563 lines
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563 lines
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title: Pauli (v1.2)
description: API reference for qiskit.quantum_info.Pauli in qiskit v1.2
in_page_toc_min_heading_level: 1
python_api_type: class
python_api_name: qiskit.quantum_info.Pauli
# Pauli
<Class id="qiskit.quantum_info.Pauli" isDedicatedPage={true} github="https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit/tree/stable/1.2/qiskit/quantum_info/operators/symplectic/pauli.py#L39-L749" signature="qiskit.quantum_info.Pauli(data=None)" modifiers="class">
Bases: `BasePauli`
N-qubit Pauli operator.
This class represents an operator $P$ from the full $n$-qubit *Pauli* group
P = (-i)^{q} P_{n-1} \otimes ... \otimes P_{0}
where $q\in \mathbb{Z}_4$ and $P_i \in \{I, X, Y, Z\}$ are single-qubit Pauli matrices:
I = \begin{pmatrix} 1 & 0 \\ 0 & 1 \end{pmatrix},
X = \begin{pmatrix} 0 & 1 \\ 1 & 0 \end{pmatrix},
Y = \begin{pmatrix} 0 & -i \\ i & 0 \end{pmatrix},
Z = \begin{pmatrix} 1 & 0 \\ 0 & -1 \end{pmatrix}.
A Pauli object can be initialized in several ways:
> **`Pauli(obj)`**
> where `obj` is a Pauli string, `Pauli` or [`ScalarOp`](qiskit.quantum_info.ScalarOp "qiskit.quantum_info.ScalarOp") operator, or a Pauli gate or `QuantumCircuit` containing only Pauli gates.
> **`Pauli((z, x, phase))`**
> where `z` and `x` are boolean `numpy.ndarrays` and `phase` is an integer in `[0, 1, 2, 3]`.
> **`Pauli((z, x))`**
> equivalent to `Pauli((z, x, 0))` with trivial phase.
**String representation**
An $n$-qubit Pauli may be represented by a string consisting of $n$ characters from `['I', 'X', 'Y', 'Z']`, and optionally phase coefficient in `['', '-i', '-', 'i']`. For example: `'XYZ'` or `'-iZIZ'`.
In the string representation qubit-0 corresponds to the right-most Pauli character, and qubit-$(n-1)$ to the left-most Pauli character. For example `'XYZ'` represents $X\otimes Y \otimes Z$ with `'Z'` on qubit-0, `'Y'` on qubit-1, and `'X'` on qubit-2.
The string representation can be converted to a `Pauli` using the class initialization (`Pauli('-iXYZ')`). A `Pauli` object can be converted back to the string representation using the [`to_label()`](#qiskit.quantum_info.Pauli.to_label "qiskit.quantum_info.Pauli.to_label") method or `str(pauli)`.
<Admonition title="Note" type="note">
Using `str` to convert a `Pauli` to a string will truncate the returned string for large numbers of qubits while [`to_label()`](#qiskit.quantum_info.Pauli.to_label "qiskit.quantum_info.Pauli.to_label") will return the full string with no truncation. The default truncation length is 50 characters. The default value can be changed by setting the class `__truncate__` attribute to an integer value. If set to `0` no truncation will be performed.
**Array Representation**
The internal data structure of an $n$-qubit Pauli is two length-$n$ boolean vectors $z \in \mathbb{Z}_2^N$, $x \in \mathbb{Z}_2^N$, and an integer $q \in \mathbb{Z}_4$ defining the Pauli operator
P = (-i)^{q + z\cdot x} Z^z \cdot X^x.
The $k$-th qubit corresponds to the $k$-th entry in the $z$ and $x$ arrays
P &= P_{n-1} \otimes ... \otimes P_{0} \\
P_k &= (-i)^{z[k] * x[k]} Z^{z[k]}\cdot X^{x[k]}
where `z[k] = P.z[k]`, `x[k] = P.x[k]` respectively.
The $z$ and $x$ arrays can be accessed and updated using the [`z`](#qiskit.quantum_info.Pauli.z "qiskit.quantum_info.Pauli.z") and [`x`](#qiskit.quantum_info.Pauli.x "qiskit.quantum_info.Pauli.x") properties respectively. The phase integer $q$ can be accessed and updated using the [`phase`](#qiskit.quantum_info.Pauli.phase "qiskit.quantum_info.Pauli.phase") property.
