*** empty log message ***

git-svn-id: https://subversion.assembla.com/svn/qmcdev/trunk@10 e5b18d87-469d-4833-9cc0-8cdfa06e9491
This commit is contained in:
qmc 2004-08-25 22:29:36 +00:00
parent d1dd9b432d
commit 2d929e6d0c
10 changed files with 77 additions and 565 deletions

View File


View File

@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
#include <iostream>
#include "SQD/SQDFrame.h"
#include "OhmmsApp/ProjectData.h"
#ifdef HAVE_QT
#include <qapplication.h>
@ -76,6 +77,9 @@ SQDFrame::solve(const char* fname) {
// build an XML tree from a the file;
m_doc = xmlParseFile(fname);
if (m_doc == NULL) return false;
//using XPath instead of recursive search
xmlXPathContextPtr m_context = xmlXPathNewContext(m_doc);
// Check the document is of the right kind
xmlNodePtr cur = xmlDocGetRootElement(m_doc);
@ -91,6 +95,23 @@ SQDFrame::solve(const char* fname) {
return false;
//assign the project id
//project description
OHMMS::ProjectData myProject;
xmlXPathObjectPtr result
= xmlXPathEvalExpression((const xmlChar*)"//project",m_context);
if(xmlXPathNodeSetIsEmpty(result->nodesetval)) {
WARNMSG("Project is not defined")
} else {
using namespace ohmmshf;
HFSolver = new HartreeFock(Pot,Psi);
@ -98,10 +119,11 @@ SQDFrame::solve(const char* fname) {
if(!success) {
ERRORMSG("The input file does not confirm. Exit")
return false;
return false;
success = HFSolver->solve();

View File

@ -71,7 +71,7 @@
#include <iostream>
#if !defined(LOGMSG)
#define LOGMSG(msg) {std::cout<< "QMC " << msg << std::endl;}
#define LOGMSG(msg) {std::cout<< "HF " << msg << std::endl;}
#if !defined(WARNMSG)

View File

@ -47,8 +47,8 @@ namespace ohmmshf {
void HartreeFock::setRoot(const string& aroot) {
LogFileName = aroot;
RootFileName = aroot;
LogFileName = RootFileName + ".log";
@ -73,6 +73,7 @@ namespace ohmmshf {
//using XPath instead of recursive search
xmlXPathContextPtr m_context = xmlXPathNewContext(d_root->doc);
xmlXPathObjectPtr result = xmlXPathEvalExpression((const xmlChar*)"//atom",m_context);
if(xmlXPathNodeSetIsEmpty(result->nodesetval)) {
ERRORMSG("Missing Atom information. Exit")
@ -93,8 +94,8 @@ namespace ohmmshf {
XMLReport("Atom name = " << AtomName)
XMLReport("Number of closed shells = " << num_closed_shells)
//initialize xmlNode pointers for the grid, wavefunction and potential
xmlNodePtr cur1 = cur->xmlChildrenNode;
//initialize xmlNode pointers for the grid, wavefunction and potential
xmlNodePtr cur1 = cur->xmlChildrenNode;
while(cur1 != NULL) {
string cname1((const char*)(cur1->name));
if(cname1 == "grid") {
@ -183,8 +184,8 @@ namespace ohmmshf {
LogFileName = AtomName;
// LogFileName = AtomName;
// LogFileName.append(".log");
return true;
@ -293,16 +294,16 @@ namespace ohmmshf {
LOGMSG("Total number of orbitals = " << Psi.size());
// LOGMSG("Orbital | Orbital ID");
// for(int j=0; j < Psi.size(); j++){
// LOGMSG(j << " " << Psi.ID[j]);
// }
// LOGMSG("ID | IDcount");
// LOGMSG("Orbital | Orbital ID");
// for(int j=0; j < Psi.size(); j++){
// LOGMSG(j << " " << Psi.ID[j]);
// }
// LOGMSG("ID | IDcount");
LOGMSG("(Orbital index, Number of Orbitals)")
for(int j=0; j < Psi.NumUniqueOrb; j++){
int id = Psi.ID[j];
LOGMSG("(" << id << ", " << Psi.IDcount[id] << ")");
for(int j=0; j < Psi.NumUniqueOrb; j++){
int id = Psi.ID[j];
LOGMSG("(" << id << ", " << Psi.IDcount[id] << ")");
//return false if there is no wave functions
@ -548,8 +549,8 @@ namespace ohmmshf {
fout << endl;
return max_rad_all;

