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title: Qiskit 0.9 release notes
description: Changes made in Qiskit 0.9
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# Qiskit 0.9 release notes
## 0.9
<span id="id582" />
### Terra 0.8
#### Highlights
* Introduction of the Pulse module under `qiskit.pulse`, which includes tools for building pulse commands, scheduling them on pulse channels, visualization, and running them on IBM Q devices.
* Improved QuantumCircuit and Instruction classes, allowing for the composition of arbitrary sub-circuits into larger circuits, and also for creating parameterized circuits.
* A powerful Quantum Info module under `qiskit.quantum_info`, providing tools to work with operators and channels and to use them inside circuits.
* New transpiler optimization passes and access to predefined transpiling routines.
<span id="id583" />
#### New Features
* The core `StochasticSwap` routine is implemented in [Cython](https://cython.org/).
* Added `QuantumChannel` classes for manipulating quantum channels and CPTP maps.
* Support for parameterized circuits.
* The `PassManager` interface has been improved and new functions added for easier interaction and usage with custom pass managers.
* Preset `PassManager`s are now included which offer a predetermined pipeline of transpiler passes.
* User configuration files to let local environments override default values for some functions.
* New transpiler passes: `EnlargeWithAncilla`, `Unroll2Q`, `NoiseAdaptiveLayout`, `OptimizeSwapBeforeMeasure`, `RemoveDiagonalGatesBeforeMeasure`, `CommutativeCancellation`, `Collect2qBlocks`, and `ConsolidateBlocks`.
#### Compatibility Considerations
As part of the 0.8 release the following things have been deprecated and will either be removed or changed in a backwards incompatible manner in a future release. While not strictly necessary these are things to adjust for before the 0.9 (unless otherwise noted) release to avoid a breaking change in the future.
* The methods prefixed by `_get` in the `DAGCircuit` object are being renamed without that prefix.
* Changed elements in `couplinglist` of `CouplingMap` from tuples to lists.
* Unroller bases must now be explicit, and violation raises an informative `QiskitError`.
* The `qiskit.tools.qcvv` package is deprecated and will be removed in the in the future. You should migrate to using the Qiskit Ignis which replaces this module.
* The `qiskit.compile()` function is now deprecated in favor of explicitly using the `qiskit.compiler.transpile()` function to transform a circuit, followed by `qiskit.compiler.assemble()` to make a Qobj out of it. Instead of `compile(...)`, use `assemble(transpile(...), ...)`.
* `qiskit.converters.qobj_to_circuits()` has been deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Instead `qiskit.assembler.disassemble()` should be used to extract `QuantumCircuit` objects from a compiled Qobj.
* The `qiskit.mapper` namespace has been deprecated. The `Layout` and `CouplingMap` classes can be accessed via `qiskit.transpiler`.
* A few functions in `qiskit.tools.qi.qi` have been deprecated and moved to `qiskit.quantum_info`.
Please note that some backwards incompatible changes have been made during this release. The following notes contain information on how to adapt to these changes.
##### IBM Q Provider
The IBM Q provider was previously included in Terra, but it has been split out into a separate package `qiskit-ibmq-provider`. This will need to be installed, either via pypi with `pip install qiskit-ibmq-provider` or from source in order to access `qiskit.IBMQ` or `qiskit.providers.ibmq`. If you install qiskit with `pip install qiskit`, that will automatically install all subpackages of the Qiskit project.
##### Cython Components
Starting in the 0.8 release the core stochastic swap routine is now implemented in [Cython](https://cython.org/). This was done to significantly improve the performance of the swapper, however if you build Terra from source or run on a non-x86 or other platform without prebuilt wheels and install from source distribution you’ll need to make sure that you have Cython installed prior to installing/building Qiskit Terra. This can easily be done with pip/pypi: `pip install Cython`.
##### Compiler Workflow
The `qiskit.compile()` function has been deprecated and replaced by first calling `qiskit.compiler.transpile()` to run optimization and mapping on a circuit, and then `qiskit.compiler.assemble()` to build a Qobj from that optimized circuit to send to a backend. While this is only a deprecation it will emit a warning if you use the old `qiskit.compile()` call.
**transpile(), assemble(), execute() parameters**
These functions are heavily overloaded and accept a wide range of inputs. They can handle circuit and pulse inputs. All kwargs except for `backend` for these functions now also accept lists of the previously accepted types. The `initial_layout` kwarg can now be supplied as a both a list and dictionary, e.g. to map a Bell experiment on qubits 13 and 14, you can supply: `initial_layout=[13, 14]` or `initial_layout={qr[0]: 13, qr[1]: 14}`
##### Qobj
The Qobj class has been split into two separate subclasses depending on the use case, either `PulseQobj` or `QasmQobj` for pulse and circuit jobs respectively. If you’re interacting with Qobj directly you may need to adjust your usage accordingly.
The `qiskit.qobj.qobj_to_dict()` is removed. Instead use the `to_dict()` method of a Qobj object.
