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340 lines
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title: UCCSD
description: API reference for qiskit.chemistry.components.variational_forms.UCCSD
in_page_toc_min_heading_level: 1
python_api_type: class
python_api_name: qiskit.chemistry.components.variational_forms.UCCSD
<Class id="qiskit.chemistry.components.variational_forms.UCCSD" isDedicatedPage={true} github="https://github.com/qiskit-community/qiskit-aqua/tree/stable/0.9/qiskit/chemistry/components/variational_forms/uccsd.py" signature="UCCSD(num_orbitals, num_particles, reps=1, active_occupied=None, active_unoccupied=None, initial_state=None, qubit_mapping='parity', two_qubit_reduction=True, num_time_slices=1, shallow_circuit_concat=True, z2_symmetries=None, method_singles='both', method_doubles='ucc', excitation_type='sd', same_spin_doubles=True, skip_commute_test=False)" modifiers="class">
Bases: `qiskit.aqua.components.variational_forms.variational_form.VariationalForm`
This trial wavefunction is a Unitary Coupled-Cluster Single and Double excitations variational form. For more information, see [https://arxiv.org/abs/1805.04340](https://arxiv.org/abs/1805.04340) And for the singlet q-UCCD (full) and pair q-UCCD) see: [https://arxiv.org/abs/1911.10864](https://arxiv.org/abs/1911.10864)
* **num\_orbitals** (`int`) – number of spin orbitals, has a min. value of 1.
* **num\_particles** (`Union`\[`Tuple`\[`int`, `int`], `List`\[`int`], `int`]) – number of particles, if it is a list, the first number is alpha and the second number if beta.
* **reps** (`int`) – number of repetitions of basic module, has a min. value of 1.
* **active\_occupied** (`Optional`\[`List`\[`int`]]) – list of occupied orbitals to consider as active space.
* **active\_unoccupied** (`Optional`\[`List`\[`int`]]) – list of unoccupied orbitals to consider as active space.
* **initial\_state** (`Union`\[`QuantumCircuit`, `InitialState`, `None`]) – An initial state object.
* **qubit\_mapping** (`str`) – qubit mapping type.
* **two\_qubit\_reduction** (`bool`) – two qubit reduction is applied or not.
* **num\_time\_slices** (`int`) – parameters for dynamics, has a min. value of 1.
* **shallow\_circuit\_concat** (`bool`) – indicate whether to use shallow (cheap) mode for circuit concatenation.
* **z2\_symmetries** (`Optional`\[`Z2Symmetries`]) – represent the Z2 symmetries, including symmetries, sq\_paulis, sq\_list, tapering\_values, and cliffords.
* **method\_singles** (`str`) – specify the single excitation considered. ‘alpha’, ‘beta’, ‘both’ only alpha or beta spin-orbital single excitations or both (all of them).
* **method\_doubles** (`str`) – specify the single excitation considered. ‘ucc’ (conventional ucc), succ (singlet ucc), succ\_full (singlet ucc full), pucc (pair ucc).
* **excitation\_type** (`str`) – specify the excitation type ‘sd’, ‘s’, ‘d’ respectively for single and double, only single, only double excitations.
* **same\_spin\_doubles** (`bool`) – enable double excitations of the same spin.
* **skip\_commute\_test** (`bool`) –
**when tapering excitation operators we test and exclude any that do**
not commute with symmetries. This test can be skipped to include all tapered excitation operators whether they commute or not.
ValueError: Num particles list is not 2 entries
## Methods
### compute\_excitation\_lists
<Function id="qiskit.chemistry.components.variational_forms.UCCSD.compute_excitation_lists" signature="UCCSD.compute_excitation_lists(num_particles, num_orbitals, active_occ_list=None, active_unocc_list=None, same_spin_doubles=True, method_singles='both', method_doubles='ucc', excitation_type='sd')" modifiers="static">
Computes single and double excitation lists.
* **num\_particles** (*Union(list, int)*) – number of particles, if it is a tuple, the first number is alpha and the second number if beta.
