
19 lines
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The default routing pass and layout pass for transpiler optimization level 3 has
changed to use :class:`~qiskit.transpiler.passes.SabreSwap` and
:class:`~qiskit.transpiler.passes.SabreLayout` respectively. This
was done to improve the quality of the output result, as using the sabre
passes produces better results than using
:class:`~qiskit.transpiler.passes.StochasticSwap` and
:class:`~qiskit.transpiler.passes.DenseLayout`, which were used as the
defaults in prior releases. This change will improve the quality of the
results when running :func:`~qiskit.compiler.transpile` or
:func:`~qiskit.execute_function.execute` functions with the
``optimization_level`` kwarg set to ``3``. While this is generally an
improvement, if you need to retain the previous behavior for any reason
you can do this by explicitly setting the ``routing_method="stochastic"``
and ``layout_method="dense"`` when calling
:func:`~qiskit.compiler.transpile` with ``optimization_level=3``.