**Matrix Operator Representation**
Pauli’s can be converted to $(2^n, 2^n)$ [`Operator`](qiskit.quantum_info.Operator "qiskit.quantum_info.Operator") using the `to_operator()` method, or to a dense or sparse complex matrix using the [`to_matrix()`](#qiskit.quantum_info.Pauli.to_matrix "qiskit.quantum_info.Pauli.to_matrix") method.
**Data Access**
The individual qubit Paulis can be accessed and updated using the `[]` operator which accepts integer, lists, or slices for selecting subsets of Paulis. Note that selecting subsets of Pauli’s will discard the phase of the current Pauli.
For example
from qiskit.quantum_info import Pauli
P = Pauli('-iXYZ')
print('P[0] =', repr(P[0]))
print('P[1] =', repr(P[1]))
print('P[2] =', repr(P[2]))
print('P[:] =', repr(P[:]))
print('P[::-1] =', repr(P[::-1]))
Initialize the Pauli.
When using the symplectic array input data both z and x arguments must be provided, however the first (z) argument can be used alone for string label, Pauli operator, or [`ScalarOp`](qiskit.quantum_info.ScalarOp "qiskit.quantum_info.ScalarOp") input data.
**data** ([*str*](https://docs.python.org/3/library/stdtypes.html#str "(in Python v3.13)") *or*[*tuple*](https://docs.python.org/3/library/stdtypes.html#tuple "(in Python v3.13)") *or*[*Pauli*](#qiskit.quantum_info.Pauli "qiskit.quantum_info.Pauli") *or*[*ScalarOp*](qiskit.quantum_info.ScalarOp "qiskit.quantum_info.ScalarOp")) – input data for Pauli. If input is a tuple it must be of the form `(z, x)` or `(z, x, phase)` where `z` and `x` are boolean Numpy arrays, and phase is an integer from $\mathbb{Z}_4$. If input is a string, it must be a concatenation of a phase and a Pauli string (e.g. `'XYZ', '-iZIZ'`) where a phase string is a combination of at most three characters from `['+', '-', '']`, `['1', '']`, and `['i', 'j', '']` in this order, e.g. `''`, `'-1j'` while a Pauli string is 1 or more characters of `'I'`, `'X'`, `'Y'`, or `'Z'`, e.g. `'Z'`, `'XIYY'`.
[**QiskitError**](exceptions#qiskit.exceptions.QiskitError "qiskit.exceptions.QiskitError") – if input array is invalid shape.
## Attributes
### dim
<Attribute id="qiskit.quantum_info.Pauli.dim">
Return tuple (input\_shape, output\_shape).
### name
<Attribute id="qiskit.quantum_info.Pauli.name">
Unique string identifier for operation type.
### num\_clbits
<Attribute id="qiskit.quantum_info.Pauli.num_clbits">
Number of classical bits.
### num\_qubits
<Attribute id="qiskit.quantum_info.Pauli.num_qubits">
Return the number of qubits if a N-qubit operator or None otherwise.
### phase
<Attribute id="qiskit.quantum_info.Pauli.phase">
Return the group phase exponent for the Pauli.
### qargs
<Attribute id="qiskit.quantum_info.Pauli.qargs">
Return the qargs for the operator.
### settings
<Attribute id="qiskit.quantum_info.Pauli.settings">
Return settings.
### x
<Attribute id="qiskit.quantum_info.Pauli.x">
The x vector for the Pauli.
### z
<Attribute id="qiskit.quantum_info.Pauli.z">
The z vector for the Pauli.
## Methods
### adjoint
<Function id="qiskit.quantum_info.Pauli.adjoint" github="https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit/tree/stable/1.2/qiskit/quantum_info/operators/symplectic/pauli.py#L524-L525" signature="adjoint()">
Return the adjoint of the Operator.
### anticommutes
<Function id="qiskit.quantum_info.Pauli.anticommutes" github="https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit/tree/stable/1.2/qiskit/quantum_info/operators/symplectic/pauli.py#L554-L564" signature="anticommutes(other, qargs=None)">
Return True if other Pauli anticommutes with self.
