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# This code is part of Qiskit.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2017, 2018.
# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
# obtain a copy of this license in the LICENSE.txt file in the root directory
# of this source tree or at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.
# Any modifications or derivative works of this code must retain this
# copyright notice, and modified files need to carry a notice indicating
# that they have been altered from the originals.
"""Test Qiskit's gates in QASM2."""
import unittest
from math import pi
import re
from qiskit import QuantumRegister, ClassicalRegister, QuantumCircuit
from qiskit.circuit import Parameter, Qubit, Clbit, Gate
from qiskit.circuit.library import C3SXGate, CCZGate, CSGate, CSdgGate, PermutationGate
from qiskit.qasm2.exceptions import QASM2Error as QasmError
from qiskit.qasm2 import dumps
from test import QiskitTestCase # pylint: disable=wrong-import-order
# Regex pattern to match valid OpenQASM identifiers
VALID_QASM2_IDENTIFIER = re.compile("[a-z][a-zA-Z_0-9]*")
class TestCircuitQasm(QiskitTestCase):
"""QuantumCircuit QASM2 tests."""
def test_circuit_qasm(self):
"""Test circuit qasm() method."""
qr1 = QuantumRegister(1, "qr1")
qr2 = QuantumRegister(2, "qr2")
cr = ClassicalRegister(3, "cr")
qc = QuantumCircuit(qr1, qr2, cr)
qc.p(0.3, qr1[0])
qc.u(0.3, 0.2, 0.1, qr2[1])
qc.cx(qr1[0], qr2[1])
qc.cx(qr2[1], qr1[0])
with self.assertWarns(DeprecationWarning):
qc.x(qr2[1]).c_if(cr, 0)
with self.assertWarns(DeprecationWarning):
qc.y(qr1[0]).c_if(cr, 1)
with self.assertWarns(DeprecationWarning):
qc.z(qr1[0]).c_if(cr, 2)
qc.barrier(qr1, qr2)
qc.measure(qr1[0], cr[0])
qc.measure(qr2[0], cr[1])
qc.measure(qr2[1], cr[2])
expected_qasm = """OPENQASM 2.0;
include "qelib1.inc";
qreg qr1[1];
qreg qr2[2];
creg cr[3];
p(0.3) qr1[0];
u(0.3,0.2,0.1) qr2[1];
s qr2[1];
sdg qr2[1];
cx qr1[0],qr2[1];
barrier qr2[0],qr2[1];
cx qr2[1],qr1[0];
h qr2[1];
if(cr==0) x qr2[1];
if(cr==1) y qr1[0];
if(cr==2) z qr1[0];
barrier qr1[0],qr2[0],qr2[1];
measure qr1[0] -> cr[0];
measure qr2[0] -> cr[1];
measure qr2[1] -> cr[2];"""
self.assertEqual(dumps(qc), expected_qasm)
def test_circuit_qasm_with_composite_circuit(self):
"""Test circuit qasm() method when a composite circuit instruction
is included within circuit.
composite_circ_qreg = QuantumRegister(2)
composite_circ = QuantumCircuit(composite_circ_qreg, name="composite_circ")
composite_circ.cx(0, 1)
composite_circ_instr = composite_circ.to_instruction()
qr = QuantumRegister(2, "qr")
cr = ClassicalRegister(2, "cr")
qc = QuantumCircuit(qr, cr)
qc.cx(0, 1)
qc.append(composite_circ_instr, [0, 1])
qc.measure([0, 1], [0, 1])
expected_qasm = """OPENQASM 2.0;
include "qelib1.inc";
gate composite_circ q0,q1 { h q0; x q1; cx q0,q1; }
qreg qr[2];
creg cr[2];
h qr[0];
cx qr[0],qr[1];
barrier qr[0],qr[1];
composite_circ qr[0],qr[1];
measure qr[0] -> cr[0];
measure qr[1] -> cr[1];"""
self.assertEqual(dumps(qc), expected_qasm)
def test_circuit_qasm_with_multiple_same_composite_circuits(self):
"""Test circuit qasm() method when a composite circuit is added
to the circuit multiple times
composite_circ_qreg = QuantumRegister(2)
composite_circ = QuantumCircuit(composite_circ_qreg, name="composite_circ")
composite_circ.cx(0, 1)
composite_circ_instr = composite_circ.to_instruction()
qr = QuantumRegister(2, "qr")
cr = ClassicalRegister(2, "cr")
qc = QuantumCircuit(qr, cr)
qc.cx(0, 1)
qc.append(composite_circ_instr, [0, 1])
