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title: QMolecule
description: API reference for qiskit.chemistry.QMolecule
in_page_toc_min_heading_level: 1
python_api_type: class
python_api_name: qiskit.chemistry.QMolecule
# QMolecule
<Class id="qiskit.chemistry.QMolecule" isDedicatedPage={true} github="https://github.com/qiskit-community/qiskit-aqua/tree/stable/0.9/qiskit/chemistry/qmolecule.py" signature="QMolecule(filename=None)" modifiers="class">
Bases: `object`
Molecule data class containing driver result.
When one of the chemistry [`drivers`](qiskit.chemistry.drivers#module-qiskit.chemistry.drivers "qiskit.chemistry.drivers") is run and instance of this class is returned. This contains various properties that are made available in a consistent manner across the various drivers.
Note that values here, for the same input molecule to each driver, may be vary across the drivers underlying code implementation. Also some drivers may not provide certain fields such as dipole integrals in the case of [`PyQuanteDriver`](qiskit.chemistry.drivers.PyQuanteDriver "qiskit.chemistry.drivers.PyQuanteDriver").
This class provides methods to save it and load it again from an HDF5 file
## Methods
### Z
<Function id="qiskit.chemistry.QMolecule.Z" signature="QMolecule.Z(natom)" />
### has\_dipole\_integrals
<Function id="qiskit.chemistry.QMolecule.has_dipole_integrals" signature="QMolecule.has_dipole_integrals()">
Check if dipole integrals are present.
### load
<Function id="qiskit.chemistry.QMolecule.load" signature="QMolecule.load()">
loads info saved.
### log
<Function id="qiskit.chemistry.QMolecule.log" signature="QMolecule.log()">
log properties
### onee\_to\_spin
<Function id="qiskit.chemistry.QMolecule.onee_to_spin" signature="QMolecule.onee_to_spin(mohij, mohij_b=None, threshold=1e-12)" modifiers="static">
Convert one-body MO integrals to spin orbital basis
Takes one body integrals in molecular orbital basis and returns integrals in spin orbitals ready for use as coefficients to one body terms 2nd quantized Hamiltonian.
* **mohij** (*numpy.ndarray*) One body orbitals in molecular basis (Alpha)
* **mohij\_b** (*numpy.ndarray*) One body orbitals in molecular basis (Beta)
* **threshold** (*float*) Threshold value for assignments
One body integrals in spin orbitals
**Return type**
### oneeints2mo
<Function id="qiskit.chemistry.QMolecule.oneeints2mo" signature="QMolecule.oneeints2mo(ints, moc)" modifiers="static">
Converts one-body integrals from AO to MO basis
Returns one electron integrals in AO basis converted to given MO basis
* **ints** (*numpy.ndarray*) N^2 one electron integrals in AO basis
* **moc** (*numpy.ndarray*) Molecular orbital coefficients
integrals in MO basis
**Return type**
### remove\_file
<Function id="qiskit.chemistry.QMolecule.remove_file" signature="QMolecule.remove_file(file_name=None)">
remove file
### save
<Function id="qiskit.chemistry.QMolecule.save" signature="QMolecule.save(file_name=None)">
Saves the info from the driver.
### twoe\_to\_spin
<Function id="qiskit.chemistry.QMolecule.twoe_to_spin" signature="QMolecule.twoe_to_spin(mohijkl, mohijkl_bb=None, mohijkl_ba=None, threshold=1e-12)" modifiers="static">
Convert two-body MO integrals to spin orbital basis
Takes two body integrals in molecular orbital basis and returns integrals in spin orbitals ready for use as coefficients to two body terms in 2nd quantized Hamiltonian.