* **other** ([*Pauli*](#qiskit.quantum_info.Pauli "qiskit.quantum_info.Pauli")) – another Pauli operator.
* **qargs** ([*list*](https://docs.python.org/3/library/stdtypes.html#list "(in Python v3.13)")) – qubits to apply dot product on (default: None).
True if Pauli’s anticommute, False if they commute.
**Return type**
[bool](https://docs.python.org/3/library/functions.html#bool "(in Python v3.13)")
### apply\_layout
<Function id="qiskit.quantum_info.Pauli.apply_layout" github="https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit/tree/stable/1.2/qiskit/quantum_info/operators/symplectic/pauli.py#L706-L749" signature="apply_layout(layout, num_qubits=None)">
Apply a transpiler layout to this [`Pauli`](#qiskit.quantum_info.Pauli "qiskit.quantum_info.Pauli")
* **layout** ([*TranspileLayout*](qiskit.transpiler.TranspileLayout "qiskit.transpiler.TranspileLayout") *|*[*list*](https://docs.python.org/3/library/stdtypes.html#list "(in Python v3.13)")*\[*[*int*](https://docs.python.org/3/library/functions.html#int "(in Python v3.13)")*] | None*) – Either a [`TranspileLayout`](qiskit.transpiler.TranspileLayout "qiskit.transpiler.TranspileLayout"), a list of integers or None. If both layout and num\_qubits are none, a copy of the operator is returned.
* **num\_qubits** ([*int*](https://docs.python.org/3/library/functions.html#int "(in Python v3.13)") *| None*) – The number of qubits to expand the operator to. If not provided then if `layout` is a [`TranspileLayout`](qiskit.transpiler.TranspileLayout "qiskit.transpiler.TranspileLayout") the number of the transpiler output circuit qubits will be used by default. If `layout` is a list of integers the permutation specified will be applied without any expansion. If layout is None, the operator will be expanded to the given number of qubits.
A new [`Pauli`](#qiskit.quantum_info.Pauli "qiskit.quantum_info.Pauli") with the provided layout applied
**Return type**
[Pauli](#qiskit.quantum_info.Pauli "qiskit.quantum_info.Pauli")
### commutes
<Function id="qiskit.quantum_info.Pauli.commutes" github="https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit/tree/stable/1.2/qiskit/quantum_info/operators/symplectic/pauli.py#L535-L552" signature="commutes(other, qargs=None)">
Return True if the Pauli commutes with other.
* **other** ([*Pauli*](#qiskit.quantum_info.Pauli "qiskit.quantum_info.Pauli") *or*[*PauliList*](qiskit.quantum_info.PauliList "qiskit.quantum_info.PauliList")) – another Pauli operator.
* **qargs** ([*list*](https://docs.python.org/3/library/stdtypes.html#list "(in Python v3.13)")) – qubits to apply dot product on (default: None).
True if Pauli’s commute, False if they anti-commute.
**Return type**
[bool](https://docs.python.org/3/library/functions.html#bool "(in Python v3.13)")
### compose
<Function id="qiskit.quantum_info.Pauli.compose" github="https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit/tree/stable/1.2/qiskit/quantum_info/operators/symplectic/pauli.py#L455-L489" signature="compose(other, qargs=None, front=False, inplace=False)">
Return the operator composition with another Pauli.
* **other** ([*Pauli*](#qiskit.quantum_info.Pauli "qiskit.quantum_info.Pauli")) – a Pauli object.
* **qargs** ([*list*](https://docs.python.org/3/library/stdtypes.html#list "(in Python v3.13)") *or None*) – Optional, qubits to apply dot product on (default: None).
* **front** ([*bool*](https://docs.python.org/3/library/functions.html#bool "(in Python v3.13)")) – If True compose using right operator multiplication, instead of left multiplication \[default: False].
* **inplace** ([*bool*](https://docs.python.org/3/library/functions.html#bool "(in Python v3.13)")) – If True update in-place (default: False).
The composed Pauli.
