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224 lines
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title: TensoredExpvalMeasMitigator
description: API reference for qiskit.ignis.mitigation.TensoredExpvalMeasMitigator
in_page_toc_min_heading_level: 1
python_api_type: class
python_api_name: qiskit.ignis.mitigation.TensoredExpvalMeasMitigator
# TensoredExpvalMeasMitigator
<Class id="qiskit.ignis.mitigation.TensoredExpvalMeasMitigator" isDedicatedPage={true} github="https://github.com/qiskit-community/qiskit-ignis/tree/stable/0.7/qiskit/ignis/mitigation/expval/tensored_mitigator.py" signature="TensoredExpvalMeasMitigator(amats)" modifiers="class">
Bases: `qiskit.ignis.mitigation.expval.base_meas_mitigator.BaseExpvalMeasMitigator`
1-qubit tensor product measurement error mitigator.
This class can be used with the [`qiskit.ignis.mitigation.expectation_value()`](qiskit.ignis.mitigation.expectation_value "qiskit.ignis.mitigation.expectation_value") function to apply measurement error mitigation of local single-qubit measurement errors. Expectation values can also be computed directly using the [`expectation_value()`](qiskit.ignis.mitigation.expectation_value "qiskit.ignis.mitigation.expectation_value") method.
For measurement mitigation to be applied the mitigator should be calibrated using the [`qiskit.ignis.mitigation.expval_meas_mitigator_circuits()`](qiskit.ignis.mitigation.expval_meas_mitigator_circuits "qiskit.ignis.mitigation.expval_meas_mitigator_circuits") function and [`qiskit.ignis.mitigation.ExpvalMeasMitigatorFitter`](qiskit.ignis.mitigation.ExpvalMeasMitigatorFitter "qiskit.ignis.mitigation.ExpvalMeasMitigatorFitter") class with the `'tensored'` mitigation method.
Initialize a TensorMeasurementMitigator
**amats** (`List`\[`ndarray`]) – list of single-qubit readout error assignment matrices.
## Methods
### assignment\_fidelity
<Function id="qiskit.ignis.mitigation.TensoredExpvalMeasMitigator.assignment_fidelity" signature="TensoredExpvalMeasMitigator.assignment_fidelity(qubits=None)">
Return the measurement assignment fidelity on the specified qubits.
The assignment fidelity on N-qubits is defined as $\sum_{x\in\{0, 1\}^n} P(x|x) / 2^n$, where $P(x|x) = \rangle x|A|x\langle$, and $A$ is the [`assignment_matrix()`](qiskit.ignis.mitigation.TensoredExpvalMeasMitigator#assignment_matrix "qiskit.ignis.mitigation.TensoredExpvalMeasMitigator.assignment_matrix").
**qubits** (`Optional`\[`List`\[`int`]]) – Optional, qubits being measured for operator expval.
the assignment fidelity.
**Return type**
### assignment\_matrix
<Function id="qiskit.ignis.mitigation.TensoredExpvalMeasMitigator.assignment_matrix" signature="TensoredExpvalMeasMitigator.assignment_matrix(qubits=None)">
Return the measurement assignment matrix for specified qubits.
The assignment matrix is the stochastic matrix $A$ which assigns a noisy measurement probability distribution to an ideal input measurement distribution: $P(i|j) = \langle i | A | j \rangle$.
**qubits** (`Optional`\[`List`\[`int`]]) – Optional, qubits being measured for operator expval.
the assignment matrix A.
**Return type**
### expectation\_value
<Function id="qiskit.ignis.mitigation.TensoredExpvalMeasMitigator.expectation_value" signature="TensoredExpvalMeasMitigator.expectation_value(counts, diagonal=None, qubits=None, clbits=None)">
Compute the mitigated expectation value of a diagonal observable.
This computes the mitigated estimator of $\langle O \rangle = \mbox{Tr}[\rho. O]$ of a diagonal observable $O = \sum_{x\in\{0, 1\}^n} O(x)|x\rangle\!\langle x|$.
* **counts** (`Dict`) – counts object
* **diagonal** (`Optional`\[`ndarray`]) – Optional, the vector of diagonal values for summing the expectation value. If `None` the the default value is $[1, -1]^\otimes n$.
* **qubits** (`Optional`\[`List`\[`int`]]) – Optional, the measured physical qubits the count bitstrings correspond to. If None qubits are assumed to be $[0, ..., n-1]$.
* **clbits** (`Optional`\[`List`\[`int`]]) – Optional, if not None marginalize counts to the specified bits.
the expectation value and standard deviation.
