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410 lines
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title: BooleanExpression
description: API reference for qiskit.circuit.classicalfunction.BooleanExpression
in_page_toc_min_heading_level: 1
python_api_type: class
python_api_name: qiskit.circuit.classicalfunction.BooleanExpression
# BooleanExpression
<Class id="qiskit.circuit.classicalfunction.BooleanExpression" isDedicatedPage={true} github="https://github.com/qiskit/qiskit/tree/stable/0.21/qiskit/circuit/classicalfunction/boolean_expression.py" signature="BooleanExpression(expression, name=None)" modifiers="class">
Bases: `qiskit.circuit.classicalfunction.classical_element.ClassicalElement`
The Boolean Expression gate.
* **expression** (*str*) – The logical expression string.
* **name** (*str*) – Optional. Instruction gate name. Otherwise part of the expression is going to be used.
## Methods
### add\_decomposition
<Function id="qiskit.circuit.classicalfunction.BooleanExpression.add_decomposition" signature="BooleanExpression.add_decomposition(decomposition)">
Add a decomposition of the instruction to the SessionEquivalenceLibrary.
### assemble
<Function id="qiskit.circuit.classicalfunction.BooleanExpression.assemble" signature="BooleanExpression.assemble()">
Assemble a QasmQobjInstruction
### broadcast\_arguments
<Function id="qiskit.circuit.classicalfunction.BooleanExpression.broadcast_arguments" signature="BooleanExpression.broadcast_arguments(qargs, cargs)">
Validation and handling of the arguments and its relationship.
For example, `cx([q[0],q[1]], q[2])` means `cx(q[0], q[2]); cx(q[1], q[2])`. This method yields the arguments in the right grouping. In the given example:
in: [[q[0],q[1]], q[2]],[]
outs: [q[0], q[2]], []
[q[1], q[2]], []
The general broadcasting rules are:
> * If len(qargs) == 1:
> ```python
> [q[0], q[1]] -> [q[0]],[q[1]]
> ```
> * If len(qargs) == 2:
> ```python
> [[q[0], q[1]], [r[0], r[1]]] -> [q[0], r[0]], [q[1], r[1]]
> [[q[0]], [r[0], r[1]]] -> [q[0], r[0]], [q[0], r[1]]
> [[q[0], q[1]], [r[0]]] -> [q[0], r[0]], [q[1], r[0]]
> ```
> * If len(qargs) >= 3:
> ```python
> [q[0], q[1]], [r[0], r[1]], ...] -> [q[0], r[0], ...], [q[1], r[1], ...]
> ```
* **qargs** (`List`) – List of quantum bit arguments.
* **cargs** (`List`) – List of classical bit arguments.
**Return type**
`Tuple`\[`List`, `List`]
A tuple with single arguments.
**CircuitError** – If the input is not valid. For example, the number of arguments does not match the gate expectation.
### c\_if
<Function id="qiskit.circuit.classicalfunction.BooleanExpression.c_if" signature="BooleanExpression.c_if(classical, val)">
Set a classical equality condition on this instruction between the register or cbit `classical` and value `val`.
<Admonition title="Note" type="note">
This is a setter method, not an additive one. Calling this multiple times will silently override any previously set condition; it does not stack.
### control
<Function id="qiskit.circuit.classicalfunction.BooleanExpression.control" signature="BooleanExpression.control(num_ctrl_qubits=1, label=None, ctrl_state=None)">
Return controlled version of gate. See [`ControlledGate`](qiskit.circuit.ControlledGate "qiskit.circuit.ControlledGate") for usage.
* **num\_ctrl\_qubits** (`int`) – number of controls to add to gate (default=1)
* **label** (`Optional`\[`str`]) – optional gate label
* **ctrl\_state** (`Union`\[`int`, `str`, `None`]) – The control state in decimal or as a bitstring (e.g. ‘111’). If None, use 2\*\*num\_ctrl\_qubits-1.
