parameters: - name: "pythonVersion" type: string displayName: "Version of Python to use" jobs: - job: 'Lint' pool: {vmImage: 'ubuntu-latest'} variables: PIP_CACHE_DIR: $(Pipeline.Workspace)/.pip steps: - task: UsePythonVersion@0 inputs: versionSpec: '${{ parameters.pythonVersion }}' displayName: 'Use Python ${{ parameters.pythonVersion }}' - bash: | set -e python -m pip install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel virtualenv virtualenv test-job source test-job/bin/activate pip install -U -r requirements.txt -r requirements-dev.txt -c constraints.txt pip install -U -c constraints.txt -e . pip install -U "qiskit-aer" -c constraints.txt pip install -e . displayName: 'Install dependencies' env: SETUPTOOLS_ENABLE_FEATURES: "legacy-editable" - bash: | set -e source test-job/bin/activate echo "Running black, any errors reported can be fixed with 'tox -eblack'" black --check qiskit test tools examples echo "Running rustfmt check, any errors reported can be fixed with 'cargo fmt'" cargo fmt --check displayName: "Formatting" - bash: | set -e source test-job/bin/activate echo "Running pylint" pylint -rn qiskit test tools echo "Running Cargo Clippy" cargo clippy -- -D warnings echo "Running license header check" tools/ qiskit test echo "Running check for optional imports on bare 'import qiskit'" python tools/ echo "Running check for release notes in incorrect directories" tools/ echo "Running reno lint" reno lint displayName: 'Lint'