qc.append(composite_circ_instr, [0, 1])
qc.measure([0, 1], [0, 1])
expected_qasm = """OPENQASM 2.0;
include "qelib1.inc";
gate composite_circ q0,q1 { h q0; x q1; cx q0,q1; }
qreg qr[2];
creg cr[2];
h qr[0];
cx qr[0],qr[1];
barrier qr[0],qr[1];
composite_circ qr[0],qr[1];
composite_circ qr[0],qr[1];
measure qr[0] -> cr[0];
measure qr[1] -> cr[1];"""
self.assertEqual(dumps(qc), expected_qasm)
def test_circuit_qasm_with_multiple_composite_circuits_with_same_name(self):
"""Test circuit qasm() method when multiple composite circuit instructions
with the same circuit name are added to the circuit
my_gate = QuantumCircuit(1, name="my_gate")
my_gate_inst1 = my_gate.to_instruction()
my_gate = QuantumCircuit(1, name="my_gate")
my_gate_inst2 = my_gate.to_instruction()
my_gate = QuantumCircuit(1, name="my_gate")
my_gate_inst3 = my_gate.to_instruction()
qr = QuantumRegister(1, name="qr")
circuit = QuantumCircuit(qr, name="circuit")
circuit.append(my_gate_inst1, [qr[0]])
circuit.append(my_gate_inst2, [qr[0]])
my_gate_inst2_id = id(circuit.data[-1].operation)
circuit.append(my_gate_inst3, [qr[0]])
my_gate_inst3_id = id(circuit.data[-1].operation)
# pylint: disable-next=consider-using-f-string
expected_qasm = """OPENQASM 2.0;
include "qelib1.inc";
gate my_gate q0 {{ h q0; }}
gate my_gate_{1} q0 {{ x q0; }}
gate my_gate_{0} q0 {{ x q0; }}
qreg qr[1];
my_gate qr[0];
my_gate_{1} qr[0];
my_gate_{0} qr[0];""".format(
my_gate_inst3_id, my_gate_inst2_id
self.assertEqual(dumps(circuit), expected_qasm)
def test_circuit_qasm_with_composite_circuit_with_children_composite_circuit(self):
"""Test circuit qasm() method when composite circuits with children
composite circuits in the definitions are added to the circuit"""
child_circ = QuantumCircuit(2, name="child_circ")
child_circ.cx(0, 1)
parent_circ = QuantumCircuit(3, name="parent_circ")
parent_circ.append(child_circ, range(2))
grandparent_circ = QuantumCircuit(4, name="grandparent_circ")
grandparent_circ.append(parent_circ, range(3))
qc = QuantumCircuit(4)
qc.append(grandparent_circ, range(4))
expected_qasm = """OPENQASM 2.0;
include "qelib1.inc";
gate child_circ q0,q1 { h q0; cx q0,q1; }
gate parent_circ q0,q1,q2 { child_circ q0,q1; h q2; }
gate grandparent_circ q0,q1,q2,q3 { parent_circ q0,q1,q2; x q3; }
qreg q[4];
grandparent_circ q[0],q[1],q[2],q[3];"""
self.assertEqual(dumps(qc), expected_qasm)
def test_circuit_qasm_pi(self):
"""Test circuit qasm() method with pi params."""
circuit = QuantumCircuit(2)
circuit.cz(0, 1)
circuit.u(2 * pi, 3 * pi, -5 * pi, 0)
qasm_str = dumps(circuit)
circuit2 = QuantumCircuit.from_qasm_str(qasm_str)
self.assertEqual(circuit, circuit2)
def test_circuit_qasm_with_composite_circuit_with_one_param(self):
"""Test circuit qasm() method when a composite circuit instruction
has one param
original_str = """OPENQASM 2.0;
include "qelib1.inc";
gate nG0(param0) q0 { h q0; }
qreg q[3];
creg c[3];
nG0(pi) q[0];"""
qc = QuantumCircuit.from_qasm_str(original_str)
self.assertEqual(original_str, dumps(qc))
def test_circuit_qasm_with_composite_circuit_with_many_params_and_qubits(self):
"""Test circuit qasm() method when a composite circuit instruction
has many params and qubits
original_str = """OPENQASM 2.0;
include "qelib1.inc";
gate nG0(param0,param1) q0,q1 { h q0; h q1; }
qreg q[3];
qreg r[3];
creg c[3];
creg d[3];
nG0(pi,pi/2) q[0],r[0];"""
qc = QuantumCircuit.from_qasm_str(original_str)
self.assertEqual(original_str, dumps(qc))
def test_c3sxgate_roundtrips(self):
"""Test that C3SXGate correctly round trips.
