
32 lines
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The :func:`qiskit.quantum_info.process_fidelity` function is now able to be
used with a non-unitary target channel. In this case the returned value is
equivalent to the :func:`qiskit.quantum_info.state_fidelity` of the
normalized :class:`qiskit.quantum_info.Choi` matrices for the channels.
Note that the :func:`qiskit.quantum_info.average_gate_fidelity` and
:func:`qiskit.quantum_info.gate_error` functions still require the target
channel to be unitary and will raise an exception if it is not.
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Using a ``list`` or ``numpy.ndarray`` as the ``channel`` or ``target``
argument for the :func:`qiskit.quantum_info.process_fidelity`,
:func:`qiskit.quantum_info.gate_error`, and
:func:`qiskit.quantum_info.diamond_norm` functions has been
deprecated and will not be supported in a future release. The inputs should
instead be a :class:`~qiskit.circuit.Gate` or a ``BaseOperator`` subclass
object (eg. :class:`~qiskit.quantum_info.Operator`,
:class:`~qiskit.quantum_info.Choi`, etc.)
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When the ``require_cp`` and/or ``require_tp`` kwargs of
:func:`qiskit.quantum_info.gate_error` are ``True``, they will now only log a
warning rather than the previous behavior of raising a
:class:`~qiskit.exceptions.QiskitError` exception if the input channel is
non-CP or non-TP respectively.