646 lines
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646 lines
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title: DensityMatrix
description: API reference for qiskit.quantum_info.DensityMatrix
in_page_toc_min_heading_level: 1
python_api_type: class
python_api_name: qiskit.quantum_info.DensityMatrix
# DensityMatrix
<Class id="qiskit.quantum_info.DensityMatrix" isDedicatedPage={true} github="https://github.com/qiskit/qiskit/tree/stable/0.45/qiskit/quantum_info/states/densitymatrix.py" signature="qiskit.quantum_info.DensityMatrix(data, dims=None)" modifiers="class">
Bases: `QuantumState`, `TolerancesMixin`
DensityMatrix class
Initialize a density matrix object.
* **or** (*data (np.ndarray or* [*list*](https://docs.python.org/3/library/stdtypes.html#list "(in Python v3.12)") *or matrix\_like or*[*QuantumCircuit*](qiskit.circuit.QuantumCircuit "qiskit.circuit.QuantumCircuit")) – qiskit.circuit.Instruction): A statevector, quantum instruction or an object with a `to_operator` or `to_matrix` method from which the density matrix can be constructed. If a vector the density matrix is constructed as the projector of that vector. If a quantum instruction, the density matrix is constructed by assuming all qubits are initialized in the zero state.
* **dims** ([*int*](https://docs.python.org/3/library/functions.html#int "(in Python v3.12)") *or*[*tuple*](https://docs.python.org/3/library/stdtypes.html#tuple "(in Python v3.12)") *or*[*list*](https://docs.python.org/3/library/stdtypes.html#list "(in Python v3.12)")) – Optional. The subsystem dimension of the state (See additional information).
[**QiskitError**](exceptions#qiskit.exceptions.QiskitError "qiskit.exceptions.QiskitError") – if input data is not valid.
**Additional Information:**
The `dims` kwarg can be None, an integer, or an iterable of integers.
* `Iterable` – the subsystem dimensions are the values in the list with the total number of subsystems given by the length of the list.
* `Int` or `None` – the leading dimension of the input matrix specifies the total dimension of the density matrix. If it is a power of two the state will be initialized as an N-qubit state. If it is not a power of two the state will have a single d-dimensional subsystem.
## Attributes
### atol
<Attribute id="qiskit.quantum_info.DensityMatrix.atol" attributeValue="1e-08" />
### data
<Attribute id="qiskit.quantum_info.DensityMatrix.data">
Return data.
### dim
<Attribute id="qiskit.quantum_info.DensityMatrix.dim">
Return total state dimension.
### num\_qubits
<Attribute id="qiskit.quantum_info.DensityMatrix.num_qubits">
Return the number of qubits if a N-qubit state or None otherwise.
### rtol
<Attribute id="qiskit.quantum_info.DensityMatrix.rtol" attributeValue="1e-05" />
### settings
<Attribute id="qiskit.quantum_info.DensityMatrix.settings">
Return settings.
## Methods
### conjugate
<Function id="qiskit.quantum_info.DensityMatrix.conjugate" signature="conjugate()">
Return the conjugate of the density matrix.
### copy
<Function id="qiskit.quantum_info.DensityMatrix.copy" signature="copy()">
Make a copy of current operator.
### dims
<Function id="qiskit.quantum_info.DensityMatrix.dims" signature="dims(qargs=None)">
Return tuple of input dimension for specified subsystems.
### draw
<Function id="qiskit.quantum_info.DensityMatrix.draw" signature="draw(output=None, **drawer_args)">
Return a visualization of the Statevector.
