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33 lines
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title: tsp
description: API reference for qiskit.optimization.applications.ising.tsp
in_page_toc_min_heading_level: 2
python_api_type: module
python_api_name: qiskit.optimization.applications.ising.tsp
<span id="qiskit-optimization-applications-ising-tsp" />
# qiskit.optimization.applications.ising.tsp
Convert symmetric TSP instances into Pauli list Deal with TSPLIB format. It supports only EUC\_2D edge weight type. See [https://wwwproxy.iwr.uni-heidelberg.de/groups/comopt/software/TSPLIB95/](https://wwwproxy.iwr.uni-heidelberg.de/groups/comopt/software/TSPLIB95/) and [http://elib.zib.de/pub/mp-testdata/tsp/tsplib/tsp/index.html](http://elib.zib.de/pub/mp-testdata/tsp/tsplib/tsp/index.html) Design the tsp object w as a two-dimensional np.array e.g., w\[i, j] = x means that the length of a edge between i and j is x Note that the weights are symmetric, i.e., w\[j, i] = x always holds.
| | |
| --------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------- |
| `calc_distance`(coord\[, name]) | calculate distance |
| `get_operator`(ins\[, penalty]) | Generate Hamiltonian for TSP of a graph. |
| `get_tsp_solution`(x) | Get graph solution from binary string. |
| `parse_tsplib_format`(filename) | Read graph in TSPLIB format from file. |
| `random_tsp`(n\[, low, high, savefile, seed, name]) | Generate a random instance for TSP. |
| `tsp_feasible`(x) | Check whether a solution is feasible or not. |
| `tsp_value`(z, w) | Compute the TSP value of a solution. |
| | |
| ------------------------------ | --------------------------------------------------- |
| `TspData`(name, dim, coord, w) | Create new instance of TspData(name, dim, coord, w) |