.. _release-notes: ============= Release Notes ============= This page contains the release notes for Qiskit, starting from Qiskit 0.45, the first time that Qiskit and Qiskit Terra had the same versions. .. These release notes get converted into Markdown files via the infrastructure at https://github.com/Qiskit/documentation, which then gets deployed to https://docs.quantum.ibm.com/api/qiskit/release-notes. Changes to these release notes will update those release notes the next time the API docs are generated. To change release notes prior to Qiskit 0.45, update the Qiskit/documentation repository directly. .. release-notes:: :earliest-version: 0.45.0rc1 .. release-notes:: :earliest-version: 0.45.0 :branch: stable/0.46 .. release-notes:: :earliest-version: 0.45.0 :branch: stable/0.45