**repr**: ASCII TextMatrix of the state’s `__repr__`.
**text**: ASCII TextMatrix that can be printed in the console.
**latex**: An IPython Latex object for displaying in Jupyter Notebooks.
**latex\_source**: Raw, uncompiled ASCII source to generate array using LaTeX.
**qsphere**: Matplotlib figure, rendering of density matrix using plot\_state\_qsphere().
**hinton**: Matplotlib figure, rendering of density matrix using plot\_state\_hinton().
**bloch**: Matplotlib figure, rendering of density matrix using plot\_bloch\_multivector().
* **output** ([*str*](https://docs.python.org/3/library/stdtypes.html#str "(in Python v3.12)")) – Select the output method to use for drawing the state. Valid choices are repr, text, latex, latex\_source, qsphere, hinton, or bloch. Default is repr. Default can be changed by adding the line `state_drawer = <default>` to `~/.qiskit/settings.conf` under `[default]`.
* **drawer\_args** – Arguments to be passed directly to the relevant drawing function or constructor (TextMatrix(), array\_to\_latex(), plot\_state\_qsphere(), plot\_state\_hinton() or plot\_bloch\_multivector()). See the relevant function under qiskit.visualization for that function’s documentation.
`matplotlib.Figure` or [`str`](https://docs.python.org/3/library/stdtypes.html#str "(in Python v3.12)") or `TextMatrix` or `IPython.display.Latex`: Drawing of the Statevector.
[**ValueError**](https://docs.python.org/3/library/exceptions.html#ValueError "(in Python v3.12)") – when an invalid output method is selected.
### evolve
<Function id="qiskit.quantum_info.DensityMatrix.evolve" signature="evolve(other, qargs=None)">
Evolve a quantum state by an operator.
* **QuantumChannel** (*other (Operator or*) – or Instruction or Circuit): The operator to evolve by.
* **qargs** ([*list*](https://docs.python.org/3/library/stdtypes.html#list "(in Python v3.12)")) – a list of QuantumState subsystem positions to apply the operator on.
the output density matrix.
**Return type**
[DensityMatrix](#qiskit.quantum_info.DensityMatrix "qiskit.quantum_info.DensityMatrix")
[**QiskitError**](exceptions#qiskit.exceptions.QiskitError "qiskit.exceptions.QiskitError") – if the operator dimension does not match the specified QuantumState subsystem dimensions.
### expand
<Function id="qiskit.quantum_info.DensityMatrix.expand" signature="expand(other)">
Return the tensor product state other ⊗ self.
**other** ([*DensityMatrix*](#qiskit.quantum_info.DensityMatrix "qiskit.quantum_info.DensityMatrix")) – a quantum state object.
the tensor product state other ⊗ self.
**Return type**
[DensityMatrix](#qiskit.quantum_info.DensityMatrix "qiskit.quantum_info.DensityMatrix")
[**QiskitError**](exceptions#qiskit.exceptions.QiskitError "qiskit.exceptions.QiskitError") – if other is not a quantum state.
### expectation\_value
<Function id="qiskit.quantum_info.DensityMatrix.expectation_value" signature="expectation_value(oper, qargs=None)">
Compute the expectation value of an operator.
* **oper** ([*Operator*](qiskit.quantum_info.Operator "qiskit.quantum_info.Operator")) – an operator to evaluate expval.
* **qargs** (*None or* [*list*](https://docs.python.org/3/library/stdtypes.html#list "(in Python v3.12)")) – subsystems to apply the operator on.
the expectation value.
**Return type**
[complex](https://docs.python.org/3/library/functions.html#complex "(in Python v3.12)")
### from\_instruction
<Function id="qiskit.quantum_info.DensityMatrix.from_instruction" signature="from_instruction(instruction)" modifiers="classmethod">
Return the output density matrix of an instruction.
The statevector is initialized in the state $|{0,\ldots,0}\rangle$ of the same number of qubits as the input instruction or circuit, evolved by the input instruction, and the output statevector returned.
**instruction** ([*qiskit.circuit.Instruction*](qiskit.circuit.Instruction "qiskit.circuit.Instruction") *or*[*QuantumCircuit*](qiskit.circuit.QuantumCircuit "qiskit.circuit.QuantumCircuit")) – instruction or circuit
the final density matrix.
