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167 lines
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title: PurityRBFitter
description: API reference for qiskit.ignis.verification.PurityRBFitter
in_page_toc_min_heading_level: 1
python_api_type: class
python_api_name: qiskit.ignis.verification.PurityRBFitter
# PurityRBFitter
<Class id="qiskit.ignis.verification.PurityRBFitter" isDedicatedPage={true} github="https://github.com/qiskit-community/qiskit-ignis/tree/stable/0.7/qiskit/ignis/verification/randomized_benchmarking/fitters.py" signature="PurityRBFitter(purity_result, npurity, cliff_lengths, rb_pattern=None)" modifiers="class">
Bases: `qiskit.ignis.verification.randomized_benchmarking.fitters.RBFitterBase`
Class for fitter for purity RB.
Derived from RBFitterBase class.
* **purity\_result** (*list*) – list of results of the 3^n purity RB sequences per seed (qiskit.Result).
* **npurity** (*int*) – equals 3^n (where n is the dimension).
* **cliff\_lengths** (*list*) – the Clifford lengths, 2D list i x j where i is the number of patterns, j is the number of cliffords lengths.
* **rb\_pattern** (*list*) – the pattern for the RB sequences.
## Methods
### F234
<Function id="qiskit.ignis.verification.PurityRBFitter.F234" signature="PurityRBFitter.F234(n, a, b)" modifiers="static">
Function than maps: 2^n x 3^n –> 4^n , namely: (a,b) –> c where a in 2^n, b in 3^n, c in 4^n
### add\_data
<Function id="qiskit.ignis.verification.PurityRBFitter.add_data" signature="PurityRBFitter.add_data(new_purity_result, rerun_fit=True)">
Add a new result.
* **new\_purity\_result** (*list*) – list of RB results of the purity RB circuits.
* **rerun\_fit** (*bool*) – re-calculate the means and fit the result.
#### Additional information:
Assumes that the executed ‘result’ is the output of circuits generated by randomized\_benchmarking\_seq where is\_purity = True.
### add\_zdict\_ops
<Function id="qiskit.ignis.verification.PurityRBFitter.add_zdict_ops" signature="PurityRBFitter.add_zdict_ops()">
Creating all Z-correlators in order to compute the expectation values.
### calc\_data
<Function id="qiskit.ignis.verification.PurityRBFitter.calc_data" signature="PurityRBFitter.calc_data()">
Retrieve probabilities of success from execution results.
Measure the purity calculation into an internal variable \_raw\_data which is a 3-dimensional list, where item (i,j,k) is the purity of the set of qubits in pattern “i” for seed no. j and vector length self.\_cliff\_lengths\[i]\[k].
#### Additional information:
Assumes that the executed ‘result’ is the output of circuits generated by randomized\_benchmarking\_seq,
### calc\_statistics
<Function id="qiskit.ignis.verification.PurityRBFitter.calc_statistics" signature="PurityRBFitter.calc_statistics()">
Extract averages and std dev from the raw data (self.\_raw\_data).
Assumes that self.\_calc\_data has been run. Output into internal \_ydata variable. ydata is a list of dictionaries (length number of patterns):
Dictionary ydata\[i]:
> * ydata\[i]\[‘mean’] is a numpy\_array of length n; entry j of this array contains the mean probability of success over seeds, for vector length self.\_cliff\_lengths\[i]\[j].
> * ydata\[i]\[‘std’] is a numpy\_array of length n; entry j of this array contains the std of the probability of success over seeds, for vector length self.\_cliff\_lengths\[i]\[j].
### fit\_data
<Function id="qiskit.ignis.verification.PurityRBFitter.fit_data" signature="PurityRBFitter.fit_data()">
Fit the Purity RB results to an exponential curve.
Use the data to construct guess values for the fits.
Puts the results into a list of fit dictionaries where each dictionary corresponds to a pattern and has fields:
> * `params` - three parameters of rb\_fit\_fun. The middle one is the exponent.
> * `err` - the error limits of the parameters.
> * `epc` - Error per Clifford.
> * `pepc` - Purity Error per Clifford.
### fit\_data\_pattern
<Function id="qiskit.ignis.verification.PurityRBFitter.fit_data_pattern" signature="PurityRBFitter.fit_data_pattern(patt_ind, fit_guess)">
Fit the RB results of a particular pattern to an exponential curve.
* **patt\_ind** (*int*) – index of the subsystem to fit.
* **fit\_guess** (*list*) – guess values for the fit.
Puts the results into a list of fit dictionaries where each dictionary corresponds to a pattern and has fields:
> * `params` - three parameters of rb\_fit\_fun. The middle one is the exponent.
> * `err` - the error limits of the parameters.
### plot\_rb\_data
<Function id="qiskit.ignis.verification.PurityRBFitter.plot_rb_data" signature="PurityRBFitter.plot_rb_data(pattern_index=0, ax=None, add_label=True, show_plt=True)">
Plot purity RB data of a single pattern.
## Attributes
### cliff\_lengths
<Attribute id="qiskit.ignis.verification.PurityRBFitter.cliff_lengths">
Return clifford lengths.
### fit
<Attribute id="qiskit.ignis.verification.PurityRBFitter.fit">
Return the purity fit parameters.
### raw\_data
<Attribute id="qiskit.ignis.verification.PurityRBFitter.raw_data">
Return raw data.
### rb\_fit\_fun
<Attribute id="qiskit.ignis.verification.PurityRBFitter.rb_fit_fun">
Return the fit function rb\_fit\_fun.
### rbfit\_pur
<Attribute id="qiskit.ignis.verification.PurityRBFitter.rbfit_pur">
Return the purity RB fitter.
### results
<Attribute id="qiskit.ignis.verification.PurityRBFitter.results">
Return all the results.
### seeds
<Attribute id="qiskit.ignis.verification.PurityRBFitter.seeds">
Return the number of loaded seeds.
### ydata
<Attribute id="qiskit.ignis.verification.PurityRBFitter.ydata">
Return ydata (means and std devs).