Remove AoS orbital rotation related classes.

This commit is contained in:
Ye Luo 2019-10-20 11:06:01 -05:00
parent 3c92c66a13
commit 308233f4d9
9 changed files with 1 additions and 2416 deletions

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@ -204,12 +204,6 @@ IF(ENABLE_CUDA)
# create libqmcwfs

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@ -24,13 +24,6 @@
#include "QMCWaveFunctions/Fermion/MultiSlaterDeterminant.h"
#include "QMCWaveFunctions/Fermion/MultiSlaterDeterminantFast.h"
#if !defined(QMC_COMPLEX) && !defined(ENABLE_SOA)
//Cannot use complex with SlaterDetOpt
#include "QMCWaveFunctions/MolecularOrbitals/NGOBuilder.h"
#include "QMCWaveFunctions/MolecularOrbitals/LocalizedBasisSet.h"
#include "QMCWaveFunctions/MolecularOrbitals/LCOrbitalSetOpt.h"
#include "QMCWaveFunctions/Fermion/SlaterDetOpt.h"
#if defined(QMC_CUDA)
#include "QMCWaveFunctions/Fermion/DiracDeterminantCUDA.h"
@ -484,58 +477,6 @@ bool SlaterDetBuilder::putDeterminant(xmlNodePtr cur, int spin_group)
if (UseBackflow)
adet = new DiracDeterminantWithBackflow(targetPtcl, psi, BFTrans, firstIndex);
#ifndef ENABLE_SOA
else if (optimize == "yes")
app_error() << "Orbital optimization via rotation doesn't support complex wavefunction yet.\n";
std::vector<RealType> params;
bool params_supplied = false;
// Search for the XML tag called "opt_vars", which will specify
// initial values for the determinant's optimiziable variables.
std::string subdet_name;
for (xmlNodePtr subdet_cur = cur->children; subdet_cur != NULL; subdet_cur = subdet_cur->next)
getNodeName(subdet_name, subdet_cur);
if (subdet_name == "opt_vars")
params_supplied = true;
putContent(params, subdet_cur);
// YE: need check
// get a pointer to the single particle orbital set and make sure it is of the correct type
if (!psi->is_of_type_LCOrbitalSetOpt())
std::string newname = "LCOrbitalSetOpt_" + psi->objectName;
SPOSetPtr newpsi = get_sposet(newname);
if (newpsi == nullptr)
app_log() << "using an existing SPO object " << psi->objectName
<< " (not a clone) for the basis of an optimizable SPO set.\n";
newpsi = new LCOrbitalSetOpt<LocalizedBasisSet<NGOBuilder::CenteredOrbitalType>>(psi);
// YE: FIXME, need to register newpsi
psi = newpsi;
// build the optimizable slater determinant
SlaterDetOpt* const retval = new SlaterDetOpt(targetPtcl, psi, spin_group);
// load extra parameters for SlaterDetOpt
retval->buildOptVariables(params, params_supplied, true);
adet = retval;
#if defined(ENABLE_CUDA)
else if (useGPU == "yes")

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

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@ -1,210 +0,0 @@
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois/NCSA Open Source License.
// See LICENSE file in top directory for details.
// Copyright (c) 2017 Jeongnim Kim and QMCPACK developers.
// File developed by: Eric Neuscamman,, University of California, Berkeley
// Nick Blunt,, University of Cambridge
// File created by: Eric Neuscamman,, University of California, Berkeley
#include "QMCWaveFunctions/Fermion/DiracDeterminantBase.h"
#include <QMCWaveFunctions/SPOSet.h>
namespace qmcplusplus
class TrialWaveFunction;
/// \brief A class for a Slater determinant with optimizable orbitals.
class SlaterDetOpt : public DiracDeterminantBase
// private data members
/// \brief pointer to the set of optimizable single particle orbitals
//SPOSet * m_spo;
/// \brief whether this is for up or down spins (0 for up, 1 for down)
int m_up_or_down;
/// \brief index of the determinant's first electron
int m_first;
/// \brief index one past the determinant's last electron
int m_last;
/// \brief number of electrons
int m_nel;
/// \brief total number of molecular orbitals (i.e. linear combinations) in the optimizable set, including those not occupied in this determinant
int m_nmo;
/// \brief number of linear combinations of basis functions (i.e. molecular orbitals)
int m_nlc;
/// \brief number of basis functions
int m_nb;
// Ratio of new to old values of the wave function, after a particle move.