**Return type**
[DensityMatrix](#qiskit.quantum_info.DensityMatrix "qiskit.quantum_info.DensityMatrix")
[**QiskitError**](exceptions#qiskit.exceptions.QiskitError "qiskit.exceptions.QiskitError") – if the instruction contains invalid instructions for density matrix simulation.
### from\_int
<Function id="qiskit.quantum_info.DensityMatrix.from_int" signature="from_int(i, dims)" modifiers="static">
Return a computational basis state density matrix.
* **i** ([*int*](https://docs.python.org/3/library/functions.html#int "(in Python v3.12)")) – the basis state element.
* **dims** ([*int*](https://docs.python.org/3/library/functions.html#int "(in Python v3.12)") *or*[*tuple*](https://docs.python.org/3/library/stdtypes.html#tuple "(in Python v3.12)") *or*[*list*](https://docs.python.org/3/library/stdtypes.html#list "(in Python v3.12)")) – The subsystem dimensions of the statevector (See additional information).
The computational basis state $|i\rangle\!\langle i|$.
**Return type**
[DensityMatrix](#qiskit.quantum_info.DensityMatrix "qiskit.quantum_info.DensityMatrix")
**Additional Information:**
The `dims` kwarg can be an integer or an iterable of integers.
* `Iterable` – the subsystem dimensions are the values in the list with the total number of subsystems given by the length of the list.
* `Int` – the integer specifies the total dimension of the state. If it is a power of two the state will be initialized as an N-qubit state. If it is not a power of two the state will have a single d-dimensional subsystem.
### from\_label
<Function id="qiskit.quantum_info.DensityMatrix.from_label" signature="from_label(label)" modifiers="classmethod">
Return a tensor product of Pauli X,Y,Z eigenstates.
| Label | Statevector |
| ----- | ----------------------------------------------------------- |
| `"0"` | $\begin{pmatrix} 1 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 \end{pmatrix}$ |
| `"1"` | $\begin{pmatrix} 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 1 \end{pmatrix}$ |
| `"+"` | $\frac{1}{2}\begin{pmatrix} 1 & 1 \\ 1 & 1 \end{pmatrix}$ |
| `"-"` | $\frac{1}{2}\begin{pmatrix} 1 & -1 \\ -1 & 1 \end{pmatrix}$ |
| `"r"` | $\frac{1}{2}\begin{pmatrix} 1 & -i \\ i & 1 \end{pmatrix}$ |
| `"l"` | $\frac{1}{2}\begin{pmatrix} 1 & i \\ -i & 1 \end{pmatrix}$ |
**label** (*string*) – a eigenstate string ket label (see table for allowed values).
The N-qubit basis state density matrix.
**Return type**
[DensityMatrix](#qiskit.quantum_info.DensityMatrix "qiskit.quantum_info.DensityMatrix")
[**QiskitError**](exceptions#qiskit.exceptions.QiskitError "qiskit.exceptions.QiskitError") – if the label contains invalid characters, or the length of the label is larger than an explicitly specified num\_qubits.
### is\_valid
<Function id="qiskit.quantum_info.DensityMatrix.is_valid" signature="is_valid(atol=None, rtol=None)">
Return True if trace 1 and positive semidefinite.
### measure
<Function id="qiskit.quantum_info.DensityMatrix.measure" signature="measure(qargs=None)">
Measure subsystems and return outcome and post-measure state.
Note that this function uses the QuantumStates internal random number generator for sampling the measurement outcome. The RNG seed can be set using the [`seed()`](#qiskit.quantum_info.DensityMatrix.seed "qiskit.quantum_info.DensityMatrix.seed") method.
**qargs** ([*list*](https://docs.python.org/3/library/stdtypes.html#list "(in Python v3.12)") *or None*) – subsystems to sample measurements for, if None sample measurement of all subsystems (Default: None).
**the pair `(outcome, state)` where `outcome` is the**
measurement outcome string label, and `state` is the collapsed post-measurement state for the corresponding outcome.