##### Visualization
The largest change to the visualization module is it has moved from `qiskit.tools.visualization` to `qiskit.visualization`. This was done to indicate that the visualization module is more than just a tool. However, since this interface was declared stable in the 0.7 release the public interface off of `qiskit.tools.visualization` will continue to work. That may change in a future release, but it will be deprecated prior to removal if that happens.
The previously deprecated functions, `plot_circuit()`, `latex_circuit_drawer()`, `generate_latex_source()`, and `matplotlib_circuit_drawer()` from `qiskit.tools.visualization` have been removed. Instead of these functions, calling `qiskit.visualization.circuit_drawer()` with the appropriate arguments should be used.
The previously deprecated `plot_barriers` and `reverse_bits` keys in the `style` kwarg dictionary are deprecated, instead the `qiskit.visualization.circuit_drawer()` kwargs `plot_barriers` and `reverse_bits` should be used.
The Wigner plotting functions `plot_wigner_function`, `plot_wigner_curve`, `plot_wigner_plaquette`, and `plot_wigner_data` previously in the `qiskit.tools.visualization._state_visualization` module have been removed. They were never exposed through the public stable interface and were not well documented. The code to use this feature can still be accessed through the qiskit-tutorials repository.
##### Mapper
The public api from `qiskit.mapper` has been moved into `qiskit.transpiler`. While it has only been deprecated in this release, it will be removed in the 0.9 release so updating your usage of `Layout` and `CouplingMap` to import from `qiskit.transpiler` instead of `qiskit.mapper` before that takes place will avoid any surprises in the future.
<span id="id584" />
### Aer 0.2
<span id="id585" />
#### New Features
* Added multiplexer gate [qiskit-aer #192](https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit-aer/pull/192)
* Added `remap_noise_model` function to `noise.utils` [qiskit-aer #181](https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit-aer/pull/181)
* Added `__eq__` method to `NoiseModel`, `QuantumError`, `ReadoutError` [qiskit-aer #181](https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit-aer/pull/181)
* Added support for labelled gates in noise models [qiskit-aer #175](https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit-aer/pull/175)
* Added optimized `mcx`, `mcy`, `mcz`, `mcu1`, `mcu2`, `mcu3`, gates to `QubitVector` [qiskit-aer #124](https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit-aer/pull/124)
* Added optimized controlled-swap gate to `QubitVector` [qiskit-aer #142](https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit-aer/pull/142)
* Added gate-fusion optimization for `QasmController`, which is enabled by setting `fusion_enable=true` [qiskit-aer #136](https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit-aer/pull/136)
* Added better management of failed simulations [qiskit-aer #167](https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit-aer/pull/167)
* Added qubits truncate optimization for unused qubits [qiskit-aer #164](https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit-aer/pull/164)
* Added ability to disable depolarizing error on device noise model [qiskit-aer #131](https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit-aer/pull/131)
* Added initialize simulator instruction to `statevector_state` [qiskit-aer #117](https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit-aer/pull/117), [qiskit-aer #137](https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit-aer/pull/137)
* Added coupling maps to simulators [qiskit-aer #93](https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit-aer/pull/93)
* Added circuit optimization framework [qiskit-aer #83](https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit-aer/pull/83)
* Added benchmarking [qiskit-aer #71](https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit-aer/pull/71), [qiskit-aer #177](https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit-aer/pull/177)
* Added wheels support for Debian-like distributions [qiskit-aer #69](https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit-aer/pull/69)
* Added autoconfiguration of threads for qasm simulator [qiskit-aer #61](https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit-aer/pull/61)
* Added Simulation method based on Stabilizer Rank Decompositions [qiskit-aer #51](https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit-aer/pull/51)
* Added `basis_gates` kwarg to `NoiseModel` init [qiskit-aer #175](https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit-aer/pull/175).
* Added an optional parameter to `NoiseModel.as_dict()` for returning dictionaries that can be serialized using the standard json library directly [qiskit-aer #165](https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit-aer/pull/165)
* Refactor thread management [qiskit-aer #50](https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit-aer/pull/50)
* Improve noise transformations [qiskit-aer #162](https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit-aer/pull/162)
* Improve error reporting [qiskit-aer #160](https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit-aer/pull/160)
* Improve efficiency of parallelization with `max_memory_mb` a new parameter of `backend_opts` [qiskit-aer #61](https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit-aer/pull/61)
* Improve u1 performance in `statevector` [qiskit-aer #123](https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit-aer/pull/123)
<span id="id586" />
#### Bug Fixes
* Fixed OpenMP clashing problems on macOS for the Terra add-on [qiskit-aer #46](https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit-aer/pull/46)
<span id="id587" />
#### Compatibility Considerations
* Deprecated `"initial_statevector"` backend option for `QasmSimulator` and `StatevectorSimulator` [qiskit-aer #185](https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit-aer/pull/185)
* Renamed `"chop_threshold"` backend option to `"zero_threshold"` and changed default value to 1e-10 [qiskit-aer #185](https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit-aer/pull/185)
<span id="id588" />
### Ignis 0.1
<span id="id589" />
#### New Features
* Quantum volume
* Measurement mitigation using tensored calibrations
* Simultaneous RB has the option to align Clifford gates across subsets
* Measurement correction can produce a new calibration for a subset of qubits
<span id="id590" />
#### Compatibility Considerations
* RB writes to the minimal set of classical registers (it used to be Q\[i]->C\[i]). This change enables measurement correction with RB. Unless users had external analysis code, this will not change outcomes. RB circuits from 0.1 are not compatible with 0.1.1 fitters.
