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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# This code is part of Qiskit.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2023
# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
# obtain a copy of this license in the LICENSE.txt file in the root directory
# of this source tree or at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.
# Any modifications or derivative works of this code must retain this
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"""List deprecated decorators."""
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import cast, Optional
from pathlib import Path
from collections import OrderedDict, defaultdict
import ast
from datetime import datetime
import sys
import argparse
import requests
def short_path(path: Path) -> Optional[Path]:
"""shorten the full path, when possible"""
original_path = path
while path is not None:
if Path.cwd().is_relative_to(path):
return original_path.relative_to(path)
path = path.parent if path != path.parent else None
return original_path
class Deprecation:
Root class for Deprecation classes.
def location_str(self) -> str:
"""String with the location of the deprecated decorator <filename>:<line number>"""
return f"{self.filename}:{self.lineno}"
class DeprecationDecorator(Deprecation):
Deprecation decorator, representing a single deprecation decorator.
filename: where is the deprecation.
decorator_node: AST node of the decorator call.
func_node: AST node of the decorated call.
def __init__(
self, filename: Path, decorator_node: ast.Call, func_node: ast.FunctionDef
) -> None:
self.filename = filename
self.decorator_node = decorator_node
self.func_node = func_node
self._since: str | None = None
self._pending: bool | None = None
def since(self) -> str | None:
"""Version since the deprecation applies."""
if not self._since:
for kwarg in self.decorator_node.keywords:
if kwarg.arg == "since":
self._since = ".".join(cast(ast.Constant, kwarg.value).value.split(".")[:2])
return self._since
def pending(self) -> bool | None:
"""If it is a pending deprecation."""
if not self._pending:
self._pending = next(
for kwarg in self.decorator_node.keywords
if kwarg.arg == "pending"
return self._pending
def lineno(self) -> int:
"""Line number of the decorator."""
return self.decorator_node.lineno
def target(self) -> str:
"""Name of the decorated function/method."""
return self.func_node.name
class DeprecationCall(Deprecation):
Deprecation call, representing a single deprecation call.
decorator_call: deprecation call.
def __init__(self, filename: Path, decorator_call: ast.Call) -> None:
self.filename = filename
self.decorator_node = decorator_call
self.lineno = decorator_call.lineno
self._target: str | None = None
self._since: str | None = None
def target(self) -> str | None:
"""what's deprecated."""
if not self._target:
arg = self.decorator_node.args.__getitem__(0)
if isinstance(arg, ast.Attribute):
self._target = f"{arg.value.id}.{arg.attr}"
if isinstance(arg, ast.Name):
self._target = arg.id
return self._target
def since(self) -> str | None:
"""Version since the deprecation applies."""
if not self._since:
for kwarg in self.decorator_node.func.keywords:
if kwarg.arg == "since":
self._since = ".".join(cast(ast.Constant, kwarg.value).value.split(".")[:2])
return self._since
class DecoratorVisitor(ast.NodeVisitor):
Node visitor for finding deprecation decorator
filename: Name of the file to analyze
def __init__(self, filename: Path):
self.filename = short_path(filename)
self.deprecations: list[Deprecation] = []
def is_deprecation_decorator(node: ast.expr) -> bool:
"""Check if a node is a deprecation decorator"""
return (
isinstance(node, ast.Call)
and isinstance(node.func, ast.Name)
and node.func.id.startswith("deprecate_")
def is_deprecation_call(node: ast.expr) -> bool:
"""Check if a node is a deprecation call"""
return (
isinstance(node.func, ast.Call)
and isinstance(node.func.func, ast.Name)
and node.func.func.id.startswith("deprecate_")
def visit_FunctionDef(self, node: ast.FunctionDef) -> None: # pylint: disable=invalid-name
"""Visitor for function declarations"""
self.deprecations += [
DeprecationDecorator(self.filename, cast(ast.Call, d_node), node)
for d_node in node.decorator_list
if DecoratorVisitor.is_deprecation_decorator(d_node)
ast.NodeVisitor.generic_visit(self, node)
def visit_Call(self, node: ast.Call) -> None: # pylint: disable=invalid-name
"""Visitor for function call"""
if DecoratorVisitor.is_deprecation_call(node):
self.deprecations.append(DeprecationCall(self.filename, node))
ast.NodeVisitor.generic_visit(self, node)
class DeprecationCollection:
A collection of :class:~.Deprecation
dirname: Directory name that would be checked recursively for deprecations.
def __init__(self, dirname: Path):
self.dirname = dirname
self._deprecations: list[Deprecation] | None = None
self.grouped: OrderedDict[str, list[Deprecation]] = OrderedDict()
def deprecations(self) -> list[Deprecation]:
"""List of deprecation :class:~.Deprecation"""
if self._deprecations is None:
return cast(list, self._deprecations)
def collect_deprecations(self) -> None:
"""Run the :class:~.DecoratorVisitor on `self.dirname` (in place)"""
self._deprecations = []
files = [self.dirname] if self.dirname.is_file() else self.dirname.rglob("*.py")
for filename in files:
def group_by(self, attribute_idx: str) -> None:
"""Group :class:~`.Deprecation` in self.deprecations based on the attribute attribute_idx"""
grouped = defaultdict(list)
for obj in self.deprecations:
grouped[getattr(obj, attribute_idx)].append(obj)
for key in sorted(grouped.keys()):
self.grouped[key] = grouped[key]
def find_deprecations(file_name: Path) -> list[Deprecation]:
"""Runs the deprecation finder on file_name"""
code = Path(file_name).read_text()
mod = ast.parse(code, file_name)
decorator_visitor = DecoratorVisitor(file_name)
return decorator_visitor.deprecations
def print_main(directory: str, pending: str) -> None:
# pylint: disable=invalid-name
"""Prints output"""
collection = DeprecationCollection(Path(directory))
DATA_JSON = requests.get("https://pypi.org/pypi/qiskit-terra/json", timeout=5).json()
except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError:
print("https://pypi.org/pypi/qiskit-terra/json timeout...", file=sys.stderr)
LAST_MINOR = ".".join(DATA_JSON["info"]["version"].split(".")[:2])
LAST_TIME_MINOR = datetime.fromisoformat(
for since_version, deprecations in collection.grouped.items():
release_minor_datetime = datetime.fromisoformat(
release_minor_date = release_minor_datetime.strftime("%B %d, %Y")
diff_days = (LAST_TIME_MINOR - release_minor_datetime).days
DETAILS = f"Released in {release_minor_date}"
if diff_days:
DETAILS += f" (wrt last minor release, {round(diff_days / 30.4)} month old)"
except KeyError:
DETAILS = "Future release"
lines = []
for deprecation in deprecations:
if pending == "exclude" and deprecation.pending:
if pending == "only" and not deprecation.pending:
pending_arg = " - PENDING" if deprecation.pending else ""
lines.append(f" - {deprecation.location_str} ({deprecation.target}){pending_arg}")
if lines:
print(f"\n{since_version}: {DETAILS}")
def create_parser() -> argparse.ArgumentParser:
"""Creates the ArgumentParser object"""
default_directory = Path(__file__).joinpath("..", "..", "qiskit").resolve()
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description="Finds the deprecation decorators in a path",
parser.add_argument("-d", "--directory", default=default_directory, help="directory to search")
choices=["only", "include", "exclude"],
help="show pending deprecations",
return parser
if __name__ == "__main__":
args = create_parser().parse_args()
print_main(args.directory, args.pending)