ValueType curRatio;
/// \brief matrix of orbital values for orbitals in this determinant
SPOSet::ValueMatrix_t m_orb_val_mat;
/// \brief inverse of the orbital value matrix
SPOSet::ValueMatrix_t m_orb_inv_mat;
/// \brief matrix of orbital gradients for orbitals in this determinant (each element is a length 3 tiny vector)
SPOSet::GradMatrix_t m_orb_der_mat;
/// \brief matrix of x,y,z summed orbital laplacians for orbitals in this determinant (each element is the sum of the d2dx2, d2dy2, and d2dz2 derivatives for the orbital)
SPOSet::ValueMatrix_t m_orb_lap_mat;
/// \brief matrix of orbital values for all molecular orbitals
SPOSet::ValueMatrix_t m_orb_val_mat_all;
/// \brief matrix of orbital gradients for all molecular orbitals (each element is a length 3 tiny vector)
SPOSet::GradMatrix_t m_orb_der_mat_all;
/// \brief matrix of x,y,z summed orbital laplacians for all molecular orbitals (each element is the sum of the d2dx2, d2dy2, and d2dz2 derivatives for the orbital)
SPOSet::ValueMatrix_t m_orb_lap_mat_all;
/// \brief vector of orbital values for orbitals in this determinant for a particular particle
SPOSet::ValueVector_t m_orb_val_vec;
/// \brief vector of orbital gradients for orbitals in this determinant for a particular particle
SPOSet::GradVector_t m_orb_der_vec;
/// \brief vector of x,y,z summed orbital laplacians for orbitals in this determinant for a particular particle
SPOSet::ValueVector_t m_orb_lap_vec;
/// \brief matrix to hold partial derivatives of the log of determinant with respect to molecular orbital values
SPOSet::ValueMatrix_t m_dp0;
/// \brief matrix to hold partial derivatives of the local energy with respect to molecular orbital values
SPOSet::ValueMatrix_t m_dh0;
/// \brief matrix to hold partial derivatives of the local energy with respect to molecular orbital gradients
SPOSet::ValueMatrix_t m_dh1;
/// \brief matrix to hold partial derivatives of the local energy with respect to molecular orbital laplacians
SPOSet::ValueMatrix_t m_dh2;
/// \brief workspace
std::vector<RealType> m_work;
/// \brief pivot workspace
std::vector<int> m_pivot;
// protected data members
/// \brief position of the first of this object's optimizable variables in the overall list of optimizable variables
int m_first_var_pos;
/// \brief vector of active rotation indices, stored in pairs with the first element of the pair less than the second
std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> m_act_rot_inds;
/// \brief matrix of derivatives of Log(Psi) w.r.t. the m_nlc by m_nlc orbital rotation matrix C
std::vector<RealType> m_pder_mat;
/// \brief matrix of derivatives of (H Psi) / Psi w.r.t. the m_nlc by m_nlc orbital rotation matrix C
std::vector<RealType> m_hder_mat;
// private member functions
WaveFunctionComponent::RealType evaluate_matrices_from_scratch(ParticleSet& P, const bool all);
// public type definitions
typedef OrbitalSetTraits<ValueType>::IndexVector_t IndexVector_t;
typedef OrbitalSetTraits<ValueType>::ValueVector_t ValueVector_t;
typedef OrbitalSetTraits<ValueType>::GradVector_t GradVector_t;
typedef OrbitalSetTraits<ValueType>::HessMatrix_t HessMatrix_t;
typedef OrbitalSetTraits<ValueType>::HessType HessType;
typedef Array<HessType, 3> HessArray_t;
typedef TinyVector<HessType, OHMMS_DIM> GGGType;
typedef Vector<GGGType> GGGVector_t;
typedef Matrix<GGGType> GGGMatrix_t;
typedef ParticleSet::Walker_t Walker_t;
// public member functions
SlaterDetOpt(ParticleSet& targetPtcl, SPOSet* spo_ptr, const int up_or_down);
//void add_orbs_to_tf(TrialWaveFunction & twf, const std::string & name);
void check_index_sanity() const;
void initialize_matrices();
void exponentiate_matrix(const int n, RealType* const mat);
void set_optimizable_rotation_ranges(const int istart, const int iend, const int jstart, const int jend);
void buildOptVariables(std::vector<RealType>& input_params, bool params_supplied, bool print_vars);
void checkInVariables(opt_variables_type& active);
void checkOutVariables(const opt_variables_type& active);
void resetParameters(const opt_variables_type& active);
void resize(int m_nel, int m_nmo);
RealType evaluateLog(ParticleSet& P, ParticleSet::ParticleGradient_t& G, ParticleSet::ParticleLaplacian_t& L);
GradType evalGrad(ParticleSet& P, int iat);
ValueType ratioGrad(ParticleSet& P, int iat, GradType& grad_iat);
ValueType ratio(ParticleSet& P, int iat);
void acceptMove(ParticleSet& P, int iat);
void restore(int iat);
void registerData(ParticleSet& P, WFBufferType& buf);
RealType updateBuffer(ParticleSet& P, WFBufferType& buf, bool fromscratch = false);
void copyFromBuffer(ParticleSet& P, WFBufferType& buf);
SlaterDetOpt* makeCopy(SPOSet* spo) const;
void add_derivatives(const int nl,
const int np,
const RealType* const dp0,
const RealType* const dh0,
const RealType* const dh1,
const RealType* const dh2,
const RealType* const Bchi,
const RealType* const dBchi,
const RealType* const d2Bchi);
void add_grad_derivatives(const int nl,
const int np,
const RealType* const dh0,
const RealType* const dh1,
const RealType* const Bchi,
const RealType* const dBchi);
void evaluateDerivatives(ParticleSet& P,
const opt_variables_type& optvars,
std::vector<ValueType>& dlogpsi,
std::vector<ValueType>& dhpsioverpsi);
void evaluateGradDerivatives(const ParticleSet::ParticleGradient_t& G_in, std::vector<ValueType>& dgradlogpsi);
} // namespace qmcplusplus

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@ -1,826 +0,0 @@
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois/NCSA Open Source License.
