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56 lines
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title: VSCF
description: API reference for qiskit.chemistry.components.initial_states.VSCF
in_page_toc_min_heading_level: 1
python_api_type: class
python_api_name: qiskit.chemistry.components.initial_states.VSCF
<Class id="qiskit.chemistry.components.initial_states.VSCF" isDedicatedPage={true} github="https://github.com/qiskit-community/qiskit-aqua/tree/stable/0.9/qiskit/chemistry/components/initial_states/vscf.py" signature="VSCF(basis)" modifiers="class">
Bases: `qiskit.aqua.components.initial_states.initial_state.InitialState`
Initial state for vibrational modes.
Creates an occupation number vector as defined in Ollitrault Pauline J., Chemical science 11 (2020): 6842-6855. e.g. for 2 modes with 4 modals per mode it creates: |1000 1000>
**basis** (`List`\[`int`]) – Is a list defining the number of modals per mode. E.g. for a 3 modes system with 4 modals per mode basis = \[4,4,4]
## Methods
### construct\_circuit
<Function id="qiskit.chemistry.components.initial_states.VSCF.construct_circuit" signature="VSCF.construct_circuit(mode='circuit', register=None)">
Construct the statevector of desired initial state.
* **mode** (*string*) – vector or circuit. The vector mode produces the vector. While the circuit constructs the quantum circuit corresponding that vector.
* **register** ([*QuantumRegister*](qiskit.circuit.QuantumRegister "qiskit.circuit.QuantumRegister")) – register for circuit construction.
**Return type**
[QuantumCircuit](qiskit.circuit.QuantumCircuit "qiskit.circuit.QuantumCircuit") or numpy.ndarray
**ValueError** – when mode is not ‘vector’ or ‘circuit’.
## Attributes
### bitstr
<Attribute id="qiskit.chemistry.components.initial_states.VSCF.bitstr">
Getter of the bit string represented the statevector.