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43 lines
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title: remap_noise_model (v0.26)
description: API reference for qiskit.providers.aer.utils.remap_noise_model in qiskit v0.26
in_page_toc_min_heading_level: 1
python_api_type: function
python_api_name: qiskit.providers.aer.utils.remap_noise_model
<span id="qiskit-providers-aer-utils-remap-noise-model" />
# qiskit.providers.aer.utils.remap\_noise\_model
<Function id="qiskit.providers.aer.utils.remap_noise_model" isDedicatedPage={true} github="https://github.com/qiskit/qiskit-aer/tree/stable/0.8/qiskit/providers/aer/utils/noise_remapper.py" signature="remap_noise_model(noise_model, remapping, discard_qubits=False, warnings=True)">
Remap qubits in a noise model.
This remaps the specified gate qubits for local quantum errors, the gate and noise qubits for non-local quantum errors, and the gate qubits for local ReadoutErrors. All-qubit quantum and readout errors are unaffected.
* **noise\_model** ([*NoiseModel*](qiskit.providers.aer.noise.NoiseModel "qiskit.providers.aer.noise.NoiseModel")) – a noise model to remap qubits.
* **remapping** (*list*) – list or remappings of old qubit to new qubit. See Additional Information.
* **discard\_qubits** (*bool*) – if True discard qubits not in remapping keys, if False an identity mapping wil be assumed for unnamed qubits (Default: False).
* **warnings** (*bool*) – display warnings if qubits being remapped are not in the input noise model (Default: True).
a new noise model with the same errors but remapped gate and noise qubits for local and non-local errors.
**Return type**
[NoiseModel](qiskit.providers.aer.noise.NoiseModel "qiskit.providers.aer.noise.NoiseModel")
**NoiseError** – if remapping has duplicate qubits in the remapped qubits.
## Additional Information:
* The remapping map be specified as either a list of pairs: `[(old, new), ...]`, or a list of old qubits where the new qubit is inferred from the position: `[old0, old1, ...]` is treated as `[(old0, 0), (old1, 1), ...]`.
* If `discard_qubits` is `False`, any qubits in the noise model not specified in the list of old qubits will be added to the remapping as a trivial mapping `(qubit, qubit)`.