// See LICENSE file in top directory for details.
// Copyright (c) 2017 Jeongnim Kim and QMCPACK developers.
// File developed by: Eric Neuscamman,, University of California, Berkeley
// Nick Blunt,, University of Cambridge
// File created by: Eric Neuscamman,, University of California, Berkeley
#include <stdexcept>
#include <utility>
#include <iterator>
#include <cassert>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <QMCWaveFunctions/SPOSet.h>
#include <QMCWaveFunctions/WaveFunctionComponent.h>
#include <Numerics/MatrixOperators.h>
#include <Utilities/RandomGenerator.h>
namespace qmcplusplus
/// \brief A class for a set of optimizable linear combinations of the single particle orbitals
/// provided by either another SPO set or by a basis set of the templated type BS.
/// We refer to the linear combinations of basis orbitals as molecular orbitals.
/// The set of molecular orbitals is optimized by rotating them amongst each other.
template<class BS>
class LCOrbitalSetOpt : public SPOSet
// protected data members
/// \brief pointer that, if not null, will be used to evaluate the basis orbitals
SPOSet* m_spo_set;
/// \brief pointer to the basis set that evaluates the basis orbitals if m_spo_set == 0
BS* m_basis_set;
/// \brief number of linear combinations of basis functions (i.e. molecular orbitals)
int m_nlc;
/// \brief number of basis functions
int m_nb;
/// \brief the level of printing
int m_report_level;
/// For use by the LCOrbitalSetOpt class, derived from this:
/// the column-major-order m_nb by m_nlc matrix of orbital coefficients
/// resulting from a rotation of the old coefficients
std::vector<RealType> m_B;
/// the column-major-order m_nb by m_nlc initial orbital coefficients
/// at the start of the simulation, from which rotations are performed
std::vector<RealType> m_init_B;
/// \brief workspace matrix
std::vector<ValueType> m_lc_coeffs;
/// \brief workspace matrix
std::vector<ValueType> m_basis_vals;
/// \brief workspace matrix
std::vector<ValueType> m_basis_der1;
/// \brief workspace matrix
std::vector<ValueType> m_basis_der2;
/// \brief vector to put temporary orbital data in
ValueVector_t m_temp_p;
/// \brief vector to put temporary gradient data in
GradVector_t m_temp_g;
/// \brief vector to put temporary laplacian data in
ValueVector_t m_temp_l;
/// \brief factor controlling how much to mix the initial orbitals
double m_omixfac;
// protected member functions
/// \brief Ensures the supplied dimension is reasonable and throws an exception if not
/// \param[in] name a name for the thing whose dimension in being checked
/// \param[in] caller a name for the calling function
/// \param[in] n the dimension
/// \param[in] s the maximum allowed length for the dimension
void check_input_dim(const std::string& name, const std::string& caller, const int n, const int s) const
// ensure dimension is nonzero
if (n <= 0)
throw std::runtime_error(name + " has a length less than one in " + caller);
// ensure vector is not too long
if (n > s)
throw std::runtime_error(name + " is too long in " + caller);
/// \brief vector to hold orbital indices
std::vector<int> m_oidx;
/// \brief vector to hold particle indices
std::vector<int> m_pidx;
/// \brief Place the indices from a range of indices specified by iterators into a vector.
/// Note that the vector may be longer than the index range (it is not shrunk to fit it)
/// but that an iterator to the end of the range is returned.
/// \param[in] start iterator for the start of the range (should dereference to int)
/// \param[in] end iterator for the end of the range (should dereference to int)
/// \param[in] vec vector to store the range in
/// \return iterator to the end of the entered range
template<class IntIter>
static std::vector<int>::iterator prepare_index_vector(IntIter start, IntIter end, std::vector<int>& vec)
// get the length
int length = 0;
for (IntIter s = start; s != end; s++)
// expand the vector if necessary
ensure_vector_is_big_enough(vec, length);
// put the values in the vector
std::copy(start, end, vec.begin());
// return an iterator to the end of the range inside the vector
return (vec.begin() + length);
/// \brief Place a range of contiguous indices [start,end) into a vector.
/// Note that the vector may be longer than the index range (it is not shrunk to fit it)
/// but an iterator to the end of the range returned.
/// \param[in] start start of the range
/// \param[in] end end of the range
/// \param[in] vec vector to store the range in
/// \return iterator to the end of the entered range
static std::vector<int>::iterator prepare_index_vector_contiguous(const int start,
const int end,
std::vector<int>& vec)
// check sanity
if (end < start)
throw std::runtime_error("end is less than start in prepare_index_vector_contiguous");
// expand the vector if necessary
ensure_vector_is_big_enough(vec, end - start);
// put the range into the vector
std::vector<int>::iterator it = vec.begin();
for (int i = start; i < end; i++, it++)
*it = i;
// return the end of the range
return it;
/// \brief Enlarges the supplied vector if it is not big enough
/// \param[in,out] v the vector
/// \param[in] n the minimum length we want the vector to have
template<class T>
static void ensure_vector_is_big_enough(T& v, const size_t n)
if (v.size() < n)
// public member functions
/// \brief initializes this object and its data. In particular, the number of atomic and
/// molecular orbitals, and the arrays to hold the rotated and unrotated orbitals
/// themselves. Also performs mixing of orbitals, if requested, and prints them.
