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437 lines
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title: discrete
description: API reference for qiskit.pulse.library.discrete
in_page_toc_min_heading_level: 2
python_api_type: module
python_api_name: qiskit.pulse.library.discrete
<span id="module-qiskit.pulse.library.discrete" />
<span id="qiskit-pulse-library-discrete" />
# qiskit.pulse.library.discrete
Module for builtin discrete pulses.
Note the sampling strategy use for all discrete pulses is `midpoint`.
| | |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| [`constant`](#qiskit.pulse.library.discrete.constant "qiskit.pulse.library.discrete.constant")(duration, amp\[, name]) | Generates constant-sampled [`Waveform`](qiskit.pulse.Waveform "qiskit.pulse.Waveform"). |
| [`cos`](#qiskit.pulse.library.discrete.cos "qiskit.pulse.library.discrete.cos")(duration, amp\[, freq, phase, name]) | Generates cosine wave [`Waveform`](qiskit.pulse.Waveform "qiskit.pulse.Waveform"). |
| [`drag`](#qiskit.pulse.library.discrete.drag "qiskit.pulse.library.discrete.drag")(duration, amp, sigma, beta\[, name, …]) | Generates Y-only correction DRAG [`Waveform`](qiskit.pulse.Waveform "qiskit.pulse.Waveform") for standard nonlinear oscillator (SNO) \[1]. |
| [`gaussian`](#qiskit.pulse.library.discrete.gaussian "qiskit.pulse.library.discrete.gaussian")(duration, amp, sigma\[, name, zero\_ends]) | Generates unnormalized gaussian [`Waveform`](qiskit.pulse.Waveform "qiskit.pulse.Waveform"). |
| [`gaussian_deriv`](#qiskit.pulse.library.discrete.gaussian_deriv "qiskit.pulse.library.discrete.gaussian_deriv")(duration, amp, sigma\[, name]) | Generates unnormalized gaussian derivative [`Waveform`](qiskit.pulse.Waveform "qiskit.pulse.Waveform"). |
| [`gaussian_square`](#qiskit.pulse.library.discrete.gaussian_square "qiskit.pulse.library.discrete.gaussian_square")(duration, amp, sigma\[, …]) | Generates gaussian square [`Waveform`](qiskit.pulse.Waveform "qiskit.pulse.Waveform"). |
| [`sawtooth`](#qiskit.pulse.library.discrete.sawtooth "qiskit.pulse.library.discrete.sawtooth")(duration, amp\[, freq, phase, name]) | Generates sawtooth wave [`Waveform`](qiskit.pulse.Waveform "qiskit.pulse.Waveform"). |
| [`sech`](#qiskit.pulse.library.discrete.sech "qiskit.pulse.library.discrete.sech")(duration, amp, sigma\[, name, zero\_ends]) | Generates unnormalized sech [`Waveform`](qiskit.pulse.Waveform "qiskit.pulse.Waveform"). |
| [`sech_deriv`](#qiskit.pulse.library.discrete.sech_deriv "qiskit.pulse.library.discrete.sech_deriv")(duration, amp, sigma\[, name]) | Generates unnormalized sech derivative [`Waveform`](qiskit.pulse.Waveform "qiskit.pulse.Waveform"). |
| [`sin`](#qiskit.pulse.library.discrete.sin "qiskit.pulse.library.discrete.sin")(duration, amp\[, freq, phase, name]) | Generates sine wave [`Waveform`](qiskit.pulse.Waveform "qiskit.pulse.Waveform"). |
| [`square`](#qiskit.pulse.library.discrete.square "qiskit.pulse.library.discrete.square")(duration, amp\[, freq, phase, name]) | Generates square wave [`Waveform`](qiskit.pulse.Waveform "qiskit.pulse.Waveform"). |
| [`triangle`](#qiskit.pulse.library.discrete.triangle "qiskit.pulse.library.discrete.triangle")(duration, amp\[, freq, phase, name]) | Generates triangle wave [`Waveform`](qiskit.pulse.Waveform "qiskit.pulse.Waveform"). |
| [`zero`](#qiskit.pulse.library.discrete.zero "qiskit.pulse.library.discrete.zero")(duration\[, name]) | Generates zero-sampled [`Waveform`](qiskit.pulse.Waveform "qiskit.pulse.Waveform"). |
### constant
<Function id="qiskit.pulse.library.discrete.constant" github="https://github.com/qiskit/qiskit/tree/stable/0.16/qiskit/pulse/library/discrete.py" signature="constant(duration, amp, name=None)">
Generates constant-sampled [`Waveform`](qiskit.pulse.Waveform "qiskit.pulse.Waveform").
