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404 lines
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title: Schedule
description: API reference for qiskit.pulse.Schedule
in_page_toc_min_heading_level: 1
python_api_type: class
python_api_name: qiskit.pulse.Schedule
<span id="qiskit-pulse-schedule" />
# qiskit.pulse.Schedule
<Class id="qiskit.pulse.Schedule" isDedicatedPage={true} github="https://github.com/qiskit/qiskit/tree/stable/0.16/qiskit/pulse/schedule.py" signature="Schedule(*schedules, name=None)" modifiers="class">
A quantum program *schedule* with exact time constraints for its instructions, operating over all input signal *channels* and supporting special syntaxes for building.
Create an empty schedule.
* **\*schedules** – Child Schedules of this parent Schedule. May either be passed as the list of schedules, or a list of `(start_time, schedule)` pairs.
* **name** (`Optional`\[`str`]) – Name of this schedule. Defaults to an autogenerated string if not provided.
### \_\_init\_\_
<Function id="qiskit.pulse.Schedule.__init__" signature="__init__(*schedules, name=None)">
Create an empty schedule.
* **\*schedules** – Child Schedules of this parent Schedule. May either be passed as the list of schedules, or a list of `(start_time, schedule)` pairs.
* **name** (`Optional`\[`str`]) – Name of this schedule. Defaults to an autogenerated string if not provided.
## Methods
| | |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| [`__init__`](#qiskit.pulse.Schedule.__init__ "qiskit.pulse.Schedule.__init__")(\*schedules\[, name]) | Create an empty schedule. |
| [`append`](#qiskit.pulse.Schedule.append "qiskit.pulse.Schedule.append")(schedule\[, name, inplace]) | Return a new schedule with `schedule` inserted at the maximum time over all channels shared between `self` and `schedule`. |
| [`assign_parameters`](#qiskit.pulse.Schedule.assign_parameters "qiskit.pulse.Schedule.assign_parameters")(value\_dict) | Assign the parameters in this schedule according to the input. |
| [`ch_duration`](#qiskit.pulse.Schedule.ch_duration "qiskit.pulse.Schedule.ch_duration")(\*channels) | Return the time of the end of the last instruction over the supplied channels. |
| [`ch_start_time`](#qiskit.pulse.Schedule.ch_start_time "qiskit.pulse.Schedule.ch_start_time")(\*channels) | Return the time of the start of the first instruction over the supplied channels. |
| [`ch_stop_time`](#qiskit.pulse.Schedule.ch_stop_time "qiskit.pulse.Schedule.ch_stop_time")(\*channels) | Return maximum start time over supplied channels. |
| [`draw`](#qiskit.pulse.Schedule.draw "qiskit.pulse.Schedule.draw")(\[dt, style, filename, interp\_method, …]) | Plot the schedule. |
| [`exclude`](#qiskit.pulse.Schedule.exclude "qiskit.pulse.Schedule.exclude")(\*filter\_funcs\[, channels, …]) | Return a Schedule with only the instructions from this Schedule *failing* at least one of the provided filters. This method is the complement of `self.filter`, so that::. |
| [`filter`](#qiskit.pulse.Schedule.filter "qiskit.pulse.Schedule.filter")(\*filter\_funcs\[, channels, …]) | Return a new `Schedule` with only the instructions from this `Schedule` which pass though the provided filters; i.e. an instruction will be retained iff every function in `filter_funcs` returns `True`, the instruction occurs on a channel type contained in `channels`, the instruction type is contained in `instruction_types`, and the period over which the instruction operates is *fully* contained in one specified in `time_ranges` or `intervals`. |
| [`flatten`](#qiskit.pulse.Schedule.flatten "qiskit.pulse.Schedule.flatten")() | Return a new schedule which is the flattened schedule contained all `instructions`. |
| [`insert`](#qiskit.pulse.Schedule.insert "qiskit.pulse.Schedule.insert")(start\_time, schedule\[, name, inplace]) | Return a new schedule with `schedule` inserted into `self` at `start_time`. |