**Return type**
[tuple](https://docs.python.org/3/library/stdtypes.html#tuple "(in Python v3.12)")
### partial\_transpose
<Function id="qiskit.quantum_info.DensityMatrix.partial_transpose" signature="partial_transpose(qargs)">
Return partially transposed density matrix.
**qargs** ([*list*](https://docs.python.org/3/library/stdtypes.html#list "(in Python v3.12)")) – The subsystems to be transposed.
The partially transposed density matrix.
**Return type**
[DensityMatrix](#qiskit.quantum_info.DensityMatrix "qiskit.quantum_info.DensityMatrix")
### probabilities
<Function id="qiskit.quantum_info.DensityMatrix.probabilities" signature="probabilities(qargs=None, decimals=None)">
Return the subsystem measurement probability vector.
Measurement probabilities are with respect to measurement in the computation (diagonal) basis.
* **qargs** (*None or* [*list*](https://docs.python.org/3/library/stdtypes.html#list "(in Python v3.12)")) – subsystems to return probabilities for, if None return for all subsystems (Default: None).
* **decimals** (*None or* [*int*](https://docs.python.org/3/library/functions.html#int "(in Python v3.12)")) – the number of decimal places to round values. If None no rounding is done (Default: None).
The Numpy vector array of probabilities.
**Return type**
Consider a 2-qubit product state $\rho=\rho_1\otimes\rho_0$ with $\rho_1=|+\rangle\!\langle+|$, $\rho_0=|0\rangle\!\langle0|$.
from qiskit.quantum_info import DensityMatrix
rho = DensityMatrix.from_label('+0')
# Probabilities for measuring both qubits
probs = rho.probabilities()
print('probs: {}'.format(probs))
# Probabilities for measuring only qubit-0
probs_qubit_0 = rho.probabilities([0])
print('Qubit-0 probs: {}'.format(probs_qubit_0))
# Probabilities for measuring only qubit-1
probs_qubit_1 = rho.probabilities([1])
print('Qubit-1 probs: {}'.format(probs_qubit_1))
probs: [0.5 0. 0.5 0. ]
Qubit-0 probs: [1. 0.]
Qubit-1 probs: [0.5 0.5]
We can also permute the order of qubits in the `qargs` list to change the qubit position in the probabilities output
from qiskit.quantum_info import DensityMatrix
rho = DensityMatrix.from_label('+0')
# Probabilities for measuring both qubits
probs = rho.probabilities([0, 1])
print('probs: {}'.format(probs))
# Probabilities for measuring both qubits
# but swapping qubits 0 and 1 in output
probs_swapped = rho.probabilities([1, 0])
print('Swapped probs: {}'.format(probs_swapped))
probs: [0.5 0. 0.5 0. ]
Swapped probs: [0.5 0.5 0. 0. ]
### probabilities\_dict
<Function id="qiskit.quantum_info.DensityMatrix.probabilities_dict" signature="probabilities_dict(qargs=None, decimals=None)">
Return the subsystem measurement probability dictionary.
Measurement probabilities are with respect to measurement in the computation (diagonal) basis.
This dictionary representation uses a Ket-like notation where the dictionary keys are qudit strings for the subsystem basis vectors. If any subsystem has a dimension greater than 10 comma delimiters are inserted between integers so that subsystems can be distinguished.
* **qargs** (*None or* [*list*](https://docs.python.org/3/library/stdtypes.html#list "(in Python v3.12)")) – subsystems to return probabilities for, if None return for all subsystems (Default: None).
* **decimals** (*None or* [*int*](https://docs.python.org/3/library/functions.html#int "(in Python v3.12)")) – the number of decimal places to round values. If None no rounding is done (Default: None).
The measurement probabilities in dict (ket) form.
**Return type**
[dict](https://docs.python.org/3/library/stdtypes.html#dict "(in Python v3.12)")
### purity
<Function id="qiskit.quantum_info.DensityMatrix.purity" signature="purity()">
Return the purity of the quantum state.
