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85 lines
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title: DynamicalDecouplingOptions (v0.35)
description: API reference for qiskit_ibm_runtime.options.DynamicalDecouplingOptions in qiskit-ibm-runtime v0.35
in_page_toc_min_heading_level: 1
python_api_type: class
python_api_name: qiskit_ibm_runtime.options.DynamicalDecouplingOptions
# DynamicalDecouplingOptions
<Class id="qiskit_ibm_runtime.options.DynamicalDecouplingOptions" isDedicatedPage={true} github="https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit-ibm-runtime/tree/stable/0.35/qiskit_ibm_runtime/options/dynamical_decoupling_options.py#L20-L63" signature="DynamicalDecouplingOptions(enable=Unset, sequence_type=Unset, extra_slack_distribution=Unset, scheduling_method=Unset, skip_reset_qubits=Unset)" modifiers="class">
Bases: `object`
Options for dynamical decoupling (DD).
## Attributes
* **enable** (*UnsetType | bool*)
* **sequence\_type** (*UnsetType | Literal\['XX', 'XpXm', 'XY4']*)
* **extra\_slack\_distribution** (*UnsetType | Literal\['middle', 'edges']*)
* **scheduling\_method** (*UnsetType | Literal\['alap', 'asap']*)
* **skip\_reset\_qubits** (*UnsetType | bool*)
### enable
<Attribute id="qiskit_ibm_runtime.options.DynamicalDecouplingOptions.enable" attributeTypeHint="UnsetType | bool" attributeValue="Unset">
Whether to enable DD as specified by the other options in this class.
Default: False.
### extra\_slack\_distribution
<Attribute id="qiskit_ibm_runtime.options.DynamicalDecouplingOptions.extra_slack_distribution" attributeTypeHint="UnsetType | Literal['middle', 'edges']" attributeValue="Unset">
Where to put extra timing delays due to rounding issues. Rounding issues arise because the discrete time step `dt` of the system cannot be divided. This option takes following values.
Default: “middle”.
* `"middle"`: Put the extra slack to the interval at the middle of the sequence.
* **`"edges"`: Divide the extra slack as evenly as possible into intervals at**
beginning and end of the sequence.
### scheduling\_method
<Attribute id="qiskit_ibm_runtime.options.DynamicalDecouplingOptions.scheduling_method" attributeTypeHint="UnsetType | Literal['alap', 'asap']" attributeValue="Unset">
Whether to schedule gates as soon as (“asap”) or as late as (“alap”) possible.
Default: “alap”.
### sequence\_type
<Attribute id="qiskit_ibm_runtime.options.DynamicalDecouplingOptions.sequence_type" attributeTypeHint="UnsetType | Literal['XX', 'XpXm', 'XY4']" attributeValue="Unset">
Which dynamical decoupling sequence to use.
Default: “XX”.
* `"XX"`: use the sequence `tau/2 - (+X) - tau - (+X) - tau/2`
* `"XpXm"`: use the sequence `tau/2 - (+X) - tau - (-X) - tau/2`
* **`"XY4"`:use the sequence**
`tau/2 - (+X) - tau - (+Y) - tau (-X) - tau - (-Y) - tau/2`
### skip\_reset\_qubits
<Attribute id="qiskit_ibm_runtime.options.DynamicalDecouplingOptions.skip_reset_qubits" attributeTypeHint="UnsetType | bool" attributeValue="Unset">
Whether to insert DD on idle periods that immediately follow initialized/reset qubits.
Since qubits in the ground state are less susceptible to decoherence, it can be beneficial to let them be while they are known to be in this state.
Default: False.
## Methods