_rep(self,list_rep):
self.porbs = list_rep[0][0]
self.rcuts = list_rep[0][1:]
self.method = list_rep[1][0]
#end def from_list_rep
#end class Pseudo
class Optinfo(Section):
variables = obj(qcuts=list,bessels=list)
def list_rep(self):
list_rep = zip(self.qcuts,self.bessels)
return list_rep
#end def list_rep
def from_list_rep(self,list_rep):
qc = []
bs = []
for q,b in list_rep:
#end for
self.qcuts = qc
self.bessels = bs
#end def from_list_rep
#end class Optinfo
class XC(Section):
variables = obj(functional=str)
def list_rep(self):
list_rep = [[self.functional]]
return list_rep
#end def list_rep
def from_list_rep(self,list_rep):
self.functional = list_rep[0][0]
#end def from_list_rep
#end class XC
class Pcc(Section):
variables = obj(radius=float,method=str)
def list_rep(self):
list_rep = [[self.radius],[self.method]]
return list_rep
#end def list_rep
def from_list_rep(self,list_rep):
self.radius = list_rep[0][0]
self.method = list_rep[1][0]
#end def from_list_rep
#end class Pcc
class Relativity(Section):
variables = obj(rl=str)
def list_rep(self):
list_rep = [[self.rl]]
return list_rep
#end def list_rep
def from_list_rep(self,list_rep):
self.rl = list_rep[0][0]
#end def from_list_rep
#end class Relativity
class Grid(Section):
variables = obj(np=int,a=float,b=float)
def list_rep(self):
list_rep = [[,self.a,self.b]]
return list_rep
#end def list_rep
def from_list_rep(self,list_rep):
np,a,b = list_rep[0] = np
self.a = a
self.b = b
#end def from_list_rep
#end class Grid
class Tol(Section):
variables = obj(aetol=float,nltol=float)
def list_rep(self):
list_rep = [[self.aetol,self.nltol]]
return list_rep
#end def list_rep
def from_list_rep(self,list_rep):
ae,nl = list_rep[0]
self.aetol = ae
self.nltol = nl
#end def from_list_rep
#end class Tol
class Configs(Section):
variables = obj()
def list_rep(self):
list_rep = [[len(self)]]
for index in sorted(self.keys()):
v = self[index]
#end for
return list_rep
#end def list_rep
def from_list_rep(self,list_rep):
nconfigs = list_rep[0][0]
orbs = list_rep[1:]
orbs_per_config = len(orbs)/nconfigs
for nlm,occ,eig in orbs:
if n%orbs_per_config==0:
#end if
#end for
#end def from_list_rep
#end class Configs
class KBdesign(Section):
variables = obj(local=str,boxes=obj)
def list_rep(self):
list_rep = [[self.local]]
if 'boxes' in self:
for index in sorted(self.boxes.keys()):
v = self.boxes[index]
#end for
#end if
return list_rep
#end def list_rep
def from_list_rep(self,list_rep):
self.local = list_rep[0][0]
if len(list_rep)>1:
boxes = obj()
for units,rmin,rmax,depth in list_rep[2:]:
#end for
self.boxes = boxes
#end if
#end def from_list_rep
#end class KBdesign
class Loginfo(Section):
variables = obj(config=int,radius=float,Emin=float,Emax=float)
def list_rep(self):
list_rep = [[self.config],[self.radius,self.Emin,self.Emax]]
return list_rep
#end def list_rep
def from_list_rep(self,list_rep):
self.config = list_rep[0][0]
radius,Emin,Emax = list_rep[1]
self.radius = radius
self.Emin = Emin
self.Emax = Emax
#end def from_list_rep
#end class Loginfo
class OpiumInput(SimulationInput):
def __init__(self,filepath=None):
# optional
# below is a convenient default
# but it can be changed to anything desired
method_map = obj(o='optimized',k='kerker',t='tm')
section_map = obj(atom=Atom,pseudo=Pseudo,optinfo=Optinfo,xc=XC,pcc=Pcc,relativity=Relativity,grid=Grid,tol=Tol,configs=Configs,kbdesign=KBdesign,loginfo=Loginfo)
section_order = 'Atom Pseudo Optinfo XC Pcc Relativity Grid Tol Configs KBdesign Loginfo'.split()
def __init__(self,filepath=None,
atom = None,
pseudo = None,
optinfo = None,
xc = None,
pcc = None,
relativity = None,
grid = None,
tol = None,
configs = None,
kbdesign = None,
loginfo = None
if filepath!=None:
inputs = obj(atom=atom,pseudo=pseudo,optinfo=optinfo,xc=xc,pcc=pcc,relativity=relativity,grid=grid,tol=tol,configs=configs,kbdesign=kbdesign,loginfo=loginfo)
for secname,input in inputs.iteritems():
section_type = self.section_map[secname]
if isinstance(input,section_type):
elif isinstance(input,(dict,obj)):
self[secname] = section_type(**input)
elif isinstance(input,(list,tuple)):