### reset
<Function id="qiskit.quantum_info.DensityMatrix.reset" signature="reset(qargs=None)">
Reset state or subsystems to the 0-state.
**qargs** ([*list*](https://docs.python.org/3/library/stdtypes.html#list "(in Python v3.12)") *or None*) – subsystems to reset, if None all subsystems will be reset to their 0-state (Default: None).
the reset state.
**Return type**
[DensityMatrix](#qiskit.quantum_info.DensityMatrix "qiskit.quantum_info.DensityMatrix")
**Additional Information:**
If all subsystems are reset this will return the ground state on all subsystems. If only a some subsystems are reset this function will perform evolution by the reset [`SuperOp`](qiskit.quantum_info.SuperOp "qiskit.quantum_info.SuperOp") of the reset subsystems.
### reverse\_qargs
<Function id="qiskit.quantum_info.DensityMatrix.reverse_qargs" signature="reverse_qargs()">
Return a DensityMatrix with reversed subsystem ordering.
For a tensor product state this is equivalent to reversing the order of tensor product subsystems. For a density matrix $\rho = \rho_{n-1} \otimes ... \otimes \rho_0$ the returned state will be $\rho_0 \otimes ... \otimes \rho_{n-1}$.
the state with reversed subsystem order.
**Return type**
[DensityMatrix](#qiskit.quantum_info.DensityMatrix "qiskit.quantum_info.DensityMatrix")
### sample\_counts
<Function id="qiskit.quantum_info.DensityMatrix.sample_counts" signature="sample_counts(shots, qargs=None)">
Sample a dict of qubit measurement outcomes in the computational basis.
* **shots** ([*int*](https://docs.python.org/3/library/functions.html#int "(in Python v3.12)")) – number of samples to generate.
* **qargs** (*None or* [*list*](https://docs.python.org/3/library/stdtypes.html#list "(in Python v3.12)")) – subsystems to sample measurements for, if None sample measurement of all subsystems (Default: None).
sampled counts dictionary.
**Return type**
[Counts](qiskit.result.Counts "qiskit.result.Counts")
Additional Information:
> This function *samples* measurement outcomes using the measure [`probabilities()`](#qiskit.quantum_info.DensityMatrix.probabilities "qiskit.quantum_info.DensityMatrix.probabilities") for the current state and qargs. It does not actually implement the measurement so the current state is not modified.
> The seed for random number generator used for sampling can be set to a fixed value by using the stats [`seed()`](#qiskit.quantum_info.DensityMatrix.seed "qiskit.quantum_info.DensityMatrix.seed") method.
### sample\_memory
<Function id="qiskit.quantum_info.DensityMatrix.sample_memory" signature="sample_memory(shots, qargs=None)">
Sample a list of qubit measurement outcomes in the computational basis.
* **shots** ([*int*](https://docs.python.org/3/library/functions.html#int "(in Python v3.12)")) – number of samples to generate.
* **qargs** (*None or* [*list*](https://docs.python.org/3/library/stdtypes.html#list "(in Python v3.12)")) – subsystems to sample measurements for, if None sample measurement of all subsystems (Default: None).
list of sampled counts if the order sampled.
**Return type**
Additional Information:
> This function *samples* measurement outcomes using the measure [`probabilities()`](#qiskit.quantum_info.DensityMatrix.probabilities "qiskit.quantum_info.DensityMatrix.probabilities") for the current state and qargs. It does not actually implement the measurement so the current state is not modified.
> The seed for random number generator used for sampling can be set to a fixed value by using the stats [`seed()`](#qiskit.quantum_info.DensityMatrix.seed "qiskit.quantum_info.DensityMatrix.seed") method.
### seed
<Function id="qiskit.quantum_info.DensityMatrix.seed" signature="seed(value=None)">
Set the seed for the quantum state RNG.
### tensor
<Function id="qiskit.quantum_info.DensityMatrix.tensor" signature="tensor(other)">
Return the tensor product state self ⊗ other.