**Return type**
(float, float)
#### Additional Information:
The diagonal observable $O$ is input using the `diagonal` kwarg as a list or Numpy array $[O(0), ..., O(2^n -1)]$. If no diagonal is specified the diagonal of the Pauli operator :math\`O = mbox\{diag}(Z^\{otimes n}) = \[1, -1]^\{otimes n}\` is used.
The `clbits` kwarg is used to marginalize the input counts dictionary over the specified bit-values, and the `qubits` kwarg is used to specify which physical qubits these bit-values correspond to as `circuit.measure(qubits, clbits)`.
### mitigation\_matrix
<Function id="qiskit.ignis.mitigation.TensoredExpvalMeasMitigator.mitigation_matrix" signature="TensoredExpvalMeasMitigator.mitigation_matrix(qubits=None)">
Return the measurement mitigation matrix for the specified qubits.
The mitigation matrix $A^{-1}$ is defined as the inverse of the [`assignment_matrix()`](qiskit.ignis.mitigation.TensoredExpvalMeasMitigator#assignment_matrix "qiskit.ignis.mitigation.TensoredExpvalMeasMitigator.assignment_matrix") $A$.
**qubits** (`Optional`\[`List`\[`int`]]) – Optional, qubits being measured for operator expval.
the measurement error mitigation matrix $A^{-1}$.
**Return type**
### mitigation\_overhead
<Function id="qiskit.ignis.mitigation.TensoredExpvalMeasMitigator.mitigation_overhead" signature="TensoredExpvalMeasMitigator.mitigation_overhead(qubits=None)">
Return the mitigation overhead for expectation value estimation.
This is the multiplicative factor of extra shots required for estimating a mitigated expectation value with the same accuracy as an unmitigated expectation value.
**qubits** (`Optional`\[`List`\[`int`]]) – Optional, qubits being measured for operator expval.
the mitigation overhead factor.
**Return type**
### plot\_assignment\_matrix
<Function id="qiskit.ignis.mitigation.TensoredExpvalMeasMitigator.plot_assignment_matrix" signature="TensoredExpvalMeasMitigator.plot_assignment_matrix(qubits=None, ax=None)">
Matrix plot of the readout error assignment matrix.
* **qubits** (*list(int)*) – Optional, qubits being measured for operator expval.
* **ax** (*axes*) – Optional. Axes object to add plot to.
the figure axes object.
**Return type**
**ImportError** – if matplotlib is not installed.
### plot\_mitigation\_matrix
<Function id="qiskit.ignis.mitigation.TensoredExpvalMeasMitigator.plot_mitigation_matrix" signature="TensoredExpvalMeasMitigator.plot_mitigation_matrix(qubits=None, ax=None)">
Matrix plot of the readout error mitigation matrix.
* **qubits** (*list(int)*) – Optional, qubits being measured for operator expval.
* **ax** (*plt.axes*) – Optional. Axes object to add plot to.
the figure axes object.
**Return type**
**ImportError** – if matplotlib is not installed.
### required\_shots
<Function id="qiskit.ignis.mitigation.TensoredExpvalMeasMitigator.required_shots" signature="TensoredExpvalMeasMitigator.required_shots(delta, qubits=None)">
Return the number of shots required for expectation value estimation.
This is the number of shots required so that $|\langle O \rangle_{est} - \langle O \rangle_{true}| < \delta$ with high probability (at least 2/3) and is given by $4\delta^2 \Gamma^2$ where $\Gamma^2$ is the [`mitigation_overhead()`](qiskit.ignis.mitigation.TensoredExpvalMeasMitigator#mitigation_overhead "qiskit.ignis.mitigation.TensoredExpvalMeasMitigator.mitigation_overhead").
* **delta** (`float`) – Error tolerance for expectation value estimator.
* **qubits** (`Optional`\[`List`\[`int`]]) – Optional, qubits being measured for operator expval.
the required shots.
**Return type**
### stddev\_upper\_bound
<Function id="qiskit.ignis.mitigation.TensoredExpvalMeasMitigator.stddev_upper_bound" signature="TensoredExpvalMeasMitigator.stddev_upper_bound(shots=1, qubits=None)">
Return an upper bound on standard deviation of expval estimator.
* **shots** (`int`) – Number of shots used for expectation value measurement.
* **qubits** (`Optional`\[`List`\[`int`]]) – qubits being measured for operator expval.
the standard deviation upper bound.
**Return type**