/// \param[in] mix_factor factor controlling mixing of the initial orbitals
void init_LCOrbitalSetOpt(const double mix_factor)
m_omixfac = mix_factor;
m_nlc = OrbitalSetSize;
m_nb = BasisSetSize;
m_B.resize(m_nlc * m_nb, 0.0);
m_init_B.resize(m_nlc * m_nb, 0.0);
std::copy(C->data(), C->data() + m_B.size(), m_B.begin());
std::copy(C->data(), C->data() + m_init_B.size(), m_init_B.begin());
// if requested, mix the initial basis orbitals together
if (mix_factor != 0.0)
// mix
for (int i = m_nb - 1; i >= 0; i--)
for (int j = 0; j < m_nlc; j++)
{ + j * m_nb) += mix_factor * 2.0 * (Random() - 0.5);
// re-orthonormalize
for (int j = 0; j < m_nlc; j++)
const RealType norm = std::abs(std::sqrt(BLAS::dot(m_nb, & + j * m_nb), & + j * m_nb))));
BLAS::scal(m_nb, static_cast<RealType>(1) / norm, & + j * m_nb));
for (int k = j + 1; k < m_nlc; k++)
const RealType x = BLAS::dot(m_nb, & + j * m_nb), & + k * m_nb));
BLAS::axpy(m_nb, -x, & + j * m_nb), 1, & + k * m_nb), 1);
m_init_B = m_B;
/// \brief rotate m_init_B to m_B
/// \param[in] rot_mat rotation matrix
void rotate_B(const std::vector<RealType>& rot_mat)
// get the linear combination coefficients by applying the rotation to the old coefficients
BLAS::gemm('N', 'T', m_nb, m_nlc, m_nlc, RealType(1.0),, m_nb,, m_nlc, RealType(0.0),, m_nb);
/// \brief constructor from basis set and reporting level
/// \param[in] bs pointer to the basis set to use
/// \param[in] rl reporting level to use
LCOrbitalSetOpt(BS* const bs = 0, const int rl = 0) : m_spo_set(0), m_basis_set(0), m_report_level(rl), m_omixfac(0)
className = "LCOrbitalSetOpt";
// set the basis set
if (bs)
// initialize number of molecular orbitals as zero
/// \brief constructor from SPO set and reporting level
/// \param[in] spo pointer to the spo set to use
/// \param[in] rl reporting level to use
LCOrbitalSetOpt(SPOSet* const spo, const int rl = 0) : m_spo_set(0), m_basis_set(0), m_report_level(rl), m_omixfac(0)
// set the internal SPO set
if (spo)
// initialize number of molecular orbitals as zero
/// \brief the destructor, which assumes deallocation of basis set is done elsewhere
~LCOrbitalSetOpt() {}
/// \brief returns that this is indeed an LCOrbitalSetOpt object
bool is_of_type_LCOrbitalSetOpt() const { return true; }
/// \brief print the molecular orbital coefficients, one MO per column
void print_B()
app_log() << std::endl;
app_log() << "printing molecular orbital coefficients" << std::endl;
for (int i = 0; i < m_nb; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < m_nlc; j++)
app_log() << " " << std::right << std::fixed << std::setprecision(16) << std::setw(22) << + j * m_nb);
app_log() << std::endl;
app_log() << std::endl;
/// \brief set the basis set the object should use
/// \param[in] bs pointer to the basis set to use
void setBasisSet(BS* const bs)
// error if the pointer is empty
if (!bs)
throw std::runtime_error("basis set pointer was empty in LCOrbitalSetOpt::setBasisSet");
// remember the basis set
m_basis_set = bs;
// extract the number of single particle orbitals in the basis set
this->BasisSetSize = m_basis_set->getBasisSetSize();
/// \brief set the internal SPO set object to use
/// \param[in] spo pointer to the SPO set to use
void setSPOSet(SPOSet* const spo)
// error if the pointer is empty
if (!spo)
throw std::runtime_error("spo set pointer was empty in LCOrbitalSetOpt::setSPOSet");
// remember the basis set
m_spo_set = spo;
// extract the number of single particle orbitals in the basis set
this->BasisSetSize = m_spo_set->getOrbitalSetSize();
/// \brief clone the object (specialization of the base class virtual function)
/// This is a specialization of the SPOSet class virtual function.
/// \return a base class pointer to the clone
SPOSet* makeClone() const
// create a clone that contains a cloned spo set or basis set
LCOrbitalSetOpt* retval;
if (m_spo_set)
retval = new LCOrbitalSetOpt(m_spo_set->makeClone(), m_report_level);
retval = new LCOrbitalSetOpt(m_basis_set->makeClone(), m_report_level);
retval->C = C;
retval->m_B = m_B;
retval->m_init_B = m_init_B;
// return the clone
return retval;
/// \brief reset the basis's target particleset
/// This is a specialization of the SPOSet class virtual function.
/// \param[in,out] P ???
void resetTargetParticleSet(ParticleSet& P)
if (m_spo_set)
/// \brief Nothing to do for this as the variable rotations are handled by the trial function
/// component subobject.
