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# This code is part of Qiskit.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2017, 2021.
# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
# obtain a copy of this license in the LICENSE.txt file in the root directory
# of this source tree or at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.
# Any modifications or derivative works of this code must retain this
# copyright notice, and modified files need to carry a notice indicating
# that they have been altered from the originals.
"""Tests for Stabilizerstate quantum state class."""
from itertools import product
import unittest
import logging
from ddt import ddt, data, unpack
import numpy as np
from qiskit import QuantumCircuit
from qiskit.quantum_info.random import random_clifford, random_pauli
from qiskit.quantum_info.states import StabilizerState, Statevector
from qiskit.circuit.library import IGate, XGate, HGate
from qiskit.quantum_info.operators import Clifford, Pauli, Operator, SparsePauliOp
from test import combine # pylint: disable=wrong-import-order
from test import QiskitTestCase # pylint: disable=wrong-import-order
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class StabilizerStateTestingTools:
"""Test tools for verifying test cases in StabilizerState"""
def _bitstring_product_dict(bitstring_length: int, skip_entries: dict = None) -> dict:
"""Retrieves a dict of every possible product of '0', '1' for length bitstring_length
pass in a dict to use the keys as entries to skip adding to the dict
bitstring_length (int): length of the bitstring product
skip_entries (dict[str, float], optional): dict entries to skip adding to the dict based
on existing keys in the dict passed in. Defaults to {}.
dict[str, float]: dict with entries, all set to 0
if skip_entries is None:
skip_entries = {}
return {
result: 0
for result in ["".join(x) for x in product(["0", "1"], repeat=bitstring_length)]
if result not in skip_entries
def _verify_individual_bitstrings(
testcase: QiskitTestCase,
target_dict: dict,
stab: StabilizerState,
qargs: list = None,
decimals: int = None,
dict_almost_equal: bool = False,
) -> None:
"""Helper that iterates through the target_dict and checks all probabilities by
running the value through the probabilities_dict_from_bitstring method for
retrieving a single measurement
target_dict (dict[str, float]): dict to check probabilities for
stab (StabilizerState): stabilizerstate object to run probabilities_dict_from_bitstring on
qargs (None or list): subsystems to return probabilities for,
if None return for all subsystems (Default: None).
decimals (None or int): the number of decimal places to round
values. If None no rounding is done (Default: None)
dict_almost_equal (bool): utilize assertDictAlmostEqual when true, assertDictEqual when false
for outcome_bitstring in target_dict:
(testcase.assertDictAlmostEqual if (dict_almost_equal) else testcase.assertDictEqual)(
outcome_bitstring=outcome_bitstring, qargs=qargs, decimals=decimals
{outcome_bitstring: target_dict[outcome_bitstring]},
class TestStabilizerState(QiskitTestCase):
"""Tests for StabilizerState class."""
rng = np.random.default_rng(12345)
samples = 10
shots = 1000
threshold = 0.1 * shots
@combine(num_qubits=[2, 3, 4, 5])
def test_init_clifford(self, num_qubits):
"""Test initialization from Clifford."""
stab1 = StabilizerState(random_clifford(num_qubits, seed=self.rng))
stab2 = StabilizerState(stab1)
self.assertEqual(stab1, stab2)
@combine(num_qubits=[2, 3, 4, 5])
def test_init_circuit(self, num_qubits):
"""Test initialization from a Clifford circuit."""
cliff = random_clifford(num_qubits, seed=self.rng)
stab1 = StabilizerState(cliff.to_circuit())
stab2 = StabilizerState(cliff)
self.assertEqual(stab1, stab2)
@combine(num_qubits=[2, 3, 4, 5])
def test_init_instruction(self, num_qubits):
"""Test initialization from a Clifford instruction."""
cliff = random_clifford(num_qubits, seed=self.rng)
stab1 = StabilizerState(cliff.to_instruction())
stab2 = StabilizerState(cliff)
self.assertEqual(stab1, stab2)
@combine(num_qubits=[2, 3, 4, 5])
def test_init_pauli(self, num_qubits):
"""Test initialization from pauli."""
pauli = random_pauli(num_qubits, seed=self.rng)
stab1 = StabilizerState(pauli)
stab2 = StabilizerState(stab1)
self.assertEqual(stab1, stab2)
@combine(num_qubits=[2, 3, 4, 5])
def test_to_operator(self, num_qubits):
"""Test to_operator method for returning projector."""
for _ in range(self.samples):
stab = StabilizerState(random_clifford(num_qubits, seed=self.rng))
target = Operator(stab)
op = StabilizerState(stab).to_operator()
self.assertEqual(op, target)
@combine(num_qubits=[2, 3, 4])
def test_trace(self, num_qubits):
"""Test trace methods"""
stab = StabilizerState(random_clifford(num_qubits, seed=self.rng))
trace = stab.trace()
self.assertEqual(trace, 1.0)
@combine(num_qubits=[2, 3, 4])
def test_purity(self, num_qubits):
"""Test purity methods"""
stab = StabilizerState(random_clifford(num_qubits, seed=self.rng))
purity = stab.purity()
self.assertEqual(purity, 1.0)
@combine(num_qubits=[2, 3])
def test_conjugate(self, num_qubits):
"""Test conjugate method."""
