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324 lines
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title: QNSPSA
description: API reference for qiskit.algorithms.optimizers.QNSPSA
in_page_toc_min_heading_level: 1
python_api_type: class
python_api_name: qiskit.algorithms.optimizers.QNSPSA
<Class id="qiskit.algorithms.optimizers.QNSPSA" isDedicatedPage={true} github="https://github.com/qiskit/qiskit/tree/stable/0.18/qiskit/algorithms/optimizers/qnspsa.py" signature="QNSPSA(fidelity, maxiter=100, blocking=True, allowed_increase=None, learning_rate=None, perturbation=None, last_avg=1, resamplings=1, perturbation_dims=None, regularization=None, hessian_delay=0, lse_solver=None, initial_hessian=None, callback=None)" modifiers="class">
Bases: `qiskit.algorithms.optimizers.spsa.SPSA`
The Quantum Natural SPSA (QN-SPSA) optimizer.
The QN-SPSA optimizer \[1] is a stochastic optimizer that belongs to the family of gradient descent methods. This optimizer is based on SPSA but attempts to improve the convergence by sampling the **natural gradient** instead of the vanilla, first-order gradient. It achieves this by approximating Hessian of the `fidelity` of the ansatz circuit.
Compared to natural gradients, which require $\mathcal{O}(d^2)$ expectation value evaluations for a circuit with $d$ parameters, QN-SPSA only requires $\mathcal{O}(1)$ and can therefore significantly speed up the natural gradient calculation by sacrificing some accuracy. Compared to SPSA, QN-SPSA requires 4 additional function evaluations of the fidelity.
The stochastic approximation of the natural gradient can be systematically improved by increasing the number of `resamplings`. This leads to a Monte Carlo-style convergence to the exact, analytic value.
This short example runs QN-SPSA for the ground state calculation of the `Z ^ Z` observable where the ansatz is a `PauliTwoDesign` circuit.
import numpy as np
from qiskit.algorithms.optimizers import QNSPSA
from qiskit.circuit.library import PauliTwoDesign
from qiskit.opflow import Z, StateFn
ansatz = PauliTwoDesign(2, reps=1, seed=2)
observable = Z ^ Z
initial_point = np.random.random(ansatz.num_parameters)
def loss(x):
bound = ansatz.bind_parameters(x)
return np.real((StateFn(observable, is_measurement=True) @ StateFn(bound)).eval())
fidelity = QNSPSA.get_fidelity(ansatz)
qnspsa = QNSPSA(fidelity, maxiter=300)
result = qnspsa.optimize(ansatz.num_parameters, loss, initial_point=initial_point)
\[1] J. Gacon et al, “Simultaneous Perturbation Stochastic Approximation of the Quantum Fisher Information”, [arXiv:2103.09232](https://arxiv.org/abs/2103.09232)
* **fidelity** (`Callable`\[\[`ndarray`, `ndarray`], `float`]) – A function to compute the fidelity of the ansatz state with itself for two different sets of parameters.
* **maxiter** (`int`) – The maximum number of iterations. Note that this is not the maximal number of function evaluations.
* **blocking** (`bool`) – If True, only accepts updates that improve the loss (up to some allowed increase, see next argument).
* **allowed\_increase** (`Optional`\[`float`]) – If `blocking` is `True`, this argument determines by how much the loss can increase with the proposed parameters and still be accepted. If `None`, the allowed increases is calibrated automatically to be twice the approximated standard deviation of the loss function.
* **learning\_rate** (`Union`\[`float`, `Callable`\[\[], `Iterator`], `None`]) – The update step is the learning rate is multiplied with the gradient. If the learning rate is a float, it remains constant over the course of the optimization. It can also be a callable returning an iterator which yields the learning rates for each optimization step. If `learning_rate` is set `perturbation` must also be provided.
* **perturbation** (`Union`\[`float`, `Callable`\[\[], `Iterator`], `None`]) – Specifies the magnitude of the perturbation for the finite difference approximation of the gradients. Can be either a float or a generator yielding the perturbation magnitudes per step. If `perturbation` is set `learning_rate` must also be provided.
* **last\_avg** (`int`) – Return the average of the `last_avg` parameters instead of just the last parameter values.
* **resamplings** (`Union`\[`int`, `Dict`\[`int`, `int`]]) – The number of times the gradient (and Hessian) is sampled using a random direction to construct a gradient estimate. Per default the gradient is estimated using only one random direction. If an integer, all iterations use the same number of resamplings. If a dictionary, this is interpreted as `{iteration: number of resamplings per iteration}`.