<span id="id591" />
### Aqua 0.5
<span id="id592" />
#### New Features
* Implementation of the HHL algorithm supporting `LinearSystemInput`
* Pluggable component `Eigenvalues` with variant `EigQPE`
* Pluggable component `Reciprocal` with variants `LookupRotation` and `LongDivision`
* Multiple-Controlled U1 and U3 operations `mcu1` and `mcu3`
* Pluggable component `QFT` derived from component `IQFT`
* Summarized the transpiled circuits at the DEBUG logging level
* `QuantumInstance` accepts `basis_gates` and `coupling_map` again.
* Support to use `cx` gate for the entanglement in `RY` and `RYRZ` variational form (`cz` is the default choice)
* Support to use arbitrary mixer Hamiltonian in QAOA, allowing use of QAOA in constrained optimization problems \[arXiv:1709.03489]
* Added variational algorithm base class `VQAlgorithm`, implemented by `VQE` and `QSVMVariational`
* Added `ising/docplex.py` for automatically generating Ising Hamiltonian from optimization models of DOcplex
* Added `'basic-dirty-ancilla`’ mode for `mct`
* Added `mcmt` for Multi-Controlled, Multi-Target gate
* Exposed capabilities to generate circuits from logical AND, OR, DNF (disjunctive normal forms), and CNF (conjunctive normal forms) formulae
* Added the capability to generate circuits from ESOP (exclusive sum of products) formulae with optional optimization based on Quine-McCluskey and ExactCover
* Added `LogicalExpressionOracle` for generating oracle circuits from arbitrary Boolean logic expressions (including DIMACS support) with optional optimization capability
* Added `TruthTableOracle` for generating oracle circuits from truth-tables with optional optimization capability
* Added `CustomCircuitOracle` for generating oracle from user specified circuits
* Added implementation of the Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm
* Added implementation of the Bernstein-Vazirani algorithm
* Added implementation of the Simon’s algorithm
* Added implementation of the Shor’s algorithm
* Added optional capability for Grover’s algorithm to take a custom initial state (as opposed to the default uniform superposition)
* Added capability to create a `Custom` initial state using existing circuit
* Added the ADAM (and AMSGRAD) optimization algorithm
* Multivariate distributions added, so uncertainty models now have univariate and multivariate distribution components
* Added option to include or skip the swaps operations for qft and iqft circuit constructions
* Added classical linear system solver `ExactLSsolver`
* Added parameters `auto_hermitian` and `auto_resize` to `HHL` algorithm to support non-Hermitian and non $2^n$ sized matrices by default
* Added another feature map, `RawFeatureVector`, that directly maps feature vectors to qubits’ states for classification
* `SVM_Classical` can now load models trained by `QSVM`
<span id="id593" />
#### Bug Fixes
* Fixed `ising/docplex.py` to correctly multiply constant values in constraints
* Fixed package setup to correctly identify namespace packages using `setuptools.find_namespace_packages`
<span id="id594" />
#### Compatibility Considerations
* `QuantumInstance` does not take `memory` anymore.
* Moved command line and GUI to separate repo (`qiskit_aqua_uis`)
* Removed the `SAT`-specific oracle (now supported by `LogicalExpressionOracle`)
* Changed `advanced` mode implementation of `mct`: using simple `h` gates instead of `ch`, and fixing the old recursion step in `_multicx`
* Components `random_distributions` renamed to `uncertainty_models`
* Reorganized the constructions of various common gates (`ch`, `cry`, `mcry`, `mct`, `mcu1`, `mcu3`, `mcmt`, `logic_and`, and `logic_or`) and circuits (`PhaseEstimationCircuit`, `BooleanLogicCircuits`, `FourierTransformCircuits`, and `StateVectorCircuits`) under the `circuits` directory
* Renamed the algorithm `QSVMVariational` to `VQC`, which stands for Variational Quantum Classifier
* Renamed the algorithm `QSVMKernel` to `QSVM`
* Renamed the class `SVMInput` to `ClassificationInput`
* Renamed problem type `'svm_classification'` to `'classification'`
* Changed the type of `entangler_map` used in `FeatureMap` and `VariationalForm` to list of lists
<span id="ibm-q-provider-0-1" />
### IBM Q Provider 0.1
<span id="id595" />
#### New Features
* This is the first release as a standalone package. If you are installing Terra standalone you’ll also need to install the `qiskit-ibmq-provider` package with `pip install qiskit-ibmq-provider` if you want to use the IBM Q backends.
* Support for non-Qobj format jobs has been removed from the provider. You’ll have to convert submissions in an older format to Qobj before you can submit.
<span id="qiskit-0-8" />