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# This code is part of Qiskit.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2020.
# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
# obtain a copy of this license in the LICENSE.txt file in the root directory
# of this source tree or at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.
# Any modifications or derivative works of this code must retain this
# copyright notice, and modified files need to carry a notice indicating
# that they have been altered from the originals.
# pylint: disable=missing-function-docstring
"""Test library of quantum circuits."""
import copy
from unittest import mock
from qiskit.circuit import bit
from test import QiskitTestCase # pylint: disable=wrong-import-order
class TestBitClass(QiskitTestCase):
"""Test library of boolean logic quantum circuits."""
def test_bit_eq_invalid_type_comparison(self):
orig_reg = mock.MagicMock()
orig_reg.size = 3
test_bit = bit.Bit(orig_reg, 0)
self.assertNotEqual(test_bit, 3.14)
def test_old_style_bit_equality(self):
test_reg = mock.MagicMock(size=3, name="foo")
test_reg.__str__.return_value = "Register(3, 'foo')"
self.assertEqual(bit.Bit(test_reg, 0), bit.Bit(test_reg, 0))
self.assertNotEqual(bit.Bit(test_reg, 0), bit.Bit(test_reg, 2))
reg_copy = mock.MagicMock(size=3, name="foo")
reg_copy.__str__.return_value = "Register(3, 'foo')"
self.assertEqual(bit.Bit(test_reg, 0), bit.Bit(reg_copy, 0))
self.assertNotEqual(bit.Bit(test_reg, 0), bit.Bit(reg_copy, 1))
reg_larger = mock.MagicMock(size=4, name="foo")
reg_larger.__str__.return_value = "Register(4, 'foo')"
self.assertNotEqual(bit.Bit(test_reg, 0), bit.Bit(reg_larger, 0))
reg_renamed = mock.MagicMock(size=3, name="bar")
reg_renamed.__str__.return_value = "Register(3, 'bar')"
self.assertNotEqual(bit.Bit(test_reg, 0), bit.Bit(reg_renamed, 0))
reg_difftype = mock.MagicMock(size=3, name="bar")
reg_difftype.__str__.return_value = "QuantumRegister(3, 'bar')"
self.assertNotEqual(bit.Bit(test_reg, 0), bit.Bit(reg_difftype, 0))
def test_old_style_bit_deepcopy(self):
"""Verify deep-copies of bits are equal but not the same instance."""
test_reg = mock.MagicMock(size=3, name="foo")
test_reg.__str__.return_value = "Register(3, 'foo')"
bit1 = bit.Bit(test_reg, 0)
bit2 = copy.deepcopy(bit1)
self.assertIsNot(bit1, bit2)
self.assertIsNot(bit1._register, bit2._register)
self.assertEqual(bit1, bit2)
def test_old_style_bit_copy(self):
"""Verify copies of bits are the same instance."""
bit1 = bit.Bit()
bit2 = copy.copy(bit1)
self.assertIs(bit1, bit2)
class TestNewStyleBit(QiskitTestCase):
"""Test behavior of new-style bits."""
def test_bits_do_not_require_registers(self):
"""Verify we can create a bit outside the context of a register."""
self.assertIsInstance(bit.Bit(), bit.Bit)
def test_new_style_bit_deepcopy(self):
"""Verify deep-copies of bits are the same instance."""
bit1 = bit.Bit()
bit2 = copy.deepcopy(bit1)
self.assertIs(bit1, bit2)
def test_new_style_bit_copy(self):
"""Verify copies of bits are the same instance."""
bit1 = bit.Bit()
bit2 = copy.copy(bit1)
self.assertIs(bit1, bit2)
def test_new_style_bit_equality(self):
"""Verify bits instances are equal only to themselves."""
bit1 = bit.Bit()
bit2 = bit.Bit()
self.assertEqual(bit1, bit1)
self.assertNotEqual(bit1, bit2)
self.assertNotEqual(bit1, 3.14)