Qiskit gives this gate a different name
('c3sx') to the name in Qiskit's version of qelib1.inc ('c3sqrtx') gate, which can lead to
resolution issues."""
qc = QuantumCircuit(4)
qc.append(C3SXGate(), qc.qubits, [])
qasm = dumps(qc)
expected = """OPENQASM 2.0;
include "qelib1.inc";
qreg q[4];
c3sqrtx q[0],q[1],q[2],q[3];"""
self.assertEqual(qasm, expected)
parsed = QuantumCircuit.from_qasm_str(qasm)
self.assertIsInstance(parsed.data[0].operation, C3SXGate)
def test_cczgate_qasm(self):
"""Test that CCZ dumps definition as a non-qelib1 gate."""
qc = QuantumCircuit(3)
qc.append(CCZGate(), qc.qubits, [])
qasm = dumps(qc)
expected = """OPENQASM 2.0;
include "qelib1.inc";
gate ccz q0,q1,q2 { h q2; ccx q0,q1,q2; h q2; }
qreg q[3];
ccz q[0],q[1],q[2];"""
self.assertEqual(qasm, expected)
def test_csgate_qasm(self):
"""Test that CS dumps definition as a non-qelib1 gate."""
qc = QuantumCircuit(2)
qc.append(CSGate(), qc.qubits, [])
qasm = dumps(qc)
expected = """OPENQASM 2.0;
include "qelib1.inc";
gate cs q0,q1 { p(pi/4) q0; cx q0,q1; p(-pi/4) q1; cx q0,q1; p(pi/4) q1; }
qreg q[2];
cs q[0],q[1];"""
self.assertEqual(qasm, expected)
def test_csdggate_qasm(self):
"""Test that CSdg dumps definition as a non-qelib1 gate."""
qc = QuantumCircuit(2)
qc.append(CSdgGate(), qc.qubits, [])
qasm = dumps(qc)
expected = """OPENQASM 2.0;
include "qelib1.inc";
gate csdg q0,q1 { p(-pi/4) q0; cx q0,q1; p(pi/4) q1; cx q0,q1; p(-pi/4) q1; }
qreg q[2];
csdg q[0],q[1];"""
self.assertEqual(qasm, expected)
def test_rzxgate_qasm(self):
"""Test that RZX dumps definition as a non-qelib1 gate."""
qc = QuantumCircuit(2)
qc.rzx(0, 0, 1)
qc.rzx(pi / 2, 1, 0)
qasm = dumps(qc)
expected = """OPENQASM 2.0;
include "qelib1.inc";
gate rzx(param0) q0,q1 { h q1; cx q0,q1; rz(param0) q1; cx q0,q1; h q1; }
qreg q[2];
rzx(0) q[0],q[1];
rzx(pi/2) q[1],q[0];"""
self.assertEqual(qasm, expected)
def test_ecrgate_qasm(self):
"""Test that ECR dumps its definition as a non-qelib1 gate."""
qc = QuantumCircuit(2)
qc.ecr(0, 1)
qc.ecr(1, 0)
qasm = dumps(qc)
expected = """OPENQASM 2.0;
include "qelib1.inc";
gate rzx(param0) q0,q1 { h q1; cx q0,q1; rz(param0) q1; cx q0,q1; h q1; }
gate ecr q0,q1 { rzx(pi/4) q0,q1; x q0; rzx(-pi/4) q0,q1; }
qreg q[2];
ecr q[0],q[1];
ecr q[1],q[0];"""
self.assertEqual(qasm, expected)
def test_unitary_qasm(self):
"""Test that UnitaryGate can be dumped to OQ2 correctly."""
qc = QuantumCircuit(1)
qc.unitary([[1, 0], [0, 1]], 0)
qasm = dumps(qc)
expected = """OPENQASM 2.0;
include "qelib1.inc";
gate unitary q0 { u(0,0,0) q0; }
qreg q[1];
unitary q[0];"""
self.assertEqual(qasm, expected)
def test_multiple_unitary_qasm(self):
"""Test that multiple UnitaryGate instances can all dump successfully."""
