:: Copyright 2017, IBM. :: :: This source code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 found in :: the LICENSE.txt file in the root directory of this source tree. @ECHO OFF @SETLOCAL enabledelayedexpansion pushd %~dp0 SET target=%~n1 IF "%target%"=="env" GOTO :env IF "%target%"=="run" GOTO :run IF "%target%"=="lint" GOTO :lint IF "%target%"=="test" GOTO :test IF "%target%"=="profile" GOTO :profile IF "%target%"=="doc" GOTO :doc IF "%target%"=="clean" GOTO :clean :usage ECHO. ECHO.Usage: ECHO. .\make env Switches to a Python virtual environment ECHO. .\make run Runs Jupyter tutorials ECHO. .\make lint Runs Pyhton source code analisys tool ECHO. .\make test Runs tests ECHO. .\make prfile Runs profiling tests ECHO. .\make doc Creates documentation ECHO. .\make clean Cleans previoulsy generated documentation ECHO. GOTO :end :env SET QISKIT_ENV_FOUND=No @FOR /F %%i IN ('conda info --envs') DO ( IF "%%i"=="QISKitenv" SET QISKIT_ENV_FOUND=Yes ) IF "%QISKIT_ENV_FOUND%"=="No" ( conda create -y -n QISKitenv python=3 ) IF errorlevel 9009 GOTO :error activate QISKitenv & pip install -r requirements.txt IF errorlevel 9009 GOTO :error GOTO :next :lint pylint qiskit test IF errorlevel 9009 GOTO :error GOTO :next :test pip install -r requirements.txt IF errorlevel 9009 GOTO :error python -m unittest discover -v IF errorlevel 9009 GOTO :error GOTO :next :profile python -m unittest discover -p "profile*.py" -v IF errorlevel 9009 GOTO :error GOTO :next :doc SET PYTHONPATH=$(PWD) sphinx-apidoc -f -o doc\_autodoc -d 5 -P -e qiskit IF errorlevel 9009 GOTO :error cd doc make.bat html GOTO :next :clean cd doc make.bat clean GOTO :next :error ECHO. ECHO.Somehting is missing in your Python installation. ECHO.Please make sure you have properly installed Anaconda3 ECHO.(https://www.continuum.io/downloads), and that you are ECHO.running the "Anaconda Shell Command". ECHO. exit /b 1 :next :end popd ENDLOCAL