View File

@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ namespace ohmmshf {
} else {
ERRORMSG("The potential and grid do not have proper transformation for numerov")
return false;
return false;
return true;

View File

@ -31,9 +31,12 @@ namespace ohmmshf {
///number of closed shells
int num_closed_shells;
value_type eig_tol, scf_tol, ratio;
string RootFileName;
string LogFileName;
string AtomName, PotType, GridType;
xmlNodePtr grid_ptr;
xmlNodePtr pot_ptr;
xmlNodePtr orb_ptr;

View File

@ -1,471 +0,0 @@
// (c) Copyright 2003 by Jeongnim Kim and Jordan Vincent
// National Center for Supercomputing Applications &
// Materials Computation Center
// University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
// Urbana, IL 61801
// e-mail: jnkim@ncsa.uiuc.edu
// Tel: 217-244-6319 (NCSA) 217-333-3324 (MCC)
// Supported by
// National Center for Supercomputing Applications, UIUC
// Materials Computation Center, UIUC
// -*- C++ -*-
#include "AtomicHF/HFConfiguration.h"
#include "Numerics/Clebsch_Gordan.h"
#include "AtomicHF/fillshells.h"
#include "AtomicHF/SphericalPotential/ZOverRPotential.h"
#include "AtomicHF/SphericalPotential/HarmonicPotential.h"
#include "AtomicHF/SphericalPotential/StepPotential.h"
#include "AtomicHF/SphericalPotential/RegularLinearTransform.h"
#include "AtomicHF/SphericalPotential/RegularLogTransform.h"
#include "AtomicHF/SphericalPotential/NuclearLinearTransform.h"
#include "AtomicHF/SphericalPotential/NuclearLogTransform.h"
#include "Numerics/Numerov.h"
#include "Numerics/RadialFunctorUtility.h"
#include "SQD/HartreeFock.h"
namespace ohmmshf {
HartreeFock::HartreeFock(RadialPotentialSet& pot,
SphericalOrbitalTraits::BasisSetType& psi,
const xmlpp::Node* root):
Pot(pot), Psi(psi), maxiter(1000), eig_tol(1e-12),
scf_tol(1e-8), ratio(0.35)
LogFileName = "atomiHF.log";
void HartreeFock::setRoot(const string& aroot) {
LogFileName = aroot;
@param fake Transformation object
@param norb the number of eigen vectors to be obtained
@brief perform self-consistent Hartree-Fock calculations
*The first argument is used to tell the compiler which transform object is used but
*not meaningful for the calculations. This is to force the compiler inline
*everything possible. A better solution will be implement using traits.
template<class Transform_t>
inline void
HartreeFock::run(Transform_t* fake, int norb)
typedef Numerov<Transform_t, RadialOrbital_t> Numerov_t;
value_type Vtotal,KEnew, KEold,E;
value_type lowerbound, upperbound;
vector<value_type> energy(Pot.size());
int iter = 0;
Vtotal = Pot.evaluate(Psi,energy,norb);
KEnew = Pot.calcKE(Psi,0,norb);
string label("spdf");
std::ofstream log_stream(LogFileName.c_str());
do {
KEold = KEnew;
value_type eigsum = 0.0;
//loop over the orbitals
for(int ob=0; ob < norb; ob++){
//set the number of nodes of the eigen vector
//calculate the lower and upper bounds for the eigenvalue
//set up the transformer
Transform_t es(Pot.V[ob], Psi.N[ob], Psi.L[ob],Psi.CuspParam, Pot.getMass());
//initialize the numerov solver
Numerov_t numerov(es,Psi(ob));
//calculate the eigenvalue and the corresponding orbital