for _ in range(self.samples):
cliff = random_clifford(num_qubits, seed=self.rng)
target = StabilizerState(cliff.conjugate())
state = StabilizerState(cliff).conjugate()
self.assertEqual(state, target)
def test_tensor(self):
"""Test tensor method."""
for _ in range(self.samples):
cliff1 = random_clifford(2, seed=self.rng)
cliff2 = random_clifford(3, seed=self.rng)
stab1 = StabilizerState(cliff1)
stab2 = StabilizerState(cliff2)
target = StabilizerState(cliff1.tensor(cliff2))
state = stab1.tensor(stab2)
self.assertEqual(state, target)
def test_expand(self):
"""Test expand method."""
for _ in range(self.samples):
cliff1 = random_clifford(2, seed=self.rng)
cliff2 = random_clifford(3, seed=self.rng)
stab1 = StabilizerState(cliff1)
stab2 = StabilizerState(cliff2)
target = StabilizerState(cliff1.expand(cliff2))
state = stab1.expand(stab2)
self.assertEqual(state, target)
@combine(num_qubits=[2, 3, 4])
def test_evolve(self, num_qubits):
"""Test evolve method."""
for _ in range(self.samples):
cliff1 = random_clifford(num_qubits, seed=self.rng)
cliff2 = random_clifford(num_qubits, seed=self.rng)
stab1 = StabilizerState(cliff1)
stab2 = StabilizerState(cliff2)
target = StabilizerState(cliff1.compose(cliff2))
state = stab1.evolve(stab2)
self.assertEqual(state, target)
@combine(num_qubits_1=[4, 5, 6], num_qubits_2=[1, 2, 3])
def test_evolve_subsystem(self, num_qubits_1, num_qubits_2):
"""Test subsystem evolve method."""
for _ in range(self.samples):
cliff1 = random_clifford(num_qubits_1, seed=self.rng)
cliff2 = random_clifford(num_qubits_2, seed=self.rng)
stab1 = StabilizerState(cliff1)
stab2 = StabilizerState(cliff2)
qargs = sorted(np.random.choice(range(num_qubits_1), num_qubits_2, replace=False))
target = StabilizerState(cliff1.compose(cliff2, qargs))
state = stab1.evolve(stab2, qargs)
self.assertEqual(state, target)
def test_measure_single_qubit(self):
"""Test a measurement of a single qubit"""
for _ in range(self.samples):
cliff = Clifford(XGate())
stab = StabilizerState(cliff)
value = stab.measure()[0]
self.assertEqual(value, "1")
cliff = Clifford(IGate())
stab = StabilizerState(cliff)
value = stab.measure()[0]
self.assertEqual(value, "0")
cliff = Clifford(HGate())
stab = StabilizerState(cliff)
value = stab.measure()[0]
self.assertIn(value, ["0", "1"])
def test_measure_qubits(self):
"""Test a measurement of a subsystem of qubits"""
for _ in range(self.samples):
num_qubits = 4
qc = QuantumCircuit(num_qubits)
stab = StabilizerState(qc)
value = stab.measure()[0]
self.assertEqual(value, "0000")
value = stab.measure([0, 2])[0]
self.assertEqual(value, "00")
value = stab.measure([1])[0]
self.assertEqual(value, "0")
for i in range(num_qubits):
stab = StabilizerState(qc)
value = stab.measure()[0]
self.assertEqual(value, "1111")
value = stab.measure([2, 0])[0]
self.assertEqual(value, "11")
value = stab.measure([1])[0]
self.assertEqual(value, "1")
qc = QuantumCircuit(num_qubits)
stab = StabilizerState(qc)
value = stab.measure()[0]
self.assertIn(value, ["0000", "0001"])
value = stab.measure([0, 1])[0]
self.assertIn(value, ["00", "01"])
value = stab.measure([2])[0]
self.assertEqual(value, "0")
qc = QuantumCircuit(num_qubits)
qc.cx(0, 1)
qc.cx(0, 2)
qc.cx(0, 3)
stab = StabilizerState(qc)
value = stab.measure()[0]
self.assertIn(value, ["0000", "1111"])
value = stab.measure([3, 1])[0]
self.assertIn(value, ["00", "11"])
value = stab.measure([2])[0]
self.assertIn(value, ["0", "1"])
def test_reset_single_qubit(self):
"""Test reset method of a single qubit"""
empty_qc = QuantumCircuit(1)
for _ in range(self.samples):
cliff = Clifford(XGate())
stab = StabilizerState(cliff)
value = stab.reset([0])
target = StabilizerState(empty_qc)
self.assertEqual(value, target)
cliff = Clifford(HGate())
stab = StabilizerState(cliff)
value = stab.reset([0])
target = StabilizerState(empty_qc)
self.assertEqual(value, target)
def test_reset_qubits(self):
"""Test reset method of a subsystem of qubits"""
num_qubits = 3
