246 lines
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246 lines
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title: InstructionScheduleMap
description: API reference for qiskit.pulse.InstructionScheduleMap
in_page_toc_min_heading_level: 1
python_api_type: class
python_api_name: qiskit.pulse.InstructionScheduleMap
<span id="qiskit-pulse-instructionschedulemap" />
# qiskit.pulse.InstructionScheduleMap
<Class id="qiskit.pulse.InstructionScheduleMap" isDedicatedPage={true} github="https://github.com/qiskit/qiskit/tree/stable/0.16/qiskit/pulse/instruction_schedule_map.py" signature="InstructionScheduleMap" modifiers="class">
Mapping from [`QuantumCircuit`](qiskit.circuit.QuantumCircuit "qiskit.circuit.QuantumCircuit") [`qiskit.circuit.Instruction`](qiskit.circuit.Instruction "qiskit.circuit.Instruction") names and qubits to [`Schedule`](qiskit.pulse.Schedule "qiskit.pulse.Schedule") s. In particular, the mapping is formatted as type:
Dict[str, Dict[Tuple[int], Schedule]]
where the first key is the name of a circuit instruction (e.g. `'u1'`, `'measure'`), the second key is a tuple of qubit indices, and the final value is a Schedule implementing the requested instruction.
These can usually be seen as gate calibrations.
Initialize a circuit instruction to schedule mapper instance.
### \_\_init\_\_
<Function id="qiskit.pulse.InstructionScheduleMap.__init__" signature="__init__()">
Initialize a circuit instruction to schedule mapper instance.
## Methods
| | |
| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| [`__init__`](#qiskit.pulse.InstructionScheduleMap.__init__ "qiskit.pulse.InstructionScheduleMap.__init__")() | Initialize a circuit instruction to schedule mapper instance. |
| [`add`](#qiskit.pulse.InstructionScheduleMap.add "qiskit.pulse.InstructionScheduleMap.add")(instruction, qubits, schedule) | Add a new known instruction for the given qubits and its mapping to a pulse schedule. |
| [`assert_has`](#qiskit.pulse.InstructionScheduleMap.assert_has "qiskit.pulse.InstructionScheduleMap.assert_has")(instruction, qubits) | Error if the given instruction is not defined. |
| [`get`](#qiskit.pulse.InstructionScheduleMap.get "qiskit.pulse.InstructionScheduleMap.get")(instruction, qubits, \*params, \*\*kwparams) | Return the defined [`Schedule`](qiskit.pulse.Schedule "qiskit.pulse.Schedule") for the given instruction on the given qubits. |
| [`get_parameters`](#qiskit.pulse.InstructionScheduleMap.get_parameters "qiskit.pulse.InstructionScheduleMap.get_parameters")(instruction, qubits) | Return the list of parameters taken by the given instruction on the given qubits. |
| [`has`](#qiskit.pulse.InstructionScheduleMap.has "qiskit.pulse.InstructionScheduleMap.has")(instruction, qubits) | Is the instruction defined for the given qubits? |
| [`pop`](#qiskit.pulse.InstructionScheduleMap.pop "qiskit.pulse.InstructionScheduleMap.pop")(instruction, qubits, \*params, \*\*kwparams) | Remove and return the defined `Schedule` for the given instruction on the given qubits. |
| [`qubit_instructions`](#qiskit.pulse.InstructionScheduleMap.qubit_instructions "qiskit.pulse.InstructionScheduleMap.qubit_instructions")(qubits) | Return a list of the instruction names that are defined by the backend for the given qubit or qubits. |
| [`qubits_with_instruction`](#qiskit.pulse.InstructionScheduleMap.qubits_with_instruction "qiskit.pulse.InstructionScheduleMap.qubits_with_instruction")(instruction) | Return a list of the qubits for which the given instruction is defined. |
| [`remove`](#qiskit.pulse.InstructionScheduleMap.remove "qiskit.pulse.InstructionScheduleMap.remove")(instruction, qubits) | Remove the given instruction from the listing of instructions defined in self. |
## Attributes
| | |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------- |
| [`instructions`](#qiskit.pulse.InstructionScheduleMap.instructions "qiskit.pulse.InstructionScheduleMap.instructions") | Return all instructions which have definitions. |
### add
<Function id="qiskit.pulse.InstructionScheduleMap.add" signature="add(instruction, qubits, schedule)">
Add a new known instruction for the given qubits and its mapping to a pulse schedule.
* **instruction** (`str`) – The name of the instruction to add.
* **qubits** (`Union`\[`int`, `Iterable`\[`int`]]) – The qubits which the instruction applies to.