Controlled version of gate. This default algorithm uses num\_ctrl\_qubits-1 ancillae qubits so returns a gate of size num\_qubits + 2\*num\_ctrl\_qubits - 1.
**Return type**
[qiskit.circuit.ControlledGate](qiskit.circuit.ControlledGate "qiskit.circuit.ControlledGate")
**QiskitError** – unrecognized mode or invalid ctrl\_state
### copy
<Function id="qiskit.circuit.classicalfunction.BooleanExpression.copy" signature="BooleanExpression.copy(name=None)">
Copy of the instruction.
**name** (*str*) – name to be given to the copied circuit, if None then the name stays the same.
**a copy of the current instruction, with the name**
updated if it was provided
**Return type**
[qiskit.circuit.Instruction](qiskit.circuit.Instruction "qiskit.circuit.Instruction")
### from\_dimacs\_file
<Function id="qiskit.circuit.classicalfunction.BooleanExpression.from_dimacs_file" signature="BooleanExpression.from_dimacs_file(filename)" modifiers="classmethod">
Create a BooleanExpression from the string in the DIMACS format. :type filename: `str` :param filename: A file in DIMACS format.
A gate for the input string
**Return type**
[BooleanExpression](qiskit.circuit.classicalfunction.BooleanExpression "qiskit.circuit.classicalfunction.BooleanExpression")
**FileNotFoundError** – If filename is not found.
### inverse
<Function id="qiskit.circuit.classicalfunction.BooleanExpression.inverse" signature="BooleanExpression.inverse()">
Invert this instruction.
If the instruction is composite (i.e. has a definition), then its definition will be recursively inverted.
Special instructions inheriting from Instruction can implement their own inverse (e.g. T and Tdg, Barrier, etc.)
a fresh instruction for the inverse
**Return type**
[qiskit.circuit.Instruction](qiskit.circuit.Instruction "qiskit.circuit.Instruction")
**CircuitError** – if the instruction is not composite and an inverse has not been implemented for it.
### is\_parameterized
<Function id="qiskit.circuit.classicalfunction.BooleanExpression.is_parameterized" signature="BooleanExpression.is_parameterized()">
Return True .IFF. instruction is parameterized else False
### power
<Function id="qiskit.circuit.classicalfunction.BooleanExpression.power" signature="BooleanExpression.power(exponent)">
Creates a unitary gate as gate^exponent.
**exponent** (*float*) – Gate^exponent
To which to\_matrix is self.to\_matrix^exponent.
**Return type**
[qiskit.extensions.UnitaryGate](qiskit.extensions.UnitaryGate "qiskit.extensions.UnitaryGate")
**CircuitError** – If Gate is not unitary
### qasm
<Function id="qiskit.circuit.classicalfunction.BooleanExpression.qasm" signature="BooleanExpression.qasm()">
Return a default OpenQASM string for the instruction.
Derived instructions may override this to print in a different format (e.g. measure q\[0] -> c\[0];).
### repeat
<Function id="qiskit.circuit.classicalfunction.BooleanExpression.repeat" signature="BooleanExpression.repeat(n)">
Creates an instruction with gate repeated n amount of times.
**n** (*int*) – Number of times to repeat the instruction
Containing the definition.
**Return type**
[qiskit.circuit.Instruction](qiskit.circuit.Instruction "qiskit.circuit.Instruction")
**CircuitError** – If n \< 1.
### reverse\_ops
<Function id="qiskit.circuit.classicalfunction.BooleanExpression.reverse_ops" signature="BooleanExpression.reverse_ops()">
For a composite instruction, reverse the order of sub-instructions.
This is done by recursively reversing all sub-instructions. It does not invert any gate.
**a new instruction with**
sub-instructions reversed.