For $A=$ `amp`, samples from the function:
f(x) = A
* **duration** (`int`) – Duration of pulse. Must be greater than zero.
* **amp** (`complex`) – Complex pulse amplitude.
* **name** (`Optional`\[`str`]) – Name of pulse.
**Return type**
### cos
<Function id="qiskit.pulse.library.discrete.cos" github="https://github.com/qiskit/qiskit/tree/stable/0.16/qiskit/pulse/library/discrete.py" signature="cos(duration, amp, freq=None, phase=0, name=None)">
Generates cosine wave [`Waveform`](qiskit.pulse.Waveform "qiskit.pulse.Waveform").
For $A=$ `amp`, $\omega=$ `freq`, and $\phi=$ `phase`, applies the midpoint sampling strategy to generate a discrete pulse sampled from the continuous function:
f(x) = A \cos(2 \pi \omega x + \phi)
* **duration** (`int`) – Duration of pulse. Must be greater than zero.
* **amp** (`complex`) – Pulse amplitude.
* **freq** (`Optional`\[`float`]) – Pulse frequency, units of 1/dt. If `None` defaults to single cycle.
* **phase** (`float`) – Pulse phase.
* **name** (`Optional`\[`str`]) – Name of pulse.
**Return type**
### drag
<Function id="qiskit.pulse.library.discrete.drag" github="https://github.com/qiskit/qiskit/tree/stable/0.16/qiskit/pulse/library/discrete.py" signature="drag(duration, amp, sigma, beta, name=None, zero_ends=True)">
Generates Y-only correction DRAG [`Waveform`](qiskit.pulse.Waveform "qiskit.pulse.Waveform") for standard nonlinear oscillator (SNO) \[1].
For $A=$ `amp`, $\sigma=$ `sigma`, and $\beta=$ `beta`, applies the `midpoint` sampling strategy to generate a discrete pulse sampled from the continuous function:
f(x) = g(x) + i \beta h(x),
where $g(x)$ is the function sampled in [`gaussian()`](#qiskit.pulse.library.discrete.gaussian "qiskit.pulse.library.discrete.gaussian"), and $h(x)$ is the function sampled in [`gaussian_deriv()`](#qiskit.pulse.library.discrete.gaussian_deriv "qiskit.pulse.library.discrete.gaussian_deriv").
If `zero_ends == True`, the samples from $g(x)$ are remapped as in [`gaussian()`](#qiskit.pulse.library.discrete.gaussian "qiskit.pulse.library.discrete.gaussian").
1. [*Gambetta, J. M., Motzoi, F., Merkel, S. T. & Wilhelm, F. K. “Analytic control methods for high-fidelity unitary operations in a weakly nonlinear oscillator.” Phys. Rev. A 83, 012308 (2011).*](http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevA.83.012308)
* **duration** (`int`) – Duration of pulse. Must be greater than zero.
* **amp** (`complex`) – Pulse amplitude at center `duration/2`.
* **sigma** (`float`) – Width (standard deviation) of pulse.
* **beta** (`float`) – Y correction amplitude. For the SNO this is $\beta=-\frac{\lambda_1^2}{4\Delta_2}$. Where $\lambda_1$ is the relative coupling strength between the first excited and second excited states and $\Delta_2$ is the detuning between the respective excited states.
* **name** (`Optional`\[`str`]) – Name of pulse.
* **zero\_ends** (`bool`) – If True, zero ends at `x = -1, x = duration + 1`, but rescale to preserve amp.
**Return type**
### gaussian
<Function id="qiskit.pulse.library.discrete.gaussian" github="https://github.com/qiskit/qiskit/tree/stable/0.16/qiskit/pulse/library/discrete.py" signature="gaussian(duration, amp, sigma, name=None, zero_ends=True)">
Generates unnormalized gaussian [`Waveform`](qiskit.pulse.Waveform "qiskit.pulse.Waveform").
