
350 lines
8.9 KiB

import { MosaicElement } from '@/components/ui/AppMosaic.vue'
import { DescriptionCard } from '@/components/ui/AppDescriptionCard.vue'
const header = {
titleLine1: 'Qiskit Global Summer School 2022:',
titleLine2: 'Quantum Simulations',
qiskitTwitterLink: {
url: 'https://twitter.com/Qiskit',
segment: {
cta: 'qiskit-twitter',
location: 'header'
cta: {
label: 'Register now!',
url: '',
segment: {
cta: 'register',
location: 'header'
cardSectionHeading: 'About the event:',
card: {
image: '/images/events/summer-school/summer-school-logo.png',
title: 'Qiskit Global Summer School 2022: Quantum Simulations',
description: 'The Qiskit Global Summer School returns as a two-week intensive course focused on Quantum Simulations and more!',
location: 'Online',
date: 'July 18 - 29, 2022',
time: '',
to: '',
ctaLabel: 'Learn more',
segment: {
cta: 'ibm-research-blog',
location: 'header'
interface MosaicSection {
title: string,
tiles: MosaicElement[]
const mosaic: MosaicSection = {
title: 'Quantum Learning & More',
tiles: [
position: 'first',
title: 'Qiskit Textbook',
description: 'The Qiskit Textbook is a free digital open source textbook that will teach you the concepts of quantum computing while you learn to use Qiskit.',
image: '/images/events/seminar-series/mosaic-experts.png',
cta: {
url: '/learn',
label: 'Read the textbook',
segment: {
cta: 'read-the-textbook',
location: 'mosaic'
position: 'second',
title: 'IBM Quantum',
description: 'IBM offers cloud access to the most advanced quantum computers available. Learn, develop, and run programs with our quantum applications and systems.',
image: '/images/events/summer-school/ibm-system-one-display.jpg',
cta: {
url: 'https://quantum-computing.ibm.com/login',
label: 'Explore IBM Quantum',
segment: {
cta: 'explore-ibm-quantum',
location: 'mosaic'
position: 'third',
title: 'Introduction to Quantum Computing and Quantum Hardware',
description: 'The Qiskit Global Summer School 2020 coursework, lab, and lecture materials are now available online.',
image: '/images/events/summer-school/chip.png',
cta: {
url: '/learn/summer-school/introduction-to-quantum-computing-and-quantum-hardware-2020',
label: 'Start the course',
segment: {
cta: 'start-the-course',
location: 'mosaic'
position: 'fourth',
title: 'Quantum Computing & Quantum Machine Learning (2021)',
description: 'The Qiskit Global Summer School 2021 coursework, lab, and lecture materials are now available online.',
image: '/images/events/summer-school/quantum-composer-screen.png',
cta: {
url: 'https://qiskit.org/learn/summer-school/quantum-computing-and-quantum-learning-2021',
label: 'Start the course',
segment: {
cta: 'start-the-course',
location: 'mosaic'
interface dailyAgenda {
day: string,
topic: string,
speaker: string,
format: string
const week1Schedule: dailyAgenda[] = [
day: 'Monday, July 18',
topic: 'Qiskit Global Summer School Kick Off',
speaker: '-',
format: 'Lecture'
day: 'Monday, July 18',
topic: 'History of Quantum Computing and Motivation for Quantum Simulation',
speaker: 'Olivia Lanes',
format: 'Lecture'
day: 'Monday, July 18',
topic: 'Q&A Sessions',
speaker: '-',
format: 'Live Q&A'
day: 'Tuesday, July 19',
topic: 'Introduction to Linear Algebra, Prerequisite Mathematics, and Circuit Composition',
speaker: 'Maria Violaris',
format: 'Lecture'
day: 'Tuesday, July 19',
topic: 'Q&A Sessions',
speaker: '-',
format: 'Live Q&A'
day: 'Wednesday, July 20',
topic: 'Hamiltonian Time Evolution',
speaker: 'Maria Violaris',
format: 'Lecture'
day: 'Wednesday, July 20',
topic: 'Q&A Sessions',
speaker: '-',
format: 'Live Q&A'
day: 'Thursday, July 21',
topic: 'Simulation Problems',
speaker: 'Jeffrey Cohn',
format: 'Lecture'
day: 'Thursday, July 21',