eigsum += (eigVal[ob] =
numerov.solve(lowerbound, upperbound, eig_tol));
log_stream << Psi.N[ob]<< label[Psi.L[ob]] << '\t' << eigVal[ob] << endl;
log_stream << endl;
//normalize the orbitals
//restrict the orbitals
//calculate the new kinetic energy
KEnew = Pot.calcKE(Psi,eigsum,norb);
//the total energy
E = KEnew + Vtotal;
//for the new orbitals Psi, calculate the new SCF potentials
Vtotal = Pot.evaluate(Psi,energy,norb);
log_stream << "Iteration #" << iter+1 << endl;
log_stream << "KE = " << setw(15) << KEnew
<< " PE = " << setw(15) << Vtotal << endl;
log_stream << "PE/KE = " << setw(15) << Vtotal/KEnew
<< " Energy = " << setw(15) << E << endl;
log_stream << endl;
///continue the loop until the kinetic energy converges
}while(fabs(KEnew-KEold)>scf_tol && iter<maxiter);
@param pottype the type of potential
@param gridtype the type of the radial grid
@param norb the number of target eigen vectors
@brief Instantiate a transformation function based on the potential and grid type and call run.
void HartreeFock::solve(string pottype, string gridtype, int norb) {
if(pottype == "Harmonic" || pottype == "Step"){
if(gridtype == "linear"){
RegularLinearTransform<RadialOrbital_t> *afake=NULL;
} else if(gridtype == "log"){
RegularLogTransform<RadialOrbital_t> *afake=NULL;
} else if(pottype == "Nuclear"){
if(gridtype == "linear"){
NuclearLinearTransform<RadialOrbital_t> *afake=NULL;
} else if(gridtype == "log"){
NuclearLogTransform<RadialOrbital_t> *afake=NULL;
} else return;
@param q the current xml node which contains the parameter definitions for the eigen solver
@return true if successful
@brief Set the parameters for the eigen solver
*Aailable parameters
* - max_iter, the maximum self-consistent iterations, default=1000
* - eig_tol, the eigen-value tolerance, default = \f$1 e^{-12}\f$
* - en_tol, the tolerance of the self-consistent loops, default = \f$1 e^{-8}\f$
* - mix_ratio, the mixing ratio of the charge density, default = 0.35
bool HartreeFock::put(const xmlpp::Node* q){
using namespace xmlpp;
NodeSet eset = q->find("./EigenSolve");
WARNMSG("Using default values for eigensolver.")
XMLReport("maximum iterations = " << maxiter)
XMLReport("eigentolerance = " << eig_tol)
XMLReport("scftolerance = " << scf_tol)
XMLReport("ratio = " << ratio)
} else {
NodeSet pset = eset[0]->find("./Parameter");
for(int i=0; i<pset.size(); i++){
Element* cur = dynamic_cast<Element*>(pset[i]);
Attribute* att = cur->get_attribute("name");
if(att) {
const string& aname = att->get_value();
xmlNode* ccur = cur->cobj();
if(aname == "max_iter"){
XMLReport("maximum iterations = " << maxiter)
} else if(aname == "eig_tol"){
XMLReport("eigentolerance = " << eig_tol)
} else if(aname == "en_tol"){
XMLReport("scftolerance = " << scf_tol)
} else if(aname == "mix_ratio"){
XMLReport("ratio = " << ratio)
bool parseXMLFile(RadialPotentialSet& Pot,
SphericalOrbitalTraits::BasisSetType& Psi,
string& name,
string& pottype,
string& gridtype,
const xmlpp::Node* root) {
using namespace xmlpp;
int nshells = 0;
OneDimGridBase<double>* grid;
NodeSet aset = root->find("//Atom");
ERRORMSG("Must include atomic information.")