| [`replace`](#qiskit.pulse.Schedule.replace "qiskit.pulse.Schedule.replace")(old, new\[, inplace]) | Return a schedule with the `old` instruction replaced with a `new` instruction. |
| [`shift`](#qiskit.pulse.Schedule.shift "qiskit.pulse.Schedule.shift")(time\[, name, inplace]) | Return a schedule shifted forward by `time`. |
## Attributes
| | |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | -------------------------------------------- |
| [`channels`](#qiskit.pulse.Schedule.channels "qiskit.pulse.Schedule.channels") | Returns channels that this schedule uses. |
| [`duration`](#qiskit.pulse.Schedule.duration "qiskit.pulse.Schedule.duration") | Duration of this schedule component. |
| `instances_counter` | |
| [`instructions`](#qiskit.pulse.Schedule.instructions "qiskit.pulse.Schedule.instructions") | Get the time-ordered instructions from self. |
| [`name`](#qiskit.pulse.Schedule.name "qiskit.pulse.Schedule.name") | Name of ScheduleComponent. |
| `prefix` | |
| [`start_time`](#qiskit.pulse.Schedule.start_time "qiskit.pulse.Schedule.start_time") | Starting time of this schedule component. |
| [`stop_time`](#qiskit.pulse.Schedule.stop_time "qiskit.pulse.Schedule.stop_time") | Stopping time of this schedule component. |
| [`timeslots`](#qiskit.pulse.Schedule.timeslots "qiskit.pulse.Schedule.timeslots") | Time keeping attribute. |
### append
<Function id="qiskit.pulse.Schedule.append" signature="append(schedule, name=None, inplace=False)">
Return a new schedule with `schedule` inserted at the maximum time over all channels shared between `self` and `schedule`.
t = \textrm{max}(\texttt{x.stop_time} |\texttt{x} \in
\texttt{self.channels} \cap \texttt{schedule.channels})
* **schedule** (`ScheduleComponent`) – Schedule to be appended.
* **name** (`Optional`\[`str`]) – Name of the new `Schedule`. Defaults to name of `self`.
* **inplace** (`bool`) – Perform operation inplace on this schedule. Otherwise return a new `Schedule`.
**Return type**
### assign\_parameters
<Function id="qiskit.pulse.Schedule.assign_parameters" signature="assign_parameters(value_dict)">
Assign the parameters in this schedule according to the input.
**value\_dict** (`Dict`\[`ParameterExpression`, `Union`\[`ParameterExpression`, `float`, `int`]]) – A mapping from Parameters to either numeric values or another Parameter expression.
**Return type**
Schedule with updated parameters (a new one if not inplace, otherwise self).
### ch\_duration
<Function id="qiskit.pulse.Schedule.ch_duration" signature="ch_duration(*channels)">
Return the time of the end of the last instruction over the supplied channels.
**\*channels** – Channels within `self` to include.
**Return type**
### ch\_start\_time
<Function id="qiskit.pulse.Schedule.ch_start_time" signature="ch_start_time(*channels)">
Return the time of the start of the first instruction over the supplied channels.
**\*channels** – Channels within `self` to include.
**Return type**
### ch\_stop\_time
<Function id="qiskit.pulse.Schedule.ch_stop_time" signature="ch_stop_time(*channels)">
Return maximum start time over supplied channels.
**\*channels** – Channels within `self` to include.
**Return type**
### channels
<Attribute id="qiskit.pulse.Schedule.channels">
Returns channels that this schedule uses.
**Return type**
`Tuple`\[[`Channel`](qiskit.pulse.channels#channel "qiskit.pulse.channels.Channel")]
### draw
<Function id="qiskit.pulse.Schedule.draw" signature="draw(dt=1, style=None, filename=None, interp_method=None, scale=None, channel_scales=None, plot_all=False, plot_range=None, interactive=False, table=False, label=False, framechange=True, channels=None, show_framechange_channels=True)">
Plot the schedule.
* **dt** (`float`) – Time interval of samples.
* **style** (*Optional\[*[*SchedStyle*](qiskit.visualization.pulse.qcstyle#schedstyle "qiskit.visualization.pulse.qcstyle.SchedStyle")*]*) – A style sheet to configure plot appearance.