self[secname] = section_type(list(input))
elif input!=None:
self.error('invalid type encountered for {0} input\nexpected types are dict, obj, list, or tuple\nvalue provided: {1}'.format(secname,input))
#end if
#end for
#end if
#end def __init__
def read_contents(self,contents):
# required
# the string 'contents' contains the text of an input file
# translate contents into an internal representation of the input
# for example, an input file looking like:
# section_a
# var_a 1
# var_b word
# section_b
# var_c 1e4
# var_d T
# might be translated into:
# sec = obj()
# sec['var_a'] = 1
# sec['var_b'] = 'word'
# self['section_a'] = sec
# sec = obj()
# sec['var_c'] = 1e4
# sec['var_d'] = True
# self['section_b'] = sec
# with some line parsing:
# for line in contents.splitlines():
# # parse lines here
# #end for
# the resulting input object can then be worked with in a simple way:
# >>> input = DemoInput()
# >>> input
# section_a obj
# section_b obj
# >>> print input
# section_a
# var_a = 1
# var_b = word
# end section_a
# section_b
# var_c = 10000.0
# var_d = True
# end section_b
# >>> input.section_b.var_c = 25.0
lines = contents.splitlines()
sections = obj()
for line in lines:
ls = line.strip()
if len(ls)>0 and not ls.startswith('#'):
if ls.startswith('[') and ls.endswith(']'):
prevsecname = secname
secname = ls.strip('[]').lower()
if not secname in self.section_map:
self.error('cannot read file\n{0} is not a valid section name\nvalid options are: {1}'.format(secname,self.section_order))
#end if
if sec!=None:
#end if
elif sec is None:
self.error('invalid text encountered: '+line)
#end if
#end if
#end for
if sec!=None and secname!=None and not secname in sections:
#end if
for secname,sectext in sections.iteritems():
section = self.section_map[secname]()
self[secname] = section
#end for
#end def read_contents
def write_contents(self):
# required
# translate the internal representation of input into a string
# for the above example, this might look like:
# contents = ''
# for secname,sec in self.iteritems():
# contents += secname+'\n'
# for val,val in sec.iteritems():
# contents += ' '+var+' = '+val2str(val)
# #end for
# #end for
contents = ''
for secname in self.section_order:
secname = secname.lower()
if secname in self:
contents += self[secname].write()
#end if
#end for
return contents
#end def write_contents
#end class OpiumInput
def generate_opium_input(
# probably lots of keyword arguments
# kw1 = default_val1,
# kw2 = default_val2,
# system = None,
# ...
# optional
# only necessary if you want to make opium input files
# with the fewest relevant variables
# if you don't want to implement it, uncomment the following line
def generate_opium_input(selector,**kwargs):
gi = OpiumInput()
# use keyword inputs to complete opium input
# a common feature is to read information from a PhysicalSystem object
# (#electrons, atom positions, etc)
# if system!=None
# gi.incorporate_system(system)
# #end if
return gi
if selector=='basic':
return generate_basic_opium_input(**kwargs)
elif selector=='full':
return generate_full_opium_input(**kwargs)
OpiumInput.class_error('selection '+str(selector)+' has not been implemented for opium input generation')
#end if
#end def generate_opium_input
def generate_basic_opium_input(
oi = None
return oi
#end def generate_basic_opium_input
def generate_full_opium_input(
atom = None,
pseudo = None,
optinfo = None,
xc = None,
pcc = None,
relativity = None,
grid = None,
tol = None,
configs = None,
kbdesign = None,
loginfo = None
oi = OpiumInput(
atom = atom ,
pseudo = pseudo ,
optinfo = optinfo ,
xc = xc ,
pcc = pcc ,
relativity = relativity,
grid = grid ,
tol = tol ,
configs = configs ,
kbdesign = kbdesign ,
loginfo = loginfo
return oi
#end def generate_full_opium_input
class OpiumAnalyzer(SimulationAnalyzer):
def __init__(self,arg0=None):
@ -275,9 +623,13 @@ class Opium(Simulation):
def generate_opium(**kwargs):
# optional
# the following code should work provided
# generate_opium_input is suitably defined
has_input = 'input_type' in kwargs
if has_input:
input_type = kwargs['input_type']
