# Qiskit.org architecture overview Technical overview of how the code is structured and how it all comes together. We try to follow [Nuxt 3](https://nuxt.com/)'s recommendations and best practices. This document only covers the parts that are specific to Qiskit.org. ## Table of contents - [Design system](#design-system) - [CSS](#css) - [Testing](#testing) - [Third-party integrations](#third-party-integrations) ## Design system Our design is based on the [Carbon Design System](https://www.carbondesignsystem.com/). ## CSS We write our CSS in SCSS and employ [BEM's naming convention](https://getbem.com/). ## Testing We test our codebase with Vitest tests. These are integrated into our CI/CD pipeline, preventing code changes containing non-passing tests to be integrated into our main branch. ## Third-party integrations ### Airtable We fetch content from [Airtable](https://airtable.com/) during our builds for production. This content is then stored in JSON files and used to be displayed in the website. ### Carbon Web Components We use web components from the [Carbon Web Components](https://github.com/carbon-design-system/carbon-for-ibm-dotcom) component library. ### Segment We use [Segment](https://segment.com/) for analytics.