169 lines
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169 lines
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// This code is a Qiskit project.
// (C) Copyright IBM 2023.
// This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
// obtain a copy of this license in the LICENSE file in the root directory
// of this source tree or at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.
// Any modifications or derivative works of this code must retain this
// copyright notice, and modified files need to carry a notice indicating
// that they have been altered from the originals.
import { initial, keyBy, keys, last } from "lodash";
import { Root } from "mdast";
import { visit } from "unist-util-visit";
import isAbsoluteUrl from "is-absolute-url";
import { unified } from "unified";
import remarkParse from "remark-parse";
import remarkMath from "remark-math";
import remarkGfm from "remark-gfm";
import remarkMdx from "remark-mdx";
import remarkStringify from "remark-stringify";
import { removePart, removePrefix, removeSuffix } from "../stringUtils";
import { HtmlToMdResultWithUrl } from "./HtmlToMdResult";
import { remarkStringifyOptions } from "./commonParserConfig";
import { ObjectsInv } from "./objectsInv";
import { transformSpecialCaseUrl } from "./specialCaseResults";
export interface Link {
url: string; // Where the link goes
text?: string; // What the user sees
* Anchors generated from markdown headings are always lower case but, if these
* headings are API references, Sphinx sometimes expects them to include
* uppercase characters.
* As a heuristic, we assume urls containing periods are anchors to HTML id
* tags (which preserve Sphinx's original casing), and anchors with no periods
* are from markdown headings (which must be lower-cased). This seems to work
* ok.
function lowerCaseIfMarkdownAnchor(url: string): string {
if (!url.includes("#")) {
return url;
const [base, anchor] = url.split("#");
if (anchor.includes(".")) {
return url;
const newAnchor = anchor.toLowerCase();
return `${base}#${newAnchor}`;
export function normalizeUrl(
url: string,
resultsByName: { [key: string]: HtmlToMdResultWithUrl },
itemNames: Set<string>,
): string {
if (isAbsoluteUrl(url)) return url;
if (url.startsWith("/")) return url;
url = transformSpecialCaseUrl(url);
url = removePart(url, "/", ["stubs", "apidocs", "apidoc", ".."]);
const urlParts = url.split("/");
const initialUrlParts = initial(urlParts);
const [path, hash] = last(urlParts)!.split("#") as [
string | undefined,
// qiskit_ibm_runtime.RuntimeJob
// qiskit_ibm_runtime.RuntimeJob#qiskit_ibm_runtime.RuntimeJob
if (itemNames.has(path)) {
if (hash === path) {
url = [...initialUrlParts, path].join("/");
// qiskit_ibm_runtime.RuntimeJob#qiskit_ibm_runtime.RuntimeJob.job -> qiskit_ibm_runtime.RuntimeJob#job
if (hash?.startsWith(`${path}.`)) {
const member = removePrefix(hash, `${path}.`);
url = [...initialUrlParts, path].join("/") + `#${member}`;
// qiskit_ibm_runtime.QiskitRuntimeService.job -> qiskit_ibm_runtime.QiskitRuntimeService#job
const pathParts = path.split(".");
const member = last(pathParts);
const initialPathParts = initial(pathParts);
const parentName = initialPathParts.join(".");
if ("class" === resultsByName[parentName]?.meta.apiType) {
url = [...initialUrlParts, parentName].join("/") + "#" + member;
url = lowerCaseIfMarkdownAnchor(url);
return url;
export function relativizeLink(link: Link): Link | undefined {
const priorPrefixToNewPrefix = new Map([
["https://qiskit.org/documentation/apidoc/", "/api/qiskit"],
["https://qiskit.org/documentation/stubs/", "/api/qiskit"],
["https://docs.quantum.ibm.com/", ""],
["https://docs.quantum-computing.ibm.com/", ""],
const priorPrefix = Array.from(priorPrefixToNewPrefix.keys()).find((prefix) =>
if (!priorPrefix) {
let [url, anchor] = link.url.split("#");
url = removePrefix(url, priorPrefix);
url = removeSuffix(url, ".html");
if (anchor && anchor !== url) {
url = `${url}#${anchor}`;
const newText = link.url === link.text ? url : undefined;
const newPrefix = priorPrefixToNewPrefix.get(priorPrefix)!;
return { url: `${newPrefix}/${url}`, text: newText };
export async function updateLinks(
results: HtmlToMdResultWithUrl[],
maybeObjectsInv?: ObjectsInv,
): Promise<void> {
const resultsByName = keyBy(results, (result) => result.meta.apiName!);
const itemNames = new Set(keys(resultsByName));
for (const result of results) {
const output = await unified()
.use(() => async (tree: Root) => {
visit(tree, "link", (node) => {
const textNode =
node.children?.[0]?.type === "text"
? node.children?.[0]
: undefined;
const relativizedLink = relativizeLink({
url: node.url,
text: textNode?.value,
if (relativizedLink) {
node.url = relativizedLink.url;
if (textNode && relativizedLink.text) {
textNode.value = relativizedLink.text;
node.url = normalizeUrl(node.url, resultsByName, itemNames);
.use(remarkStringify, remarkStringifyOptions)
result.markdown = output?.toString();
maybeObjectsInv?.updateUris((uri: string) =>
normalizeUrl(uri, resultsByName, itemNames),