Go to file
Jay Gambetta 6938f499be Update Makefile 2017-08-04 16:38:49 -04:00
.github Add templates for issues and pull requests 2017-07-18 12:07:28 +01:00
doc clean up docstrings to reduce autodoc errors. 2017-08-03 17:46:26 -04:00
examples Convert two python examples into tests. (#147) 2017-08-03 10:42:43 -04:00
qiskit Merge pull request #151 from ewinston/Dev 2017-08-04 00:29:19 -04:00
test fixing test so they work with travis 2017-08-04 11:14:59 -04:00
tools adding qft to qi tool and fixing coupling map 2017-08-04 00:28:28 -04:00
.gitignore clean up docstrings to reduce autodoc errors. 2017-08-03 17:46:26 -04:00
.travis.yml Fixing the sintax of the last commit. 2017-06-27 11:25:54 +02:00
CODEOWNERS Update CODEOWNERS 2017-08-04 11:34:21 -04:00
CONTRIBUTING.rst Update CONTRIBUTING.rst 2017-08-04 16:36:34 -04:00
LICENSE sync r0.2 branch with public github r0.2 branch. 2017-05-22 13:26:00 -04:00
Makefile Update Makefile 2017-08-04 16:38:49 -04:00
Qconfig.py.default Default config file moved to respect the new README. 2017-06-20 17:17:32 +02:00
README.rst removing the tutorial 2017-08-03 14:54:02 -04:00
requires-dev.txt sphinx autodoc setup. 2017-07-27 14:14:41 -04:00
requires.txt Add Sphinx in requires.txt 2017-08-02 11:55:07 -04:00


Quantum Information Software Kit (QISKit) SDK Python

|Build Status|

Python software development kit (SDK) for working
with OpenQASM and the IBM Q experience (QX).


The basic concept of our quantum program is an array of quantum
circuits. The program workflow consists of three stages: Build, Compile,
and Run. Build allows you to make different quantum circuits that
represent the problem you are solving; Compile allows you to rewrite
them to run on different backends (simulators/real chips of different
quantum volumes, sizes, fidelity, etc); and Run launches the jobs. After
the jobs have been run, the data is collected. There are methods for
putting this data together, depending on the program. This either gives
you the answer you wanted or allows you to make a better program for the
next instance.


The *tutorial* directory contains Jupyter notebooks demonstrating
components of the SDK. Take a look at the
`index <tutorial/index.ipynb>`__ to get started. The SDK uses the
`Python API <https://github.com/IBM/qiskit-api-py>`__ to interact with
the QX and expresses quantum circuits using
`OpenQASM <https://github.com/IBM/qiskit-openqasm>`__. Python example
programs can be found in the *examples* directory, and test scripts are
located in *test*. The *qiskit* directory is the main module of the SDK.


Programming interface

The *qiskit* directory is the main Python module and contains the
programming interface objects *QuantumProgram*, *QuantumRegister*,
*ClassicalRegister*, and *QuantumCircuit*.

At the highest level, users construct a *QuantumProgram* to create,
modify, compile, and execute a collection of quantum circuits. Each
*QuantumCircuit* has a set of data registers, each of type
*QuantumRegister* or *ClassicalRegister*. Methods of these objects are
used to apply instructions that define the circuit. The *QuantumCircuit*
can then generate **OpenQASM** code that can flow through other
components in the *qiskit* directory.

The *extensions* directory extends quantum circuits as needed to support
other gate sets and algorithms. Currently there is a *standard*
extension defining some typical quantum gates.

Internal modules

The directory also contains internal modules that are still under

-  a *qasm* module for parsing **OpenQASM** circuits
-  an *unroll* module to interpret and "unroll" **OpenQASM** to a target
   gate basis (expanding gate subroutines and loops as needed)
-  a *circuit* module for working with circuits as graphs
-  a *mapper* module for mapping all-to-all circuits to run on devices
   with fixed couplings

Quantum circuits flow through the components as follows. The programming
interface is used to generate **OpenQASM** circuits. **OpenQASM**
source, as a file or string, is passed into a *Qasm* object, whose
*parse* method produces an abstract syntax tree (**AST**). The **AST**
is passed to an *Unroller* that is attached to an *UnrollerBackend*.
There is a *PrinterBackend* for outputting text, a *SimulatorBackend*
for outputting simulator input data for the local simulators, and a
*CircuitBackend* for constructing *Circuit* objects. The *Circuit*
object represents an "unrolled" **OpenQASM** circuit as a directed
acyclic graph (**DAG**). The *Circuit* provides methods for
representing, transforming, and computing properties of a circuit and
outputting the results again as **OpenQASM**. The whole flow is used by
the *mapper* module to rewrite a circuit to execute on a device with
fixed couplings given by a *CouplingGraph*.