qc = QuantumCircuit(num_qubits)
qc.cx(0, 1)
qc.cx(0, 2)
for _ in range(self.samples):
with self.subTest(msg="reset (None)"):
stab = StabilizerState(qc)
res = stab.reset()
value = res.measure()[0]
self.assertEqual(value, "000")
for _ in range(self.samples):
for qargs in [[0, 1, 2], [2, 1, 0], [1, 2, 0], [1, 0, 2]]:
with self.subTest(msg=f"reset (qargs={qargs})"):
stab = StabilizerState(qc)
res = stab.reset(qargs)
value = res.measure()[0]
self.assertEqual(value, "000")
for _ in range(self.samples):
with self.subTest(msg="reset ([0])"):
stab = StabilizerState(qc)
res = stab.reset([0])
value = res.measure()[0]
self.assertIn(value, ["000", "110"])
for _ in range(self.samples):
with self.subTest(msg="reset ([1])"):
stab = StabilizerState(qc)
res = stab.reset([1])
value = res.measure()[0]
self.assertIn(value, ["000", "101"])
for _ in range(self.samples):
with self.subTest(msg="reset ([2])"):
stab = StabilizerState(qc)
res = stab.reset([2])
value = res.measure()[0]
self.assertIn(value, ["000", "011"])
for _ in range(self.samples):
for qargs in [[0, 1], [1, 0]]:
with self.subTest(msg=f"reset (qargs={qargs})"):
stab = StabilizerState(qc)
res = stab.reset(qargs)
value = res.measure()[0]
self.assertIn(value, ["000", "100"])
for _ in range(self.samples):
for qargs in [[0, 2], [2, 0]]:
with self.subTest(msg=f"reset (qargs={qargs})"):
stab = StabilizerState(qc)
res = stab.reset(qargs)
value = res.measure()[0]
self.assertIn(value, ["000", "010"])
for _ in range(self.samples):
for qargs in [[1, 2], [2, 1]]:
with self.subTest(msg=f"reset (qargs={qargs})"):
stab = StabilizerState(qc)
res = stab.reset(qargs)
value = res.measure()[0]
self.assertIn(value, ["000", "001"])
def test_probabilities_dict_single_qubit(self):
"""Test probabilities and probabilities_dict methods of a single qubit"""
num_qubits = 1
qc = QuantumCircuit(num_qubits)
for _ in range(self.samples):
with self.subTest(msg="P(id(0))"):
stab = StabilizerState(qc)
value = stab.probabilities_dict()
target = {"0": 1}
self.assertEqual(value, target)
target.update({"1": 0.0})
StabilizerStateTestingTools._verify_individual_bitstrings(self, target, stab)
probs = stab.probabilities()
target = np.array([1, 0])
self.assertTrue(np.allclose(probs, target))
for _ in range(self.samples):
with self.subTest(msg="P(x(0))"):
stab = StabilizerState(qc)
value = stab.probabilities_dict()
target = {"1": 1}
self.assertEqual(value, target)
target.update({"0": 0.0})
StabilizerStateTestingTools._verify_individual_bitstrings(self, target, stab)
probs = stab.probabilities()
target = np.array([0, 1])
self.assertTrue(np.allclose(probs, target))
qc = QuantumCircuit(num_qubits)
for _ in range(self.samples):
with self.subTest(msg="P(h(0))"):
stab = StabilizerState(qc)
value = stab.probabilities_dict()
target = {"0": 0.5, "1": 0.5}
self.assertEqual(value, target)
StabilizerStateTestingTools._verify_individual_bitstrings(self, target, stab)
probs = stab.probabilities()
target = np.array([0.5, 0.5])
self.assertTrue(np.allclose(probs, target))
def test_probabilities_dict_two_qubits(self):
"""Test probabilities and probabilities_dict methods of two qubits"""
num_qubits = 2
qc = QuantumCircuit(num_qubits)
stab = StabilizerState(qc)
for _ in range(self.samples):
with self.subTest(msg="P(None)"):
value = stab.probabilities_dict()
target = {"00": 0.5, "01": 0.5}
self.assertEqual(value, target)
target.update({"10": 0.0, "11": 0.0})
StabilizerStateTestingTools._verify_individual_bitstrings(self, target, stab)
probs = stab.probabilities()
target = np.array([0.5, 0.5, 0, 0])
self.assertTrue(np.allclose(probs, target))
qargs: list = [0, 1]
for _ in range(self.samples):
with self.subTest(msg="P([0, 1])"):
value = stab.probabilities_dict(qargs)
target = {"00": 0.5, "01": 0.5}
self.assertEqual(value, target)
target.update({"10": 0.0, "11": 0.0})
StabilizerStateTestingTools._verify_individual_bitstrings(self, target, stab, qargs)
probs = stab.probabilities(qargs)
target = np.array([0.5, 0.5, 0, 0])