/// \param[in] optvars not used here
void resetParameters(const opt_variables_type& optvars)
//app_log() << "WARNING: LCOrbitalSetOpt::resetParameters is not doing anything" << std::endl;
/// \brief set the number of linear combinations of basis functions (i.e. molecular orbitals)
/// This is a specialization of the SPOSet class virtual function.
/// \param[in] norbs how many linear combinations are desired
void setOrbitalSetSize(int norbs)
// record the number of linear combinations (i.e. molecular orbitals)
OrbitalSetSize = norbs;
app_log() << "LCOrbitalSetOpt finished setOrbitalSetSize with norbs = " << norbs << std::endl;
// !!! this function does not appear to be callable via the base class pointer as it is not virtual in SPOSet
// inline int getBasisSetSize() const
// {
// return (m_basis_set==0)? 0: m_basis_set->getBasisSetSize();
// }
/// \brief Evaluates the values, x,y,z derivatives, and x-y-z-summed second derivatives of the
/// specified linear combinations of basis set orbitals at the specified particles'
/// positions.
/// \param[in] P Object containing information on particle positions.
/// \param[in] mt the move type: 'p' for particle move, 'w' for walker move
/// \param[in] ostart Iterator for the start of the index range specifying which linear combinations of orbitals to evaluate.
/// \param[in] oend Iterator for the end of the index range specifying which linear combinations of orbitals to evaluate.
/// \param[in] pstart Iterator for the start of the index range specifying which particles' positions to use.
/// \param[in] pend Iterator for the end of the index range specifying which particles' positions to use.
/// \param[in,out] vmat On input, points to an array of length (# of linear combinations) * (# of particle).
/// On exit, holds a column-major-ordered (# of linear combinations) by (# of particle) matrix
/// of the values of the specified linear combinations for the specified particles' positions.
/// \param[in,out] gmat On input, points to an array of length (# of linear combinations) * (# of particle).
/// On exit, holds a column-major-ordered (# of linear combinations) by (# of particle) matrix,
/// each element of which is a length 3 vector containing the x,y,z gradients of the values in vmat.
/// \param[in,out] lmat On input, points to an array of length (# of linear combinations) * (# of particle).
/// On exit, holds a column-major-ordered (# of linear combinations) by (# of particle) matrix,
/// each element of which is the sum of x^2, y^2, and z^2 second derivatives of the values in vmat.
void evaluate_notranspose_general(const ParticleSet& P,
const char mt,
std::vector<int>::const_iterator ostart,
std::vector<int>::const_iterator oend,
std::vector<int>::const_iterator pstart,
std::vector<int>::const_iterator pend,
ValueType* const vmat,
GradType* const gmat,
ValueType* const lmat)
// get the number of linear combinations
const int no = std::distance(ostart, oend);
// get the number of particles
const int np = std::distance(pstart, pend);
// get the number of basis orbitals
const int nb = BasisSetSize;
// check sanity of matrix dimensions
assert(no > 0);
assert(np > 0);
assert(nb > 0);
assert(nb >= no);
assert(nb >= np);
// resize the temporary arrays if they are not big enough
ensure_vector_is_big_enough(m_lc_coeffs, no * nb);
ensure_vector_is_big_enough(m_basis_vals, np * nb);
ensure_vector_is_big_enough(m_basis_der1, 3 * np * nb);
ensure_vector_is_big_enough(m_basis_der2, np * nb);
if (m_temp_p.size() != nb)
if (m_temp_g.size() != nb)
if (m_temp_l.size() != nb)
// get convenient name for iterator type
typedef std::vector<int>::const_iterator Iter;
// choose whether to use careful loops or BLAS copies for moving gradient data
const bool careful_loops_for_grad = true;
// Evaluate and store the basis values, derivatives, and second derivatives for each particle position.
// We store these data in five column-major-ordered (# of basis states) by (# of particles) matrices,
// ( 1 matrix in m_basis_vals, 1 matrix in m_basis_der2, and 3 matrices in m_basis_der1 )
int i = 0;
for (Iter it = pstart; it != pend; it++, i++)
// evaluate basis set data using the internal spo set if we have one
if (m_spo_set)
m_spo_set->evaluate(P, *it, m_temp_p, m_temp_g, m_temp_l);
// evaluate basis set data for a particle move
else if (mt == 'p')
m_basis_set->evaluateAllForPtclMove(P, *it);
// evaluate basis set data for a walker move
else if (mt == 'w')
m_basis_set->evaluateForWalkerMove(P, *it);
// error for no internal spo set and an unknown move type
throw std::runtime_error("unknown move type in LCOrbitalSetOpt::evaluate_notranspose_general");
// sanity checks
if (m_basis_set)
assert(m_basis_set->Phi.size() == nb);
assert(m_basis_set->d2Phi.size() == nb);
assert(m_basis_set->dPhi.size() == nb);
assert(m_basis_set->dPhi[0].size() == 3);
// get references to the basis set data
ValueVector_t& data_p = (m_spo_set ? m_temp_p : m_basis_set->Phi);
GradVector_t& data_g = (m_spo_set ? m_temp_g : m_basis_set->dPhi);
ValueVector_t& data_l = (m_spo_set ? m_temp_l : m_basis_set->d2Phi);
// copy values into a column of the basis value matrix
BLAS::copy(nb, &data_p[0], 1, &m_basis_vals[i * nb], 1);
// copy summed 2nd derivatives into a column of the basis 2nd derivative matrix
BLAS::copy(nb, &data_l[0], 1, &m_basis_der2[i * nb], 1);
// copy 1st derivatives into columns of the three different basis 1st derivative matrices
if (careful_loops_for_grad)
for (int p = 0; p < 3; p++)
for (int j = 0; j < nb; j++)
m_basis_der1[j + i * nb + p * np * nb] = data_g[j][p];
for (int p = 0; p < 3; p++)
BLAS::copy(nb, &data_g[0][p], 3, &m_basis_der1[i * nb + p * np * nb], 1);
// Store the slice of the linear combination coefficient matrix that we need in a column-major-ordered
// (# of linear combinations) by (# of basis states) matrix.
