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216 lines
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title: FermionicOperator (v0.31)
description: API reference for qiskit.chemistry.FermionicOperator in qiskit v0.31
in_page_toc_min_heading_level: 1
python_api_type: class
python_api_name: qiskit.chemistry.FermionicOperator
# FermionicOperator
<Class id="qiskit.chemistry.FermionicOperator" isDedicatedPage={true} github="https://github.com/qiskit-community/qiskit-aqua/tree/stable/0.9/qiskit/chemistry/fermionic_operator.py" signature="FermionicOperator(h1, h2=None, ph_trans_shift=None)" modifiers="class">
Bases: `object`
A set of functions to map fermionic Hamiltonians to qubit Hamiltonians.
* *E. Wigner and P. Jordan., Über das Paulische Äquivalenzverbot, Z. Phys., 47:631 (1928).*
* *S. Bravyi and A. Kitaev. Fermionic quantum computation, Ann. of Phys., 298(1):210–226 (2002).*
* *A. Tranter, S. Sofia, J. Seeley, M. Kaicher, J. McClean, R. Babbush, P. Coveney, F. Mintert, F. Wilhelm, and P. Love. The Bravyi–Kitaev transformation: Properties and applications. Int. Journal of Quantum Chemistry, 115(19):1431–1441 (2015).*
* *S. Bravyi, J. M. Gambetta, A. Mezzacapo, and K. Temme, arXiv e-print arXiv:1701.08213 (2017).*
* *K. Setia, J. D. Whitfield, arXiv:1712.00446 (2017)*
This class requires the integrals stored in the ‘*chemist*’ notation
> h2(i,j,k,l) –> adag\_i adag\_k a\_l a\_j
and the integral values are used for the coefficients of the second-quantized Hamiltonian that is built. The integrals input here should be in block spin format and also have indexes reordered as follows ‘ijkl->ljik’
There is another popular notation, the ‘*physicist*’ notation
> h2(i,j,k,l) –> adag\_i adag\_j a\_k a\_l
If you are using the ‘*physicist*’ notation, you need to convert it to the ‘*chemist*’ notation. E.g. h2=numpy.einsum(‘ikmj->ijkm’, h2)
The [`QMolecule`](qiskit.chemistry.QMolecule "qiskit.chemistry.QMolecule") class has [`one_body_integrals`](qiskit.chemistry.QMolecule#one_body_integrals "qiskit.chemistry.QMolecule.one_body_integrals") and [`two_body_integrals`](qiskit.chemistry.QMolecule#two_body_integrals "qiskit.chemistry.QMolecule.two_body_integrals") properties that can be directly supplied to the h1 and h2 parameters here respectively.
* **h1** (*numpy.ndarray*) – second-quantized fermionic one-body operator, a 2-D (NxN) tensor
* **h2** (*numpy.ndarray*) – second-quantized fermionic two-body operator, a 4-D (NxNxNxN) tensor
* **ph\_trans\_shift** (*float*) – energy shift caused by particle hole transformation
## Methods
<span id="qiskit-chemistry-fermionicoperator-fermion-mode-elimination" />
### fermion\_mode\_elimination
<Function id="qiskit.chemistry.FermionicOperator.fermion_mode_elimination" signature="FermionicOperator.fermion_mode_elimination(fermion_mode_array)">
Eliminate modes.
Generate a new fermionic operator with the modes in fermion\_mode\_array deleted
**fermion\_mode\_array** (*list*) – orbital index for elimination
Fermionic Hamiltonian
**Return type**
[FermionicOperator](qiskit.chemistry.FermionicOperator "qiskit.chemistry.FermionicOperator")
<span id="qiskit-chemistry-fermionicoperator-fermion-mode-freezing" />
### fermion\_mode\_freezing
<Function id="qiskit.chemistry.FermionicOperator.fermion_mode_freezing" signature="FermionicOperator.fermion_mode_freezing(fermion_mode_array)">
Freezing modes and extracting its energy.
Generate a fermionic operator with the modes in fermion\_mode\_array deleted and provide the shifted energy after freezing.
