fixed problems with two-qubit process tomography, added draft notebook for process tomography

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cjwood 2017-07-29 15:07:35 -04:00
parent d06bc1b3a7
commit 9018100147
2 changed files with 508 additions and 127 deletions

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@ -12,31 +12,31 @@
# =============================================================================
Quantum state tomography using the maximum likelihood reconstruction method
from Smolin, Gambetta, Smith Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 070502 (arXiv: 1106.5458)
Functions for performing quantum state and process tomography experiments.
Author: Christopher J. Wood <>
Jay Gambetta
TODO: Process tomography, SDP fitting
- Find and fix bug with 2-qubit process tomography basis
- SDP fitting
import numpy as np
from functools import reduce
from re import match
from itertools import product
from qiskit import QuantumProgram
from tools.qi import vectorize, devectorize, outer
# Tomography circuit generation
Basis should be specified as a dictionary {'X': [X0, X1], 'Y': [Y0, Y1], 'Z': [Z0, Z1]}
Basis should be specified as a dictionary
Eg: {'X': [X0, X1], 'Y': [Y0, Y1], 'Z': [Z0, Z1]}
where X0 is the projector onto the 0 outcome state of 'X'
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ def build_state_tomography_circuits(Q_program, name, qubits, qreg, creg):
labels = __add_meas_circuits(Q_program, name, qubits, qreg, creg)
print('>> created state tomography circuits for "%s"' % name)
return labels
# Make private for now, since fit method not yet implemented
def build_process_tomography_circuits(Q_program, name, qubits, qreg, creg):
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ def build_process_tomography_circuits(Q_program, name, qubits, qreg, creg):
return labels
def __tomo_dicts(qubits, basis=None):
def __tomo_dicts(qubits, basis=None, states=False):
"""Helper function.
Build a dictionary assigning a basis element to a qubit.
@ -97,12 +97,17 @@ def __tomo_dicts(qubits, basis=None):
if isinstance(qubits, int):
qubits = [qubits]
if basis is None:
basis = ['X', 'Y', 'Z']
elif isinstance(basis, dict):
basis = basis.keys()
return [dict(zip(qubits, b)) for b in product(basis, repeat=len(qubits))]
basis = __default_basis
if states is True:
ns = len(list(basis.values())[0])
lst = [(b, s) for b in basis.keys() for s in range(ns)]
lst = basis.keys()
return [dict(zip(qubits, b)) for b in product(lst, repeat=len(qubits))]
def __add_meas_circuits(Q_program, name, qubits, qreg, creg, prep=None):
@ -147,6 +152,23 @@ def __add_meas_circuits(Q_program, name, qubits, qreg, creg, prep=None):
return labels
def __add_prep_gates(circuit, qreg, qubit, op):
"""helper function
p, s = op
if p == "X":
if s == 1:
if p == "Y":
if s == 1:
if p == "Z" and s == 1:
def __add_prep_circuits(Q_program, name, qubits, qreg, creg):
"""Helper function.
@ -158,61 +180,48 @@ def __add_prep_circuits(Q_program, name, qubits, qreg, creg):
orig = Q_program.get_circuit(name)
labels = []
for dic in __tomo_dicts(qubits):
state = {0: 'p', 1: 'm'}
for dic in __tomo_dicts(qubits, states=True):
# Construct meas circuit name
label_p = '_prep' # prepare in positive eigenstate
label_m = '_prep' # prepare in negative eigenstate
# make circuit label
label = '_prep'
for qubit, op in dic.items():
label_p += op + 'p' + str(qubit)
label_m+= op + 'm' + str(qubit)
circ_p = Q_program.create_circuit(label_p, [qreg], [creg])
circ_m = Q_program.create_circuit(label_m, [qreg], [creg])
label += op[0] + state[op[1]] + str(qubit)
# add gates to circuit
# create circuit and add gates
circuit = Q_program.create_circuit(label, [qreg], [creg])
for qubit, op in dic.items():
if op == "X":
elif op == "Y":
elif op == "Z":
__add_prep_gates(circuit, qreg, qubit, op)
# add circuit to QuantumProgram
Q_program.add_circuit(name+label_p, circ_p + orig)
Q_program.add_circuit(name+label_m, circ_m + orig)
Q_program.add_circuit(name + label, circuit + orig)
# add label to output
labels += [name+label_p, name+label_m]
labels += [name+label]
# delete temp circuit
del Q_program._QuantumProgram__quantum_program[label_p]
del Q_program._QuantumProgram__quantum_program[label_m]
del Q_program._QuantumProgram__quantum_program[label]
return labels
# Tomography circuit labels
def __tomo_labels(name, qubits, basis=None, subscripts=None):
def __tomo_labels(name, qubits, basis=None, states=False):
"""Helper function.