int i = 0;
for (Iter it = ostart; it != oend; it++, i++)
BLAS::copy(nb, &(*m_B.begin()) + (*it) * nb, 1, &m_lc_coeffs[i], no);
// print what is in C
if (false)
app_log() << "printing C" << std::endl;
std::vector<char> buff(1000, ' ');
for (int i = 0; i < BasisSetSize; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < OrbitalSetSize; j++)
const int len = std::sprintf(&buff[0], " %12.6f", m_B[i + j * BasisSetSize]);
for (int k = 0; k < len; k++)
app_log() << buff[k];
app_log() << std::endl;
app_log() << std::endl;
throw std::runtime_error("done printing C");
// compute the matrix of linear combination values for each particle
BLAS::gemm('N', 'N', no, np, nb, ValueType(1.0), &m_lc_coeffs[0], no, &m_basis_vals[0], nb, ValueType(0.0), vmat,
// compute the matrix of summed 2nd derivatives of linear combinations for each particle
BLAS::gemm('N', 'N', no, np, nb, ValueType(1.0), &m_lc_coeffs[0], no, &m_basis_der2[0], nb, ValueType(0.0), lmat,
// compute the matrix of 1st derivatives of linear combinations for each particle (using m_basis_vals as temporary storage)
for (int p = 0; p < 3; p++)
BLAS::gemm('N', 'N', no, np, nb, ValueType(1.0), &m_lc_coeffs[0], no, &m_basis_der1[p * np * nb], nb,
ValueType(0.0), &m_basis_vals[0], no);
if (careful_loops_for_grad)
for (int j = 0; j < np; j++)
for (int i = 0; i < no; i++)
gmat[i + j * no][p] = m_basis_vals[i + j * no];
BLAS::copy(no * np, &m_basis_vals[0], 1, &gmat[0][p], 3);
/// \brief Evaluates the values, x,y,z derivatives, and x-y-z-summed second derivatives of the
/// linear combinations in the range [os,oe) at the particle positions in the range [ps,pe).
/// \param[in] P Object containing information on particle positions.
/// \param[in] mt the move type: 'p' for particle move, 'w' for walker move
/// \param[in] os Beginning of the range specifying which linear combinations of orbitals to evaluate.
/// \param[in] oe End of the range specifying which linear combinations of orbitals to evaluate.
/// \param[in] ps Beginning of the range specifying which particles' positions to use.
/// \param[in] pe End of the range specifying which particles' positions to use.
/// \param[in,out] vmat On input, points to an array of length (# of linear combinations) * (# of particle).
/// On exit, holds a column-major-ordered (# of linear combinations) by (# of particle) matrix
/// of the values of the specified linear combinations for the specified particles' positions.
/// \param[in,out] gmat On input, points to an array of length (# of linear combinations) * (# of particle).
/// On exit, holds a column-major-ordered (# of linear combinations) by (# of particle) matrix,
/// each element of which is a length 3 vector containing the x,y,z gradients of the values in vmat.
/// \param[in,out] lmat On input, points to an array of length (# of linear combinations) * (# of particle).
/// On exit, holds a column-major-ordered (# of linear combinations) by (# of particle) matrix,
/// each element of which is the sum of x^2, y^2, and z^2 second derivatives of the values in vmat.
void evaluate_notranspose_ranges(const ParticleSet& P,
const char mt,
const int os,
const int oe,
const int ps,
const int pe,
ValueType* const vmat,
GradType* const gmat,
ValueType* const lmat)
// check sanity
if (oe < os)
throw std::runtime_error(
"orbitital end (oe) is less than start (os) in LCOrbitalSetOpt::evaluate_notranspose_ranges");
if (pe < ps)
throw std::runtime_error(
"particle end (pe) is less than start (ps) in LCOrbitalSetOpt::evaluate_notranspose_ranges");
// prepare orbital list
std::vector<int>::const_iterator oend = prepare_index_vector_contiguous(os, oe, m_oidx);
// prepare particle list
std::vector<int>::const_iterator pend = prepare_index_vector_contiguous(ps, pe, m_pidx);
// evaluate
evaluate_notranspose_general(P, mt, m_oidx.begin(), oend, m_pidx.begin(), pend, vmat, gmat, lmat);
/// \brief Evaluates the values, x,y,z derivatives, and x-y-z-summed second derivatives of the
/// linear combinations in the range [0,logdet.cols()) at the particle positions in the
/// range [first,last).