custom = QuantumCircuit(1, name="custom")
custom.unitary([[1, 0], [0, -1]], 0)
qc = QuantumCircuit(2)
qc.unitary([[1, 0], [0, 1]], 0)
qc.unitary([[0, 1], [1, 0]], 1)
qc.append(custom.to_gate(), [0], [])
qasm = dumps(qc)
expected = re.compile(
r"""OPENQASM 2.0;
include "qelib1.inc";
gate unitary q0 { u\(0,0,0\) q0; }
gate (?P<u1>unitary_[0-9]*) q0 { u\(pi,-pi,0\) q0; }
gate (?P<u2>unitary_[0-9]*) q0 { u\(0,0,pi\) q0; }
gate custom q0 { (?P=u2) q0; }
qreg q\[2\];
unitary q\[0\];
(?P=u1) q\[1\];
custom q\[0\];""",
self.assertRegex(qasm, expected)
def test_unbound_circuit_raises(self):
"""Test circuits with unbound parameters raises."""
qc = QuantumCircuit(1)
theta = Parameter("θ")
qc.rz(theta, 0)
with self.assertRaises(QasmError):
def test_gate_qasm_with_ctrl_state(self):
"""Test gate qasm() with controlled gate that has ctrl_state setting."""
from qiskit.quantum_info import Operator
qc = QuantumCircuit(2)
qc.ch(0, 1, ctrl_state=0)
qasm_str = dumps(qc)
self.assertEqual(Operator(qc), Operator(QuantumCircuit.from_qasm_str(qasm_str)))
def test_circuit_qasm_with_mcx_gate(self):
"""Test circuit qasm() method with MCXGate
See https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit-terra/issues/4943
qc = QuantumCircuit(4)
qc.mcx([0, 1, 2], 3)
# qasm output doesn't support parameterized gate yet.
# param0 for "gate mcuq(param0) is not used inside the definition
expected_qasm = """OPENQASM 2.0;
include "qelib1.inc";
gate mcx q0,q1,q2,q3 { h q3; p(pi/8) q0; p(pi/8) q1; p(pi/8) q2; p(pi/8) q3; cx q0,q1; p(-pi/8) q1; cx q0,q1; cx q1,q2; p(-pi/8) q2; cx q0,q2; p(pi/8) q2; cx q1,q2; p(-pi/8) q2; cx q0,q2; cx q2,q3; p(-pi/8) q3; cx q1,q3; p(pi/8) q3; cx q2,q3; p(-pi/8) q3; cx q0,q3; p(pi/8) q3; cx q2,q3; p(-pi/8) q3; cx q1,q3; p(pi/8) q3; cx q2,q3; p(-pi/8) q3; cx q0,q3; h q3; }
qreg q[4];
mcx q[0],q[1],q[2],q[3];"""
self.assertEqual(dumps(qc), expected_qasm)
def test_circuit_qasm_with_mcx_gate_variants(self):
"""Test circuit qasm() method with MCXGrayCode, MCXRecursive, MCXVChain"""
import qiskit.circuit.library as cl
n = 5
qc = QuantumCircuit(2 * n - 1)
qc.append(cl.MCXGrayCode(n), range(n + 1))
qc.append(cl.MCXRecursive(n), range(n + 2))
qc.append(cl.MCXVChain(n), range(2 * n - 1))
mcx_vchain_id = id(qc.data[-1].operation)
# qasm output doesn't support parameterized gate yet.
# param0 for "gate mcuq(param0) is not used inside the definition
expected_qasm = f"""OPENQASM 2.0;
include "qelib1.inc";
gate mcu1(param0) q0,q1,q2,q3,q4,q5 {{ cu1(pi/16) q4,q5; cx q4,q3; cu1(-pi/16) q3,q5; cx q4,q3; cu1(pi/16) q3,q5; cx q3,q2; cu1(-pi/16) q2,q5; cx q4,q2; cu1(pi/16) q2,q5; cx q3,q2; cu1(-pi/16) q2,q5; cx q4,q2; cu1(pi/16) q2,q5; cx q2,q1; cu1(-pi/16) q1,q5; cx q4,q1; cu1(pi/16) q1,q5; cx q3,q1; cu1(-pi/16) q1,q5; cx q4,q1; cu1(pi/16) q1,q5; cx q2,q1; cu1(-pi/16) q1,q5; cx q4,q1; cu1(pi/16) q1,q5; cx q3,q1; cu1(-pi/16) q1,q5; cx