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354 lines
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title: NoiseTransformer
description: API reference for qiskit.providers.aer.utils.NoiseTransformer
in_page_toc_min_heading_level: 1
python_api_type: class
python_api_name: qiskit.providers.aer.utils.NoiseTransformer
# NoiseTransformer
<Class id="qiskit.providers.aer.utils.NoiseTransformer" isDedicatedPage={true} github="https://github.com/qiskit/qiskit-aer/tree/stable/0.8/qiskit/providers/aer/utils/noise_transformation.py" signature="NoiseTransformer" modifiers="class">
Bases: `object`
Transforms one quantum channel to another based on a specified criteria.
## Methods
### channel\_matrix\_representation
<Function id="qiskit.providers.aer.utils.NoiseTransformer.channel_matrix_representation" signature="NoiseTransformer.channel_matrix_representation(operators)">
We convert the operators to a matrix by applying the channel to the four basis elements of the 2x2 matrix space representing density operators; this is standard linear algebra
**operators** (*list*) – The list of operators to transform into a Matrix
The matrx representation of the operators
**Return type**
### compute\_P
<Function id="qiskit.providers.aer.utils.NoiseTransformer.compute_P" signature="NoiseTransformer.compute_P(As)">
This method creates the matrix P in the f(x) = 1/2(x\*P\*x)+q\*x representation of the objective function :param As: list of symbolic matrices repersenting the channel matrices :type As: list
The matrix P for the description of the quadaric program
**Return type**
### compute\_channel\_operation
<Function id="qiskit.providers.aer.utils.NoiseTransformer.compute_channel_operation" signature="NoiseTransformer.compute_channel_operation(rho, operators)" modifiers="static">
Given a quantum state’s density function rho, the effect of the channel on this state is: rho -> sum\_\{i=1}^n E\_i \* rho \* E\_i^dagger
* **rho** (*number*) – Density function
* **operators** (*list*) – List of operators
The result of applying the list of operators
**Return type**
### compute\_q
<Function id="qiskit.providers.aer.utils.NoiseTransformer.compute_q" signature="NoiseTransformer.compute_q(As, C)">
This method creates the vector q for the f(x) = 1/2(x\*P\*x)+q\*x representation of the objective function :param As: list of symbolic matrices repersenting the quadratic program :type As: list :param C: matrix representing the the constant channel matrix :type C: matrix
The vector q for the description of the quadaric program
**Return type**
### fidelity
<Function id="qiskit.providers.aer.utils.NoiseTransformer.fidelity" signature="NoiseTransformer.fidelity(channel)" modifiers="static">
Calculates channel fidelity
### flatten\_matrix
<Function id="qiskit.providers.aer.utils.NoiseTransformer.flatten_matrix" signature="NoiseTransformer.flatten_matrix(m)" modifiers="static">
**m** (*Matrix*) – The matrix to flatten
A row vector repesenting the flattened matrix
**Return type**
### generate\_channel\_matrices
<Function id="qiskit.providers.aer.utils.NoiseTransformer.generate_channel_matrices" signature="NoiseTransformer.generate_channel_matrices(transform_channel_operators_list)">
Generate symbolic channel matrices.
Generates a list of 4x4 symbolic matrices describing the channel defined from the given operators. The identity matrix is assumed to be the first element in the list:
[(I, ), (A1, B1, ...), (A2, B2, ...), ..., (An, Bn, ...)]
E.g. for a Pauli channel, the matrices are:
[(I,), (X,), (Y,), (Z,)]
For relaxation they are:
[(I, ), (|0><0|, |0><1|), |1><0|, |1><1|)]
We consider this input to symbolically represent a channel in the following manner: define indeterminates $x_0, x_1, ..., x_n$ which are meant to represent probabilities such that $x_i \ge 0$ and $x0 = 1-(x_1 + ... + x_n)$.
