
172 lines
6.5 KiB

<script setup lang="ts">
// TODO: Integrate old code
// import { Course, Prerequisite } from 'constants/learnContent'
// import CourseOverviewPage from '~/components/logic/CourseOverviewPage.vue'
// import { GeneralLink, StartLearningUrl } from '~/constants/appLinks'
title: "2022 Qiskit global summer school on quantum simulation",
// TODO: Integrate old code
// const headerTitle = "2022 Qiskit global summer school on quantum simulation";
// const headerDescription = [
// `This summer school provides a focused introduction to quantum computing
// and its applications to quantum simulation, with a specific focus on
// quantum chemistry. These lectures were first released as part of a two-week
// intensive summer school in July 2022. This course contains 9 lectures
// (split over 19 videos totalling ~17 hours) and 4 labs.`,
// ];
// const headerImg =
// "/images/learn/summer-school/quantum-simulation-summer-school-2022/header.png";
// const backToTextbookHomeLink: GeneralLink = {
// url: "/learn",
// label: "Home",
// segment: {
// cta: "back-to-textbook-home",
// location: "header",
// },
// };
// const startLearningCTA: GeneralLink = {
// url: StartLearningUrl.SummerSchool2022,
// label: "Start learning",
// segment: {
// cta: "introduction",
// location: "header",
// },
// };
// const courses: Course[] = [
// {
// image: "QGSS-Lec1-CoverImage.png",
// label: "History of Quantum Computing and Motivation for Quantum Simulation",
// segment: { cta: "lecture-1", location: "summer-school-2022" },
// url: "https://learn.qiskit.org/summer-school/2022/history-quantum-computing-motivation-quantum-simulation",
// },
// {
// image: "QGSS-Lec2-CoverImage.png",
// label:
// "Introduction to Linear Algebra, Prerequisite Mathematics, and Circuit Composition",
// segment: { cta: "lecture-2", location: "summer-school-2022" },
// url: "https://learn.qiskit.org/summer-school/2022/introduction-linear-algebra-prerequisite-mathematics-circuit-composition",
// },
// {
// image: "QGSS-Lab1-CoverImage.png",
// label: "Lab 1",
// segment: { cta: "lab-1", location: "summer-school-2022" },
// url: "https://learn.qiskit.org/summer-school/2022/lab-1",
// },
// {
// image: "QGSS-Lec3-CoverImage.png",
// label: "Hamiltonian Time Evolution",
// segment: { cta: "lecture-3", location: "summer-school-2022" },
// url: "https://learn.qiskit.org/summer-school/2022/hamiltonian-time-evolution",
// },
// {
// image: "QGSS-Lec4-CoverImage.png",
// label: "Simulation Problems",
// segment: { cta: "lecture-4", location: "summer-school-2022" },
// url: "https://learn.qiskit.org/summer-school/2022/simulation-problems",
// },
// {
// image: "QGSS-Lab2-CoverImage.png",
// label: "Lab 2",
// segment: { cta: "lab-2", location: "summer-school-2022" },
// url: "https://learn.qiskit.org/summer-school/2022/lab-2",
// },
// {
// image: "QGSS-Lec5-CoverImage.png",
// label: "Noisy Real Hardware, Noise in Quantum Computers",
// segment: { cta: "lecture-5", location: "summer-school-2022" },
// url: "https://learn.qiskit.org/summer-school/2022/noisy-real-hardware-noise-quantum-computers",
// },
// {
// image: "QGSS-Lec6-CoverImage.png",
// label:
// "Broad Overview of Quantum Chemistry Simulation and Why it is a Challenge",
// segment: { cta: "lecture-6", location: "summer-school-2022" },
// url: "https://learn.qiskit.org/summer-school/2022/broad-overview-quantum-chemistry-simulation-why-is-challenge",
// },
// {
// image: "QGSS-Lab3-CoverImage.png",
// label: "Lab 3",
// segment: { cta: "lab-3", location: "summer-school-2022" },
// url: "https://learn.qiskit.org/summer-school/2022/lab-3",
// },
// {
// image: "QGSS-Lec7-CoverImage.png",
// label: "Methods for Quantum Simulation",
// segment: { cta: "lecture-7", location: "summer-school-2022" },
// url: "https://learn.qiskit.org/summer-school/2022/methods-quantum-simulation",
// },
// {
// image: "QGSS-Lec8-CoverImage.png",
// label: "Quantum Static Simulation",
// segment: { cta: "lecture-8", location: "summer-school-2022" },
// url: "https://learn.qiskit.org/summer-school/2022/quantum-static-simulation",
// },
// {
// image: "QGSS-Lab4-CoverImage.png",
// label: "Lab 4",
// segment: { cta: "lab-4", location: "summer-school-2022" },
// url: "https://learn.qiskit.org/summer-school/2022/lab-4",
// },
// {
// image: "QGSS-Lec9-CoverImage.png",
// label: "Quantum Dynamics",
// segment: { cta: "lecture-9", location: "summer-school-2022" },
// url: "https://learn.qiskit.org/summer-school/2022/quantum-dynamics",
// },
// ];
// const references: string[] = [];
// const externalRecommendedReadingsPreamble: string = "";
// const links: GeneralLink[] = [];
// const prerequisites: Prerequisite[] = [
// {
// title: "Multiplying matrices by matrices",
// description:
// "In order to make the best out of these lectures, we recommend you are comfortable with linear algebra. In this short video series, Sal Khan talks you through matrix multiplication.",
// segment: {
// cta: "khan-academy-matrix-multiplication",
// location: "related-material",
// },
// url: "https://www.khanacademy.org/math/precalculus/x9e81a4f98389efdf:matrices/x9e81a4f98389efdf:multiplying-matrices-by-matrices/v/matrix-multiplication-intro",
// },
// {
// title: "Get started with Qiskit and Jupyter",
// description:
// "These pages will help you set up your environement to work with Qiskit, and give you a quick overview of Python and Jupyter notebooks.",
// segment: {
// cta: "ch-prerequisites",
// location: "related-material",
// },
// url: "https://learn.qiskit.org/course/ch-prerequisites/",
// },
// {
// title: "Introduction course (optional)",
// description:
// "This short course for audiences of all backgrounds fills you in on key concepts in on the basic ideas behind quantum computing.",
// segment: {
// cta: "introduction-course",
// location: "related-material",
// },
// url: "https://qiskit.org/learn/course/introduction-course",
// },
// ];
// const imageUrlBase =
// "/images/learn/summer-school/quantum-simulation-summer-school-2022";
// TODO: Refactor "logic" pages
// export default class SummerSchoolCoursePage extends CourseOverviewPage {
// routeName: string = 'summer-school/quantum-simulation-summer-school-2022'
// }