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96 lines
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title: RepetitionCode
description: API reference for qiskit.ignis.verification.RepetitionCode
in_page_toc_min_heading_level: 1
python_api_type: class
python_api_name: qiskit.ignis.verification.RepetitionCode
# RepetitionCode
<Class id="qiskit.ignis.verification.RepetitionCode" isDedicatedPage={true} github="https://github.com/qiskit-community/qiskit-ignis/tree/stable/0.7/qiskit/ignis/verification/topological_codes/circuits.py" signature="RepetitionCode(d, T=0, xbasis=False, resets=False, delay=0)" modifiers="class">
Bases: `object`
Implementation of a distance d repetition code, implemented over T syndrome measurement rounds.
Creates the circuits corresponding to a logical 0 and 1 encoded using a repetition code.
* **d** (*int*) – Number of code qubits (and hence repetitions) used.
* **T** (*int*) – Number of rounds of ancilla-assisted syndrome measurement.
* **xbasis** (*bool*) – Whether to use the X basis to use for encoding (Z basis used by default).
* **resets** (*bool*) – Whether to include a reset gate after mid-circuit measurements.
* **delay** (*float*) – Time (in dt) to delay after mid-circuit measurements (and delay).
**Additional information:**
No measurements are added to the circuit if T=0. Otherwise T rounds are added, followed by measurement of the code qubits (corresponding to a logical measurement and final syndrome measurement round).
## Methods
### get\_circuit\_list
<Function id="qiskit.ignis.verification.RepetitionCode.get_circuit_list" signature="RepetitionCode.get_circuit_list()">
self.circuit as a list, with circuit\_list\[0] = circuit\[‘0’] circuit\_list\[1] = circuit\[‘1’]
**Return type**
### process\_results
<Function id="qiskit.ignis.verification.RepetitionCode.process_results" signature="RepetitionCode.process_results(raw_results)">
**raw\_results** (*dict*) – A dictionary whose keys are logical values, and whose values are standard counts dictionaries, (as obtained from the get\_counts method of a `qiskit.Result` object).
**Dictionary with the same structure as the input, but with**
the bit strings used as keys in the counts dictionaries converted to the form required by the decoder.
**Return type**
#### Additional information:
The circuits must be executed outside of this class, so that their is full freedom to compile, choose a backend, use a noise model, etc. The results from these executions should then be used to create the input for this method.
### readout
<Function id="qiskit.ignis.verification.RepetitionCode.readout" signature="RepetitionCode.readout()">
Readout of all code qubits, which corresponds to a logical measurement as well as allowing for a measurement of the syndrome to be inferred.
### syndrome\_measurement
<Function id="qiskit.ignis.verification.RepetitionCode.syndrome_measurement" signature="RepetitionCode.syndrome_measurement(final=False, barrier=False, delay=0)">
Application of a syndrome measurement round.
* **final** (*bool*) – Whether this is the final syndrome measurement round.
* **barrier** (*bool*) – Boolean denoting whether to include a barrier at the end.
* **delay** (*float*) – Time (in dt) to delay after mid-circuit measurements (and delay).
### x
<Function id="qiskit.ignis.verification.RepetitionCode.x" signature="RepetitionCode.x(logs=('0', '1'), barrier=False)">
Applies a logical x to the circuits for the given logical values.
* **logs** (*list or tuple*) – List or tuple of logical values expressed as strings.
* **barrier** (*bool*) – Boolean denoting whether to include a barrier at the end.