**other** ([*DensityMatrix*](#qiskit.quantum_info.DensityMatrix "qiskit.quantum_info.DensityMatrix")) – a quantum state object.
the tensor product operator self ⊗ other.
**Return type**
[DensityMatrix](#qiskit.quantum_info.DensityMatrix "qiskit.quantum_info.DensityMatrix")
[**QiskitError**](exceptions#qiskit.exceptions.QiskitError "qiskit.exceptions.QiskitError") – if other is not a quantum state.
### to\_dict
<Function id="qiskit.quantum_info.DensityMatrix.to_dict" signature="to_dict(decimals=None)">
Convert the density matrix to dictionary form.
This dictionary representation uses a Ket-like notation where the dictionary keys are qudit strings for the subsystem basis vectors. If any subsystem has a dimension greater than 10 comma delimiters are inserted between integers so that subsystems can be distinguished.
**decimals** (*None or* [*int*](https://docs.python.org/3/library/functions.html#int "(in Python v3.12)")) – the number of decimal places to round values. If None no rounding is done (Default: None).
the dictionary form of the DensityMatrix.
**Return type**
[dict](https://docs.python.org/3/library/stdtypes.html#dict "(in Python v3.12)")
The ket-form of a 2-qubit density matrix $rho = |-\rangle\!\langle -|\otimes |0\rangle\!\langle 0|$
from qiskit.quantum_info import DensityMatrix
rho = DensityMatrix.from_label('-0')
'00|00': (0.4999999999999999+0j),
'10|00': (-0.4999999999999999-0j),
'00|10': (-0.4999999999999999+0j),
'10|10': (0.4999999999999999+0j)
For non-qubit subsystems the integer range can go from 0 to 9. For example in a qutrit system
import numpy as np
from qiskit.quantum_info import DensityMatrix
mat = np.zeros((9, 9))
mat[0, 0] = 0.25
mat[3, 3] = 0.25
mat[6, 6] = 0.25
mat[-1, -1] = 0.25
rho = DensityMatrix(mat, dims=(3, 3))
{'00|00': (0.25+0j), '10|10': (0.25+0j), '20|20': (0.25+0j), '22|22': (0.25+0j)}
For large subsystem dimensions delimiters are required. The following example is for a 20-dimensional system consisting of a qubit and 10-dimensional qudit.
import numpy as np
from qiskit.quantum_info import DensityMatrix
mat = np.zeros((2 * 10, 2 * 10))
mat[0, 0] = 0.5
mat[-1, -1] = 0.5
rho = DensityMatrix(mat, dims=(2, 10))
{'00|00': (0.5+0j), '91|91': (0.5+0j)}
### to\_operator
<Function id="qiskit.quantum_info.DensityMatrix.to_operator" signature="to_operator()">
Convert to Operator
**Return type**
[*Operator*](qiskit.quantum_info.Operator "qiskit.quantum_info.operators.operator.Operator")
### to\_statevector
<Function id="qiskit.quantum_info.DensityMatrix.to_statevector" signature="to_statevector(atol=None, rtol=None)">
Return a statevector from a pure density matrix.
* **atol** ([*float*](https://docs.python.org/3/library/functions.html#float "(in Python v3.12)")) – Absolute tolerance for checking operation validity.
* **rtol** ([*float*](https://docs.python.org/3/library/functions.html#float "(in Python v3.12)")) – Relative tolerance for checking operation validity.
**The pure density matrix’s corresponding statevector.**
Corresponds to the eigenvector of the only non-zero eigenvalue.
**Return type**
[Statevector](qiskit.quantum_info.Statevector "qiskit.quantum_info.Statevector")
[**QiskitError**](exceptions#qiskit.exceptions.QiskitError "qiskit.exceptions.QiskitError") – if the state is not pure.
### trace
<Function id="qiskit.quantum_info.DensityMatrix.trace" signature="trace()">
Return the trace of the density matrix.