**Return type**
[Pauli](#qiskit.quantum_info.Pauli "qiskit.quantum_info.Pauli")
[**QiskitError**](exceptions#qiskit.exceptions.QiskitError "qiskit.exceptions.QiskitError") – if other cannot be converted to an operator, or has incompatible dimensions for specified subsystems.
<Admonition title="Note" type="note">
Composition (`&`) by default is defined as left matrix multiplication for matrix operators, while [`dot()`](#qiskit.quantum_info.Pauli.dot "qiskit.quantum_info.Pauli.dot") is defined as right matrix multiplication. That is that `A & B == A.compose(B)` is equivalent to `B.dot(A)` when `A` and `B` are of the same type.
Setting the `front=True` kwarg changes this to right matrix multiplication and is equivalent to the [`dot()`](#qiskit.quantum_info.Pauli.dot "qiskit.quantum_info.Pauli.dot") method `A.dot(B) == A.compose(B, front=True)`.
### conjugate
<Function id="qiskit.quantum_info.Pauli.conjugate" github="https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit/tree/stable/1.2/qiskit/quantum_info/operators/symplectic/pauli.py#L518-L519" signature="conjugate()">
Return the conjugate of each Pauli in the list.
### copy
<Function id="qiskit.quantum_info.Pauli.copy" github="https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit/tree/stable/1.2/qiskit/quantum_info/operators/symplectic/base_pauli.py#L61-L70" signature="copy()">
Make a deep copy of current operator.
### delete
<Function id="qiskit.quantum_info.Pauli.delete" github="https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit/tree/stable/1.2/qiskit/quantum_info/operators/symplectic/pauli.py#L331-L357" signature="delete(qubits)">
Return a Pauli with qubits deleted.
**qubits** ([*int*](https://docs.python.org/3/library/functions.html#int "(in Python v3.13)") *or*[*list*](https://docs.python.org/3/library/stdtypes.html#list "(in Python v3.13)")) – qubits to delete from Pauli.
the resulting Pauli with the specified qubits removed.
**Return type**
[Pauli](#qiskit.quantum_info.Pauli "qiskit.quantum_info.Pauli")
[**QiskitError**](exceptions#qiskit.exceptions.QiskitError "qiskit.exceptions.QiskitError") – if ind is out of bounds for the array size or number of qubits.
### dot
<Function id="qiskit.quantum_info.Pauli.dot" github="https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit/tree/stable/1.2/qiskit/quantum_info/operators/symplectic/pauli.py#L491-L503" signature="dot(other, qargs=None, inplace=False)">
Return the right multiplied operator self \* other.
* **other** ([*Pauli*](#qiskit.quantum_info.Pauli "qiskit.quantum_info.Pauli")) – an operator object.
* **qargs** ([*list*](https://docs.python.org/3/library/stdtypes.html#list "(in Python v3.13)") *or None*) – Optional, qubits to apply dot product on (default: None).
* **inplace** ([*bool*](https://docs.python.org/3/library/functions.html#bool "(in Python v3.13)")) – If True update in-place (default: False).
The operator self \* other.
**Return type**
[Pauli](#qiskit.quantum_info.Pauli "qiskit.quantum_info.Pauli")
### equiv
<Function id="qiskit.quantum_info.Pauli.equiv" github="https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit/tree/stable/1.2/qiskit/quantum_info/operators/symplectic/pauli.py#L254-L268" signature="equiv(other)">
Return True if Pauli’s are equivalent up to group phase.
**other** ([*Pauli*](#qiskit.quantum_info.Pauli "qiskit.quantum_info.Pauli")) – an operator object.
True if the Pauli’s are equivalent up to group phase.
**Return type**
[bool](https://docs.python.org/3/library/functions.html#bool "(in Python v3.13)")
### evolve
<Function id="qiskit.quantum_info.Pauli.evolve" github="https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit/tree/stable/1.2/qiskit/quantum_info/operators/symplectic/pauli.py#L566-L605" signature="evolve(other, qargs=None, frame='h')">
Performs either Heisenberg (default) or Schrödinger picture evolution of the Pauli by a Clifford and returns the evolved Pauli.
Schrödinger picture evolution can be chosen by passing parameter `frame='s'`. This option yields a faster calculation.
Heisenberg picture evolves the Pauli as $P^\prime = C^\dagger.P.C$.