/// \param[in] P Object containing information on particle positions.
/// \param[in] first Beginning of the range specifying which particles' positions to use.
/// \param[in] last End of the range specifying which particles' positions to use.
/// \param[in,out] logdet On input, a row-major-ordered matrix of dimension (# of particle) by (# of linear combinations).
/// On exit, holds the linear combinations' values for the specified particles' positions.
/// \param[in,out] dlogdet On input, a row-major-ordered matrix of dimension (# of particle) by (# of linear combinations).
/// On exit, holds the linear combinations' x,y,z gradients for the specified particles' positions.
/// each element of which is a length 3 vector containing the x,y,z gradients of the values in vmat.
/// \param[in,out] d2logdet On input, a row-major-ordered matrix of dimension (# of particle) by (# of linear combinations).
/// On exit, each element is the sum of x^2, y^2, and z^2 second derivatives of the values in logdet.
void evaluate_notranspose(const ParticleSet& P,
int first,
int last,
ValueMatrix_t& logdet,
GradMatrix_t& dlogdet,
ValueMatrix_t& d2logdet)
//app_log() << "logdet.cols() = " << logdet.cols() << std::endl;
//app_log() << "logdet.rows() = " << logdet.rows() << std::endl;
//app_log() << "dlogdet.cols() = " << dlogdet.cols() << std::endl;
//app_log() << "dlogdet.rows() = " << dlogdet.rows() << std::endl;
//app_log() << "d2logdet.cols() = " << d2logdet.cols() << std::endl;
//app_log() << "d2logdet.rows() = " << d2logdet.rows() << std::endl;
//app_log() << "this->OrbitalSetSize = " << this->OrbitalSetSize << std::endl;
// check sanity
this->check_input_dim("logdet # of columns", "LCOrbitalSetOpt::evaluate_notranspose", logdet.cols(),
if (logdet.cols() != dlogdet.cols() || logdet.cols() != d2logdet.cols())
throw std::runtime_error("logdet, dlogdet, and d2logdet should have the same number of columns in "
if (logdet.rows() != dlogdet.rows() || logdet.rows() != d2logdet.rows())
throw std::runtime_error(
"logdet, dlogdet, and d2logdet should have the same number of rows in LCOrbitalSetOpt::evaluate_notranspose");
// evaluate the first logdet.cols() orbitals for the particles in the range [first, last)
this->evaluate_notranspose_ranges(P, 'w', 0, logdet.cols(), first, last,,,;
/// \brief Evaluates the values of the linear combinations in the range [0,psi.size()) at a
/// particular particle's position.
/// \param[in] P Object containing information on particle positions.
/// \param[in] iat Index of the particle whose position will be used.
/// \param[in,out] psi On input, a vector of dimension (# of linear combinations).
/// On exit, holds the linear combinations' values for the specified particle position.
inline void evaluate(const ParticleSet& P, int iat, ValueVector_t& psi)
// check input vector dimension
this->check_input_dim("psi", "LCOrbitalSetOpt::evaluate", psi.size(), OrbitalSetSize);
// resize temporary arrays if necessary
if (m_temp_g.size() != BasisSetSize)
if (m_temp_l.size() != BasisSetSize)
// sanity check
if (m_temp_g.size() < psi.size())
throw std::runtime_error("unexpected too-small size of m_temp_g in LCOrbitalSetOpt::evaluate");
// evaluate the first psi.size() orbitals for the particle with index iat
this->evaluate_notranspose_ranges(P, 'p', 0, psi.size(), iat, iat + 1,, &m_temp_g[0], &m_temp_l[0]);
/// \brief Evaluates the values, x,y,z derivatives, and x-y-z-summed second derivatives of the
/// linear combinations in the range [0,psi.size()) at the position of particle iat.
/// \param[in] P Object containing information on particle positions.
/// \param[in] iat Index of the particle whose position will be used.
/// \param[in,out] psi On input, a vector of dimension (# of linear combinations).
/// On exit, holds the linear combinations' values for the specified particle position.
/// \param[in,out] dlogdet On input, a vector of dimension (# of linear combinations).
/// On exit, holds the linear combinations' x,y,z gradients for the specified particle position.
/// \param[in,out] d2logdet On input, a vector of dimension (# of linear combinations).
/// On exit, each element is the sum of x^2, y^2, and z^2 second derivatives for the specified particle position.
inline void evaluate(const ParticleSet& P, int iat, ValueVector_t& psi, GradVector_t& dpsi, ValueVector_t& d2psi)
// check sanity
this->check_input_dim("d2psi", "LCOrbitalSetOpt::evaluate", d2psi.size(), OrbitalSetSize);
this->check_input_dim("dpsi", "LCOrbitalSetOpt::evaluate", dpsi.size(), OrbitalSetSize);
this->check_input_dim("psi", "LCOrbitalSetOpt::evaluate", psi.size(), OrbitalSetSize);
if (psi.size() != dpsi.size() || psi.size() != d2psi.size())
throw std::runtime_error("psi, dpsi, and d2psi vectors must be the same length in LCOrbitalSetOpt::evaluate");
// evaluate the first psi.size() orbitals and derivatives for the particle with index iat
this->evaluate_notranspose_ranges(P, 'p', 0, psi.size(), iat, iat + 1,,,;
/// \brief An evaluate function that has not yet been implemented.