* **num\_orbitals** (*int*) – Total number of spin orbitals
* **active\_occ\_list** (*list*) – List of occupied orbitals to include, indices are 0 to n where n is max(num\_alpha, num\_beta)
* **active\_unocc\_list** (*list*) – List of unoccupied orbitals to include, indices are 0 to m where m is num\_orbitals // 2 - min(num\_alpha, num\_beta)
* **same\_spin\_doubles** (*bool*) – True to include alpha,alpha and beta,beta double excitations as well as alpha,beta pairings. False includes only alpha,beta
* **excitation\_type** (*str*) – choose ‘sd’, ‘s’, ‘d’ to compute q-UCCSD, q-UCCS, q-UCCD excitation lists
* **method\_singles** (*str*) – specify type of single excitations, ‘alpha’, ‘beta’, ‘both’ only alpha or beta spin-orbital single excitations or both (all single excitations)
* **method\_doubles** (*str*) – choose method for double excitations ‘ucc’ (conventional ucc), ‘succ’ (singlet ucc), ‘succ\_full’ (singlet ucc full), ‘pucc’ (pair ucc)
Single excitation list list: Double excitation list
**Return type**
* **ValueError** – invalid setting of number of particles
* **ValueError** – invalid setting of number of orbitals
### compute\_excitation\_lists\_singlet
<Function id="qiskit.chemistry.components.variational_forms.UCCSD.compute_excitation_lists_singlet" signature="UCCSD.compute_excitation_lists_singlet(double_exc, num_orbitals)" modifiers="static">
Outputs the list of lists of grouped excitation. A single list inside is controlled by the same parameter theta.
* **double\_exc** (*list*) – exc.group. \[\[0,1,2,3], \[…]]
* **num\_orbitals** (*int*) – number of molecular orbitals
de\_groups grouped excitations
**Return type**
### construct\_circuit
<Function id="qiskit.chemistry.components.variational_forms.UCCSD.construct_circuit" signature="UCCSD.construct_circuit(parameters, q=None)">
Construct the variational form, given its parameters.
* **parameters** (*Union(numpy.ndarray, list\[*[*Parameter*](qiskit.circuit.Parameter "qiskit.circuit.Parameter")*],* [*ParameterVector*](qiskit.circuit.ParameterVector "qiskit.circuit.ParameterVector")*)*) – circuit parameters
* **q** ([*QuantumRegister*](qiskit.circuit.QuantumRegister "qiskit.circuit.QuantumRegister")*, optional*) – Quantum Register for the circuit.
a quantum circuit with given parameters
**Return type**
[QuantumCircuit](qiskit.circuit.QuantumCircuit "qiskit.circuit.QuantumCircuit")
**ValueError** – the number of parameters is incorrect.
### get\_entangler\_map
<Function id="qiskit.chemistry.components.variational_forms.UCCSD.get_entangler_map" signature="UCCSD.get_entangler_map(map_type, num_qubits, offset=0)" modifiers="static">
returns entangler map
### group\_excitations
<Function id="qiskit.chemistry.components.variational_forms.UCCSD.group_excitations" signature="UCCSD.group_excitations(list_de, num_orbitals)" modifiers="static">
Groups the excitations and gives out the remaining ones in the list\_de\_temp list because those excitations are controlled by the same parameter in full singlet UCCSD unlike in usual UCCSD where every excitation has its own parameter.
* **list\_de** (*list*) – list of the double excitations grouped
* **num\_orbitals** (*int*) – number of spin-orbitals (qubits)
list\_same\_ao\_group, list\_de\_temp, the grouped double\_exc (that involve same spatial orbitals)
**Return type**
### group\_excitations\_if\_same\_ao
<Function id="qiskit.chemistry.components.variational_forms.UCCSD.group_excitations_if_same_ao" signature="UCCSD.group_excitations_if_same_ao(list_de, num_orbitals)" modifiers="static">
Define that, given list of double excitations list\_de and number of spin-orbitals num\_orbitals, which excitations involve the same spatial orbitals for full singlet UCCSD.
* **list\_de** (*list*) – list of double exc
* **num\_orbitals** (*int*) – number of spin-orbitals
grouped list of excitations
**Return type**
### manage\_hopping\_operators
<Function id="qiskit.chemistry.components.variational_forms.UCCSD.manage_hopping_operators" signature="UCCSD.manage_hopping_operators()">
Triggers the adaptive behavior of this UCCSD instance. This function is used by the Adaptive VQE algorithm. It stores the full list of available hopping operators in a so called “excitation pool” and clears the previous list to be empty. Furthermore, the depth is asserted to be 1 which is required by the Adaptive VQE algorithm.