return false;
} else {
Element* cur = dynamic_cast<Element*>(aset[0]);
Attribute* att1 = cur->get_attribute("name");
Attribute* att2 = cur->get_attribute("num_closed_shells");
name = att1->get_value();
XMLReport("Name = " << name)
} else {
ERRORMSG("Must specify name.")
return false;
nshells = atoi(att2->get_value().c_str());
XMLReport("Number of Closed Shells = " << nshells)
} else {
WARNMSG("Number of Closed Shells = " << nshells)
NodeSet gset = aset[0]->find("./Grid");
ERRORMSG("No grid information")
return false;
} else {
Element* p = dynamic_cast<Element*>(gset[0]);
Element::AttributeList atts = p->get_attributes();
Element::AttributeList::iterator it = atts.begin();
double scale = 1.0;
double min = 0.001;
double max = 1000.0;
int npts = 2001;
while(it != atts.end()) {
const string& aname = (*it)->get_name();
if(aname == "type") {
gridtype = (*it)->get_value();
} else if(aname == "scale") {
scale = atof((*it)->get_value().c_str());
XMLReport("Grid type = " << gridtype)
NodeSet gpset = gset[0]->find("./Parameter");
WARNMSG("Using default grid values")
} else {
for(int i=0; i<gpset.size(); i++){
Element* cur = dynamic_cast<Element*>(gpset[i]);
Attribute* att = cur->get_attribute("name");
if(att) {
const string& aname = att->get_value();
xmlNode* curc = cur->cobj();
if(aname == "min") putContent(min,curc);
else if(aname == "max") putContent(max,curc);
else if(aname == "npts") putContent(npts,curc);
if(gridtype == "log"){
grid = new LogGrid<double>;
XMLReport("rmin = " << min << ", rmax = " << max
// << ", dh = " << grid->dh() << ", npts = " << npts)
<< ", npts = " << npts)
} else if(gridtype == "linear"){
grid = new LinearGrid<double>;
XMLReport("rmin = " << min << ", rmax = " << max
// << ", dh = " << grid->dh() << ", npts = " << npts)
<< ", npts = " << npts)
} else {
ERRORMSG("Grid Type Options: Log or Linear.")
return false;
// pass grid to wavefunction
Psi.m_grid = grid;
// class to generate Clebsh Gordan coeff.
Clebsch_Gordan* CG_coeff = NULL;
NodeSet potset = aset[0]->find("./Potential");
ERRORMSG("Must provide potential information.")
return false;
} else {
Element* cur = dynamic_cast<Element*>(potset[0]);
xmlNodePtr cur_sub = cur->cobj()->xmlChildrenNode;
while(cur_sub != NULL) {
string pname((const char*)(cur_sub->name));
if(pname == "Parameter") {
xmlAttrPtr att=cur_sub->properties;
while(att != NULL) {
string vname((const char*)(att->children->content));
if(vname == "mass") {
double m=1.0;
XMLReport("The effective mass is set to " << Pot.getMass())
att = att->next;
cur_sub = cur_sub->next;
Attribute* att = cur->get_attribute("type");
pottype = att->get_value();
NodeSet oset = aset[0]->find("./OrbitalSet");
ERRORMSG("Must specify OrbitalSet")
return false;
} else {
Element* cur = dynamic_cast<Element*>(oset[0]);
Attribute* att = cur->get_attribute("rest_type");
if(att) Psi.Restriction = att->get_value();
XMLReport("Orbital restriction type = " << Psi.Restriction)
xmlNode* curc = cur->cobj();
if(pottype == "Harmonic" || pottype == "Step"){
if(nshells) FillShellsHarmPot(Psi,nshells);
} else {
if(nshells) FillShellsNucPot(Psi,nshells);