For $A=$ `amp` and $\sigma=$ `sigma`, applies the `midpoint` sampling strategy to generate a discrete pulse sampled from the continuous function:
f(x) = A\exp\left(\left(\frac{x - \mu}{2\sigma}\right)^2 \right),
with the center $\mu=$ `duration/2`.
If `zero_ends==True`, each output sample $y$ is modifed according to:
y \mapsto A\frac{y-y^*}{A-y^*},
where $y^*$ is the value of the endpoint samples. This sets the endpoints to $0$ while preserving the amplitude at the center. If $A=y^*$, $y$ is set to $1$. By default, the endpoints are at `x = -1, x = duration + 1`.
Integrated area under the full curve is `amp * np.sqrt(2*np.pi*sigma**2)`
* **duration** (`int`) – Duration of pulse. Must be greater than zero.
* **amp** (`complex`) – Pulse amplitude at `duration/2`.
* **sigma** (`float`) – Width (standard deviation) of pulse.
* **name** (`Optional`\[`str`]) – Name of pulse.
* **zero\_ends** (`bool`) – If True, zero ends at `x = -1, x = duration + 1`, but rescale to preserve amp.
**Return type**
### gaussian\_deriv
<Function id="qiskit.pulse.library.discrete.gaussian_deriv" github="https://github.com/qiskit/qiskit/tree/stable/0.16/qiskit/pulse/library/discrete.py" signature="gaussian_deriv(duration, amp, sigma, name=None)">
Generates unnormalized gaussian derivative [`Waveform`](qiskit.pulse.Waveform "qiskit.pulse.Waveform").
For $A=$ `amp` and $\sigma=$ `sigma` applies the midpoint sampling strategy to generate a discrete pulse sampled from the continuous function:
f(x) = A\frac{(x - \mu)}{\sigma^2}\exp\left(\left(\frac{x - \mu}{2\sigma}\right)^2 \right)
i.e. the derivative of the Gaussian function, with center $\mu=$ `duration/2`.
* **duration** (`int`) – Duration of pulse. Must be greater than zero.
* **amp** (`complex`) – Pulse amplitude of corresponding Gaussian at the pulse center (`duration/2`).
* **sigma** (`float`) – Width (standard deviation) of pulse.
* **name** (`Optional`\[`str`]) – Name of pulse.
**Return type**
### gaussian\_square
<Function id="qiskit.pulse.library.discrete.gaussian_square" github="https://github.com/qiskit/qiskit/tree/stable/0.16/qiskit/pulse/library/discrete.py" signature="gaussian_square(duration, amp, sigma, risefall=None, width=None, name=None, zero_ends=True)">
Generates gaussian square [`Waveform`](qiskit.pulse.Waveform "qiskit.pulse.Waveform").
For $d=$ `duration`, $A=$ `amp`, $\sigma=$ `sigma`, and $r=$ `risefall`, applies the `midpoint` sampling strategy to generate a discrete pulse sampled from the continuous function:
\begin{split}f(x) = \begin{cases}
g(x - r) ) & x\leq r \\
A & r\leq x\leq d-r \\
g(x - (d - r)) & d-r\leq x
where $g(x)$ is the Gaussian function sampled from in [`gaussian()`](#qiskit.pulse.library.discrete.gaussian "qiskit.pulse.library.discrete.gaussian") with $A=$ `amp`, $\mu=1$, and $\sigma=$ `sigma`. I.e. $f(x)$ represents a square pulse with smooth Gaussian edges.
If `zero_ends == True`, the samples for the Gaussian ramps are remapped as in [`gaussian()`](#qiskit.pulse.library.discrete.gaussian "qiskit.pulse.library.discrete.gaussian").
* **duration** (`int`) – Duration of pulse. Must be greater than zero.
* **amp** (`complex`) – Pulse amplitude.
* **sigma** (`float`) – Width (standard deviation) of Gaussian rise/fall portion of the pulse.
* **risefall** (`Optional`\[`float`]) – Number of samples over which pulse rise and fall happen. Width of square portion of pulse will be `duration-2*risefall`.
* **width** (`Optional`\[`float`]) – The duration of the embedded square pulse. Only one of `width` or `risefall` should be specified as the functional form requires `width = duration - 2 * risefall`.