* **mohijkl** (*numpy.ndarray*) Two body orbitals in molecular basis (AlphaAlpha)
* **mohijkl\_bb** (*numpy.ndarray*) Two body orbitals in molecular basis (BetaBeta)
* **mohijkl\_ba** (*numpy.ndarray*) Two body orbitals in molecular basis (BetaAlpha)
* **threshold** (*float*) Threshold value for assignments
Two body integrals in spin orbitals
**Return type**
### twoeints2mo
<Function id="qiskit.chemistry.QMolecule.twoeints2mo" signature="QMolecule.twoeints2mo(ints, moc)" modifiers="static">
Converts two-body integrals from AO to MO basis
Returns two electron integrals in AO basis converted to given MO basis
* **ints** (*numpy.ndarray*) N^2 two electron integrals in AO basis
* **moc** (*numpy.ndarray*) Molecular orbital coefficients
integrals in MO basis
**Return type**
### twoeints2mo\_general
<Function id="qiskit.chemistry.QMolecule.twoeints2mo_general" signature="QMolecule.twoeints2mo_general(ints, moc1, moc2, moc3, moc4)" modifiers="static" />
## Attributes
### BOHR
<Attribute id="qiskit.chemistry.QMolecule.BOHR" attributeValue="0.52917721092" />
<Attribute id="qiskit.chemistry.QMolecule.DEBYE" attributeValue="0.393430307" />
<Attribute id="qiskit.chemistry.QMolecule.QMOLECULE_VERSION" attributeValue="2" />
### core\_orbitals
<Attribute id="qiskit.chemistry.QMolecule.core_orbitals">
Returns: A list of core orbital indices.
**Return type**
### filename
<Attribute id="qiskit.chemistry.QMolecule.filename">
returns temp file path
### one\_body\_integrals
<Attribute id="qiskit.chemistry.QMolecule.one_body_integrals">
Returns one body electron integrals.
### symbols
<Attribute id="qiskit.chemistry.QMolecule.symbols" attributeValue="['_', 'H', 'He', 'Li', 'Be', 'B', 'C', 'N', 'O', 'F', 'Ne', 'Na', 'Mg', 'Al', 'Si', 'P', 'S', 'Cl', 'Ar', 'K', 'Ca', 'Sc', 'Ti', 'V', 'Cr', 'Mn', 'Fe', 'Co', 'Ni', 'Cu', 'Zn', 'Ga', 'Ge', 'As', 'Se', 'Br', 'Kr', 'Rb', 'Sr', 'Y', 'Zr', 'Nb', 'Mo', 'Tc', 'Ru', 'Rh', 'Pd', 'Ag', 'Cd', 'In', 'Sn', 'Sb', 'Te', 'I', 'Xe', 'Cs', 'Ba', 'La', 'Ce', 'Pr', 'Nd', 'Pm', 'Sm', 'Eu', 'Gd', 'Tb', 'Dy', 'Ho', 'Er', 'Tm', 'Yb', 'Lu', 'Hf', 'Ta', 'W', 'Re', 'Os', 'Ir', 'Pt', 'Au', 'Hg', 'Tl', 'Pb', 'Bi', 'Po', 'At', 'Rn', 'Fr', 'Ra', 'Ac', 'Th', 'Pa', 'U', 'Np', 'Pu', 'Am', 'Cm', 'Bk', 'Cf', 'Es', 'Fm', 'Md', 'No', 'Lr', 'Rf', 'Db', 'Sg', 'Bh', 'Hs', 'Mt', 'Ds', 'Rg', 'Cn', 'Nh', 'Fl', 'Mc', 'Lv', 'Ts', 'Og']" />
### two\_body\_integrals
<Attribute id="qiskit.chemistry.QMolecule.two_body_integrals">
Returns two body electron integrals.
### x\_dipole\_integrals
<Attribute id="qiskit.chemistry.QMolecule.x_dipole_integrals">
returns x\_dipole\_integrals
### y\_dipole\_integrals
<Attribute id="qiskit.chemistry.QMolecule.y_dipole_integrals">
returns y\_dipole\_integrals
### z\_dipole\_integrals
<Attribute id="qiskit.chemistry.QMolecule.z_dipole_integrals">
returns z\_dipole\_integrals