Now consider the quantum channel defined via the Kraus operators ${\sqrt(x_0)I, \sqrt(x_1) A_1, \sqrt(x1) B_1, ..., \sqrt(x_m)A_n, \sqrt(x_n) B_n, ...}$ This is the channel C symbolically represented by the operators.
**transform\_channel\_operators\_list** (*list*) – A list of tuples of matrices which represent Kraus operators.
A list of 4x4 complex matrices `([D1, D2, ..., Dn], E)` such that the matrix $x_1 D_1 + ... + x_n D_n + E$ represents the operation of the channel C on the density operator. we find it easier to work with this representation of C when performing the combinatorial optimization.
**Return type**
### generate\_channel\_quadratic\_programming\_matrices
<Function id="qiskit.providers.aer.utils.NoiseTransformer.generate_channel_quadratic_programming_matrices" signature="NoiseTransformer.generate_channel_quadratic_programming_matrices(channel, symbols)">
Generate matrices for quadratic program.
* **channel** (*Matrix*) – a 4x4 symbolic matrix
* **symbols** (*list*) – the symbols x1, …, xn which may occur in the matrix
A list of 4x4 complex matrices (\[D1, D2, …, Dn], E) such that: channel == x1\*D1 + … + xn\*Dn + E
**Return type**
### get\_const\_matrix\_from\_channel
<Function id="qiskit.providers.aer.utils.NoiseTransformer.get_const_matrix_from_channel" signature="NoiseTransformer.get_const_matrix_from_channel(channel, symbols)" modifiers="static">
Extract the numeric constant matrix.
* **channel** (*matrix*) – a 4x4 symbolic matrix.
* **symbols** (*list*) – The full list \[x1, …, xn] of symbols used in the matrix.
a 4x4 numeric matrix.
**Return type**
#### Additional Information:
Each entry of the 4x4 symbolic input channel matrix is assumed to be a polynomial of the form a1x1 + … + anxn + c. The corresponding entry in the output numeric matrix is c.
### get\_matrix\_from\_channel
<Function id="qiskit.providers.aer.utils.NoiseTransformer.get_matrix_from_channel" signature="NoiseTransformer.get_matrix_from_channel(channel, symbol)" modifiers="static">
Extract the numeric parameter matrix.
* **channel** (*matrix*) – a 4x4 symbolic matrix.
* **symbol** (*list*) – a symbol xi
a 4x4 numeric matrix.
**Return type**
#### Additional Information:
Each entry of the 4x4 symbolic input channel matrix is assumed to be a polynomial of the form a1x1 + … + anxn + c. The corresponding entry in the output numeric matrix is ai.
### operator\_circuit
<Function id="qiskit.providers.aer.utils.NoiseTransformer.operator_circuit" signature="NoiseTransformer.operator_circuit(operator)">
Converts an operator representation to noise circuit.
**operator** (*operator*) – operator representation. Can be a noise circuit or a matrix or a list of matrices.
The operator, converted to noise circuit representation.
**Return type**
### operator\_matrix
<Function id="qiskit.providers.aer.utils.NoiseTransformer.operator_matrix" signature="NoiseTransformer.operator_matrix(operator)">
Converts an operator representation to Kraus matrix representation
**operator** (*operator*) – operator representation. Can be a noise circuit or a matrix or a list of matrices.
the operator, converted to Kraus representation.
**Return type**
[Kraus](qiskit.quantum_info.Kraus "qiskit.quantum_info.Kraus")
### prepare\_channel\_operator\_list
<Function id="qiskit.providers.aer.utils.NoiseTransformer.prepare_channel_operator_list" signature="NoiseTransformer.prepare_channel_operator_list(ops_list)" modifiers="static">
Prepares a list of channel operators.
**ops\_list** (*List*) – The list of operators to prepare
The channel operator list
**Return type**
### prepare\_honesty\_constraint
<Function id="qiskit.providers.aer.utils.NoiseTransformer.prepare_honesty_constraint" signature="NoiseTransformer.prepare_honesty_constraint(transform_channel_operators_list)">
Prepares the honesty constraint.
