178 lines
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178 lines
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title: Parameter
description: API reference for qiskit.circuit.Parameter
in_page_toc_min_heading_level: 1
python_api_type: class
python_api_name: qiskit.circuit.Parameter
# Parameter
<Class id="qiskit.circuit.Parameter" isDedicatedPage={true} github="https://github.com/qiskit/qiskit/tree/stable/0.19/qiskit/circuit/parameter.py" signature="Parameter(name)" modifiers="class">
Bases: `qiskit.circuit.parameterexpression.ParameterExpression`
Parameter Class for variable parameters.
Create a new named [`Parameter`](#qiskit.circuit.Parameter "qiskit.circuit.Parameter").
**name** (`str`) – name of the `Parameter`, used for visual representation. This can be any unicode string, e.g. “ϕ”.
## Methods
### arccos
<Function id="qiskit.circuit.Parameter.arccos" signature="Parameter.arccos()">
Arccos of a ParameterExpression
### arcsin
<Function id="qiskit.circuit.Parameter.arcsin" signature="Parameter.arcsin()">
Arcsin of a ParameterExpression
### arctan
<Function id="qiskit.circuit.Parameter.arctan" signature="Parameter.arctan()">
Arctan of a ParameterExpression
### assign
<Function id="qiskit.circuit.Parameter.assign" signature="Parameter.assign(parameter, value)">
Assign one parameter to a value, which can either be numeric or another parameter expression.
* **parameter** ([*Parameter*](qiskit.circuit.Parameter "qiskit.circuit.Parameter")) – A parameter in this expression whose value will be updated.
* **value** (`Union`\[`ParameterExpression`, `float`]) – The new value to bind to.
**Return type**
A new expression parameterized by any parameters which were not bound by assignment.
### bind
<Function id="qiskit.circuit.Parameter.bind" signature="Parameter.bind(parameter_values)">
Binds the provided set of parameters to their corresponding values.
**parameter\_values** (`Dict`) – Mapping of Parameter instances to the numeric value to which they will be bound.
* **CircuitError** –
* If parameter\_values contains Parameters outside those in self. - If a non-numeric value is passed in parameter\_values.
* **ZeroDivisionError** –
* If binding the provided values requires division by zero.
**Return type**
A new expression parameterized by any parameters which were not bound by parameter\_values.
### conjugate
<Function id="qiskit.circuit.Parameter.conjugate" signature="Parameter.conjugate()">
Return the conjugate.
**Return type**
### cos
<Function id="qiskit.circuit.Parameter.cos" signature="Parameter.cos()">
Cosine of a ParameterExpression
### exp
<Function id="qiskit.circuit.Parameter.exp" signature="Parameter.exp()">
Exponential of a ParameterExpression
### gradient
<Function id="qiskit.circuit.Parameter.gradient" signature="Parameter.gradient(param)">
Get the derivative of a parameter expression w\.r.t. a specified parameter expression.
**param** ([*Parameter*](qiskit.circuit.Parameter "qiskit.circuit.Parameter")) – Parameter w\.r.t. which we want to take the derivative
**Return type**
`Union`\[`ParameterExpression`, `complex`]
ParameterExpression representing the gradient of param\_expr w\.r.t. param or complex or float number
### is\_real
<Function id="qiskit.circuit.Parameter.is_real" signature="Parameter.is_real()">
Return whether the expression is real
### log
<Function id="qiskit.circuit.Parameter.log" signature="Parameter.log()">
Logarithm of a ParameterExpression
### sin
<Function id="qiskit.circuit.Parameter.sin" signature="Parameter.sin()">
Sine of a ParameterExpression
### subs
<Function id="qiskit.circuit.Parameter.subs" signature="Parameter.subs(parameter_map)">
Substitute self with the corresponding parameter in `parameter_map`.
### tan
<Function id="qiskit.circuit.Parameter.tan" signature="Parameter.tan()">
Tangent of a ParameterExpression
## Attributes
### name
<Attribute id="qiskit.circuit.Parameter.name">
Returns the name of the [`Parameter`](#qiskit.circuit.Parameter "qiskit.circuit.Parameter").
### parameters
<Attribute id="qiskit.circuit.Parameter.parameters">
Returns a set of the unbound Parameters in the expression.
**Return type**