if subscripts is None:
subscripts = ['']
elif isinstance(subscripts, str):
subscripts = [subscripts]
labels = []
for dic in __tomo_dicts(qubits, basis):
for s in subscripts:
label = ''
state = {0: 'p', 1: 'm'}
for dic in __tomo_dicts(qubits, states=states):
label = ''
if states is True:
for qubit, op in dic.items():
label += op + s + str(qubit)
label += op[0] + state[op[1]] + str(qubit)
for qubit, op in dic.items():
label += op[0] + str(qubit)
return labels
@ -220,14 +229,17 @@ def state_tomography_labels(name, qubits, basis=None):
return __tomo_labels(name + '_meas', qubits, basis)
# Make private for now, since fit method not yet implemented
def process_tomography_labels(name, qubits, basis=None):
preps = __tomo_labels(name + '_prep', qubits, basis, subscripts=['p','m'])
return reduce(lambda acc, c: acc + __tomo_labels(c + '_meas', qubits, basis), preps, [])
preps = __tomo_labels(name + '_prep', qubits, basis, states=True)
return reduce(lambda acc, c:
acc + __tomo_labels(c + '_meas', qubits, basis),
preps, [])
# Tomography measurement outcomes
@ -235,10 +247,20 @@ def process_tomography_labels(name, qubits, basis=None):
# Note: So far only for state tomography
# Default Pauli basis
__default_basis = { 'X': [np.array([[0.5, 0.5], [0.5, 0.5]]), np.array([[0.5, -0.5], [-0.5, 0.5]])],
'Y': [np.array([[0.5, -0.5j], [0.5j, 0.5]]), np.array([[0.5, 0.5j], [-0.5j, 0.5]])],
'Z': [np.array([[1, 0], [0, 0]]), np.array([[0, 0], [0, 1]])]}
__default_basis = {'X': [np.array([[0.5, 0.5],
[0.5, 0.5]]),
np.array([[0.5, -0.5],
[-0.5, 0.5]])],
'Y': [np.array([[0.5, -0.5j],
[0.5j, 0.5]]),
np.array([[0.5, 0.5j],
[-0.5j, 0.5]])],
'Z': [np.array([[1, 0],
[0, 0]]),
np.array([[0, 0],
[0, 1]])]}
def __counts_keys(n):
@ -247,38 +269,50 @@ def __counts_keys(n):
return [bin(j)[2:].zfill(n) for j in range(2 ** n)]
def __get_basis_ops(tup, basis):
return reduce(lambda acc, b: [np.kron(a,j) for a in acc for j in basis[b]], tup, [1])
def __get_meas_basis_ops(tup, basis):
# reverse tuple so least significant qubit is to the right
return reduce(lambda acc, b: [np.kron(a, j)
for a in acc for j in basis[b]],
reversed(tup), [1])
def __meas_basis(n, basis):
return [dict(zip(__counts_keys(n), __get_basis_ops(key, basis)))
return [dict(zip(__counts_keys(n), __get_meas_basis_ops(key, basis)))
for key in product(basis.keys(), repeat=n)]
def __get_prep_basis_op(dic, basis):
keys = sorted(dic.keys()) # order qubits [0,1,...]