* **name** (`Optional`\[`str`]) – Name of pulse.
* **zero\_ends** (`bool`) – If True, zero ends at `x = -1, x = duration + 1`, but rescale to preserve amp.
[**PulseError**](qiskit.pulse.PulseError "qiskit.pulse.PulseError") – If `risefall` and `width` arguments are inconsistent or not enough info.
**Return type**
### sawtooth
<Function id="qiskit.pulse.library.discrete.sawtooth" github="https://github.com/qiskit/qiskit/tree/stable/0.16/qiskit/pulse/library/discrete.py" signature="sawtooth(duration, amp, freq=None, phase=0, name=None)">
Generates sawtooth wave [`Waveform`](qiskit.pulse.Waveform "qiskit.pulse.Waveform").
For $A=$ `amp`, $T=$ `period`, and $\phi=$ `phase`, applies the midpoint sampling strategy to generate a discrete pulse sampled from the continuous function:
f(x) = 2 A \left( g(x) - \left\lfloor \frac{1}{2} + g(x) \right\rfloor\right)
where $g(x) = x/T + \phi/\pi$.
* **duration** (`int`) – Duration of pulse. Must be greater than zero.
* **amp** (`complex`) – Pulse amplitude. Wave range is $[-$ `amp` $,$ `amp` $]$.
* **freq** (`Optional`\[`float`]) – Pulse frequency, units of 1./dt. If `None` defaults to 1./duration.
* **phase** (`float`) – Pulse phase.
* **name** (`Optional`\[`str`]) – Name of pulse.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from qiskit.pulse.library import sawtooth
import numpy as np
duration = 100
amp = 1
freq = 1 / duration
sawtooth_wave = np.real(sawtooth(duration, amp, freq).samples)
plt.plot(range(duration), sawtooth_wave)
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7fc352516090>]

**Return type**
### sech
<Function id="qiskit.pulse.library.discrete.sech" github="https://github.com/qiskit/qiskit/tree/stable/0.16/qiskit/pulse/library/discrete.py" signature="sech(duration, amp, sigma, name=None, zero_ends=True)">
Generates unnormalized sech [`Waveform`](qiskit.pulse.Waveform "qiskit.pulse.Waveform").
For $A=$ `amp` and $\sigma=$ `sigma`, applies the `midpoint` sampling strategy to generate a discrete pulse sampled from the continuous function:
f(x) = A\text{sech}\left(\frac{x-\mu}{\sigma} \right)
with the center $\mu=$ `duration/2`.
If `zero_ends==True`, each output sample $y$ is modifed according to:
y \mapsto A\frac{y-y^*}{A-y^*},
where $y^*$ is the value of the endpoint samples. This sets the endpoints to $0$ while preserving the amplitude at the center. If $A=y^*$, $y$ is set to $1$. By default, the endpoints are at `x = -1, x = duration + 1`.
* **duration** (`int`) – Duration of pulse. Must be greater than zero.
* **amp** (`complex`) – Pulse amplitude at duration/2.
* **sigma** (`float`) – Width (standard deviation) of pulse.
* **name** (`Optional`\[`str`]) – Name of pulse.
* **zero\_ends** (`bool`) – If True, zero ends at `x = -1, x = duration + 1`, but rescale to preserve amp.
**Return type**
### sech\_deriv
<Function id="qiskit.pulse.library.discrete.sech_deriv" github="https://github.com/qiskit/qiskit/tree/stable/0.16/qiskit/pulse/library/discrete.py" signature="sech_deriv(duration, amp, sigma, name=None)">
Generates unnormalized sech derivative [`Waveform`](qiskit.pulse.Waveform "qiskit.pulse.Waveform").
For $A=$ `amp`, $\sigma=$ `sigma`, and center $\mu=$ `duration/2`, applies the midpoint sampling strategy to generate a discrete pulse sampled from the continuous function:
f(x) = \frac{d}{dx}\left[A\text{sech}\left(\frac{x-\mu}{\sigma} \right)\right],
i.e. the derivative of $\text{sech}$.
* **duration** (`int`) – Duration of pulse. Must be greater than zero.
* **amp** (`complex`) – Pulse amplitude at center.