q4,q1; cu1(pi/16) q1,q5; cx q1,q0; cu1(-pi/16) q0,q5; cx q4,q0; cu1(pi/16) q0,q5; cx q3,q0; cu1(-pi/16) q0,q5; cx q4,q0; cu1(pi/16) q0,q5; cx q2,q0; cu1(-pi/16) q0,q5; cx q4,q0; cu1(pi/16) q0,q5; cx q3,q0; cu1(-pi/16) q0,q5; cx q4,q0; cu1(pi/16) q0,q5; cx q1,q0; cu1(-pi/16) q0,q5; cx q4,q0; cu1(pi/16) q0,q5; cx q3,q0; cu1(-pi/16) q0,q5; cx q4,q0; cu1(pi/16) q0,q5; cx q2,q0; cu1(-pi/16) q0,q5; cx q4,q0; cu1(pi/16) q0,q5; cx q3,q0; cu1(-pi/16) q0,q5; cx q4,q0; cu1(pi/16) q0,q5; }}
gate mcx_gray q0,q1,q2,q3,q4,q5 {{ h q5; mcu1(pi) q0,q1,q2,q3,q4,q5; h q5; }}
gate mcx_vchain q0,q1,q2,q3,q4 {{ h q3; p(pi/8) q0; p(pi/8) q1; p(pi/8) q2; p(pi/8) q3; cx q0,q1; p(-pi/8) q1; cx q0,q1; cx q1,q2; p(-pi/8) q2; cx q0,q2; p(pi/8) q2; cx q1,q2; p(-pi/8) q2; cx q0,q2; cx q2,q3; p(-pi/8) q3; cx q1,q3; p(pi/8) q3; cx q2,q3; p(-pi/8) q3; cx q0,q3; p(pi/8) q3; cx q2,q3; p(-pi/8) q3; cx q1,q3; p(pi/8) q3; cx q2,q3; p(-pi/8) q3; cx q0,q3; h q3; }}
gate mcx_recursive q0,q1,q2,q3,q4,q5,q6 {{ mcx_vchain q0,q1,q2,q6,q3; mcx_vchain q3,q4,q6,q5,q0; mcx_vchain q0,q1,q2,q6,q3; mcx_vchain q3,q4,q6,q5,q0; }}
gate mcx_vchain_{mcx_vchain_id} q0,q1,q2,q3,q4,q5,q6,q7,q8 {{ rccx q0,q1,q6; rccx q2,q6,q7; rccx q3,q7,q8; ccx q4,q8,q5; rccx q3,q7,q8; rccx q2,q6,q7; rccx q0,q1,q6; }}
qreg q[9];
mcx_gray q[0],q[1],q[2],q[3],q[4],q[5];
mcx_recursive q[0],q[1],q[2],q[3],q[4],q[5],q[6];
mcx_vchain_{mcx_vchain_id} q[0],q[1],q[2],q[3],q[4],q[5],q[6],q[7],q[8];"""
self.assertEqual(dumps(qc), expected_qasm)
def test_circuit_qasm_with_registerless_bits(self):
"""Test that registerless bits do not have naming collisions in their registers."""
initial_registers = [QuantumRegister(2), ClassicalRegister(2)]
qc = QuantumCircuit(*initial_registers, [Qubit(), Clbit()])
# Match a 'qreg identifier[3];'-like QASM register declaration.
register_regex = re.compile(r"\s*[cq]reg\s+(\w+)\s*\[\d+\]\s*", re.M)
qasm_register_names = set()
for statement in dumps(qc).split(";"):
match = register_regex.match(statement)
if match:
self.assertEqual(len(qasm_register_names), 4)
# Check that no additional registers were added to the circuit.
self.assertEqual(len(qc.qregs), 1)
self.assertEqual(len(qc.cregs), 1)
# Check that the registerless-register names are recalculated after adding more registers,
# to avoid naming clashes in this case.
generated_names = qasm_register_names - {register.name for register in initial_registers}
for generated_name in generated_names:
qc.add_register(QuantumRegister(1, name=generated_name))
qasm_register_names = set()
for statement in dumps(qc).split(";"):
match = register_regex.match(statement)
if match:
self.assertEqual(len(qasm_register_names), 6)
def test_circuit_qasm_with_repeated_instruction_names(self):
"""Test that qasm() doesn't change the name of the instructions that live in circuit.data,
but a copy of them when there are repeated names."""