tups = [dic[k] for k in keys]
return reduce(lambda acc, b: np.kron(basis[b[0]][b[1]], acc),
tups, [1])
def __prep_basis(n, basis):
lst = [__get_basis_ops(key, basis)
for key in product(basis.keys(), repeat=n)]
return [val for sublst in lst for val in sublst]
# use same function as prep circuits to get order right
ordered = __tomo_dicts(range(n), states=True)
return [__get_prep_basis_op(dic, basis) for dic in ordered]
def marginal_counts(counts, meas_qubits):
Returns a list of the measurement outcome strings for meas_qubits qubits in an
nq qubit system.
Returns a list of the measurement outcome strings for meas_qubits qubits
in an n-qubit system.
# Extract total number of qubits from count keys
nq = len(list(counts.keys())[0])
# keys for measured qubits only
# keys for measured qubits only
qs = sorted(meas_qubits, reverse=True)
meas_keys = __counts_keys(len(qs))
# get regex match strings for suming outcomes of other qubits
rgx = [reduce(lambda x, y: (key[qs.index(y)] if y in qs else '\d')+x, range(nq), '') for key in meas_keys]
rgx = [reduce(lambda x, y: (key[qs.index(y)] if y in qs else '\\d') + x,
range(nq), '')
for key in meas_keys]
# build the return list
meas_counts = []
for m in rgx:
@ -287,37 +321,42 @@ def marginal_counts(counts, meas_qubits):
if match(m, key):
c += val
# return as counts dict on measured qubits only
return dict(zip(meas_keys, meas_counts))
def state_tomography_data(Q_program, name, meas_qubits, backend=None, basis=None):
def state_tomography_data(Q_program, name, meas_qubits,
backend=None, basis=None):
if basis is None:
basis = __default_basis
labels = state_tomography_labels(name, meas_qubits)
counts = [marginal_counts(Q_program.get_counts(circ, backend), meas_qubits) for circ in labels]
counts = [marginal_counts(Q_program.get_counts(circ, backend), meas_qubits)
for circ in labels]
shots = [sum(c.values()) for c in counts]
meas_basis = __meas_basis(len(meas_qubits), basis)
ret = [{'counts': i, 'meas_basis': j, 'shots': k} for i, j, k in zip(counts, meas_basis, shots)]
ret = [{'counts': i, 'meas_basis': j, 'shots': k}
for i, j, k in zip(counts, meas_basis, shots)]
return ret
def process_tomography_data(Q_program, name, meas_qubits, backend=None, basis=None):
def process_tomography_data(Q_program, name, meas_qubits,
backend=None, basis=None):
if basis is None:
basis = __default_basis
n = len(meas_qubits)
labels = process_tomography_labels(name, meas_qubits)
counts = [marginal_counts(Q_program.get_counts(circ, backend), meas_qubits) for circ in labels]
counts = [marginal_counts(Q_program.get_counts(circ, backend), meas_qubits)
for circ in labels]
shots = [sum(c.values()) for c in counts]
meas_basis = __meas_basis(n, basis)
prep_basis = __prep_basis(n, basis)
ret = [{'meas_basis': meas, 'prep_basis': prep}
ret = [{'meas_basis': meas, 'prep_basis': prep}
for prep in prep_basis for meas in meas_basis]
for dic, cts, sts in zip(ret, counts, shots):
@ -341,7 +380,7 @@ def __tomo_basis_matrix(meas_basis):
return S.reshape(n, d)
def __tomo_linear_inv(freqs, ops, weights=None, trace=1):
def __tomo_linear_inv(freqs, ops, weights=None, trace=None):
# get weights matrix
@ -349,42 +388,44 @@ def __tomo_linear_inv(freqs, ops, weights=None, trace=1):
W = np.array(weights)
if W.ndim == 1:
W = np.diag(W)
# Get basis S matrix
S = np.array([vectorize(m).conj() for m in ops]).reshape(len(ops), ops[0].size)