* **filename** (`Optional`\[`str`]) – Name required to save pulse image.
* **interp\_method** (`Optional`\[`Callable`]) – A function for interpolation.
* **scale** (`Optional`\[`float`]) – Relative visual scaling of waveform amplitudes, see Additional Information.
* **channel\_scales** (`Optional`\[`Dict`\[[`Channel`](qiskit.pulse.channels#channel "qiskit.pulse.channels.Channel"), `float`]]) – Channel independent scaling as a dictionary of `Channel` object.
* **plot\_all** (`bool`) – Plot empty channels.
* **plot\_range** (`Optional`\[`Tuple`\[`float`]]) – A tuple of time range to plot.
* **interactive** (`bool`) – When set true show the circuit in a new window (this depends on the matplotlib backend being used supporting this).
* **table** (`bool`) – Draw event table for supported commands.
* **label** (`bool`) – Label individual instructions.
* **framechange** (`bool`) – Add framechange indicators.
* **channels** (`Optional`\[`List`\[[`Channel`](qiskit.pulse.channels#channel "qiskit.pulse.channels.Channel")]]) – A list of Channels to plot.
* **show\_framechange\_channels** (`bool`) – Plot channels with only framechanges.
**Additional Information:**
If you want to manually rescale the waveform amplitude of channels one by one, you can set `channel_scales` argument instead of `scale`. The `channel_scales` should be given as a python dictionary:
channel_scales = {pulse.DriveChannels(0): 10.0,
pulse.MeasureChannels(0): 5.0}
When the channel to plot is not included in the `channel_scales` dictionary, scaling factor of that channel is overwritten by the value of `scale` argument. In default, waveform amplitude is normalized by the maximum amplitude of the channel. The scaling factor is displayed under the channel name alias.
A matplotlib figure object of the pulse schedule.
**Return type**
### duration
<Attribute id="qiskit.pulse.Schedule.duration">
Duration of this schedule component.
**Return type**
### exclude
<Function id="qiskit.pulse.Schedule.exclude" signature="exclude(*filter_funcs, channels=None, instruction_types=None, time_ranges=None, intervals=None)">
Return a Schedule with only the instructions from this Schedule *failing* at least one of the provided filters. This method is the complement of `self.filter`, so that:
self.filter(args) | self.exclude(args) == self
* **filter\_funcs** (`List`\[`Callable`]) – A list of Callables which take a (int, ScheduleComponent) tuple and return a bool.
* **channels** (`Optional`\[`Iterable`\[[`Channel`](qiskit.pulse.channels#channel "qiskit.pulse.channels.Channel")]]) – For example, `[DriveChannel(0), AcquireChannel(0)]`.
* **instruction\_types** (*Optional\[Iterable\[Type\[*[*qiskit.pulse.Instruction*](qiskit.pulse.Instruction "qiskit.pulse.Instruction")*]]]*) – For example, `[PulseInstruction, AcquireInstruction]`.
* **time\_ranges** (`Optional`\[`Iterable`\[`Tuple`\[`int`, `int`]]]) – For example, `[(0, 5), (6, 10)]`.
* **intervals** (`Optional`\[`Iterable`\[`Tuple`\[`int`, `int`]]]) – For example, `[(0, 5), (6, 10)]`.
**Return type**
### filter
<Function id="qiskit.pulse.Schedule.filter" signature="filter(*filter_funcs, channels=None, instruction_types=None, time_ranges=None, intervals=None)">
Return a new `Schedule` with only the instructions from this `Schedule` which pass though the provided filters; i.e. an instruction will be retained iff every function in `filter_funcs` returns `True`, the instruction occurs on a channel type contained in `channels`, the instruction type is contained in `instruction_types`, and the period over which the instruction operates is *fully* contained in one specified in `time_ranges` or `intervals`.
If no arguments are provided, `self` is returned.
* **filter\_funcs** (`List`\[`Callable`]) – A list of Callables which take a (int, ScheduleComponent) tuple and return a bool.