Schrödinger picture evolves the Pauli as $P^\prime = C.P.C^\dagger$.
* **other** ([*Pauli*](#qiskit.quantum_info.Pauli "qiskit.quantum_info.Pauli") *or*[*Clifford*](qiskit.quantum_info.Clifford "qiskit.quantum_info.Clifford") *or*[*QuantumCircuit*](qiskit.circuit.QuantumCircuit "qiskit.circuit.QuantumCircuit")) – The Clifford operator to evolve by.
* **qargs** ([*list*](https://docs.python.org/3/library/stdtypes.html#list "(in Python v3.13)")) – a list of qubits to apply the Clifford to.
* **frame** (*string*) – `'h'` for Heisenberg (default) or `'s'` for
* **framework.** (*Schrödinger*) –
the Pauli $C^\dagger.P.C$ (Heisenberg picture) or the Pauli $C.P.C^\dagger$ (Schrödinger picture).
**Return type**
[Pauli](#qiskit.quantum_info.Pauli "qiskit.quantum_info.Pauli")
[**QiskitError**](exceptions#qiskit.exceptions.QiskitError "qiskit.exceptions.QiskitError") – if the Clifford number of qubits and qargs don’t match.
### expand
<Function id="qiskit.quantum_info.Pauli.expand" github="https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit/tree/stable/1.2/qiskit/quantum_info/operators/symplectic/pauli.py#L510-L513" signature="expand(other)">
Return the reverse-order tensor product with another Pauli.
**other** ([*Pauli*](#qiskit.quantum_info.Pauli "qiskit.quantum_info.Pauli")) – a Pauli object.
**the tensor product $b \otimes a$, where $a$**
is the current Pauli, and $b$ is the other Pauli.
**Return type**
[Pauli](#qiskit.quantum_info.Pauli "qiskit.quantum_info.Pauli")
### input\_dims
<Function id="qiskit.quantum_info.Pauli.input_dims" github="https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit/tree/stable/1.2/qiskit/quantum_info/operators/base_operator.py#L135-L137" signature="input_dims(qargs=None)">
Return tuple of input dimension for specified subsystems.
### insert
<Function id="qiskit.quantum_info.Pauli.insert" github="https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit/tree/stable/1.2/qiskit/quantum_info/operators/symplectic/pauli.py#L359-L397" signature="insert(qubits, value)">
Insert a Pauli at specific qubit value.
* **qubits** ([*int*](https://docs.python.org/3/library/functions.html#int "(in Python v3.13)") *or*[*list*](https://docs.python.org/3/library/stdtypes.html#list "(in Python v3.13)")) – qubits index to insert at.
* **value** ([*Pauli*](#qiskit.quantum_info.Pauli "qiskit.quantum_info.Pauli")) – value to insert.
the resulting Pauli with the entries inserted.
**Return type**
[Pauli](#qiskit.quantum_info.Pauli "qiskit.quantum_info.Pauli")
[**QiskitError**](exceptions#qiskit.exceptions.QiskitError "qiskit.exceptions.QiskitError") – if the insertion qubits are invalid.
### inverse
<Function id="qiskit.quantum_info.Pauli.inverse" github="https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit/tree/stable/1.2/qiskit/quantum_info/operators/symplectic/pauli.py#L527-L529" signature="inverse()">
Return the inverse of the Pauli.
### output\_dims
<Function id="qiskit.quantum_info.Pauli.output_dims" github="https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit/tree/stable/1.2/qiskit/quantum_info/operators/base_operator.py#L139-L141" signature="output_dims(qargs=None)">
Return tuple of output dimension for specified subsystems.
### power
<Function id="qiskit.quantum_info.Pauli.power" github="https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit/tree/stable/1.2/qiskit/quantum_info/operators/mixins/group.py#L151-L171" signature="power(n)">
Return the compose of a operator with itself n times.
**n** ([*int*](https://docs.python.org/3/library/functions.html#int "(in Python v3.13)")) – the number of times to compose with self (n>0).
the n-times composed operator.
**Return type**
[Clifford](qiskit.quantum_info.Clifford "qiskit.quantum_info.Clifford")
[**QiskitError**](exceptions#qiskit.exceptions.QiskitError "qiskit.exceptions.QiskitError") – if the input and output dimensions of the operator are not equal, or the power is not a positive integer.