S = np.array([vectorize(m).conj()
for m in ops]).reshape(len(ops), ops[0].size)
if weights is not None:
S =, S) # W.S
# get frequencies vec
v = np.array(freqs) # |n>
v = np.array(freqs) # |f>
if weights is not None:
v =, freqs) #W.|n>
v =, freqs) # W.|f>
Sdg = S.T.conj() # S^*.W^*
inv = np.linalg.pinv(,S))
inv = np.linalg.pinv(, S)) # (S^*.W^*.W.S)^-1
# linear inversion of freqs
ret = devectorize(,, v)))
# renormalize to input trace value
ret = trace * ret / np.trace(ret)
if trace is not None:
ret = trace * ret / np.trace(ret)
return ret
def __leastsq_fit(data, weights=None, beta=0.5):
def __leastsq_fit(data, weights=None, trace=None, beta=0.5):
ks = data[0]['counts'].keys()
K = len(ks)
# Get counts and shots
ns = np.array([dat['counts'][k] for dat in data for k in ks])
shots = np.array([dat['shots'] for dat in data for k in ks])
# convert to freqs
freqs = (ns + beta) / (shots + 2 * beta)
# convert to freqs using beta to hedge against zero counts
freqs = (ns + beta) / (shots + K * beta)
# Use standard least squares fitting weights
if weights is None:
weights = np.sqrt(shots / (freqs * (1 - freqs)))
# Get measurement basis ops
if 'prep_basis' in data[0]:
# process tomography fit
@ -393,8 +434,8 @@ def __leastsq_fit(data, weights=None, beta=0.5):
# state tomography fit
ops = [dat['meas_basis'][k] for dat in data for k in ks]
return __tomo_linear_inv(freqs, ops, weights, trace=1)
return __tomo_linear_inv(freqs, ops, weights, trace=trace)
def __wizard(rho, epsilon=0.):
@ -421,9 +462,16 @@ def __wizard(rho, epsilon=0.):
return rho_wizard
def fit_state(state_data, method='wizard', options=None):
def __get_option(opt, options):
if options is not None:
if opt in options:
return options[opt]
return None
def fit_tomography_data(data, method='wizard', options=None):
Reconstruct a density matrix from state tomography data.
Reconstruct a state or Choi-matrix from tomography data.
data (dict): process tomography measurement data.
@ -434,42 +482,28 @@ def fit_state(state_data, method='wizard', options=None):
options (dict, optional): additional options for fitting method.
The fitted density matrix.
The fitted operator.
if method in ['wizard', 'leastsq']:
rho = __leastsq_fit(state_data)
# get options
trace = __get_option('trace', options)
if trace is None:
trace = 1
beta = __get_option('beta', options)
if beta is None:
beta = 0.50922
# fit state
rho = __leastsq_fit(data, trace=trace, beta=beta)
if method == 'wizard':
rho = __wizard(rho)
# Use wizard method to constrain positivity
epsilon = __get_option('epsilon', options)
if epsilon is None:
epsilon = 0.
rho = __wizard(rho, epsilon=epsilon)
# TODO: raise exception for unknown method
print('error: method unrecongnized')
return rho
def fit_process(state_data, method='wizard', options=None):
Reconstruct a Choi-matrix from process tomography data.
data (dict): process tomography measurement data.
method (str, optional): the fitting method to use.
Available methods:
- 'wizard' (default)
- 'leastsq'
options (dict, optional): additional options for fitting method.
A Choi-matrix in the column-stacking standard basis.
if method in ['wizard', 'leastsq']:
rho = __leastsq_fit(state_data)
if method == 'wizard':
rho = __wizard(rho)
# TODO: raise exception for unknown method
print('error: method unrecongnized')
return rho

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