Add boolean in the constructor to evaluate the factor for m>0.

Performance tuning: pre-evaluate factors that depend on (l,m).
The default is to ignore m.
If SphericalTensor(lmax,true) is used, (-1)^m is multiplied to the Cartsian

git-svn-id: e5b18d87-469d-4833-9cc0-8cdfa06e9491
This commit is contained in:
Jeongnim Kim 2005-02-03 18:59:50 +00:00
parent f6c5887a85
commit 2eebf90ae4
1 changed files with 211 additions and 7 deletions

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@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
/** SphericalTensor
* @author Jeongnim Kim
* @author Jeongnim Kim, John Shumway and J. Vincent
* @brief evaluates the Real Spherical Harmonics for Gaussian Orbitals
r^l \Re (Y_l^m(\theta,\phi)).
@ -21,11 +21,14 @@ public :
typedef SphericalTensor<T,Point_t> This_t;
explicit SphericalTensor(const int lmax);
explicit SphericalTensor(const int lmax, bool addsign=false);
///makes a table of \f$ r^{l} \Re (Y_l^m) \f$ and their gradients up to lmax.
void evaluate(const Point_t& p);
///makes a table of \f$ r^{l} \Re (Y_l^m) \f$ and their gradients up to lmax.
void evaluateTest(const Point_t& p);
///returns the index \f$ l(l+1)+m \f$
inline int index(int l, int m) const {return (l*(l+1))+m;}
@ -49,10 +52,172 @@ public :
int Lmax;
std::vector<value_type> Ylm;
/// NormFactor[index(l,m)] \f$(-1)^m\sqrt(2)\f$
std::vector<value_type> NormFactor;
///\f$1/\sqrt{(l+m)*(l+1-m)}\f$, not implemented yet
std::vector<value_type> FactorLM;
std::vector<value_type> FactorL;
std::vector<value_type> Factor2L;
std::vector<Point_t> gradYlm;
template<class T, class Point_t>
void SphericalTensor<T,Point_t>::evaluate(const Point_t& p) {
value_type x=p[0], y=p[1], z=p[2];
const value_type pi = 4.0*atan(1.0);
const value_type pi4 = 4.0*pi;
const value_type omega = 1.0/sqrt(pi4);
const value_type sqrt2 = sqrt(2.0);
/* Calculate r, cos(theta), sin(theta), cos(phi), sin(phi) from input
coordinates. Check here the coordinate singularity at cos(theta) = +-1.
This also takes care of r=0 case. */
value_type cphi,sphi,ctheta;
value_type r2xy=x*x+y*y;
value_type r=sqrt(r2xy+z*z);
//@todo use tolerance
if (r2xy<1e-16) {
cphi = 0.0;
sphi = 1.0;
ctheta = (z<0)?-1.0:1.0;
} else {
ctheta = z/r;
value_type rxyi = 1.0/sqrt(r2xy);
cphi = x*rxyi;
sphi = y*rxyi;
value_type stheta = sqrt(1.0-ctheta*ctheta);
/* Now to calculate the associated legendre functions P_lm from the
recursion relation from l=0 to lmax. Conventions of J.D. Jackson,
Classical Electrodynamics are used. */
Ylm[0] = 1.0;
// calculate P_ll and P_l,l-1
value_type fac = 1.0;
int j = -1;
for (int l=1; l<=Lmax; l++) {
j += 2;
fac *= -j*stheta;
int ll=index(l,l);
int l1=index(l,l-1);
int l2=index(l-1,l-1);
Ylm[ll] = fac;
Ylm[l1] = j*ctheta*Ylm[l2];
// Use recurence to get other plm's //
for (int m=0; m<Lmax-1; m++) {
int j = 2*m+1;
for (int l=m+2; l<=Lmax; l++) {
j += 2;
int lm=index(l,m);
int l1=index(l-1,m);
int l2=index(l-2,m);
Ylm[lm] = (ctheta*j*Ylm[l1]-(l+m-1)*Ylm[l2])/(l-m);
// Now to calculate r^l Y_lm. //
value_type sphim,cphim,fac2,temp;
Ylm[0] = omega; //1.0/sqrt(pi4);
value_type rpow = 1.0;