* **channels** (`Optional`\[`Iterable`\[[`Channel`](qiskit.pulse.channels#channel "qiskit.pulse.channels.Channel")]]) – For example, `[DriveChannel(0), AcquireChannel(0)]`.
* **instruction\_types** (*Optional\[Iterable\[Type\[*[*qiskit.pulse.Instruction*](qiskit.pulse.Instruction "qiskit.pulse.Instruction")*]]]*) – For example, `[PulseInstruction, AcquireInstruction]`.
* **time\_ranges** (`Optional`\[`Iterable`\[`Tuple`\[`int`, `int`]]]) – For example, `[(0, 5), (6, 10)]`.
* **intervals** (`Optional`\[`Iterable`\[`Tuple`\[`int`, `int`]]]) – For example, `[(0, 5), (6, 10)]`.
**Return type**
### flatten
<Function id="qiskit.pulse.Schedule.flatten" signature="flatten()">
Return a new schedule which is the flattened schedule contained all `instructions`.
**Return type**
### insert
<Function id="qiskit.pulse.Schedule.insert" signature="insert(start_time, schedule, name=None, inplace=False)">
Return a new schedule with `schedule` inserted into `self` at `start_time`.
* **start\_time** (`int`) – Time to insert the schedule.
* **schedule** (`ScheduleComponent`) – Schedule to insert.
* **name** (`Optional`\[`str`]) – Name of the new schedule. Defaults to the name of self.
* **inplace** (`bool`) – Perform operation inplace on this schedule. Otherwise return a new `Schedule`.
**Return type**
### instructions
<Attribute id="qiskit.pulse.Schedule.instructions">
Get the time-ordered instructions from self.
Tuple\[Tuple\[int, Instruction], …]
### name
<Attribute id="qiskit.pulse.Schedule.name">
Name of ScheduleComponent.
**Return type**
### replace
<Function id="qiskit.pulse.Schedule.replace" signature="replace(old, new, inplace=False)">
Return a schedule with the `old` instruction replaced with a `new` instruction.
The replacment matching is based on an instruction equality check.
from qiskit import pulse
d0 = pulse.DriveChannel(0)
sched = pulse.Schedule()
old = pulse.Play(pulse.Constant(100, 1.0), d0)
new = pulse.Play(pulse.Constant(100, 0.1), d0)
sched += old
sched = sched.replace(old, new)
assert sched == pulse.Schedule(new)
Only matches at the top-level of the schedule tree. If you wish to perform this replacement over all instructions in the schedule tree. Flatten the schedule prior to running:
.. jupyter-execute::
> sched = pulse.Schedule()
> sched += pulse.Schedule(old)
> sched = sched.flatten()
> sched = sched.replace(old, new)
> assert sched == pulse.Schedule(new)
* **old** (`ScheduleComponent`) – Instruction to replace.
* **new** (`ScheduleComponent`) – Instruction to replace with.
* **inplace** (`bool`) – Replace instruction by mutably modifying this `Schedule`.
**Return type**
The modified schedule with `old` replaced by `new`.
[**PulseError**](qiskit.pulse.PulseError "qiskit.pulse.PulseError") – If the `Schedule` after replacements will has a timing overlap.
### shift
<Function id="qiskit.pulse.Schedule.shift" signature="shift(time, name=None, inplace=False)">
Return a schedule shifted forward by `time`.
* **time** (`int`) – Time to shift by.
* **name** (`Optional`\[`str`]) – Name of the new schedule. Defaults to the name of self.
* **inplace** (`bool`) – Perform operation inplace on this schedule. Otherwise return a new `Schedule`.
**Return type**
### start\_time
<Attribute id="qiskit.pulse.Schedule.start_time">
Starting time of this schedule component.
**Return type**
### stop\_time
<Attribute id="qiskit.pulse.Schedule.stop_time">
Stopping time of this schedule component.
**Return type**
### timeslots
<Attribute id="qiskit.pulse.Schedule.timeslots">
Time keeping attribute.
**Return type**
`Dict`\[[`Channel`](qiskit.pulse.channels#channel "qiskit.pulse.channels.Channel"), `List`\[`Tuple`\[`int`, `int`]]]