qc = QuantumCircuit(2)
# Create some random custom gate and name it "custom"
custom = QuantumCircuit(1)
gate = custom.to_gate()
gate.name = "custom"
# Another random custom gate named "custom" as well
custom2 = QuantumCircuit(2)
gate2 = custom2.to_gate()
gate2.name = "custom"
# Append custom gates with same name to original circuit
qc.append(gate, [0])
qc.append(gate2, [1, 0])
# Expected qasm string will append the id to the second gate with repeated name
expected_qasm = f"""OPENQASM 2.0;
include "qelib1.inc";
gate custom q0 {{ h q0; y q0; }}
gate custom_{id(gate2)} q0,q1 {{ x q0; z q1; }}
qreg q[2];
h q[0];
x q[1];
custom q[0];
custom_{id(gate2)} q[1],q[0];"""
# Check qasm() produced the correct string
self.assertEqual(expected_qasm, dumps(qc))
# Check instruction names were not changed by qasm()
names = ["h", "x", "custom", "custom"]
for idx, instruction in enumerate(qc._data):
self.assertEqual(instruction.operation.name, names[idx])
def test_circuit_qasm_with_invalid_identifiers(self):
"""Test that qasm() detects and corrects invalid OpenQASM gate identifiers,
while not changing the instructions on the original circuit"""
qc = QuantumCircuit(2)
# Create some gate and give it an invalid name
custom = QuantumCircuit(1)
custom.u(0, 0, pi, 0)
gate = custom.to_gate()
gate.name = "A[$]"
# Another gate also with invalid name
custom2 = QuantumCircuit(2)
custom2.append(gate, [1])
gate2 = custom2.to_gate()
gate2.name = "invalid[name]"
# Append gates
qc.append(gate, [0])
qc.append(gate2, [1, 0])
# Expected qasm with valid identifiers
expected_qasm = "\n".join(
"OPENQASM 2.0;",
'include "qelib1.inc";',
"gate gate_A___ q0 { x q0; u(0,0,pi) q0; }",
"gate invalid_name_ q0,q1 { x q0; gate_A___ q1; }",
"qreg q[2];",
"gate_A___ q[0];",
"invalid_name_ q[1],q[0];",
# Check qasm() produces the correct string
self.assertEqual(expected_qasm, dumps(qc))
# Check instruction names were not changed by qasm()
names = ["A[$]", "invalid[name]"]
for idx, instruction in enumerate(qc._data):
self.assertEqual(instruction.operation.name, names[idx])
def test_circuit_qasm_with_duplicate_invalid_identifiers(self):
"""Test that qasm() corrects invalid identifiers and the de-duplication
code runs correctly, without altering original instructions"""
base = QuantumCircuit(1)
# First gate with invalid name, escapes to "invalid__"
clash1 = QuantumCircuit(1, name="invalid??")
base.append(clash1, [0])
# Second gate with invalid name that also escapes to "invalid__"
clash2 = QuantumCircuit(1, name="invalid[]")
base.append(clash2, [0])
# Check qasm is correctly produced
names = set()
for match in re.findall(r"gate (\S+)", dumps(base)):
self.assertEqual(len(names), 2)
# Check instruction names were not changed by qasm()
names = ["invalid??", "invalid[]"]
for idx, instruction in enumerate(base._data):
self.assertEqual(instruction.operation.name, names[idx])
def test_circuit_qasm_escapes_register_names(self):
"""Test that registers that have invalid OpenQASM 2 names get correctly escaped, even when
they would escape to the same value."""
qc = QuantumCircuit(QuantumRegister(2, "?invalid"), QuantumRegister(2, "!invalid"))
qc.cx(0, 1)
qc.cx(2, 3)
qasm = dumps(qc)
match = re.fullmatch(
rf"""OPENQASM 2.0;
include "qelib1.inc";
qreg ({VALID_QASM2_IDENTIFIER.pattern})\[2\];
qreg ({VALID_QASM2_IDENTIFIER.pattern})\[2\];
cx \1\[0\],\1\[1\];
cx \2\[0\],\2\[1\];""",
self.assertNotEqual(match.group(1), match.group(2))
def test_circuit_qasm_escapes_reserved(self):
"""Test that the OpenQASM 2 exporter won't export reserved names."""
qc = QuantumCircuit(QuantumRegister(1, "qreg"))
gate = Gate("gate", 1, [])
gate.definition = QuantumCircuit(1)
qc.append(gate, [qc.qubits[0]])
qasm = dumps(qc)
match = re.fullmatch(
rf"""OPENQASM 2.0;
include "qelib1.inc";
gate ({VALID_QASM2_IDENTIFIER.pattern}) q0 {{ }}
qreg ({VALID_QASM2_IDENTIFIER.pattern})\[1\];
\1 \2\[0\];""",
self.assertNotEqual(match.group(1), "gate")
self.assertNotEqual(match.group(1), "qreg")
def test_circuit_qasm_with_double_precision_rotation_angle(self):
"""Test that qasm() emits high precision rotation angles per default."""
