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# This code is part of Qiskit.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2017, 2018.
# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
# obtain a copy of this license in the LICENSE.txt file in the root directory
# of this source tree or at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.
# Any modifications or derivative works of this code must retain this
# copyright notice, and modified files need to carry a notice indicating
# that they have been altered from the originals.
# pylint: disable=missing-class-docstring
"""Test the passmanager logic"""
import copy
import numpy as np
from qiskit import QuantumRegister, QuantumCircuit
from qiskit.circuit.library import U2Gate
from qiskit.converters import circuit_to_dag
from qiskit.passmanager.flow_controllers import (
from qiskit.transpiler import PassManager, PropertySet, TransformationPass
from qiskit.transpiler.passes import Optimize1qGates, BasisTranslator, ResourceEstimation
from qiskit.circuit.library.standard_gates.equivalence_library import (
StandardEquivalenceLibrary as std_eqlib,
from test import QiskitTestCase # pylint: disable=wrong-import-order
class TestPassManager(QiskitTestCase):
"""Test Pass manager logic."""
def test_callback(self):
"""Test the callback parameter."""
qr = QuantumRegister(1, "qr")
circuit = QuantumCircuit(qr, name="MyCircuit")
expected_start = QuantumCircuit(qr)
expected_start.append(U2Gate(0, np.pi), [qr[0]])
expected_start.append(U2Gate(0, np.pi), [qr[0]])
expected_start.append(U2Gate(0, np.pi), [qr[0]])
expected_start_dag = circuit_to_dag(expected_start)
expected_end = QuantumCircuit(qr)
expected_end.append(U2Gate(0, np.pi), [qr[0]])
expected_end_dag = circuit_to_dag(expected_end)
calls = []
def callback(**kwargs):
out_dict = kwargs
out_dict["dag"] = copy.deepcopy(kwargs["dag"])
passmanager = PassManager()
passmanager.append(BasisTranslator(std_eqlib, ["u2"]))
passmanager.run(circuit, callback=callback)
self.assertEqual(len(calls), 2)
self.assertEqual(len(calls[0]), 5)
self.assertEqual(calls[0]["count"], 0)
self.assertEqual(calls[0]["pass_"].name(), "BasisTranslator")
self.assertEqual(expected_start_dag, calls[0]["dag"])
self.assertIsInstance(calls[0]["time"], float)
self.assertEqual(calls[0]["property_set"], PropertySet())
self.assertEqual("MyCircuit", calls[0]["dag"].name)
self.assertEqual(len(calls[1]), 5)
self.assertEqual(calls[1]["count"], 1)
self.assertEqual(calls[1]["pass_"].name(), "Optimize1qGates")
self.assertEqual(expected_end_dag, calls[1]["dag"])
self.assertIsInstance(calls[0]["time"], float)
self.assertEqual(calls[0]["property_set"], PropertySet())
self.assertEqual("MyCircuit", calls[1]["dag"].name)
def test_callback_with_pass_requires(self):
"""Test the callback with a pass with pass requirements."""
qr = QuantumRegister(3, "qr")
circuit = QuantumCircuit(qr, name="MyCircuit")
circuit.cx(qr[0], qr[2])
expected_start = QuantumCircuit(qr)
expected_start.cx(qr[0], qr[2])
expected_start_dag = circuit_to_dag(expected_start)
expected_end = QuantumCircuit(qr)
expected_end.cx(qr[0], qr[2])
calls = []
def callback(**kwargs):
out_dict = kwargs
out_dict["dag"] = copy.deepcopy(kwargs["dag"])
passmanager = PassManager()
passmanager.run(circuit, callback=callback)
self.assertEqual(len(calls), 7)
required_passes = [
for call_entry in range(7):
self.assertEqual(len(calls[call_entry]), 5)
self.assertEqual(calls[call_entry]["count"], call_entry)
self.assertEqual(calls[call_entry]["pass_"].name(), required_passes[call_entry])
self.assertEqual(expected_start_dag, calls[call_entry]["dag"])
self.assertIsInstance(calls[call_entry]["time"], float)
self.assertIsInstance(calls[call_entry]["property_set"], PropertySet)
self.assertEqual("MyCircuit", calls[call_entry]["dag"].name)
def test_to_flow_controller(self):
"""Test that conversion to a `FlowController` works, and the result can be added to a
circuit and conditioned, with the condition only being called once."""
class DummyPass(TransformationPass):
def __init__(self, x):
self.x = x
def run(self, dag):
return dag
def repeat(count):
def condition(_):
nonlocal count
if not count:
return False
count -= 1
return True
return condition
def make_inner(prefix):
inner = PassManager()
inner.append(DummyPass(f"{prefix} 1"))
inner.append(ConditionalController(DummyPass(f"{prefix} 2"), condition=lambda _: False))
inner.append(ConditionalController(DummyPass(f"{prefix} 3"), condition=lambda _: True))
inner.append(DoWhileController(DummyPass(f"{prefix} 4"), do_while=repeat(1)))
return inner.to_flow_controller()
self.assertIsInstance(make_inner("test"), FlowControllerLinear)
outer = PassManager()
outer.append(ConditionalController(make_inner("second"), condition=lambda _: False))
# The intent of this `condition=repeat(1)` is to ensure that the outer condition is only
# checked once and not flattened into the inner controllers; an inner pass invalidating the
# condition should not affect subsequent passes once the initial condition was met.
outer.append(ConditionalController(make_inner("third"), condition=repeat(1)))
calls = []
def callback(pass_, **_):
self.assertIsInstance(pass_, DummyPass)
outer.run(QuantumCircuit(), callback=callback)
expected = [
"first 1",
"first 3",
# it's a do-while loop, not a while, which is why the `repeat(1)` gives two calls
"first 4",
"first 4",
# If the outer pass-manager condition is called more than once, then only the first of
# the `third` passes will appear.
"third 1",
"third 3",
"third 4",
"third 4",
self.assertEqual(calls, expected)