for (int l=1; l<=Lmax; l++) {
rpow *= r;
//fac = rpow*sqrt(static_cast<T>(2*l+1))*omega;//rpow*sqrt((2*l+1)/pi4);
//FactorL[l] = sqrt(2*l+1)/sqrt(4*pi)
fac = rpow*FactorL[l];
int l0=index(l,0);
Ylm[l0] *= fac;
cphim = 1.0;
sphim = 0.0;
for (int m=1; m<=l; m++) {
//fac2 = (l+m)*(l+1-m);
//fac = fac/sqrt(fac2);
temp = cphim*cphi-sphim*sphi;
sphim = sphim*cphi+cphim*sphi;
cphim = temp;
int lm = index(l,m);
//fac2,fac use precalculated FactorLM
fac *= FactorLM[lm];
temp = fac*Ylm[lm];
Ylm[lm] = temp*cphim;
lm = index(l,-m);
Ylm[lm] = temp*sphim;
// Calculating Gradient now//
for (int l=1; l<=Lmax; l++) {
//value_type fac = ((value_type) (2*l+1))/(2*l-1);
value_type fac = Factor2L[l];
for (int m=-l; m<=l; m++) {
int lm = index(l-1,0);
value_type gx,gy,gz,dpr,dpi,dmr,dmi;
int ma = abs(m);
value_type cp = sqrt(fac*(l-ma-1)*(l-ma));
value_type cm = sqrt(fac*(l+ma-1)*(l+ma));
value_type c0 = sqrt(fac*(l-ma)*(l+ma));
gz = (l > ma) ? c0*Ylm[lm+m]:0.0;
if (l > ma+1) {
dpr = cp*Ylm[lm+ma+1];
dpi = cp*Ylm[lm-ma-1];
} else {
dpr = 0.0;
dpi = 0.0;
if (l > 1) {
switch (ma) {
case 0:
dmr = -cm*Ylm[lm+1];
dmi = cm*Ylm[lm-1];
case 1:
dmr = cm*Ylm[lm];
dmi = 0.0;
dmr = cm*Ylm[lm+ma-1];
dmi = cm*Ylm[lm-ma+1];
} else {
dmr = cm*Ylm[lm];
dmi = 0.0;
//dmr = (l==1) ? cm*Ylm[lm]:0.0;
//dmi = 0.0;
if (m < 0) {
gx = 0.5*(dpi-dmi);
gy = -0.5*(dpr+dmr);
} else {
gx = 0.5*(dpr-dmr);
gy = 0.5*(dpi+dmi);
lm = index(l,m);
gradYlm[lm] = NormFactor[lm]*Point_t(gx,gy,gz);
gradYlm[lm] = Point_t(gx,gy,gz);
for (int i=0; i<Ylm.size(); i++) Ylm[i]*= NormFactor[i];
//for (int i=0; i<Ylm.size(); i++) gradYlm[i]*= NormFactor[i];
//These template functions are slower than the recursive one above
template<class SCT, unsigned L>
struct SCTFunctor {
typedef typename SCT::value_type value_type;
@ -67,6 +232,7 @@ struct SCTFunctor<SCT,1> {
typedef typename SCT::value_type value_type;
typedef typename SCT::pos_type pos_type;
static inline void apply(std::vector<value_type>& Ylm, std::vector<pos_type>& gYlm, const pos_type& p) {
const value_type L1 = sqrt(3.0);
@ -118,15 +284,53 @@ struct SCTFunctor<SCT,3> {
template<class T, class Point_t>
SphericalTensor<T, Point_t>::SphericalTensor(const int lmax) : Lmax(lmax){
SphericalTensor<T, Point_t>::SphericalTensor(const int lmax, bool addsign) : Lmax(lmax){
int ntot = (lmax+1)*(lmax+1);
gradYlm[0] = 0.0;
const value_type sqrt2 = sqrt(2.0);
if(addsign) {
for (int l=0; l<=Lmax; l++) {
T p = -1.0*sqrt2;
for (int m=1; m<=l; m++) {
} else {
for (int l=0; l<=Lmax; l++) {
for (int m=1; m<=l; m++) {
const value_type omega = 1.0/sqrt(16.0*atan(1.0));
for(int l=1; l<=lmax; l++) FactorL[l] = sqrt(static_cast<T>(2*l+1))*omega;
for(int l=1; l<=lmax; l++) Factor2L[l] = static_cast<T>(2*l+1)/(2*l-1);
for(int l=1; l<=lmax; l++)
for(int m=1; m<=l; m++) {
T fac2 = 1.0/sqrt(static_cast<T>((l+m)*(l+1-m)));
template<class T, class Point_t>
void SphericalTensor<T,Point_t>::evaluate(const Point_t& p) {
void SphericalTensor<T,Point_t>::evaluateTest(const Point_t& p) {
const value_type norm = 1.0/sqrt(16.0*atan(1.0));
const value_type pi = 4.0*atan(1.0);
const value_type norm = 1.0/sqrt(4.0*pi);