from qiskit.circuit.tools.pi_check import MAX_FRAC
qc = QuantumCircuit(1)
qc.p(0.123456789, 0)
qc.p(pi * pi, 0)
qc.p(MAX_FRAC * pi + 1, 0)
expected_qasm = """OPENQASM 2.0;
include "qelib1.inc";
qreg q[1];
p(0.123456789) q[0];
p(9.869604401089358) q[0];
p(51.26548245743669) q[0];"""
self.assertEqual(dumps(qc), expected_qasm)
def test_circuit_qasm_with_rotation_angles_close_to_pi(self):
"""Test that qasm() properly rounds values closer than 1e-12 to pi."""
qc = QuantumCircuit(1)
qc.p(pi + 1e-11, 0)
qc.p(pi + 1e-12, 0)
expected_qasm = """OPENQASM 2.0;
include "qelib1.inc";
qreg q[1];
p(3.141592653599793) q[0];
p(pi) q[0];"""
self.assertEqual(dumps(qc), expected_qasm)
def test_circuit_raises_on_single_bit_condition(self):
"""OpenQASM 2 can't represent single-bit conditions, so test that a suitable error is
printed if this is attempted."""
qc = QuantumCircuit(1, 1)
with self.assertWarns(DeprecationWarning):
qc.x(0).c_if(0, True)
with self.assertRaisesRegex(QasmError, "OpenQASM 2 can only condition on registers"):
def test_circuit_raises_invalid_custom_gate_no_qubits(self):
"""OpenQASM 2 exporter of custom gates with no qubits.
See: https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit-terra/issues/10435"""
legit_circuit = QuantumCircuit(5, name="legit_circuit")
empty_circuit = QuantumCircuit(name="empty_circuit")
with self.assertRaisesRegex(QasmError, "acts on zero qubits"):
def test_circuit_raises_invalid_custom_gate_clbits(self):
"""OpenQASM 2 exporter of custom instruction.
See: https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit-terra/issues/7351"""
instruction = QuantumCircuit(2, 2, name="inst")
instruction.cx(0, 1)
instruction.measure([0, 1], [0, 1])
custom_instruction = instruction.to_instruction()
qc = QuantumCircuit(2, 2)
qc.append(custom_instruction, [0, 1], [0, 1])
with self.assertRaisesRegex(QasmError, "acts on 2 classical bits"):
def test_circuit_qasm_with_permutations(self):
"""Test circuit qasm() method with Permutation gates."""
qc = QuantumCircuit(4)
qc.append(PermutationGate([2, 1, 0]), [0, 1, 2])
expected_qasm = """OPENQASM 2.0;
include "qelib1.inc";
gate permutation__2_1_0_ q0,q1,q2 { swap q0,q2; }
qreg q[4];
permutation__2_1_0_ q[0],q[1],q[2];"""
self.assertEqual(dumps(qc), expected_qasm)
def test_multiple_permutation(self):
"""Test that multiple PermutationGates can be added to a circuit."""
custom = QuantumCircuit(3, name="custom")
custom.append(PermutationGate([2, 1, 0]), [0, 1, 2])
custom.append(PermutationGate([0, 1, 2]), [0, 1, 2])
qc = QuantumCircuit(4)
qc.append(PermutationGate([2, 1, 0]), [0, 1, 2], [])
qc.append(PermutationGate([1, 2, 0]), [0, 1, 2], [])
qc.append(custom.to_gate(), [1, 3, 2], [])
qasm = dumps(qc)
expected = """OPENQASM 2.0;
include "qelib1.inc";
gate permutation__2_1_0_ q0,q1,q2 { swap q0,q2; }
gate permutation__1_2_0_ q0,q1,q2 { swap q1,q2; swap q0,q2; }
gate permutation__0_1_2_ q0,q1,q2 { }
gate custom q0,q1,q2 { permutation__2_1_0_ q0,q1,q2; permutation__0_1_2_ q0,q1,q2; }
qreg q[4];
permutation__2_1_0_ q[0],q[1],q[2];
permutation__1_2_0_ q[0],q[1],q[2];
custom q[1],q[3],q[2];"""
self.assertEqual(qasm, expected)
def test_circuit_qasm_with_reset(self):
"""Test circuit qasm() method with Reset."""
qc = QuantumCircuit(2)
qc.reset([0, 1])
expected_qasm = """OPENQASM 2.0;
include "qelib1.inc";
qreg q[2];
reset q[0];
reset q[1];"""
self.assertEqual(dumps(qc), expected_qasm)
def test_nested_gate_naming_clashes(self):
"""Test that gates that have naming clashes but only appear in the body of another gate
still get exported correctly."""