**fermion\_mode\_array** (*list*) – orbital index for freezing
Fermionic Hamiltonian and energy of frozen modes
**Return type**
tuple([FermionicOperator](qiskit.chemistry.FermionicOperator "qiskit.chemistry.FermionicOperator"), float)
<span id="qiskit-chemistry-fermionicoperator-mapping" />
### mapping
<Function id="qiskit.chemistry.FermionicOperator.mapping" signature="FermionicOperator.mapping(map_type, threshold=1e-08)">
Map fermionic operator to qubit operator.
Using multiprocess to speedup the mapping, the improvement can be observed when h2 is a non-sparse matrix.
* **map\_type** (*str*) – case-insensitive mapping type. “jordan\_wigner”, “parity”, “bravyi\_kitaev”, “bksf”
* **threshold** (*float*) – threshold for Pauli simplification
create an Operator object in Paulis form.
**Return type**
[WeightedPauliOperator](qiskit.aqua.operators.legacy.WeightedPauliOperator "qiskit.aqua.operators.legacy.WeightedPauliOperator")
[**QiskitChemistryError**](qiskit.chemistry.QiskitChemistryError "qiskit.chemistry.QiskitChemistryError") – if the map\_type can not be recognized.
<span id="qiskit-chemistry-fermionicoperator-particle-hole-transformation" />
### particle\_hole\_transformation
<Function id="qiskit.chemistry.FermionicOperator.particle_hole_transformation" signature="FermionicOperator.particle_hole_transformation(num_particles)">
The ‘standard’ second quantized Hamiltonian can be transformed in the particle-hole (p/h) picture, which makes the expansion of the trail wavefunction from the HF reference state more natural. In fact, for both trail wavefunctions implemented in q-lib (‘heuristic’ hardware efficient and UCCSD) the p/h Hamiltonian improves the speed of convergence of the VQE algorithm for the calculation of the electronic ground state properties. For more information on the p/h formalism see: P. Barkoutsos, arXiv:1805.04340([https://arxiv.org/abs/1805.04340](https://arxiv.org/abs/1805.04340)).
**num\_particles** (*list, int*) – number of particles, if it is a list, the first number is alpha and the second number is beta.
new\_fer\_op, energy\_shift
**Return type**
<span id="qiskit-chemistry-fermionicoperator-total-angular-momentum" />
### total\_angular\_momentum
<Function id="qiskit.chemistry.FermionicOperator.total_angular_momentum" signature="FermionicOperator.total_angular_momentum()">
Total angular momentum.
A data\_preprocess\_helper fermionic operator which can be used to evaluate the total angular momentum of the given eigenstate.
Fermionic Hamiltonian
**Return type**
[FermionicOperator](qiskit.chemistry.FermionicOperator "qiskit.chemistry.FermionicOperator")
<span id="qiskit-chemistry-fermionicoperator-total-magnetization" />
### total\_magnetization
<Function id="qiskit.chemistry.FermionicOperator.total_magnetization" signature="FermionicOperator.total_magnetization()">
A data\_preprocess\_helper fermionic operator which can be used to evaluate the magnetization of the given eigenstate.
Fermionic Hamiltonian
**Return type**
[FermionicOperator](qiskit.chemistry.FermionicOperator "qiskit.chemistry.FermionicOperator")
<span id="qiskit-chemistry-fermionicoperator-total-particle-number" />
### total\_particle\_number
<Function id="qiskit.chemistry.FermionicOperator.total_particle_number" signature="FermionicOperator.total_particle_number()">
A data\_preprocess\_helper fermionic operator which can be used to evaluate the number of particle of the given eigenstate.
Fermionic Hamiltonian
**Return type**
[FermionicOperator](qiskit.chemistry.FermionicOperator "qiskit.chemistry.FermionicOperator")
<span id="qiskit-chemistry-fermionicoperator-transform" />
### transform
<Function id="qiskit.chemistry.FermionicOperator.transform" signature="FermionicOperator.transform(unitary_matrix)">
Transform the one and two body term based on unitary\_matrix.
## Attributes
### h1
<Attribute id="qiskit.chemistry.FermionicOperator.h1">
Getter of one body integral tensor.
### h2
<Attribute id="qiskit.chemistry.FermionicOperator.h2">
Getter of two body integral tensor.
### modes
<Attribute id="qiskit.chemistry.FermionicOperator.modes">
Getter of modes.