LOGMSG("No of Orbs = " << Psi.size());
LOGMSG("Orbital | Orbital ID");
for(int j=0; j < Psi.size(); j++){
LOGMSG(j << " " << Psi.ID[j]);
LOGMSG("ID | IDcount");
for(int j=0; j < Psi.NumUniqueOrb; j++){
LOGMSG(j << " " << Psi.IDcount[j]);
XMLReport("Potential Type = " << pottype)
} else {
ERRORMSG("Must provide Potential Type.")
return false;
if(pottype == "Nuclear"){
XMLReport("Creating a Nuclear Potential.")
double Z;
NodeSet gpset = potset[0]->find("./Parameter");
Z = Psi.NumOrb;
WARNMSG("Default: Z = " << Z)
} else {
for(int i=0; i<gpset.size(); i++){
Element* cur = dynamic_cast<Element*>(gpset[i]);
Attribute* att = cur->get_attribute("name");
if(att) {
const string& aname = att->get_value();
xmlNode* curc = cur->cobj();
if(aname == "Z") putContent(Z,curc);
XMLReport("Z = " << Z)
// determine maximum angular momentum
int lmax = 0;
for(int i=0; i<Psi.L.size(); i++)
if(Psi.L[i] > lmax) lmax = Psi.L[i];
XMLReport("Maximum Angular Momentum = " << lmax)
CG_coeff = new Clebsch_Gordan(lmax);
Pot.add(new ZOverRPotential(Z), true);
Pot.add(new HartreePotential(CG_coeff));
Pot.add(new ExchangePotential(CG_coeff));
Psi.CuspParam = Z;
} // if Nuclear
else if(pottype == "Harmonic"){
XMLReport("Creating a Harmonic Potential.")
double Omega=0.5;
NodeSet gpset = potset[0]->find("./Parameter");
Omega = Psi.NumOrb;
WARNMSG("Default: Omega = " << Omega)
} else {
for(int i=0; i<gpset.size(); i++){
Element* cur = dynamic_cast<Element*>(gpset[i]);
Attribute* att = cur->get_attribute("name");
if(att) {
const string& aname = att->get_value();
xmlNode* curc = cur->cobj();
if(aname == "Omega") putContent(Omega,curc);
else if(aname == "Z") putContent(Omega,curc);
XMLReport("Omega = " << Omega)
// determine maximum angular momentum
int lmax = 0;
for(int i=0; i<Psi.L.size(); i++)
if(Psi.L[i] > lmax) lmax = Psi.L[i];
lmax++; // increment by 1
XMLReport("Maximum Angular Momentum = " << lmax)
CG_coeff = new Clebsch_Gordan(lmax);
Pot.add(new HarmonicPotential(Omega),true);
Pot.add(new HartreePotential(CG_coeff));
Pot.add(new ExchangePotential(CG_coeff));
Psi.CuspParam = 0.0;
} // if Harmonic
else if(pottype == "Step"){
XMLReport("Creating a step-function Potential.")
int lmax = 0;
for(int i=0; i<Psi.L.size(); i++)
if(Psi.L[i] > lmax) lmax = Psi.L[i];
lmax++; // increment by 1
XMLReport("Maximum Angular Momentum = " << lmax)
CG_coeff = new Clebsch_Gordan(lmax);
StepPotential* apot = new StepPotential;
Pot.add(new HartreePotential(CG_coeff));
Pot.add(new ExchangePotential(CG_coeff));
Psi.CuspParam = 0.0;
} // steps
return true;
// int main(int argc, char **argv) {
// using namespace ohmmshf;
// using namespace xmlpp;
// DomParser parser;
// parser.parse_file(argv[1]);
// Node* root = parser.get_document()->get_root_node(); //deleted by DomParser.
// string element;
// string pottype;
// string gridtype;
// RadialPotentialSet Pot;
// SphericalOrbitalTraits::BasisSetType Psi;
// parseXMLFile(Pot,Psi,element,pottype,gridtype,root);
// HartreeFock HFSolver(Pot,Psi,root);
// HFSolver.solve(pottype,gridtype,Psi.size());
// Psi.print(element);
// return 1;
// }
* $RCSfile$ $Author$
* $Revision$ $Date$
* $Id$

