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title: approximate_quantum_error
description: API reference for qiskit_aer.utils.approximate_quantum_error
in_page_toc_min_heading_level: 1
python_api_type: function
python_api_name: qiskit_aer.utils.approximate_quantum_error
# qiskit\_aer.utils.approximate\_quantum\_error
<Function id="qiskit_aer.utils.approximate_quantum_error" isDedicatedPage={true} github="https://github.com/qiskit/qiskit-aer/tree/stable/0.11/qiskit_aer/utils/noise_transformation.py" signature="approximate_quantum_error(error, *, operator_string=None, operator_dict=None, operator_list=None)">
Return a `QuantumError` object that approximates an error as a mixture of specified operators (channels).
The approximation is done by minimizing the Hilbert-Schmidt distance between the process matrix of the target error channel ($T$) and the process matrix of the output channel ($S = \sum_i{p_i S_i}$), i.e. $Tr[(T-S)^\dagger (T-S)]$, where $[p_1, p_2, ..., p_n]$ denote probabilities and $[S_1, S_2, ..., S_n]$ denote basis operators (channels).
See [arXiv:1207.0046](http://arxiv.org/abs/1207.0046) for the details.
* **error** ([*QuantumError*](qiskit_aer.noise.QuantumError "qiskit_aer.noise.QuantumError") *or QuantumChannel*) – the error to be approximated. The number of qubits must be 1 or 2.
* **operator\_string** (*string*) – a name for a pre-made set of building blocks for the output channel (Default: None). Possible values are `'pauli'`, `'reset'`, `'clifford'`.
* **operator\_dict** (*dict*) – a dictionary whose values are the building blocks for the output channel (Default: None). E.g. \{“x”: XGate(), “y”: YGate()}, keys “x” and “y” are not used in transformation.
* **operator\_list** (*list*) – list of building block operators for the output channel (Default: None). E.g. \[XGate(), YGate()]
the approximate quantum error.
**Return type**
[QuantumError](qiskit_aer.noise.QuantumError "qiskit_aer.noise.QuantumError")
* **NoiseError** – if any invalid argument is specified or approximation failed.
* **MissingOptionalLibraryError** – if cvxpy is not installed.
<Admonition title="Note" type="note">
The operator input precedence is: `list` \< `dict` \< `string`. If a `string` is given, `dict` is overwritten; if a `dict` is given, `list` is overwritten. The `string` supports only 1- or 2-qubit errors and its possible values are `'pauli'`, `'reset'`, `'clifford'`. The `'clifford'` does not support 2-qubit errors.