self.assertTrue(np.allclose(probs, target))
qargs: list = [1, 0]
for _ in range(self.samples):
with self.subTest(msg="P([1, 0])"):
value = stab.probabilities_dict(qargs)
target = {"00": 0.5, "10": 0.5}
self.assertEqual(value, target)
target.update({"01": 0.0, "11": 0.0})
StabilizerStateTestingTools._verify_individual_bitstrings(self, target, stab, qargs)
probs = stab.probabilities(qargs)
target = np.array([0.5, 0, 0.5, 0])
self.assertTrue(np.allclose(probs, target))
qargs: list = [0]
for _ in range(self.samples):
with self.subTest(msg="P[0]"):
value = stab.probabilities_dict(qargs)
target = {"0": 0.5, "1": 0.5}
self.assertEqual(value, target)
StabilizerStateTestingTools._verify_individual_bitstrings(self, target, stab, qargs)
probs = stab.probabilities(qargs)
target = np.array([0.5, 0.5])
self.assertTrue(np.allclose(probs, target))
qargs: list = [1]
for _ in range(self.samples):
with self.subTest(msg="P([1])"):
value = stab.probabilities_dict(qargs)
target = {"0": 1.0}
self.assertEqual(value, target)
target.update({"1": 0.0})
StabilizerStateTestingTools._verify_individual_bitstrings(self, target, stab, qargs)
probs = stab.probabilities(qargs)
target = np.array([1, 0])
self.assertTrue(np.allclose(probs, target))
def test_probabilities_dict_qubits(self):
"""Test probabilities and probabilities_dict methods of a subsystem of qubits"""
num_qubits = 3
qc = QuantumCircuit(num_qubits)
stab = StabilizerState(qc)
decimals: int = 1
for _ in range(self.samples):
with self.subTest(msg="P(None), decimals=1"):
value = stab.probabilities_dict(decimals=decimals)
target = {
"000": 0.1,
"001": 0.1,
"010": 0.1,
"011": 0.1,
"100": 0.1,
"101": 0.1,
"110": 0.1,
"111": 0.1,
self.assertEqual(value, target)
self, target, stab, decimals=decimals
probs = stab.probabilities(decimals=decimals)
target = np.array([0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1])
self.assertTrue(np.allclose(probs, target))
decimals: int = 2
for _ in range(self.samples):
with self.subTest(msg="P(None), decimals=2"):
value = stab.probabilities_dict(decimals=decimals)
target = {
"000": 0.12,
"001": 0.12,
"010": 0.12,
"011": 0.12,
"100": 0.12,
"101": 0.12,
"110": 0.12,
"111": 0.12,
self.assertEqual(value, target)
self, target, stab, decimals=decimals
probs = stab.probabilities(decimals=decimals)
target = np.array([0.12, 0.12, 0.12, 0.12, 0.12, 0.12, 0.12, 0.12])
self.assertTrue(np.allclose(probs, target))
decimals: int = 3
for _ in range(self.samples):
with self.subTest(msg="P(None), decimals=3"):
value = stab.probabilities_dict(decimals=decimals)
target = {
"000": 0.125,
"001": 0.125,
"010": 0.125,
"011": 0.125,
"100": 0.125,
"101": 0.125,
"110": 0.125,
"111": 0.125,
self.assertEqual(value, target)
self, target, stab, decimals=decimals
probs = stab.probabilities(decimals=3)
target = np.array([0.125, 0.125, 0.125, 0.125, 0.125, 0.125, 0.125, 0.125])
self.assertTrue(np.allclose(probs, target))
@combine(num_qubits=[5, 6, 7, 8, 9])
def test_probabilities_dict_from_bitstring(self, num_qubits):
"""Test probabilities_dict_from_bitstring methods with medium number of qubits that are still
reasonable to calculate the full dict with probabilities_dict of all possible outcomes"""
qc: QuantumCircuit = QuantumCircuit(num_qubits)
for qubit_num in range(0, num_qubits):
stab = StabilizerState(qc)
expected_result: float = float(1 / (2**num_qubits))
target_dict: dict = StabilizerStateTestingTools._bitstring_product_dict(num_qubits)
target_dict.update((k, expected_result) for k in target_dict)
for _ in range(self.samples):
with self.subTest(msg="P(None)"):
value = stab.probabilities_dict()
self.assertDictEqual(value, target_dict)
StabilizerStateTestingTools._verify_individual_bitstrings(self, target_dict, stab)
probs = stab.probabilities()
target = np.array(([expected_result] * (2**num_qubits)))
self.assertTrue(np.allclose(probs, target))
# H gate at qubit 0, Every gate after is an X gate
# will result in 2 outcomes with 0.5
qc = QuantumCircuit(num_qubits)