* **perturbation\_dims** (`Optional`\[`int`]) – The number of perturbed dimensions. Per default, all dimensions are perturbed, but a smaller, fixed number can be perturbed. If set, the perturbed dimensions are chosen uniformly at random.
* **regularization** (`Optional`\[`float`]) – To ensure the preconditioner is symmetric and positive definite, the identity times a small coefficient is added to it. This generator yields that coefficient.
* **hessian\_delay** (`int`) – Start multiplying the gradient with the inverse Hessian only after a certain number of iterations. The Hessian is still evaluated and therefore this argument can be useful to first get a stable average over the last iterations before using it as preconditioner.
* **lse\_solver** (`Optional`\[`Callable`\[\[`ndarray`, `ndarray`], `ndarray`]]) – The method to solve for the inverse of the Hessian. Per default an exact LSE solver is used, but can e.g. be overwritten by a minimization routine.
* **initial\_hessian** (`Optional`\[`ndarray`]) – The initial guess for the Hessian. By default the identity matrix is used.
* **callback** (`Optional`\[`Callable`\[\[`ndarray`, `float`, `float`, `int`, `bool`], `None`]]) – A callback function passed information in each iteration step. The information is, in this order: the parameters, the function value, the number of function evaluations, the stepsize, whether the step was accepted.
## Methods
### calibrate
<Function id="qiskit.algorithms.optimizers.QNSPSA.calibrate" signature="QNSPSA.calibrate(loss, initial_point, c=0.2, stability_constant=0, target_magnitude=None, alpha=0.602, gamma=0.101, modelspace=False)" modifiers="static">
Calibrate SPSA parameters with a powerseries as learning rate and perturbation coeffs.
The powerseries are:
a_k = \frac{a}{(A + k + 1)^\alpha}, c_k = \frac{c}{(k + 1)^\gamma}
* **loss** (`Callable`\[\[`ndarray`], `float`]) – The loss function.
* **initial\_point** (`ndarray`) – The initial guess of the iteration.
* **c** (`float`) – The initial perturbation magnitude.
* **stability\_constant** (`float`) – The value of A.
* **target\_magnitude** (`Optional`\[`float`]) – The target magnitude for the first update step, defaults to $2\pi / 10$.
* **alpha** (`float`) – The exponent of the learning rate powerseries.
* **gamma** (`float`) – The exponent of the perturbation powerseries.
* **modelspace** (`bool`) – Whether the target magnitude is the difference of parameter values or function values (= model space).
**A tuple of powerseries generators, the first one for the**
learning rate and the second one for the perturbation.
**Return type**
tuple(generator, generator)
### estimate\_stddev
<Function id="qiskit.algorithms.optimizers.QNSPSA.estimate_stddev" signature="QNSPSA.estimate_stddev(loss, initial_point, avg=25)" modifiers="static">
Estimate the standard deviation of the loss function.
**Return type**
### get\_fidelity
<Function id="qiskit.algorithms.optimizers.QNSPSA.get_fidelity" signature="QNSPSA.get_fidelity(circuit, backend=None, expectation=None)" modifiers="static">
Get a function to compute the fidelity of `circuit` with itself.
Let `circuit` be a parameterized quantum circuit performing the operation $U(\theta)$ given a set of parameters $\theta$. Then this method returns a function to evaluate
F(\theta, \phi) = \big|\langle 0 | U^\dagger(\theta) U(\phi) |0\rangle \big|^2.
The output of this function can be used as input for the `fidelity` to the :class:\~\`qiskit.algorithms.optimizers.QNSPSA\` optimizer.
* **circuit** (`QuantumCircuit`) – The circuit preparing the parameterized ansatz.
* **backend** (`Union`\[`Backend`, `QuantumInstance`, `None`]) – A backend of quantum instance to evaluate the circuits. If None, plain matrix multiplication will be used.
* **expectation** (`Optional`\[`ExpectationBase`]) – An expectation converter to specify how the expected value is computed. If a shot-based readout is used this should be set to `PauliExpectation`.
**Return type**
`Callable`\[\[`ndarray`, `ndarray`], `float`]
A handle to the function $F$.
### get\_support\_level
<Function id="qiskit.algorithms.optimizers.QNSPSA.get_support_level" signature="QNSPSA.get_support_level()">
Get the support level dictionary.
### gradient\_num\_diff
<Function id="qiskit.algorithms.optimizers.QNSPSA.gradient_num_diff" signature="QNSPSA.gradient_num_diff(x_center, f, epsilon, max_evals_grouped=1)" modifiers="static">
We compute the gradient with the numeric differentiation in the parallel way, around the point x\_center.