* **sigma** (`float`) – Width (standard deviation) of pulse.
* **name** (`Optional`\[`str`]) – Name of pulse.
**Return type**
### sin
<Function id="qiskit.pulse.library.discrete.sin" github="https://github.com/qiskit/qiskit/tree/stable/0.16/qiskit/pulse/library/discrete.py" signature="sin(duration, amp, freq=None, phase=0, name=None)">
Generates sine wave [`Waveform`](qiskit.pulse.Waveform "qiskit.pulse.Waveform").
For $A=$ `amp`, $\omega=$ `freq`, and $\phi=$ `phase`, applies the midpoint sampling strategy to generate a discrete pulse sampled from the continuous function:
f(x) = A \sin(2 \pi \omega x + \phi)
* **duration** (`int`) – Duration of pulse. Must be greater than zero.
* **amp** (`complex`) – Pulse amplitude.
* **freq** (`Optional`\[`float`]) – Pulse frequency, units of 1/dt. If `None` defaults to single cycle.
* **phase** (`float`) – Pulse phase.
* **name** (`Optional`\[`str`]) – Name of pulse.
**Return type**
### square
<Function id="qiskit.pulse.library.discrete.square" github="https://github.com/qiskit/qiskit/tree/stable/0.16/qiskit/pulse/library/discrete.py" signature="square(duration, amp, freq=None, phase=0, name=None)">
Generates square wave [`Waveform`](qiskit.pulse.Waveform "qiskit.pulse.Waveform").
For $A=$ `amp`, $T=$ `period`, and $\phi=$ `phase`, applies the midpoint sampling strategy to generate a discrete pulse sampled from the continuous function:
f(x) = A \text{sign}\left[ \sin\left(\frac{2 \pi x}{T} + 2\phi\right) \right]
with the convention $\text{sign}(0) = 1$.
* **duration** (`int`) – Duration of pulse. Must be greater than zero.
* **amp** (`complex`) – Pulse amplitude. Wave range is $[-$ `amp` $,$ `amp` $]$.
* **freq** (`Optional`\[`float`]) – Pulse frequency, units of 1./dt. If `None` defaults to 1./duration.
* **phase** (`float`) – Pulse phase.
* **name** (`Optional`\[`str`]) – Name of pulse.
**Return type**
### triangle
<Function id="qiskit.pulse.library.discrete.triangle" github="https://github.com/qiskit/qiskit/tree/stable/0.16/qiskit/pulse/library/discrete.py" signature="triangle(duration, amp, freq=None, phase=0, name=None)">
Generates triangle wave [`Waveform`](qiskit.pulse.Waveform "qiskit.pulse.Waveform").
For $A=$ `amp`, $T=$ `period`, and $\phi=$ `phase`, applies the midpoint sampling strategy to generate a discrete pulse sampled from the continuous function:
f(x) = A \left(-2\left|\text{sawtooth}(x, A, T, \phi)\right| + 1\right)
This a non-sinusoidal wave with linear ramping.
* **duration** (`int`) – Duration of pulse. Must be greater than zero.
* **amp** (`complex`) – Pulse amplitude. Wave range is $[-$ `amp` $,$ `amp` $]$.
* **freq** (`Optional`\[`float`]) – Pulse frequency, units of 1./dt. If `None` defaults to 1./duration.
* **phase** (`float`) – Pulse phase.
* **name** (`Optional`\[`str`]) – Name of pulse.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from qiskit.pulse.library import triangle
import numpy as np
duration = 100
amp = 1
freq = 1 / duration
triangle_wave = np.real(triangle(duration, amp, freq).samples)
plt.plot(range(duration), triangle_wave)
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7fc352006190>]

**Return type**
### zero
<Function id="qiskit.pulse.library.discrete.zero" github="https://github.com/qiskit/qiskit/tree/stable/0.16/qiskit/pulse/library/discrete.py" signature="zero(duration, name=None)">
Generates zero-sampled [`Waveform`](qiskit.pulse.Waveform "qiskit.pulse.Waveform").
Samples from the function:
f(x) = 0
* **duration** (`int`) – Duration of pulse. Must be greater than zero.
* **name** (`Optional`\[`str`]) – Name of pulse.
**Return type**