for qubit_num in range(1, num_qubits):
stab = StabilizerState(qc)
# Build the 2 expected outcome bitstrings for
# 0.5 probability based on h and x gates
target_1: str = "".join(["1" * (num_qubits - 1)] + ["0"])
target_2: str = "".join(["1" * num_qubits])
target: dict = {target_1: 0.5, target_2: 0.5}
target_all_bitstrings: dict = StabilizerStateTestingTools._bitstring_product_dict(
num_qubits, target
# Numpy Array to verify stab.probabilities()
target_np_dict: dict = StabilizerStateTestingTools._bitstring_product_dict(
num_qubits, [target_1, target_2]
target_np_array: np.ndarray = np.array(list(target_np_dict.values()))
for _ in range(self.samples):
with self.subTest(msg="P(None)"):
stab = StabilizerState(qc)
value = stab.probabilities_dict()
self.assertEqual(value, target)
self, target_all_bitstrings, stab
probs = stab.probabilities()
self.assertTrue(np.allclose(probs, target_np_array))
def test_probabilities_dict_ghz(self):
"""Test probabilities and probabilities_dict method of a subsystem of qubits"""
num_qubits = 3
qc = QuantumCircuit(num_qubits)
qc.cx(0, 1)
qc.cx(0, 2)
with self.subTest(msg="P(None)"):
stab = StabilizerState(qc)
value = stab.probabilities_dict()
target = {"000": 0.5, "111": 0.5}
self.assertEqual(value, target)
target.update(StabilizerStateTestingTools._bitstring_product_dict(num_qubits, target))
StabilizerStateTestingTools._verify_individual_bitstrings(self, target, stab)
probs = stab.probabilities()
target = np.array([0.5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.5])
self.assertTrue(np.allclose(probs, target))
# 3-qubit qargs
for qargs in [[0, 1, 2], [2, 1, 0], [1, 2, 0], [1, 0, 2]]:
with self.subTest(msg=f"P({qargs})"):
probs = stab.probabilities_dict(qargs)
target = {"000": 0.5, "111": 0.5}
self.assertDictAlmostEqual(probs, target)
StabilizerStateTestingTools._bitstring_product_dict(num_qubits, target)
StabilizerStateTestingTools._verify_individual_bitstrings(self, target, stab, qargs)
probs = stab.probabilities(qargs)
target = np.array([0.5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.5])
self.assertTrue(np.allclose(probs, target))
# 2-qubit qargs
for qargs in [[0, 1], [2, 1], [1, 0], [1, 2]]:
with self.subTest(msg=f"P({qargs})"):
probs = stab.probabilities_dict(qargs)
target = {"00": 0.5, "11": 0.5}
self.assertDictAlmostEqual(probs, target)
target.update(StabilizerStateTestingTools._bitstring_product_dict(2, target))
self, target, stab, qargs, dict_almost_equal=True
probs = stab.probabilities(qargs)
target = np.array([0.5, 0, 0, 0.5])
self.assertTrue(np.allclose(probs, target))
# 1-qubit qargs
for qargs in [[0], [1], [2]]:
with self.subTest(msg=f"P({qargs})"):
probs = stab.probabilities_dict(qargs)
target = {"0": 0.5, "1": 0.5}
self.assertDictAlmostEqual(probs, target)
self, target, stab, qargs, dict_almost_equal=True
probs = stab.probabilities(qargs)
target = np.array([0.5, 0.5])
self.assertTrue(np.allclose(probs, target))
@combine(num_qubits=[2, 3, 4])
def test_probs_random_subsystem(self, num_qubits):
"""Test probabilities and probabilities_dict methods
of random cliffords for a subsystem of qubits"""
for _ in range(self.samples):
for subsystem_size in range(1, num_qubits):
cliff = random_clifford(num_qubits, seed=self.rng)
qargs = np.random.choice(num_qubits, size=subsystem_size, replace=False)
qc = cliff.to_circuit()
stab = StabilizerState(cliff)
probs = stab.probabilities(qargs)
probs_dict = stab.probabilities_dict(qargs)
self, probs_dict, stab, qargs
target = Statevector(qc).probabilities(qargs)
target_dict = Statevector(qc).probabilities_dict(qargs)
self.assertTrue(np.allclose(probs, target))
self.assertDictAlmostEqual(probs_dict, target_dict)
self, target_dict, stab, qargs, dict_almost_equal=True
@combine(num_qubits=[2, 3, 4, 5])
def test_expval_from_random_clifford(self, num_qubits):
"""Test that the expectation values for a random Clifford,
where the Pauli operators are all its stabilizers,
are equal to 1."""