### order\_labels\_for\_hopping\_ops
<Function id="qiskit.chemistry.components.variational_forms.UCCSD.order_labels_for_hopping_ops" signature="UCCSD.order_labels_for_hopping_ops(double_exc, gde)" modifiers="static">
Orders the hopping operators according to the grouped excitations for the full singlet UCCSD.
* **double\_exc** (*list*) – list of double excitations
* **gde** (*list of lists*) – list of grouped excitations for full singlet UCCSD
ordered\_labels to order hopping ops
**Return type**
### pop\_hopping\_operator
<Function id="qiskit.chemistry.components.variational_forms.UCCSD.pop_hopping_operator" signature="UCCSD.pop_hopping_operator()">
Pops the hopping operator that was added last.
### push\_hopping\_operator
<Function id="qiskit.chemistry.components.variational_forms.UCCSD.push_hopping_operator" signature="UCCSD.push_hopping_operator(excitation)">
Pushes a new hopping operator.
**excitation** ([*WeightedPauliOperator*](qiskit.aqua.operators.legacy.WeightedPauliOperator "qiskit.aqua.operators.legacy.WeightedPauliOperator")) – the new hopping operator to be added
### same\_ao\_double\_excitation\_block\_spin
<Function id="qiskit.chemistry.components.variational_forms.UCCSD.same_ao_double_excitation_block_spin" signature="UCCSD.same_ao_double_excitation_block_spin(de_1, de_2, num_orbitals)" modifiers="static">
Regroups the excitations that involve same spatial orbitals for example, with labeling.
2— —5 1— —4 0-o- -o-3
excitations \[0,1,3,5] and \[0,2,3,4] are controlled by the same parameter in the full singlet UCCSD unlike in usual UCCSD where every excitation is controlled by independent parameter.
* **de\_1** (*list*) – double exc in block spin \[ from to from to ]
* **de\_2** (*list*) – double exc in block spin \[ from to from to ]
* **num\_orbitals** (*int*) – number of molecular orbitals
says if given excitation involves same spatial orbitals 1 = yes, 0 = no.
**Return type**
### validate\_entangler\_map
<Function id="qiskit.chemistry.components.variational_forms.UCCSD.validate_entangler_map" signature="UCCSD.validate_entangler_map(entangler_map, num_qubits)" modifiers="static">
validate entangler map
## Attributes
### double\_excitations
<Attribute id="qiskit.chemistry.components.variational_forms.UCCSD.double_excitations">
Getter of double excitation list :returns: double excitation list :rtype: list\[list\[int]]
### excitation\_pool
<Attribute id="qiskit.chemistry.components.variational_forms.UCCSD.excitation_pool">
Returns the full list of available excitations (called the pool).
**Return type**
### num\_parameters
<Attribute id="qiskit.chemistry.components.variational_forms.UCCSD.num_parameters">
Number of parameters of the variational form.
An integer indicating the number of parameters.
**Return type**
### num\_qubits
<Attribute id="qiskit.chemistry.components.variational_forms.UCCSD.num_qubits">
Number of qubits of the variational form.
An integer indicating the number of qubits.
**Return type**
### parameter\_bounds
<Attribute id="qiskit.chemistry.components.variational_forms.UCCSD.parameter_bounds">
Parameter bounds.
A list of pairs indicating the bounds, as (lower, upper). None indicates an unbounded parameter in the corresponding direction. If None is returned, problem is fully unbounded.
**Return type**
### preferred\_init\_points
<Attribute id="qiskit.chemistry.components.variational_forms.UCCSD.preferred_init_points">
Getter of preferred initial points based on the given initial state.
### setting
<Attribute id="qiskit.chemistry.components.variational_forms.UCCSD.setting" />
### single\_excitations
<Attribute id="qiskit.chemistry.components.variational_forms.UCCSD.single_excitations">
Getter of single excitation list :returns: single excitation list :rtype: list\[list\[int]]
### support\_parameterized\_circuit
<Attribute id="qiskit.chemistry.components.variational_forms.UCCSD.support_parameterized_circuit">
Whether or not the sub-class support parameterized circuit.
indicate the sub-class support parameterized circuit
**Return type**