* **transform\_channel\_operators\_list** (*list*) – A list of tuples of matrices which represent
* **operators.** ([*Kraus*](qiskit.quantum_info.Kraus "qiskit.quantum_info.Kraus")) –
### solve\_quadratic\_program
<Function id="qiskit.providers.aer.utils.NoiseTransformer.solve_quadratic_program" signature="NoiseTransformer.solve_quadratic_program(P, q)">
Solve the quadratic program optimization problem.
This function solved the quadratic program to minimize the objective function f(x) = 1/2(x\*P\*x)+q\*x subject to the additional constraints Gx \<= h
Where P, q are given and G,h are computed to ensure that x represents a probability vector and subject to honesty constraints if required :param P: A matrix representing the P component of the objective function :type P: matrix :param q: A vector representing the q component of the objective function :type q: list
The solution of the quadratic program (represents probabilities)
**Return type**
#### Additional information:
This method is the only place in the code where we rely on the cvxpy library should we consider another library, only this method needs to change.
### transform\_by\_given\_channel
<Function id="qiskit.providers.aer.utils.NoiseTransformer.transform_by_given_channel" signature="NoiseTransformer.transform_by_given_channel(channel_matrices, const_channel_matrix)">
Transform by by quantum channels.
This method creates objective function representing the Hilbert-Schmidt norm of the matrix (A-B) obtained as the difference of the input noise channel and the output channel we wish to determine.
This function is represented by a matrix P and a vector q, such that f(x) = 1/2(x\*P\*x)+q\*x where x is the vector we wish to minimize, where x represents probabilities for the noise operators that construct the output channel
* **channel\_matrices** (*list*) – A list of 4x4 symbolic matrices
* **const\_channel\_matrix** (*matrix*) – a 4x4 constant matrix
a list of the optimal probabilities for the channel matrices, determined by the quadratic program solver
**Return type**
### transform\_by\_operator\_list
<Function id="qiskit.providers.aer.utils.NoiseTransformer.transform_by_operator_list" signature="NoiseTransformer.transform_by_operator_list(transform_channel_operators, noise_kraus_operators)">
Transform input Kraus operators.
Allows approximating a set of input Kraus operators as in terms of a different set of Kraus matrices.
For example, setting $[X, Y, Z]$ allows approximating by a Pauli channel, and $[(|0 \langle\rangle 0|, |0\langle\rangle 1|), |1\langle\rangle 0|, |1 \langle\rangle 1|)]$ represents the relaxation channel
In the case the input is a list $[A_1, A_2, ..., A_n]$ of transform matrices and $[E_0, E_1, ..., E_m]$ of noise Kraus operators, the output is a list $[p_1, p_2, ..., p_n]$ of probabilities such that:
1. $p_i \ge 0$
2. $p_1 + ... + p_n \le 1$
3. $[\sqrt(p_1) A_1, \sqrt(p_2) A_2, ..., \sqrt(p_n) A_n, \sqrt(1-(p_1 + ... + p_n))I]$ is a list of Kraus operators that define the output channel (which is “close” to the input channel given by $[E_0, ..., E_m]$.)
This channel can be thought of as choosing the operator $A_i$ in probability $p_i$ and applying this operator to the quantum state.
More generally, if the input is a list of tuples (not necessarily of the same size): $[(A_1, B_1, ...), (A_2, B_2, ...), ..., (A_n, B_n, ...)]$ then the output is still a list $[p_1, p_2, ..., p_n]$ and now the output channel is defined by the operators: $[\sqrt(p_1)A1, \sqrt(p_1)B_1, ..., \sqrt(p_n)A_n, \sqrt(p_n)B_n, ..., \sqrt(1-(p_1 + ... + p_n))I]$
* **noise\_kraus\_operators** (*List*) – a list of matrices (Kraus operators) for the input channel.
* **transform\_channel\_operators** (*List*) – a list of matrices or tuples of matrices representing Kraus operators that can construct the output channel.
A list of amplitudes that define the output channel.
**Return type**