**Return type**
[qiskit.circuit.Instruction](qiskit.circuit.Instruction "qiskit.circuit.Instruction")
### simulate
<Function id="qiskit.circuit.classicalfunction.BooleanExpression.simulate" signature="BooleanExpression.simulate(bitstring)">
Evaluate the expression on a bitstring.
This evaluation is done classically.
**bitstring** (`str`) – The bitstring for which to evaluate.
result of the evaluation.
**Return type**
### soft\_compare
<Function id="qiskit.circuit.classicalfunction.BooleanExpression.soft_compare" signature="BooleanExpression.soft_compare(other)">
Soft comparison between gates. Their names, number of qubits, and classical bit numbers must match. The number of parameters must match. Each parameter is compared. If one is a ParameterExpression then it is not taken into account.
**other** (*instruction*) – other instruction.
are self and other equal up to parameter expressions.
**Return type**
### synth
<Function id="qiskit.circuit.classicalfunction.BooleanExpression.synth" signature="BooleanExpression.synth(registerless=True, synthesizer=None)">
Synthesis the logic network into a [`QuantumCircuit`](qiskit.circuit.QuantumCircuit "qiskit.circuit.QuantumCircuit").
* **registerless** (`bool`) – Default `True`. If `False` uses the parameter names to create registers with those names. Otherwise, creates a circuit with a flat quantum register.
* **synthesizer** (`Optional`\[`Callable`\[\[[`BooleanExpression`](qiskit.circuit.classicalfunction.BooleanExpression "qiskit.circuit.classicalfunction.boolean_expression.BooleanExpression")], [`QuantumCircuit`](qiskit.circuit.QuantumCircuit "qiskit.circuit.quantumcircuit.QuantumCircuit")]]) – A callable that takes self and returns a Tweedledum circuit.
A circuit implementing the logic network.
**Return type**
[QuantumCircuit](qiskit.circuit.QuantumCircuit "qiskit.circuit.QuantumCircuit")
### to\_matrix
<Function id="qiskit.circuit.classicalfunction.BooleanExpression.to_matrix" signature="BooleanExpression.to_matrix()">
Return a Numpy.array for the gate unitary matrix.
if the Gate subclass has a matrix definition.
**Return type**
**CircuitError** – If a Gate subclass does not implement this method an exception will be raised when this base class method is called.
### validate\_parameter
<Function id="qiskit.circuit.classicalfunction.BooleanExpression.validate_parameter" signature="BooleanExpression.validate_parameter(parameter)">
Gate parameters should be int, float, or ParameterExpression
## Attributes
### condition\_bits
<Attribute id="qiskit.circuit.classicalfunction.BooleanExpression.condition_bits">
Get Clbits in condition.
**Return type**
`List`\[[`Clbit`](qiskit.circuit.Clbit "qiskit.circuit.classicalregister.Clbit")]
### decompositions
<Attribute id="qiskit.circuit.classicalfunction.BooleanExpression.decompositions">
Get the decompositions of the instruction from the SessionEquivalenceLibrary.
### definition
<Attribute id="qiskit.circuit.classicalfunction.BooleanExpression.definition">
Return definition in terms of other basic gates.
### duration
<Attribute id="qiskit.circuit.classicalfunction.BooleanExpression.duration">
Get the duration.
### label
<Attribute id="qiskit.circuit.classicalfunction.BooleanExpression.label">
Return instruction label
**Return type**
### name
<Attribute id="qiskit.circuit.classicalfunction.BooleanExpression.name">
Return the name.
### num\_clbits
<Attribute id="qiskit.circuit.classicalfunction.BooleanExpression.num_clbits">
Return the number of clbits.
### num\_qubits
<Attribute id="qiskit.circuit.classicalfunction.BooleanExpression.num_qubits">
Return the number of qubits.
### params
<Attribute id="qiskit.circuit.classicalfunction.BooleanExpression.params">
return instruction params.
### unit
<Attribute id="qiskit.circuit.classicalfunction.BooleanExpression.unit">
Get the time unit of duration.