View File

@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
#include "AtomicHF/HFConfiguration.h"
#include "AtomicHF/RadialPotentialSet.h"
#include "OhmmsData/libxmldefs.h"
#include <libxml++/libxml++.h>
#include <fstream>
namespace ohmmshf {
/**Hartree-Fock solver
struct HartreeFock {
typedef SphericalOrbitalTraits::BasisSetType BasisSetType;
typedef SphericalOrbitalTraits::value_type value_type;
typedef SphericalOrbitalTraits::RadialOrbital_t RadialOrbital_t;
int maxiter;
value_type eig_tol, scf_tol, ratio;
string LogFileName;
std::vector<value_type> eigVal;
RadialPotentialSet& Pot;
BasisSetType& Psi;
HartreeFock(RadialPotentialSet& pot,
BasisSetType& psi,
const xmlpp::Node* root);
bool put(const xmlpp::Node* q);
void setRoot(const string& aroot);
template<class Transform_t> void run(Transform_t* fake, int norb);
void solve(string pottype, string gridtype, int norb);
bool parseXMLFile(RadialPotentialSet& Pot,
SphericalOrbitalTraits::BasisSetType& Psi,
string& name,string& pottype,
string& gridtype,
const xmlpp::Node* root);

View File

@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ bool YlmRnlSet<GT>::put(xmlNodePtr cur){
cur = cur->xmlChildrenNode;
while(cur != NULL) {
if (!(xmlStrcmp(cur->name, (const xmlChar *) "orbital"))) {
LOGMSG("Found Orbital");
XMLReport("Found Orbital");
n = atoi((const char*)xmlGetProp(cur, (const xmlChar *) "n"));
if(n < 0) {
ERRORMSG("Invalid value for n");
@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ bool YlmRnlSet<GT>::put(xmlNodePtr cur){
NLMS_Map_t::iterator it = OccNo.find(nlms);
if(it == OccNo.end()) {
LOGMSG("Adding Orbital: n=" << n << ", l=" << l <<
XMLReport("Adding Orbital: n=" << n << ", l=" << l <<
", m=" << m << ", s=" << s << ", occ=" << occ);
//OccNo[nlmn] = Num-1;
OccNo[nlms] = 1;
@ -112,21 +112,21 @@ bool YlmRnlSet<GT>::put(xmlNodePtr cur){
*\param elementName name of the element
*\param RootName name of the element
*\param GridType the type of grid
*\param eigVal the eigenvalues
*\return true if succeeds
*\brief Prints the grid and orbital information to an HDF5
*file named "elementName.h5".
*file named "RootName.h5".
template<class GT>
bool YlmRnlSet<GT>::print_HDF5(const std::string& elementName,
bool YlmRnlSet<GT>::print_HDF5(const std::string& RootName,
const std::string& GridType,
const std::vector<value_type>& eigVal){
//print to file fname
string HDFfname = elementName + ".h5";
string HDFfname = RootName + ".h5";
hid_t afile = H5Fcreate(HDFfname.c_str(),H5F_ACC_TRUNC,
@ -207,14 +207,16 @@ bool YlmRnlSet<GT>::print_HDF5(const std::string& elementName,
*\param elementName name of the element
*\param RootName name of the element
*\param GridType the type of grid
*\return true if succeeds
*\brief Prints the basis information to an xml file named
*"elementName.basis.xml" for use in qmcPlusPlus.
*"RootName.basis.xml" for use in qmcPlusPlus.
template<class GT>
bool YlmRnlSet<GT>::print_basis(const std::string& elementName,
const std::string& RootName,
const std::string& GridType){
int nup = 0;
@ -236,13 +238,13 @@ bool YlmRnlSet<GT>::print_basis(const std::string& elementName,
Mup = 0.0; Mdown = 0.0;
string fnameXML = elementName + ".basis.xml";
string fnameHDF5 = elementName + ".h5";
string fnameXML = RootName + ".basis.xml";
string fnameHDF5 = RootName + ".h5";
ofstream osXML(fnameXML.c_str());
osXML << "<DeterminantSet type=\"MolecularOrbital\">" << endl;
osXML << "<BasisSet>" << endl;
osXML << "<Basis type=\"HFNG\" species=\"" << elementName
osXML << "<determinantset type=\"MolecularOrbital\">" << endl;
osXML << "<basisset>" << endl;
osXML << "<basis type=\"HFNG\" species=\"" << elementName
<< "\" file=\"" << fnameHDF5 << "\">" << endl;
if(Restriction == "none"){
@ -272,23 +274,23 @@ bool YlmRnlSet<GT>::print_basis(const std::string& elementName,
osXML << "</Basis>" << endl;
osXML << "</BasisSet>" << endl;
osXML << "<SlaterDeterminant>" << endl;
osXML << "<Determinant spin=\"1\" orbitals=\"" << Mup.rows()
osXML << "</basis>" << endl;
osXML << "</basisset>" << endl;
osXML << "<slaterdeterminant>" << endl;
osXML << "<determinant spin=\"1cu\" orbitals=\"" << Mup.rows()
<< "\">" << endl;
osXML << "<Var type=\"Array\">" << endl;
osXML << "<parameter id=\"1cu\" type=\"Array\">" << endl;
osXML << Mup;
osXML << "</Var>" << endl;
osXML << "</Determinant>" << endl;
osXML << "<Determinant spin=\"-1\" orbitals=\"" << Mdown.rows()
osXML << "</parameter>" << endl;
osXML << "</determinant>" << endl;
osXML << "<determinant spin=\"-1\" orbitals=\"" << Mdown.rows()
<< "\">" << endl;
osXML << "<Var type=\"Array\">" << endl;
osXML << "<parameter id=\"1cd\" type=\"Array\">" << endl;
osXML << Mdown;
osXML << "</Var>" << endl;
osXML << "</Determinant>" << endl;
osXML << "</SlaterDeterminant>" << endl;
osXML << "</DeterminantSet>" << endl;
osXML << "</parameter>" << endl;
osXML << "</determinant>" << endl;
osXML << "</slaterdeterminant>" << endl;
osXML << "</determinantset>" << endl;

View File

@ -237,7 +237,8 @@ struct YlmRnlSet {
bool get(std::ostream& os);
bool print_HDF5(const std::string&, const std::string&,
const std::vector<value_type>&);
bool print_basis(const std::string&, const std::string&);
bool print_basis(const std::string&, const std::string&,
const std::string&);
#include "SQD/YlmRnlSet.cpp"