# pylint: disable=missing-class-docstring
class Inner(Gate):
def __init__(self, param):
super().__init__("inner", 1, [param])
def _define(self):
self._definition = QuantumCircuit(1)
self._definition.rx(self.params[0], 0)
class Outer(Gate):
def __init__(self, param):
super().__init__("outer", 1, [param])
def _define(self):
self._definition = QuantumCircuit(1)
self._definition.append(Inner(self.params[0]), [0], [])
qc = QuantumCircuit(1)
qc.append(Outer(1.0), [0], [])
qc.append(Outer(2.0), [0], [])
qasm = dumps(qc)
expected = re.compile(
r"""OPENQASM 2\.0;
include "qelib1\.inc";
gate inner\(param0\) q0 { rx\(1\.0\) q0; }
gate outer\(param0\) q0 { inner\(1\.0\) q0; }
gate (?P<inner1>inner_[0-9]*)\(param0\) q0 { rx\(2\.0\) q0; }
gate (?P<outer1>outer_[0-9]*)\(param0\) q0 { (?P=inner1)\(2\.0\) q0; }
qreg q\[1\];
outer\(1\.0\) q\[0\];
(?P=outer1)\(2\.0\) q\[0\];""",
self.assertRegex(qasm, expected)
def test_opaque_output(self):
"""Test that gates with no definition are exported as `opaque`."""
custom = QuantumCircuit(1, name="custom")
custom.append(Gate("my_c", 1, []), [0])
qc = QuantumCircuit(2)
qc.append(Gate("my_a", 1, []), [0])
qc.append(Gate("my_a", 1, []), [1])
qc.append(Gate("my_b", 2, [1.0]), [1, 0])
qc.append(custom.to_gate(), [0], [])
qasm = dumps(qc)
expected = """OPENQASM 2.0;
include "qelib1.inc";
opaque my_a q0;
opaque my_b(param0) q0,q1;
opaque my_c q0;
gate custom q0 { my_c q0; }
qreg q[2];
my_a q[0];
my_a q[1];
my_b(1.0) q[1],q[0];
custom q[0];"""
self.assertEqual(qasm, expected)
def test_sequencial_inner_gates_with_same_name(self):
"""Test if inner gates sequentially added with the same name result in the correct qasm"""
qubits_range = range(3)
gate_a = QuantumCircuit(3, name="a")
gate_a = gate_a.to_instruction()
gate_b = QuantumCircuit(3, name="a")
gate_b.append(gate_a, qubits_range)
gate_b = gate_b.to_instruction()
qc = QuantumCircuit(3)
qc.append(gate_b, qubits_range)
gate_a_id = id(qc.data[0].operation)
expected_output = f"""OPENQASM 2.0;
include "qelib1.inc";
gate a q0,q1,q2 {{ h q0; h q1; h q2; }}
gate a_{gate_a_id} q0,q1,q2 {{ a q0,q1,q2; x q0; x q1; x q2; }}
qreg q[3];
a_{gate_a_id} q[0],q[1],q[2];
z q[0];
z q[1];
z q[2];"""
self.assertEqual(dumps(qc), expected_output)
def test_empty_barrier(self):
"""Test that a blank barrier statement in _Qiskit_ acts over all qubits, while an explicitly
no-op barrier (assuming Qiskit continues to allow this) is not output to OQ2 at all, since
the statement requires an argument in the spec."""
qc = QuantumCircuit(QuantumRegister(2, "qr1"), QuantumRegister(3, "qr2"))
qc.barrier() # In Qiskit land, this affects _all_ qubits.
qc.barrier([]) # This explicitly affects _no_ qubits (so is totally meaningless).
expected = """\
include "qelib1.inc";
qreg qr1[2];
qreg qr2[3];
barrier qr1[0],qr1[1],qr2[0],qr2[1],qr2[2];"""
self.assertEqual(dumps(qc), expected)
def test_small_angle_valid(self):
"""Test that small angles do not get converted to invalid OQ2 floating-point values."""
# OQ2 _technically_ requires a decimal point in all floating-point values, even ones that
# are followed by an exponent.
qc = QuantumCircuit(1)
qc.rx(0.000001, 0)
expected = """\
include "qelib1.inc";
qreg q[1];
rx(1.e-06) q[0];"""
self.assertEqual(dumps(qc), expected)
if __name__ == "__main__":