for _ in range(self.samples):
cliff = random_clifford(num_qubits, seed=self.rng)
qc = cliff.to_circuit()
stab = StabilizerState(qc)
stab_gen = stab.clifford.to_dict()["stabilizer"]
for i in range(num_qubits):
op = Pauli(stab_gen[i])
exp_val = stab.expectation_value(op)
self.assertEqual(exp_val, 1)
def test_sample_counts_reset_bell(self):
"""Test sample_counts after reset for Bell state"""
num_qubits = 2
qc = QuantumCircuit(num_qubits)
qc.cx(0, 1)
stab = StabilizerState(qc)
target = {"00": self.shots / 2, "10": self.shots / 2}
counts = {"00": 0, "10": 0}
for _ in range(self.shots):
res = stab.reset([0])
value = res.measure()[0]
counts[value] += 1
self.assertDictAlmostEqual(counts, target, self.threshold)
target = {"00": self.shots / 2, "01": self.shots / 2}
counts = {"00": 0, "01": 0}
for _ in range(self.shots):
res = stab.reset([1])
value = res.measure()[0]
counts[value] += 1
self.assertDictAlmostEqual(counts, target, self.threshold)
def test_sample_counts_memory_ghz(self):
"""Test sample_counts and sample_memory method for GHZ state"""
num_qubits = 3
qc = QuantumCircuit(num_qubits)
qc.cx(0, 1)
qc.cx(0, 2)
stab = StabilizerState(qc)
# 3-qubit qargs
target = {"000": self.shots / 2, "111": self.shots / 2}
for qargs in [[0, 1, 2], [2, 1, 0], [1, 2, 0], [1, 0, 2]]:
with self.subTest(msg=f"counts (qargs={qargs})"):
counts = stab.sample_counts(self.shots, qargs=qargs)
self.assertDictAlmostEqual(counts, target, self.threshold)
with self.subTest(msg=f"memory (qargs={qargs})"):
memory = stab.sample_memory(self.shots, qargs=qargs)
self.assertEqual(len(memory), self.shots)
self.assertEqual(set(memory), set(target))
# 2-qubit qargs
target = {"00": self.shots / 2, "11": self.shots / 2}
for qargs in [[0, 1], [2, 1], [1, 2], [1, 0]]:
with self.subTest(msg=f"counts (qargs={qargs})"):
counts = stab.sample_counts(self.shots, qargs=qargs)
self.assertDictAlmostEqual(counts, target, self.threshold)
with self.subTest(msg=f"memory (qargs={qargs})"):
memory = stab.sample_memory(self.shots, qargs=qargs)
self.assertEqual(len(memory), self.shots)
self.assertEqual(set(memory), set(target))
# 1-qubit qargs
target = {"0": self.shots / 2, "1": self.shots / 2}
for qargs in [[0], [1], [2]]:
with self.subTest(msg=f"counts (qargs={qargs})"):
counts = stab.sample_counts(self.shots, qargs=qargs)
self.assertDictAlmostEqual(counts, target, self.threshold)
with self.subTest(msg=f"memory (qargs={qargs})"):
memory = stab.sample_memory(self.shots, qargs=qargs)
self.assertEqual(len(memory), self.shots)
self.assertEqual(set(memory), set(target))
def test_sample_counts_memory_superposition(self):
"""Test sample_counts and sample_memory method of a 3-qubit superposition"""
num_qubits = 3
qc = QuantumCircuit(num_qubits)
stab = StabilizerState(qc)
# 3-qubit qargs
target = {
"000": self.shots / 8,
"001": self.shots / 8,
"010": self.shots / 8,
"011": self.shots / 8,
"100": self.shots / 8,
"101": self.shots / 8,
"110": self.shots / 8,
"111": self.shots / 8,
for qargs in [[0, 1, 2], [2, 1, 0], [1, 2, 0], [1, 0, 2]]:
with self.subTest(msg=f"counts (qargs={qargs})"):
counts = stab.sample_counts(self.shots, qargs=qargs)
self.assertDictAlmostEqual(counts, target, self.threshold)
with self.subTest(msg=f"memory (qargs={qargs})"):
memory = stab.sample_memory(self.shots, qargs=qargs)
self.assertEqual(len(memory), self.shots)
self.assertEqual(set(memory), set(target))
# 2-qubit qargs
target = {
"00": self.shots / 4,
"01": self.shots / 4,
"10": self.shots / 4,
"11": self.shots / 4,
for qargs in [[0, 1], [2, 1], [1, 2], [1, 0]]:
with self.subTest(msg=f"counts (qargs={qargs})"):
counts = stab.sample_counts(self.shots, qargs=qargs)
self.assertDictAlmostEqual(counts, target, self.threshold)
with self.subTest(msg=f"memory (qargs={qargs})"):
memory = stab.sample_memory(self.shots, qargs=qargs)
self.assertEqual(len(memory), self.shots)
self.assertEqual(set(memory), set(target))
# 1-qubit qargs
target = {"0": self.shots / 2, "1": self.shots / 2}
for qargs in [[0], [1], [2]]:
with self.subTest(msg=f"counts (qargs={qargs})"):
counts = stab.sample_counts(self.shots, qargs=qargs)
self.assertDictAlmostEqual(counts, target, self.threshold)
with self.subTest(msg=f"memory (qargs={qargs})"):
memory = stab.sample_memory(self.shots, qargs=qargs)
self.assertEqual(len(memory), self.shots)
self.assertEqual(set(memory), set(target))
class TestStabilizerStateExpectationValue(QiskitTestCase):
"""Tests for StabilizerState.expectation_value method."""
