[tox] minversion = 3.3.0 envlist = py37, py38, py39, py310, py311, lint-incr isolated_build = true [testenv] usedevelop = True install_command = pip install -c{toxinidir}/constraints.txt -U {opts} {packages} setenv = VIRTUAL_ENV={envdir} LANGUAGE=en_US LC_ALL=en_US.utf-8 ARGS="-V" QISKIT_SUPRESS_PACKAGING_WARNINGS=Y QISKIT_TEST_CAPTURE_STREAMS=1 QISKIT_PARALLEL=FALSE passenv = RAYON_NUM_THREADS, OMP_NUM_THREADS, QISKIT_PARALLEL, RUST_BACKTRACE, SETUPTOOLS_ENABLE_FEATURES, QISKIT_TESTS, QISKIT_IN_PARALLEL deps = setuptools_rust # This is work around for the bug of tox 3 (see #8606 for more details.) -r{toxinidir}/requirements.txt -r{toxinidir}/requirements-dev.txt commands = stestr run {posargs} [testenv:lint] envdir = .tox/lint basepython = python3 commands = black --check {posargs} qiskit test tools examples setup.py pylint -rn qiskit test tools # This line is commented out until #6649 merges. We can't run this currently # via tox because tox doesn't support globbing # pylint -rn --disable='invalid-name,missing-module-docstring,redefined-outer-name' examples/python/*.py {toxinidir}/tools/verify_headers.py qiskit test tools examples {toxinidir}/tools/find_optional_imports.py {toxinidir}/tools/find_stray_release_notes.py reno lint [testenv:lint-incr] envdir = .tox/lint basepython = python3 allowlist_externals = git commands = black --check {posargs} qiskit test tools examples setup.py -git fetch -q https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit-terra.git :lint_incr_latest {toxinidir}/tools/pylint_incr.py -rn -j4 -sn --paths :/qiskit/*.py :/test/*.py :/tools/*.py {toxinidir}/tools/pylint_incr.py -rn -j4 -sn --disable='invalid-name,missing-module-docstring,redefined-outer-name' --paths :(glob,top)examples/python/*.py {toxinidir}/tools/verify_headers.py qiskit test tools examples {toxinidir}/tools/find_optional_imports.py {toxinidir}/tools/find_stray_release_notes.py reno lint [testenv:black] envdir = .tox/lint commands = black {posargs} qiskit test tools examples setup.py [testenv:coverage] basepython = python3 setenv = {[testenv]setenv} PYTHON=coverage3 run --source qiskit --parallel-mode deps = -r{toxinidir}/requirements.txt -r{toxinidir}/requirements-dev.txt qiskit-aer commands = stestr run {posargs} coverage3 combine coverage3 report [testenv:docs] basepython = python3 setenv = {[testenv]setenv} QISKIT_SUPPRESS_PACKAGING_WARNINGS=Y deps = setuptools_rust # This is work around for the bug of tox 3 (see #8606 for more details.) -r{toxinidir}/requirements-dev.txt qiskit-aer commands = sphinx-build -W -j auto -T --keep-going -b html docs/ docs/_build/html {posargs} [pycodestyle] max-line-length = 105 # default ignores + E741 because of opflow global variable I # + E203 because of a difference of opinion with black # codebase does currently comply with: E133, E242, E704, W505 ignore = E121, E123, E126, E133, E226, E241, E242, E704, W503, W504, W505, E741, E203 [flake8] max-line-length = 105 extend-ignore = E203, E741