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prelude: |
The Qiskit Terra 0.19 release highlights are:
* A new version of the abstract Qiskit/hardware interface, in the form of
:class:`.BackendV2`, which comes with a new data structure
:class:`~.transpiler.Target` to allow backends to better model their
constraints for the :ref:`transpiler <qiskit-transpiler>`.
* An :ref:`extensible plugin interface <qiskit-transpiler-plugins>` to the
:class:`~.passes.UnitarySynthesis` transpiler pass, allowing users or
other packages to extend Qiskit Terra's
synthesis routines with new methods.
* Control-flow instructions, for representing ``for`` and ``while`` loops
and ``if``/``else`` statements in :class:`.QuantumCircuit`. The
simulators in Qiskit Aer will soon be able to work with these new
instructions, allowing you to write more dynamic quantum programs.
* Preliminary support for the evolving `OpenQASM 3 specification`_. You can
use the new :mod:`qiskit.qasm3` module to serialize your
:class:`.QuantumCircuit`\ s into OpenQASM 3, including the new control-flow
.. _OpenQASM 3 specification: https://qiskit.github.io/openqasm/
This release marks the end of support for Python 3.6 in Qiskit. This
release of Qiskit Terra, and any subsequent bugfix releases in the 0.19.x
series, will be the last to work with Python 3.6. Starting from the next
minor release (0.20.0) of Qiskit Terra, the minimum required Python version
will be 3.7.
As always, there are many more features and fixes in this release as well,
which you can read about below.