* **x\_center** (*ndarray*) – point around which we compute the gradient
* **f** (*func*) – the function of which the gradient is to be computed.
* **epsilon** (*float*) – the epsilon used in the numeric differentiation.
* **max\_evals\_grouped** (*int*) – max evals grouped
the gradient computed
**Return type**
### optimize
<Function id="qiskit.algorithms.optimizers.QNSPSA.optimize" signature="QNSPSA.optimize(num_vars, objective_function, gradient_function=None, variable_bounds=None, initial_point=None)">
Perform optimization.
* **num\_vars** (*int*) – Number of parameters to be optimized.
* **objective\_function** (*callable*) – A function that computes the objective function.
* **gradient\_function** (*callable*) – A function that computes the gradient of the objective function, or None if not available.
* **variable\_bounds** (*list\[(float, float)]*) – List of variable bounds, given as pairs (lower, upper). None means unbounded.
* **initial\_point** (*numpy.ndarray\[float]*) – Initial point.
**point, value, nfev**
point: is a 1D numpy.ndarray\[float] containing the solution value: is a float with the objective function value nfev: number of objective function calls made if available or None
**ValueError** – invalid input
### print\_options
<Function id="qiskit.algorithms.optimizers.QNSPSA.print_options" signature="QNSPSA.print_options()">
Print algorithm-specific options.
### set\_max\_evals\_grouped
<Function id="qiskit.algorithms.optimizers.QNSPSA.set_max_evals_grouped" signature="QNSPSA.set_max_evals_grouped(limit)">
Set max evals grouped
### set\_options
<Function id="qiskit.algorithms.optimizers.QNSPSA.set_options" signature="QNSPSA.set_options(**kwargs)">
Sets or updates values in the options dictionary.
The options dictionary may be used internally by a given optimizer to pass additional optional values for the underlying optimizer/optimization function used. The options dictionary may be initially populated with a set of key/values when the given optimizer is constructed.
**kwargs** (*dict*) – options, given as name=value.
### wrap\_function
<Function id="qiskit.algorithms.optimizers.QNSPSA.wrap_function" signature="QNSPSA.wrap_function(function, args)" modifiers="static">
Wrap the function to implicitly inject the args at the call of the function.
* **function** (*func*) – the target function
* **args** (*tuple*) – the args to be injected
**Return type**
## Attributes
### bounds\_support\_level
<Attribute id="qiskit.algorithms.optimizers.QNSPSA.bounds_support_level">
Returns bounds support level
### gradient\_support\_level
<Attribute id="qiskit.algorithms.optimizers.QNSPSA.gradient_support_level">
Returns gradient support level
### initial\_point\_support\_level
<Attribute id="qiskit.algorithms.optimizers.QNSPSA.initial_point_support_level">
Returns initial point support level
### is\_bounds\_ignored
<Attribute id="qiskit.algorithms.optimizers.QNSPSA.is_bounds_ignored">
Returns is bounds ignored
### is\_bounds\_required
<Attribute id="qiskit.algorithms.optimizers.QNSPSA.is_bounds_required">
Returns is bounds required
### is\_bounds\_supported
<Attribute id="qiskit.algorithms.optimizers.QNSPSA.is_bounds_supported">
Returns is bounds supported
### is\_gradient\_ignored
<Attribute id="qiskit.algorithms.optimizers.QNSPSA.is_gradient_ignored">
Returns is gradient ignored
### is\_gradient\_required
<Attribute id="qiskit.algorithms.optimizers.QNSPSA.is_gradient_required">
Returns is gradient required
### is\_gradient\_supported
<Attribute id="qiskit.algorithms.optimizers.QNSPSA.is_gradient_supported">
Returns is gradient supported
### is\_initial\_point\_ignored
<Attribute id="qiskit.algorithms.optimizers.QNSPSA.is_initial_point_ignored">
Returns is initial point ignored
### is\_initial\_point\_required
<Attribute id="qiskit.algorithms.optimizers.QNSPSA.is_initial_point_required">
Returns is initial point required
### is\_initial\_point\_supported
<Attribute id="qiskit.algorithms.optimizers.QNSPSA.is_initial_point_supported">
Returns is initial point supported
### setting
<Attribute id="qiskit.algorithms.optimizers.QNSPSA.setting">
Return setting
### settings
<Attribute id="qiskit.algorithms.optimizers.QNSPSA.settings">
The optimizer settings in a dictionary format.
**Return type**
`Dict`\[`str`, `Any`]