* **schedule** (`Union`\[`Schedule`, `Callable`\[…, `Schedule`]]) – The Schedule that implements the given instruction.
[**PulseError**](qiskit.pulse.PulseError "qiskit.pulse.PulseError") – If the qubits are provided as an empty iterable.
**Return type**
### assert\_has
<Function id="qiskit.pulse.InstructionScheduleMap.assert_has" signature="assert_has(instruction, qubits)">
Error if the given instruction is not defined.
* **instruction** (`str`) – The instruction for which to look.
* **qubits** (`Union`\[`int`, `Iterable`\[`int`]]) – The specific qubits for the instruction.
[**PulseError**](qiskit.pulse.PulseError "qiskit.pulse.PulseError") – If the instruction is not defined on the qubits.
**Return type**
### get
<Function id="qiskit.pulse.InstructionScheduleMap.get" signature="get(instruction, qubits, *params, **kwparams)">
Return the defined [`Schedule`](qiskit.pulse.Schedule "qiskit.pulse.Schedule") for the given instruction on the given qubits.
* **instruction** (`str`) – Name of the instruction.
* **qubits** (`Union`\[`int`, `Iterable`\[`int`]]) – The qubits for the instruction.
* **\*params** – Command parameters for generating the output schedule.
* **\*\*kwparams** – Keyworded command parameters for generating the schedule.
**Return type**
The Schedule defined for the input.
### get\_parameters
<Function id="qiskit.pulse.InstructionScheduleMap.get_parameters" signature="get_parameters(instruction, qubits)">
Return the list of parameters taken by the given instruction on the given qubits.
* **instruction** (`str`) – Name of the instruction.
* **qubits** (`Union`\[`int`, `Iterable`\[`int`]]) – The qubits for the instruction.
**Return type**
The names of the parameters required by the instruction.
### has
<Function id="qiskit.pulse.InstructionScheduleMap.has" signature="has(instruction, qubits)">
Is the instruction defined for the given qubits?
* **instruction** (`str`) – The instruction for which to look.
* **qubits** (`Union`\[`int`, `Iterable`\[`int`]]) – The specific qubits for the instruction.
**Return type**
True iff the instruction is defined.
### instructions
<Attribute id="qiskit.pulse.InstructionScheduleMap.instructions">
Return all instructions which have definitions.
By default, these are typically the basis gates along with other instructions such as measure and reset.
**Return type**
The names of all the circuit instructions which have Schedule definitions in this.
### pop
<Function id="qiskit.pulse.InstructionScheduleMap.pop" signature="pop(instruction, qubits, *params, **kwparams)">
Remove and return the defined `Schedule` for the given instruction on the given qubits.
* **instruction** (`str`) – Name of the instruction.
* **qubits** (`Union`\[`int`, `Iterable`\[`int`]]) – The qubits for the instruction.
* **\*params** – Command parameters for generating the output schedule.
* **\*\*kwparams** – Keyworded command parameters for generating the schedule.
**Return type**
The Schedule defined for the input.
### qubit\_instructions
<Function id="qiskit.pulse.InstructionScheduleMap.qubit_instructions" signature="qubit_instructions(qubits)">
Return a list of the instruction names that are defined by the backend for the given qubit or qubits.
**qubits** (`Union`\[`int`, `Iterable`\[`int`]]) – A qubit index, or a list or tuple of indices.
**Return type**
All the instructions which are defined on the qubits.
For 1 qubit, all the 1Q instructions defined. For multiple qubits, all the instructions which apply to that whole set of qubits (e.g. `qubits=[0, 1]` may return `['cx']`).
### qubits\_with\_instruction
<Function id="qiskit.pulse.InstructionScheduleMap.qubits_with_instruction" signature="qubits_with_instruction(instruction)">
Return a list of the qubits for which the given instruction is defined. Single qubit instructions return a flat list, and multiqubit instructions return a list of ordered tuples.
**instruction** (`str`) – The name of the circuit instruction.
**Return type**
`List`\[`Union`\[`int`, `Tuple`\[`int`]]]
Qubit indices which have the given instruction defined. This is a list of tuples if the instruction has an arity greater than 1, or a flat list of ints otherwise.
[**PulseError**](qiskit.pulse.PulseError "qiskit.pulse.PulseError") – If the instruction is not found.
### remove
<Function id="qiskit.pulse.InstructionScheduleMap.remove" signature="remove(instruction, qubits)">
Remove the given instruction from the listing of instructions defined in self.
* **instruction** (`str`) – The name of the instruction to add.
* **qubits** (`Union`\[`int`, `Iterable`\[`int`]]) – The qubits which the instruction applies to.
**Return type**