The four circuit representations and how they are currently transformed
into each other are summarized in this figure:

Several unroller backends and their outputs are summarized here:

Installation and setup

1. Get the tools

You'll need:

-  Install `Python 3 <https://docs.python.org/3/using/index.html>`__.
-  `Jupyter <http://jupyter.readthedocs.io/en/latest/install.html>`__
   client is needed to run the tutorials, not to use as a library.
-  Mac OS X users will find Xcode useful:
-  Optionally download Git: https://git-scm.com/download/.

2. Get the code

Clone the QISKit SDK repository and navigate to its folder on your local

-  If you have Git installed, run the following commands:

.. code:: sh

    git clone https://github.com/IBM/qiskit-sdk-py
    cd qiskit-sdk-py

-  If you don't have Git installed, click the "Clone or download" button
   at the URL shown in the git clone command, unzip the file if needed,
   then navigate to that folder in a terminal window.

3. Setup the environment

To use as a library install the dependencies:

.. code:: sh

    # Depending on the system and setup to append "sudo -H" before could be needed.
    pip3 install -r requires.txt

To get the tutorials working set up an Anaconda environment for working
with QISKit, and install the required dependencies:

-  If running either Linux or Mac OS X with Xcode, simply run the
   following command:

.. code:: sh

    make env

-  If running either Windows or Mac OS X without Xcode, run the
   following set of commands:

.. code:: sh

    conda create -y -n QISKitenv python=3 pip scipy
    activate QISKitenv
    pip install -r requires.txt

4. Configure your API token

-  Create an `IBM Quantum
   Experience <https://quantumexperience.ng.bluemix.net>`__ account if
   you haven't already done so
-  Get an API token from the Quantum Experience website under “My
   Account” > “Personal Access Token”
-  You will insert your API token in a file called Qconfig.py. First
   copy the default version of this file from the tutorial folder to the
   main SDK folder (on Windows, replace ``cp`` with ``copy``):

.. code:: sh

    cp Qconfig.py.default Qconfig.py

-  Open your Qconfig.py, remove the ``#`` from the beginning of the API
   token line, and copy/paste your API token into the space between the
   quotation marks on that line. Save and close the file.

Starting the Jupyter-based tutorials

The SDK includes tutorials in the form of Jupyter notebooks, which are
essentially web pages that contain "cells" of embedded Python code. To
run a cell, click on it and hit ``Shift+Enter`` or use the toolbar at
the top of the page. Any output from a cell is displayed immediately
below it on the page. In most cases, the cells on each page must be run
in sequential order from top to bottom in order to avoid errors. To get
started with the tutorials, follow the instructions below.

-  If running either Linux or Mac OS X with Xcode, simply run the
   following command from the QISKit SDK folder:

.. code:: sh

    make run_tutorial

-  If running either Windows or Mac OS X without Xcode, run the
   following set of commands from the QISKit SDK folder:

.. code:: sh

    activate QISKitenv
    cd tutorial
    jupyter notebook index.ipynb


If you upgrade the dependencies and get the error below, try the fix
shown below the error:

.. code:: sh

    # Depending on the system and setup to append "sudo -H" before could be needed.
    pip3 install --upgrade IBMQuantumExperience
    *Cannot remove entries from nonexistent file [PATH]/easy-install.pth

    # Fix: run the command below
    curl https://bootstrap.pypa.io/ez_setup.py -o - | python

For additional troubleshooting tips, see the QISKit troubleshooting page
on the project's GitHub wiki.

Authors (alphabetical)

The first release of QISKit was developed by Jim Challenger, Andrew
Cross, Ismael Faro, Jay Gambetta, Jesus Perez, and John Smolin.

In future releases, anyone who contributes code to this project can
include their name here.


QISKit is released under the `Apache license, version
2.0 <https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0>`__.

Do you want to help?

:sunglasses: If you'd like to contribute please take a look to our
`contribution guidelines <CONTRIBUTING.md>`__.

.. |Build Status| image:: https://travis.ibm.com/IBMQuantum/qiskit-sdk-py-dev.svg?token=GMH4xFrA9iezVJKqw2zH&branch=master
   :target: https://travis.ibm.com/IBMQuantum/qiskit-sdk-py-dev