### reshape
<Function id="qiskit.quantum_info.Pauli.reshape" github="https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit/tree/stable/1.2/qiskit/quantum_info/operators/base_operator.py#L106-L133" signature="reshape(input_dims=None, output_dims=None, num_qubits=None)">
Return a shallow copy with reshaped input and output subsystem dimensions.
* **input\_dims** (*None or* [*tuple*](https://docs.python.org/3/library/stdtypes.html#tuple "(in Python v3.13)")) – new subsystem input dimensions. If None the original input dims will be preserved \[Default: None].
* **output\_dims** (*None or* [*tuple*](https://docs.python.org/3/library/stdtypes.html#tuple "(in Python v3.13)")) – new subsystem output dimensions. If None the original output dims will be preserved \[Default: None].
* **num\_qubits** (*None or* [*int*](https://docs.python.org/3/library/functions.html#int "(in Python v3.13)")) – reshape to an N-qubit operator \[Default: None].
returns self with reshaped input and output dimensions.
**Return type**
[**QiskitError**](exceptions#qiskit.exceptions.QiskitError "qiskit.exceptions.QiskitError") – if combined size of all subsystem input dimension or subsystem output dimensions is not constant.
### set\_truncation
<Function id="qiskit.quantum_info.Pauli.set_truncation" github="https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit/tree/stable/1.2/qiskit/quantum_info/operators/symplectic/pauli.py#L235-L246" signature="set_truncation(val)" modifiers="classmethod">
Set the max number of Pauli characters to display before truncation/
**val** ([*int*](https://docs.python.org/3/library/functions.html#int "(in Python v3.13)")) – the number of characters.
<Admonition title="Note" type="note">
Truncation will be disabled if the truncation value is set to 0.
### tensor
<Function id="qiskit.quantum_info.Pauli.tensor" github="https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit/tree/stable/1.2/qiskit/quantum_info/operators/symplectic/pauli.py#L505-L508" signature="tensor(other)">
Return the tensor product with another Pauli.
**other** ([*Pauli*](#qiskit.quantum_info.Pauli "qiskit.quantum_info.Pauli")) – a Pauli object.
**the tensor product $a \otimes b$, where $a$**
is the current Pauli, and $b$ is the other Pauli.
**Return type**
[Pauli](#qiskit.quantum_info.Pauli "qiskit.quantum_info.Pauli")
<Admonition title="Note" type="note">
The tensor product can be obtained using the `^` binary operator. Hence `a.tensor(b)` is equivalent to `a ^ b`.
### to\_instruction
<Function id="qiskit.quantum_info.Pauli.to_instruction" github="https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit/tree/stable/1.2/qiskit/quantum_info/operators/symplectic/pauli.py#L432-L449" signature="to_instruction()">
Convert to Pauli circuit instruction.
### to\_label
<Function id="qiskit.quantum_info.Pauli.to_label" github="https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit/tree/stable/1.2/qiskit/quantum_info/operators/symplectic/pauli.py#L407-L418" signature="to_label()">
Convert a Pauli to a string label.
<Admonition title="Note" type="note">
The difference between to\_label and `__str__()` is that the later will truncate the output for large numbers of qubits.
the Pauli string label.
**Return type**
[str](https://docs.python.org/3/library/stdtypes.html#str "(in Python v3.13)")
### to\_matrix
<Function id="qiskit.quantum_info.Pauli.to_matrix" github="https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit/tree/stable/1.2/qiskit/quantum_info/operators/symplectic/pauli.py#L420-L430" signature="to_matrix(sparse=False)">
Convert to a Numpy array or sparse CSR matrix.
**sparse** ([*bool*](https://docs.python.org/3/library/functions.html#bool "(in Python v3.13)")) – if True return sparse CSR matrices, otherwise return dense Numpy arrays (default: False).
The Pauli matrix.
**Return type**
### transpose
<Function id="qiskit.quantum_info.Pauli.transpose" github="https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit/tree/stable/1.2/qiskit/quantum_info/operators/symplectic/pauli.py#L521-L522" signature="transpose()">
Return the transpose of each Pauli in the list.