void evaluate_notranspose(const ParticleSet& P,
int first,
int last,
ValueMatrix_t& logdet,
GradMatrix_t& dlogdet,
HessMatrix_t& grad_grad_logdet)
throw std::runtime_error(
"LCOrbitalSetOpt::evaluate_notranspose(P, first, last, logdet, dlogdet, grad_grad_logdet) not implemented");
/// \brief An evaluate function that has not yet been implemented.
void evaluate_notranspose(const ParticleSet& P,
int first,
int last,
ValueMatrix_t& logdet,
GradMatrix_t& dlogdet,
HessMatrix_t& grad_grad_logdet,
GGGMatrix_t& grad_grad_grad_logdet)
throw std::runtime_error("LCOrbitalSetOpt::evaluate_notranspose(P, first, last, logdet, dlogdet, grad_grad_logdet, "
"grad_grad_grad_logdet) not implemented");
/// \brief An evaluate function that has not yet been implemented.
void evaluateDetRatios(const VirtualParticleSet& VP,
ValueVector_t& psi,
const ValueVector_t& psiinv,
std::vector<ValueType>& ratios)
throw std::runtime_error(
"LCOrbitalSetOpt::evaluateDetRatios() not implemented in AoS LCAO! Avoid using the batched algorithm.");
/// \brief An evaluate function that has not yet been implemented.
void evaluateThirdDeriv(const ParticleSet& P, int first, int last, GGGMatrix_t& grad_grad_grad_logdet)
throw std::runtime_error(
"LCOrbitalSetOpt::evaluateThirdDeriv(P, first, last, grad_grad_grad_logdet) not yet implemented");
} // end namespace qmcplusplus

View File

@ -21,9 +21,6 @@
#include "QMCWaveFunctions/MolecularOrbitals/LocalizedBasisSet.h"
#include "QMCWaveFunctions/MolecularOrbitals/AtomicBasisBuilder.h"
#include "QMCWaveFunctions/MolecularOrbitals/LCOrbitalSet.h"
#ifndef ENABLE_SOA
#include "QMCWaveFunctions/MolecularOrbitals/LCOrbitalSetOpt.h"
#include "Utilities/ProgressReportEngine.h"
#include "OhmmsData/AttributeSet.h"
#include "io/hdf_archive.h"
@ -265,16 +262,7 @@ public:
if (use_new_opt_class == "yes")
#ifndef ENABLE_SOA
app_log() << "Creating LCOrbitalSetOpt with the input coefficients" << std::endl;
lcos = new LCOrbitalSetOpt<ThisBasisSetType>(thisBasisSet, rank() == 0);
if (spo_name != "")
lcos->objectName = spo_name;
APP_ABORT("LCOrbitalSetOpt spo set must have a name");
APP_ABORT("Orbital Rotation is not supported by SoA builds yet!");
APP_ABORT("MolecularSPOBuilder Orbital optimization via rotation has been removed in AoS builds.\n");

View File

@ -158,13 +158,11 @@ bool SPOSet::put(xmlNodePtr cur)
//initialize the number of orbital by the basis set size
int norb = BasisSetSize;
std::string debugc("no");
double orbital_mix_magnitude = 0.0;
bool PBC = false;
OhmmsAttributeSet aAttrib;
aAttrib.add(norb, "orbitals");
aAttrib.add(norb, "size");
aAttrib.add(debugc, "debug");
aAttrib.add(orbital_mix_magnitude, "orbital_mix_magnitude");
xmlNodePtr occ_ptr = NULL;
@ -226,8 +224,6 @@ bool SPOSet::put(xmlNodePtr cur)
app_log() << C << std::endl;
return success && success2;

View File

@ -317,12 +317,6 @@ public:
virtual void evaluateThirdDeriv(const ParticleSet& P, int first, int last, GGGMatrix_t& grad_grad_grad_logdet);
/// \brief returns whether this is an LCOrbitalSetOpt object
/// Ye: This should be removed as AoS. On the SoA side, LCAOrbitalSet replace LCOrbitalSet and LCOrbitalSetOpt
virtual bool is_of_type_LCOrbitalSetOpt() const { return false; }
/** evaluate the values, gradients and laplacians of this single-particle orbital for [first,last) particles
* @param P current ParticleSet
* @param first starting index of the particles
@ -430,16 +424,6 @@ public:
virtual void finalizeConstruction() {}
// Routine to set up data for the LCOrbitalSetOpt child class specifically
// Should be left empty for other derived classes
// Ye: This interface should be removed with AoS.
virtual void init_LCOrbitalSetOpt(const double mix_factor = 0.0){};
// Routine to update internal data for the LCOrbitalSetOpt child class specifically
// Should be left empty for other derived classes
// Ye: This interface should be removed with AoS.
virtual void rotate_B(const std::vector<RealType>& rot_mat){};
#ifdef QMC_CUDA
using CTS = CUDAGlobalTypes;

View File

@ -577,8 +577,6 @@ bool LCAOrbitalBuilder::loadMO(LCAOrbitalSet& spo, xmlNodePtr cur)
app_log() << *spo.C << std::endl;
return success;