topic: 'Q&A Sessions',
speaker: '-',
format: 'Live Q&A'
day: 'Friday, July 22',
topic: 'Noisy Real Hardware - Noise in Quantum Computers',
speaker: 'Zlatko Minev',
format: 'Lecture'
day: 'Friday, July 22',
topic: 'Q&A Sessions',
speaker: '-',
format: 'Live Q&A'
const week2Schedule: dailyAgenda[] = [
day: 'Monday, July 25',
topic: 'Broad Overview of Quantum Chemistry Simulation and Why it is a Challenge',
speaker: 'Panos Barkoutsos',
format: 'Lecture'
day: 'Monday, July 25',
topic: 'Q&A Sessions',
speaker: '-',
format: 'Live Q&A'
day: 'Tuesday, July 26',
topic: 'Methods for Quantum Simulation',
speaker: 'Yukio Kawashima',
format: 'Lecture'
day: 'Tuesday, July 26',
topic: 'Q&A Sessions',
speaker: '-',
format: 'Live Q&A'
day: 'Wednesday, July 27',
topic: 'Quantum Static Simulation',
speaker: 'Ieva Liepuoniute',
format: 'Lecture'
day: 'Wednesday, July 27',
topic: 'Q&A Sessions',
speaker: '-',
format: 'Live Q&A'
day: 'Thursday, July 28',
topic: 'Quantum Dynamics',
speaker: 'Alexander Miessen',
format: 'Lecture'
day: 'Thursday, July 28',
topic: 'Q&A Sessions',
speaker: '-',
format: 'Live Q&A'
day: 'Friday, July 29',
topic: 'What is Quantum Simulation and Where is the Field Going?',
speaker: '-',
format: 'Lecture'
day: 'Friday, July 29',
topic: 'Q&A Sessions',
speaker: '-',
format: 'Live Q&A'
day: 'Friday, July 29',
topic: 'Qiskit Global Summer School 2022 Commencement & Wrap Celebration',
speaker: '-',
format: 'Commencement'
const scheduleToTableData = (slot: dailyAgenda) => ([
styles: 'min-width: 10rem; display: inline-block; font-weight: bold;',
data: slot.day
styles: 'min-width: 10rem; display: inline-block; padding-top: 8px; padding-bottom: 8px',
data: slot.topic
styles: 'min-width: 10rem; display: inline-block; padding-top: 8px; padding-bottom: 8px',
data: slot.speaker
styles: 'min-width: 10rem; display: inline-block; padding-top: 8px; padding-bottom: 8px',
data: slot.format
const agenda = {
title: 'Curriculum',
subtitle: '*Final agenda and syllabus subject to change',
weeks: [
tabName: 'Week 1',
tableData: week1Schedule.map(scheduleToTableData)
tabName: 'Week 2',
tableData: week2Schedule.map(scheduleToTableData)
interface HelpfulResourcesSection {
title: string,
resources: DescriptionCard[]
const helpfulResources: HelpfulResourcesSection = {
title: 'Resources',
resources: [
title: 'Let us know if you have any questions!',
description: "If your questions aren't answered by the FAQ below or our blog post, please use this form to submit your enquiries direct to the team.",
cta: {
url: 'http://qisk.it/QGSS2021EnquiryForm',
label: 'Enquire now',
segment: {
cta: 'qgss2021-enquiry-form',
location: 'helpful-resources'
title: 'Learn about and install Qiskit',
description: 'Prepare for the Summer School by reviewing the documentation and installing Qiskit.',
cta: {
url: 'https://qiskit.org/documentation/install.html',
label: 'Install here',
segment: {
cta: 'qiskit-install',
location: 'helpful-resources'
title: 'Qiskit Medium',
description: "This blog provides a nice overview of Qiskit and its direction as we explore what applications can be done on today's quantum devices.",
cta: {
url: 'https://medium.com/qiskit/qiskit-and-its-fundamental-elements-bcd7ead80492',
label: 'Read the blog',
segment: {
cta: 'qiskit-medium',
location: 'helpful-resources'
title: 'Code of conduct',
description: 'Qiskit is dedicated to providing an enjoyable and safe experience for all participants. We have a code of conduct that all events adhere to.',
cta: {
url: 'https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit/blob/master/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md',
label: 'See code of conduct',
segment: {
cta: 'code-of-conduct',
location: 'helpful-resources'
export {