rng = np.random.default_rng(12345)
samples = 10
shots = 1000
threshold = 0.1 * shots
@data(("Z", 1), ("X", 0), ("Y", 0), ("I", 1), ("Z", 1), ("-Z", -1), ("iZ", 1j), ("-iZ", -1j))
def test_expval_single_qubit_0(self, label, target):
"""Test expectation_value method of a single qubit on |0>"""
qc = QuantumCircuit(1)
stab = StabilizerState(qc)
op = Pauli(label)
expval = stab.expectation_value(op)
self.assertEqual(expval, target)
@data(("Z", -1), ("X", 0), ("Y", 0), ("I", 1))
def test_expval_single_qubit_1(self, label, target):
"""Test expectation_value method of a single qubit on |1>"""
qc = QuantumCircuit(1)
stab = StabilizerState(qc)
op = Pauli(label)
expval = stab.expectation_value(op)
self.assertEqual(expval, target)
@data(("Z", 0), ("X", 1), ("Y", 0), ("I", 1), ("X", 1), ("-X", -1), ("iX", 1j), ("-iX", -1j))
def test_expval_single_qubit_plus(self, label, target):
"""Test expectation_value method of a single qubit on |+>"""
qc = QuantumCircuit(1)
stab = StabilizerState(qc)
op = Pauli(label)
expval = stab.expectation_value(op)
self.assertEqual(expval, target)
("II", 1),
("XX", 0),
("YY", 0),
("ZZ", 1),
("IX", 0),
("IY", 0),
("IZ", 1),
("XY", 0),
("XZ", 0),
("YZ", 0),
("-ZZ", -1),
("iZZ", 1j),
("-iZZ", -1j),
def test_expval_two_qubits_00(self, label, target):
"""Test expectation_value method of two qubits in |00>"""
num_qubits = 2
qc = QuantumCircuit(num_qubits)
stab = StabilizerState(qc)
op = Pauli(label)
expval = stab.expectation_value(op)
self.assertEqual(expval, target)
("II", 1),
("XX", 0),
("YY", 0),
("ZZ", 1),
("IX", 0),
("IY", 0),
("IZ", -1),
("XY", 0),
("XZ", 0),
("YZ", 0),
def test_expval_two_qubits_11(self, label, target):
"""Test expectation_value method of two qubits in |11>"""
qc = QuantumCircuit(2)
stab = StabilizerState(qc)
op = Pauli(label)
expval = stab.expectation_value(op)
self.assertEqual(expval, target)
("II", 1),
("XX", 1),
("YY", 0),
("ZZ", 0),
("IX", 1),
("IY", 0),
("IZ", 0),
("XY", 0),
("XZ", 0),
("YZ", 0),
("-XX", -1),
("iXX", 1j),
("-iXX", -1j),
def test_expval_two_qubits_plusplus(self, label, target):
"""Test expectation_value method of two qubits in |++>"""
qc = QuantumCircuit(2)
stab = StabilizerState(qc)
op = Pauli(label)
expval = stab.expectation_value(op)
self.assertEqual(expval, target)
("II", 1),
("XX", 0),
("YY", 0),
("ZZ", 0),
("IX", 0),
("IY", 0),
("IZ", -1),
("XY", 0),
("XZ", -1),
("YZ", 0),
def test_expval_two_qubits_plus1(self, label, target):
"""Test expectation_value method of two qubits in |+1>"""
qc = QuantumCircuit(2)
stab = StabilizerState(qc)
op = Pauli(label)
expval = stab.expectation_value(op)
self.assertEqual(expval, target)
("II", 1),
("XX", 1),
("YY", -1),
("ZZ", 1),
("IX", 0),
("IY", 0),
("IZ", 0),
("XY", 0),
("XZ", 0),
("YZ", 0),
("-YY", 1),
("iYY", -1j),
("-iYY", 1j),
def test_expval_two_qubits_bell_phi_plus(self, label, target):
"""Test expectation_value method of two qubits in bell phi plus"""
qc = QuantumCircuit(2)
qc.cx(0, 1)
stab = StabilizerState(qc)
op = Pauli(label)
expval = stab.expectation_value(op)
self.assertEqual(expval, target)
("II", 1),
("XX", 1),
("YY", 1),
("ZZ", -1),
("IX", 0),
("IY", 0),
("IZ", 0),
("XY", 0),
("XZ", 0),
("YZ", 0),
("-XX", -1),
("-YY", -1),
("iXX", 1j),
("iYY", 1j),
("-iXX", -1j),
("-iYY", -1j),
def test_expval_two_qubits_bell_phi_minus(self, label, target):