del kwargs['input_type']
input_type = 'basic'
#end if
kw = set(kwargs.keys())
sim_kw = kw & Simulation.allowed_inputs
inp_kw = (kw - sim_kw)
@ -289,8 +641,9 @@ def generate_opium(**kwargs):
for kw in inp_kw:
inp_args[kw] = kwargs[kw]
#end for
sim_args['input'] = generate_opium_input(**inp_args)
if len(inp_args)>0:
sim_args['input'] = generate_opium_input(input_type,**inp_args)
#end if
opium = Opium(**sim_args)
return opium

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@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ def array_to_string(a,pad=' ',format=pwscf_array_format,converter=noconv,rowse
class PwscfInputBase(Pobj):
section_aliases = dict(celldm1='celldm(1)',celldm2='celldm(2)',celldm3='celldm(3)',celldm4='celldm(4)',celldm5='celldm(5)',celldm6='celldm(6)')
@ -280,7 +280,7 @@ class system(Section):
atomic_variables = obj(
hubbard_u = 'Hubbard_U',
@ -889,6 +889,10 @@ class PwscfInput(SimulationInput):
if 'celldm(1)' in self.system:
scale = self.system['celldm(1)']
elif 'ibrav' in self.system and self.system.ibrav==0:
scale = 1.0
#end if
if scale!=None:
if 'cell_parameters' in self:
axes = scale*array(self.cell_parameters.vectors)
kaxes = 2*pi*inv(axes).T

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@ -537,7 +537,9 @@ def generate_qmcpack(**kwargs):
inp_args['system'] = inp_args['system'].copy()
#end if
sim_args['input'] = generate_qmcpack_input(input_type,**inp_args)
if has_input:
sim_args['input'] = generate_qmcpack_input(input_type,**inp_args)
#end if
qmcpack = Qmcpack(**sim_args)
return qmcpack

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@ -2692,7 +2692,31 @@ class Crystal(Structure):
magnetic_prim = True,
kshift = (0,0,0),
permute = None,
operations = None):
operations = None,
elem = None,
pos = None):
if elem!=None and pos!=None: #interface for total manual specification
axes = axes,
elem = elem,
pos = pos,
units = units,
magnetization = magnetization,
magnetic_order = magnetic_order,
magnetic_prim = magnetic_prim,
tiling = tiling,
kpoints = kpoints,
kgrid = kgrid,
kshift = kshift,
permute = permute,
rescale = False,
operations = operations)
#end if
if lattice is None and cell is None and atoms is None and units is None:
#end if
@ -3093,6 +3117,8 @@ def generate_structure(type='crystal',*args,**kwargs):
return generate_defect_structure(*args,**kwargs)
elif type=='atom':
return generate_atom_structure(*args,**kwargs)
elif type=='dimer':
return generate_dimer_structure(*args,**kwargs)
elif type=='jellium':
return generate_jellium_structure(*args,**kwargs)
@ -3103,11 +3129,33 @@ def generate_structure(type='crystal',*args,**kwargs):
def generate_atom_structure(atom=None,units='B',struct_type=Structure):
return Structure(elem=[atom],pos=[[0,0,0]],units=units)
def generate_atom_structure(atom=None,units='A',Lbox=None,skew=0,axes=None,struct_type=Structure):
if Lbox!=None:
axes = [[Lbox*(1-skew),0,0],[0,Lbox,0],[0,0,Lbox*(1+skew)]]
#end if
s = Structure(elem=[atom],pos=[[0,0,0]],axes=axes,units=units)
if axes!=None:
#end if
return s
#end def generate_atom_structure
def generate_dimer_structure(dimer=None,units='A',separation=None,Lbox=None,skew=0,axes=None,struct_type=Structure):
if separation is None:
Structure.class_error('separation must be provided to construct dimer','generate_dimer_structure')
#end if
if Lbox!=None:
axes = [[Lbox*(1-skew),0,0],[0,Lbox,0],[0,0,Lbox*(1+skew)]]
#end if
s = Structure(elem=dimer,pos=[[0,0,0],[separation,0,0]],axes=axes,units=units)
if axes!=None:
#end if
return s
#end def generate_dimer_structure
def generate_jellium_structure(*args,**kwargs):
return Jellium(*args,**kwargs)
#end def generate_jellium_structure
@ -3123,7 +3171,7 @@ def generate_crystal_structure(lattice=None,cell=None,centering=None,
structure=None,shape=None,element=None,scale=None, #legacy inputs
if structure!=None:
lattice = structure
@ -3158,7 +3206,9 @@ def generate_crystal_structure(lattice=None,cell=None,centering=None,
kgrid = kgrid ,
kshift = kshift ,
permute = permute ,
operations = operations
operations = operations ,
elem = elem ,
pos = pos
if struct_type!=Crystal: