232 lines
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232 lines
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title: IntegerComparator
description: API reference for qiskit.circuit.library.IntegerComparator
in_page_toc_min_heading_level: 1
python_api_type: class
python_api_name: qiskit.circuit.library.IntegerComparator
# IntegerComparator
<Class id="qiskit.circuit.library.IntegerComparator" isDedicatedPage={true} github="https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit/tree/stable/1.1/qiskit/circuit/library/arithmetic/integer_comparator.py#L25-L243" signature="qiskit.circuit.library.IntegerComparator(num_state_qubits=None, value=None, geq=True, name='cmp')" modifiers="class">
Bases: `BlueprintCircuit`
Integer Comparator.
Operator compares basis states $|i\rangle_n$ against a classically given integer $L$ of fixed value and flips a target qubit if $i \geq L$ (or $<$ depending on the parameter `geq`):
|i\rangle_n |0\rangle \mapsto |i\rangle_n |i \geq L\rangle
This operation is based on two’s complement implementation of binary subtraction but only uses carry bits and no actual result bits. If the most significant carry bit (the results bit) is 1, the $\geq$ condition is `True` otherwise it is `False`.
Create a new fixed value comparator circuit.
* **num\_state\_qubits** ([*int*](https://docs.python.org/3/library/functions.html#int "(in Python v3.12)") *| None*) – Number of state qubits. If this is set it will determine the number of qubits required for the circuit.
* **value** ([*int*](https://docs.python.org/3/library/functions.html#int "(in Python v3.12)") *| None*) – The fixed value to compare with.
* **geq** ([*bool*](https://docs.python.org/3/library/functions.html#bool "(in Python v3.12)")) – If True, evaluate a `>=` condition, else `<`.
* **name** ([*str*](https://docs.python.org/3/library/stdtypes.html#str "(in Python v3.12)")) – Name of the circuit.
## Attributes
### ancillas
<Attribute id="qiskit.circuit.library.IntegerComparator.ancillas">
A list of `AncillaQubit`s in the order that they were added. You should not mutate this.
### calibrations
<Attribute id="qiskit.circuit.library.IntegerComparator.calibrations">
Return calibration dictionary.
The custom pulse definition of a given gate is of the form `{'gate_name': {(qubits, params): schedule}}`
### clbits
<Attribute id="qiskit.circuit.library.IntegerComparator.clbits">
A list of `Clbit`s in the order that they were added. You should not mutate this.
### data
<Attribute id="qiskit.circuit.library.IntegerComparator.data" />
### geq
<Attribute id="qiskit.circuit.library.IntegerComparator.geq">
Return whether the comparator compares greater or less equal.
True, if the comparator compares `>=`, False if `<`.
### global\_phase
<Attribute id="qiskit.circuit.library.IntegerComparator.global_phase">
The global phase of the current circuit scope in radians.
### instances
<Attribute id="qiskit.circuit.library.IntegerComparator.instances" attributeValue="178" />
### layout
<Attribute id="qiskit.circuit.library.IntegerComparator.layout">
Return any associated layout information about the circuit
This attribute contains an optional [`TranspileLayout`](qiskit.transpiler.TranspileLayout "qiskit.transpiler.TranspileLayout") object. This is typically set on the output from [`transpile()`](compiler#qiskit.compiler.transpile "qiskit.compiler.transpile") or [`PassManager.run()`](qiskit.transpiler.PassManager#run "qiskit.transpiler.PassManager.run") to retain information about the permutations caused on the input circuit by transpilation.
There are two types of permutations caused by the [`transpile()`](compiler#qiskit.compiler.transpile "qiskit.compiler.transpile") function, an initial layout which permutes the qubits based on the selected physical qubits on the [`Target`](qiskit.transpiler.Target "qiskit.transpiler.Target"), and a final layout which is an output permutation caused by [`SwapGate`](qiskit.circuit.library.SwapGate "qiskit.circuit.library.SwapGate")s inserted during routing.
### metadata
<Attribute id="qiskit.circuit.library.IntegerComparator.metadata">
Arbitrary user-defined metadata for the circuit.
Qiskit will not examine the content of this mapping, but it will pass it through the transpiler and reattach it to the output, so you can track your own metadata.
### num\_ancillas
<Attribute id="qiskit.circuit.library.IntegerComparator.num_ancillas">
Return the number of ancilla qubits.
### num\_captured\_vars
<Attribute id="qiskit.circuit.library.IntegerComparator.num_captured_vars">
The number of real-time classical variables in the circuit marked as captured from an enclosing scope.
This is the length of the `iter_captured_vars()` iterable. If this is non-zero, [`num_input_vars`](#qiskit.circuit.library.IntegerComparator.num_input_vars "qiskit.circuit.library.IntegerComparator.num_input_vars") must be zero.
### num\_clbits
<Attribute id="qiskit.circuit.library.IntegerComparator.num_clbits">
Return number of classical bits.
### num\_declared\_vars
<Attribute id="qiskit.circuit.library.IntegerComparator.num_declared_vars">
The number of real-time classical variables in the circuit that are declared by this circuit scope, excluding inputs or captures.
This is the length of the `iter_declared_vars()` iterable.
### num\_input\_vars
<Attribute id="qiskit.circuit.library.IntegerComparator.num_input_vars">
The number of real-time classical variables in the circuit marked as circuit inputs.
This is the length of the `iter_input_vars()` iterable. If this is non-zero, [`num_captured_vars`](#qiskit.circuit.library.IntegerComparator.num_captured_vars "qiskit.circuit.library.IntegerComparator.num_captured_vars") must be zero.
### num\_parameters
<Attribute id="qiskit.circuit.library.IntegerComparator.num_parameters" />
### num\_qubits
<Attribute id="qiskit.circuit.library.IntegerComparator.num_qubits">
Return number of qubits.
### num\_state\_qubits
<Attribute id="qiskit.circuit.library.IntegerComparator.num_state_qubits">
The number of qubits encoding the state for the comparison.
The number of state qubits.
### num\_vars
<Attribute id="qiskit.circuit.library.IntegerComparator.num_vars">
The number of real-time classical variables in the circuit.
This is the length of the `iter_vars()` iterable.
### op\_start\_times
<Attribute id="qiskit.circuit.library.IntegerComparator.op_start_times">
Return a list of operation start times.
This attribute is enabled once one of scheduling analysis passes runs on the quantum circuit.
List of integers representing instruction start times. The index corresponds to the index of instruction in `QuantumCircuit.data`.
[**AttributeError**](https://docs.python.org/3/library/exceptions.html#AttributeError "(in Python v3.12)") – When circuit is not scheduled.
### parameters
<Attribute id="qiskit.circuit.library.IntegerComparator.parameters" />
### prefix
<Attribute id="qiskit.circuit.library.IntegerComparator.prefix" attributeValue="'circuit'" />
### qregs
<Attribute id="qiskit.circuit.library.IntegerComparator.qregs" attributeTypeHint="list[QuantumRegister]">
A list of the `QuantumRegister`s in this circuit. You should not mutate this.
### qubits
<Attribute id="qiskit.circuit.library.IntegerComparator.qubits">
A list of `Qubit`s in the order that they were added. You should not mutate this.
### value
<Attribute id="qiskit.circuit.library.IntegerComparator.value">
The value to compare the qubit register to.
The value against which the value of the qubit register is compared.
### name
<Attribute id="qiskit.circuit.library.IntegerComparator.name" attributeTypeHint="str">
A human-readable name for the circuit.
### cregs
<Attribute id="qiskit.circuit.library.IntegerComparator.cregs" attributeTypeHint="list[ClassicalRegister]">
A list of the `ClassicalRegister`s in this circuit. You should not mutate this.
### duration
<Attribute id="qiskit.circuit.library.IntegerComparator.duration" attributeTypeHint="int | float | None">
The total duration of the circuit, set by a scheduling transpiler pass. Its unit is specified by [`unit`](#qiskit.circuit.library.IntegerComparator.unit "qiskit.circuit.library.IntegerComparator.unit").
### unit
<Attribute id="qiskit.circuit.library.IntegerComparator.unit">
The unit that [`duration`](#qiskit.circuit.library.IntegerComparator.duration "qiskit.circuit.library.IntegerComparator.duration") is specified in.