"""Test expectation_value method of two qubits in bell phi minus"""
qc = QuantumCircuit(2)
qc.cx(0, 1)
stab = StabilizerState(qc)
op = Pauli(label)
expval = stab.expectation_value(op)
self.assertEqual(expval, target)
("II", 1),
("XX", 1),
("YY", 1),
("ZZ", -1),
("IX", 0),
("IY", 0),
("IZ", 0),
("XY", 0),
("XZ", 0),
("YZ", 0),
("-XX", -1),
("-YY", -1),
("iXX", 1j),
("iYY", 1j),
("-iXX", -1j),
("-iYY", -1j),
def test_expval_two_qubits_bell_sdg_h(self, label, target):
"""Test expectation_value method of two qubits in bell followed by sdg and h"""
qc = QuantumCircuit(2)
qc.cx(0, 1)
stab = StabilizerState(qc)
op = Pauli(label)
expval = stab.expectation_value(op)
self.assertEqual(expval, target)
@combine(num_qubits=[2, 3, 4, 5])
def test_expval_random(self, num_qubits):
"""Test expectation_value method of random Cliffords"""
for _ in range(self.samples):
cliff = random_clifford(num_qubits, seed=self.rng)
op = random_pauli(num_qubits, group_phase=True, seed=self.rng)
qc = cliff.to_circuit()
stab = StabilizerState(cliff)
exp_val = stab.expectation_value(op)
target = Statevector(qc).expectation_value(op)
self.assertAlmostEqual(exp_val, target)
@combine(num_qubits=[2, 3, 4, 5])
def test_expval_random_subsystem(self, num_qubits):
"""Test expectation_value method of random Cliffords and a subsystem"""
for _ in range(self.samples):
cliff = random_clifford(num_qubits, seed=self.rng)
op = random_pauli(2, group_phase=True, seed=self.rng)
qargs = np.random.choice(num_qubits, size=2, replace=False)
qc = cliff.to_circuit()
stab = StabilizerState(cliff)
exp_val = stab.expectation_value(op, qargs)
target = Statevector(qc).expectation_value(op, qargs)
self.assertAlmostEqual(exp_val, target)
def test_expval_sparsepauliop(self):
"""Test expectation_value method of SparsePauliOp"""
cliff = random_clifford(num_qubits=3, seed=1234)
stab = StabilizerState(cliff)
labels = ["XXX", "IXI", "YYY", "III"]
coeffs = [3.0, 5.5, -1j, 23]
spp_op = SparsePauliOp.from_list(list(zip(labels, coeffs)))
expval = stab.expectation_value(spp_op)
qc = cliff.to_circuit()
target = Statevector(qc).expectation_value(spp_op)
self.assertAlmostEqual(expval, target)
def test_stabilizer_bell_equiv(self):
"""Test that two circuits produce the same stabilizer group."""
qc1 = QuantumCircuit(2)
qc1.cx(0, 1)
qc2 = QuantumCircuit(2)
qc2.cx(0, 1)
qc3 = QuantumCircuit(2)
qc3.cx(0, 1)
qc4 = QuantumCircuit(2)
qc4.cx(0, 1)
cliff1 = StabilizerState(qc1) # ['+XX', '-ZZ']
cliff2 = StabilizerState(qc2) # ['+YY', '+XX']
cliff3 = StabilizerState(qc3) # ['+XX', '+ZZ']
cliff4 = StabilizerState(qc4) # ['-YY', '+XX']
# [XX, -ZZ] and [XX, YY] both generate the stabilizer group {II, XX, YY, -ZZ}
self.assertEqual(cliff1.probabilities_dict(), cliff2.probabilities_dict())
self, cliff1.probabilities_dict(), cliff2
self, cliff2.probabilities_dict(), cliff1
# [XX, ZZ] and [XX, -YY] both generate the stabilizer group {II, XX, -YY, ZZ}
self.assertEqual(cliff3.probabilities_dict(), cliff4.probabilities_dict())
self, cliff3.probabilities_dict(), cliff4
self, cliff4.probabilities_dict(), cliff3
def test_visualize_does_not_throw_error(self):
"""Test to verify that drawing StabilizerState does not throw an error"""
clifford = random_clifford(3, seed=0)
stab = StabilizerState(clifford)
_ = repr(stab)
if __name__ == "__main__":